Count Lucinean Galdana

Brydon's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


Liberty's Edge

I have just begun GMing IG for my kids and their friends (Party - Six of Sixth) and all of the above material they've list has been and is helpful. BUT...most helpful visually has been the IG pawn set. I purchased the pdf and printed them out myself on card-stock, plus some pawn bases and I have 90% of the encounter creatures. Kids are very visual!

Also some of the above books are part of the PRD, others if you can borrow from gaming friends do so, otherwise go with the pdf and have a laptop handy for quick reference.

Liberty's Edge

Thank you both

YogoZuno and Lord Fyre.

I have read many of the suggested Iron Gods posts in preparations for their adventure and will be implementing some of those ideas. From both of your advice I will add in treasure more appropriate to the characters in the group, thus increasing there effectiveness, but not to much don't want to go all Munchkin.

XP wise I think I'll try Lord Fyre's suggestion and just go with what the AP says they should be at, as per the forward of the adventure, the kids won't know the difference.

On a side note I was impressed that the group themselves came up the a name like the "Six of Sixth", clever kids.

Liberty's Edge

Greeting Hive Mind!!

I've started GMing Iron Gods for my sons and there friends (6 players). Only my eldest and his friend are experienced (PFS), 1 who's played D&D, 1 novice, 2 noobs. Because of their minimal experience I decided NOT to increase the CR's of the encounters, especially after reading about some of the tough ones throughout the AP.

So what I'm asking is should I set them on the FAST XP track to keep them level appropriate to the adventures?

Party - The Six of Sixth (6-6th)

Half-elf Paladin (Holy Gun) - Family Ties - Khonnir
Chelaxian Monk (Maneuver Master) - Stargazer
Azlanti Wizard (Arcane bomber) - Against the Tech League
Elven Ranger (Galvanic Saboteur) - Robot Slayer
Halfing Bard - Numerian Archeologist
Android Unchained Rogue - Against the Tech League

They appear to be fairly balanced, but no real stand out Tanks/Damage dealer, not at the start anyways. Since this is all of their first time playing in a "Campaign" I want to ensure they have a good time and are challenged but not to much or I suspect frustration may be an issue.

What say you kind Pathfinders?

Liberty's Edge

So if I understand the wording correctly the Kingdom gets an additional "Holiday/Festival" for free without adjusting their Edicts for that turn.

But...most if not all of the "Events" give a bonus or a penalty that can be applied numerically to the Kingdom, this one does not. There is no value or penalty associated with it other than from an RP point of view.

Does that mean we as GM's can apply a value, if we wish to?

Liberty's Edge

Hello Paizo

Please cancel my PACG subscription.

I now have the whole RR set and am quite happy with it.

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

I Too would like access to this material, as a DM currently running KM it would help a lot. Please refresh the link.

Liberty's Edge

In our gaming group of 6 we use many different devices, but 3 have Blackberry's, plus 2 BB playbooks. The Playbooks are what are used for the majority of our gaming.

Liberty's Edge

I've check my purchase history and the item was shipped on Nov 14th.

What is the usual amount of time that I could be waiting for the item?

After how much time should I become concerned and contact Paizo formally regarding a lost item?

Brydon Herder
Champion of Sandpoint
Victor over Karzoug

Liberty's Edge

Thanks. I finally made a decision, cant take "arcane" so going after the the hirelings, Monsterous humanoids.

Liberty's Edge

I'd like some claraification on Humanoid (other Subtype), can I choose to have Arcane casters as a favoured enemy, or does it have to be more specific like "wizard" (archetypes)?

Liberty's Edge

Has anyone produced a 6 player conversion for Chapter 5 War of the River Kings and Chapter 6 Sound of a thousnad Screams. I have downloaded the previous 4 chapters and they have been a boon to helping me organize my 6 PC's. I'd like to extend congratulation to the individuals who put them together ask beg them for the last 2. :)

Liberty's Edge

In the APG we are graced with more combat style options for rangers, I have a Pc that would like to be a weapon/shield build ranger but there is no two-weapon fighting feat listed as possible "combat Style" bonus feats, was this a typo? Otherwise the character has to have a Dex 15 to qualify for the feat normally and if they can not qualify for TWF that severely limits that styles usefullnes.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

Human Male Ranger - Local Farm boy
Human Male Barbarian - Shoanti
Human Male Cleric - Shoanti
Human Female Ranger/Rogue - Shoanti
Elf Female Sorcerer/Bard - Riddleport
Human Female fighter/Wizard - Left group
Halfling Sorcerer - new to group

Well rounded group for this adventure series. The city part was much more difficult for the barbarians and the farm boy, but the group has done great in the wild. Working on book #4 now.

Liberty's Edge

Farm boy from just outside of Sandpoint.

"BRYDON (Varisian)
Male human Ranger 10
CG Medium humanoid
<<Init >> +3 (+4 in dungeons, +5 in mountains); <<Senses>> Perception +15
<<AC>> 21, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +3 dex, +1 deflection)
<<hp>> 110 (10d10+40)
<<Fort>> +12, <<Ref>> +12, <<Will>> +8
<<Spd>> 30 ft./x4
<<Melee>> +1 Flail, dire +13/+8 1d8+5 20/x2 Left side
<<Melee>> +1 Flail, dire +13/+8 1d8+5 20/x2 Right side
<<Melee>> +1 Flail, dire +15/+10 1d8+7 20/x2 Non-Dual
<<Melee>> +3 Flail, dire +17/+12 d8+9+2d6 20/x2 Non-Dual Bane
<<Melee>> +3 Flail, dire +15/+10 - +13/+8 d8+7+2d6 / d8+5 20/x2 Bane
<<Ranged>> Longbow, composite +13/+8 1d8+2 20/x3
<<Str>> 18, <<Dex>> 16, <<Con>> 16, <<Int>> 14, <<Wis>> 14, <<Cha>> 10
<<Base Atk>> +10, <<Cmb>>+14 (+18 Disarm)<<Cmd>> +28
<<Feats>> Armor Proficiency (Light) (PFCR 118), Armor Proficiency (Medium) (PFCR 118), Combat Expertise (PFCR 119), Country Born (PFRotR 14), Dodge (PFCR 122), Double Slice (PFCR 122), Endurance (PFCR 122), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (PFCR 123), Improved Disarm (PFCR 127), Improved Two-weapon Fighting (PFCR 128), Shield Proficiency (PFCR 133), Two-weapon Defense (PFCR 136), Two-weapon Fighting (PFCR 136), Two-weapon Rend (PFCR 136)
<<Skills>> Acrobatics +13, Appraise +4, Climb +11, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +12, Knowledge (geography) +12, Knowledge (local) +12, Knowledge (nature) +12, Perception +15, Profession (farmer) +6, Ride +8, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +14, Survival +15, Swim +10
<<Languages>> Chelaxian, Common, Goblin, Varisian
<<Combat Gear>> +1 Flail, dire,Bane Giant(Left), Bane Undead(Right) Longbow, Mithral Shirt +2
<<Other Gear>> Potion - CMW, Potion - CLW x 5, Scroll - CLW x 3, Handy Haversack, Belt Pouch, Quiver, Arrows (20), BedRoll, Explorers Outfit, Courtier Outfit, Cloak of Resistance +2, Amulet of Health +2, Ring of Protection +1, Belt of Str +4, Sun Rod, Everburning Torch, Headband of Wisdom +2, Armor & Shield, Weapons
<<Class Abilities>> • FAVORED ENEMY - You have bonuses to Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks as well as weapon attack and damage rolls used against the following creature types: Giant (+4), Humanoid (goblinoid) (+2), Undead (+4). (PFCR 64).
• RANGER WEAPONS AND ARMOR - All simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor and shields (but not tower shields). (PFCR 64).
• RANGER WILD EMPATHY - Change animal attitudes in a way similar to Diplomacy. Check bonus equals 10. Animal must be within 30 ft.. (PFCR 65).
• TRACK - Add half ranger level (min. 1) to Survival checks made to follow tracks. (PFCR 64).
• RANGER COMBAT STYLE (Mastery) - Two-weapon Fighting, Improved Two-weapon Fighting, Two-weapon Rend (PFCR 65).
• FAVORED TERRAIN - The ranger gets bonuses to Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, Survival and Initiative checks in these terrains: Underground (dungeons) (+2), Mountain (+4). (PFCR 65).
• RANGER ENDURANCE - A ranger gains Endurance as a bonus feat at 3rd level. (PFCR 65).
• HUNTER'S BOND - As a move action, the ranger can give companions within 30 ft. half the ranger's Favored Enemy bonus for 2 rounds. (PFCR 66).
• RANGER SPELLS - The ranger can cast spells drawn from the Ranger Spell List (PFCR 232) according to the ranger spell progression (PFCR 66). (PFCR 66).
• RANGER WOODLAND STRIDE - You may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at your normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Such areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect you. (PFCR 66-67).
• SWIFT TRACKER - Move normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal -5 penalty. Take only a -10 penalty (instead of the normal -20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking. (PFCR 67).
• RANGER EVASION - If the ranger makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the ranger is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless ranger does not gain the benefit of evasion. (PFCR 67).

Yes this character married Shayliss! :)

Liberty's Edge

What's to say they don't create or re-create classes? Shamans have always been a popular character concept, same as the Cavalier (Knight). What about some of the missing DMG prestige classes, ie. Dwaven Defender, modified. With a community of playtesters this size they have probably got enough ideas to keep us happy and guessing for ages.

All I'm saying is be patience, they will let us know and we'll love their ideas and dislike them as well. But whatever they decide upon we will continue to play because we love the game.

Liberty's Edge

Cainus wrote:

I have some questions about CMB that I someone can help me with.

Some of my players and I are debating about trip, and what bonuses are applied to it.

The way its list you get:

CMB = Strength + BAB + size


Specific modifiers

It's the "specific modifiers" that are causing issues. I read specific modifiers to be things like +2 from improved trip or +2 tripping weapon bonus.

Any and all help is appreciated.


Direct from the book:

Performing a Combat Maneuver
When you perform a combat maneuver, make an attack
roll and add your CMB to the result plus any bonuses you
might have due to specific feats or abilities.

What are abilities? Spells, Spell like, Supernatural, etc.
What Feats? Any that state specificly the maneuver, refer to an attack roll, etc.

Weapon Focus
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make
using the selected weapon.

Inspire Courage (Su): An affected
ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against
charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and
weapon damage rolls.

You bring special favor upon yourself and your allies while bringing
disfavor to your enemies. You and each of your allies gain a +1 luck
bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks,
while each of your foes takes a –1 penalty on such rolls.

The 3 above examples could be interpreted this way because they state that the effect modifies "attack rolls". What about conditional modifiers, for example shakened, sickened, fatigued, nauseated, etc. do they or should they affect the target?

I hope a designer or writer can clarify this because we debate it all day and express our opinions but we still don't have finality to the issue.