DH's Guide to Play By Post gaming

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But, HOW do they roll (not how do they post it)? Do they just roll and post and everything is on the honor system, or is there a generally accepted online solution?

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The Dice code actually rolls dice for you.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

[dice]1d20 + 5[/dice

{Just add the other bracket to make it work}

OOOOOOOO...Thank you so very much!! I think that's exactly what I needed to know to get started. Thanks!

It varies from game to game but generally its quite hard to "cheat" the dice roller. I personally prefer to preview my rolls and type out my descriptions etc. based on those previews.

If you mean for character creation, if the DM is using dice rolling rather than point buy he will want to see the dice rolled on the forum.

P.S- This is seriously in the wrong forum... We really need a "PbP Discussion" forum that isn't only for OOC threads...

Edit: It sounds like your not aware there is an in-built dice roller. Look at the box I told you about and you'll see how I am able to do this.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
2d6 + 9 ⇒ (2, 4) + 9 = 15

The above rolls could be me decapitating somebody with my greatsword, for example...

I also really like previewing when gming a play by post so I know if enemy attacks hit. And allows the gm to make descriptions.

Does that mean the players *could* cheat by reloading or something (after previewing if it is bad)?

Liberty's Edge

Nope. Ross is smarter than all that!

Edit: oh wait. I see what you mean. Yes, players could conceivably take another action other than what they originally previewed. But if they have to roll the same type of dice to perform that action, they'll get the same roll. Within, like, a 24 hour period or something like that.

Besides, that's just bad sport!

Let's try it again:

1d20 ⇒ 7

Okay, you didn't see my first try (or second).

I previewed the result and canceled the post.

I then re-entered the dice and it came up with the same result.

Apparently the website "remembers" your roll and uses it for the next one you make, so no, you cannot cheat.

Only way to cheat it would be to add a bunch of useless dice rolls (i.e. skill checks) on the poor rolls to get to the good ones quicker. Or make lots of posts until you get a roll your happy with. Both look rather suspect though so expect people to call you on it.

Wow. Interesting! Thank you! With this final bit figured out, I'm ready to start a PFS Pbp dealie! http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz6901?Pathfinder-Society-Module-Tier-12#1 Thanks!

Weren Wu Jen wrote:

The Dice code actually rolls dice for you.

1d20 + 5

1d20 + 5[/dice

{Just add the other bracket to make it work}

+ [dice] 1d6+22 [/dice

Weren Wu Jen wrote:

The Dice code actually rolls dice for you.

1d20 + 5

1d20 + 5[/dice

{Just add the other bracket to make it work}

+ 1d6 + 22 ⇒ (1) + 22 = 23

Good stuff, thanks for taking time to present this.



Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd like to add, for those who have a hard time getting into games, there are a few tips to bumping up your chances. I've managed to get into over half a dozen PBP's in the last couple months and I'm loving every minute of it so far. Here's a little Do and Don't list, based on my observations.


Don't crunch up a min-maxed TWF barbarian, call him Thog and say "THOG WANT TO PBP!" You'll get passed over. Repeatedly. You might find a game where it's perfect, but the odds are against it.

Don't worry so much about optimizing "Thog" to kill dragons in a single round. There will be a time and place for that, but it shouldn't be your only goal. Roleplay isn't always about mastering the numbers and becoming invincible; it's about exciting stories, crazy adventures, and memorable companions.

Don't take it personal when you don't get picked. GM's often have dozens of people to choose from, and they have to pick a party that's not only interesting, but balanced, diverse, and that's likely to enjoy the adventure. Don't get discouraged.

invest in your character intellectually and emotionally. it's been said up in the OP, but developed, believable, three-dimensional characters get picked more for the roleplay-intensive, slow paced PBP format.

Ask yourself what "Thog" looks like, where he's from, how he got that scar, why he chose to use two axes, why he's not with his tribe, why he talks so funny, and why he became what he is. this gives your GM more meat to make adventures from, even if he's just running a module right out of the book.

Make characters based on gimmicky abilities and quirky concepts or personality traits. try out that weird feat you never used, or put ranks in that skill you never make rolls on; try things for the fun of it! Find something besides numbers on which to base your idea, and a story will emerge that is far more intriguing than the millionth copy of Mr. "I stacked more damage than you, LOL I win."

Leave just enough generalities in any premade backstories that you can adjust for a game world when the opportunity presents itself. Much like real people, your characters have to be able to adapt if they want to succeed. If you're familiar enough with the rules and your character that you can make adjustments without making him unbelievable or unplayable (I use that last term VERY loosely) then sooner or later, you WILL get in.

Above all else, BE PATIENT. As mentioned above, these games run for months, maybe even years if the party really enjoys sticking with it. New GM's will emerge, new players will join the boards, and new adventures will need a party to tackle them. Old players will move on, life issues will prevent play, and some GM's will drop their games. Whatever the reason, openings will arise. Chances will present themselves. Inevitably, your time will come. when it does, play your character to the hilt, and you won't be disappointed.

Wow. Once again, I try to summarize a few things and end up with a mini-guide of my own. Oh, and one more thing: When you're making an alias or PFS character, keep a copy of your info somewhere. A notepad, herolabs, whatever. Nothing sucks more than typing out a 4 paragraph backstory, hitting save, and seeing a backtracking limit due to timeout. Happened to me more than once now, and it's infuriating trying to remember the exact wording you used when you just came up with it on the spur of the moment. Always back up your work, eh?

just wanted to say thank you for the clarification :-)

Thank you for, your advice.
1d12 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber
JCServant wrote:
But, HOW do they roll (not how do they post it)? Do they just roll and post and everything is on the honor system, or is there a generally accepted online solution?

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 just testing

Grand Lodge

1d10 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Lets try that again.

Grand Lodge

Awesome this time it worked.

dot... and 1d100 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21 wow... rng playing mean...

Wait, we can find players and play here? D:

So, is there a nice guide for DM/GM'ing a PbP?

Ramza Wyvernjack wrote:
Wait, we can find players and play here? D:

Yes, but it is really slow. So it drives some people crazy. Just at a really rough estimate from the 3 PbP that I have been involved in. I would guess that it is somewhere around 2 hours face-to-face gaming ends up taking about a month of PbP gaming.

Not sure, that may be a little bit of an exaggeration, but not much.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Removed some off topic posts.

IejirIsk wrote:
So, is there a nice guide for DM/GM'ing a PbP?

I've been slowly compiling things for just such a guide. It's becoming a much larger project than I'd originally anticipated due to the fact that GMing a PBP is a lot more complicated than playing in one.

Stay tuned. I hope to have it posted in a few weeks.

Helaman wrote:

Thanks for this post. Very good as I've just gotten into PbPs. Let me add another: Use the PM function as well to ooc co-ordinate general actions and idea that you want to get player buy in on.

Another? Once the game has started and you have a feel for you fellow players, give them permission to write on behalf and for your character so that they can have some spotlight time - give them an outline of what you'd like them to cover and leave them to it... Getting another set of eyes or perspective on your character can be cool.

Finally understand as a player YOU have an obligation. If you can't post? Say so... It's rude to leave people hanging and without knowing you have a personal project and need to work around you? It can seriously screw the pace of the game. IF they know you're away for a week? They can work around you, assume you are guarding camp etc and get on with the story. If you want to be real nice? Allow them to post for you as part of their writings within a certain set of guide lines.

Don't be THAT player that brings down the damn game - communicate if you are a day or two out or if you want to leave.

On the absence thing, we do this in our FTF game, but I don't see why it wouldn't work for online; we have a campaign wiki, and one section of it is "ghosting notes" listing combat abilities, and generally preferred tactics and priorities of the character, so that if someone else needs to make a move for you, they have a handy guide on the best ways to do so.

On the second note, I really do recommend campaign wikis. Can be really useful.

Doomed Hero wrote:
IejirIsk wrote:
So, is there a nice guide for DM/GM'ing a PbP?

I've been slowly compiling things for just such a guide. It's becoming a much larger project than I'd originally anticipated due to the fact that GMing a PBP is a lot more complicated than playing in one.

Stay tuned. I hope to have it posted in a few weeks.

I can attest to the level of work and effort on a GM's part.

That and each GM has their own style, pace, ideas, character creation rules, and GM tools.

Heck I made Eight Generic NPC aliases for NPCs in my games to cover Gender and function type of every NPC in my PBP games.
And even if you made them, you need to know how to use them effectively.

The Exchange

Painlord's Guide to PbP Play.

Building on what Doomed Hero has done, adding my own thoughts.

Best of luck, PbPers.


Looking forward to the final draft of DH's guide for PbP GM's.

How do you get the summary line under your name? It usually has current hp, ac, etc.

Thanks for the guide and advice!

Slyness: everything in the "Race" and "Class" fields of your profile should show up that way, so you have to cram all that info in those fields. I think it's kind of a forum hack that some clever person came up with.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Excellent work. DH (though I am biased in your favor having been in some pbp's with you)!

DMing play by post takes a lot more work than some may realize!

General pbp tips are listed on my KK profile page......
For example us and them initiative. The monsters roll at the start, and each pc gets a chance to win initiative for the group........why? Because having people post once a day is enough to ask. Asking them to post in initiative order is absurd!

been trying Storium , making me interested in PbP, what websites does anyone think are outstanding and offer cool features, community, etc. i.e. are a good place to play by post? Any that offer an exceptional format for play? thx yo

Grimmy wrote:
Slyness: everything in the "Race" and "Class" fields of your profile should show up that way, so you have to cram all that info in those fields. I think it's kind of a forum hack that some clever person came up with.

Thanks, Grimmy, very useful to know.

Shadow Lodge

Doomed Hero wrote:

So you like gaming, but don't have much time. You've heard of Play By Post (PBP) gaming, but you find the whole idea a little daunting. Wouldn't it be nice if there was someone who could teach you the ropes like your friends did back when you were fist learning tabletop gaming?

Well you're in luck. This guide aims to do just that.

This guide is written from the perspective of a PBP on this board. If you just want tips on how to become a better PBP gamer, you'll probably want to skip this section.

Also, this guide will attempt to teach players the formats for PBP games that provide the highest level of organization and aesthetic appeal. There are as many different format styles as there are games, and many of them do not use the formats I will advocate here. That doesn't mean they are "doing it wrong". This is just my suggestions to getting the most out of your Play By Post game.

How It Works

** spoiler omitted **...


shiktang wrote:
been trying Storium , making me interested in PbP, what websites does anyone think are outstanding and offer cool features, community, etc. i.e. are a good place to play by post? Any that offer an exceptional format for play? thx yo


Very few complaints about it. This site though is also really nice and clean. Too many forums out there are so visually busy it can be hard trying to discern the actual content of posts from the other stuff, but rpol and paizo don't those issues, they also have good communities. Rpol has a wider variety of game systems in use though.

dotted. Also you mean i can Finnaly bust out the minions!?!? life==complete. Time to have broodmaster summoner with crafter eidolons going single level in chronicler and have a bunch of random stuff and an awesome business plan.

Many thanks for the informative thread.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

this may be a stupid question but i am admittedly not that smart, how do you post maps during a PBP game?

Usually by including a link to a hosting site like Photobucket or an interactive map like roll20.net.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

But to expand (maybe more than you mean), there are a couple ways:

I like to put links to my map(s) in the campaign info tab (I click on edit this campaign and then put it in the short description section, so there's a link at the top of the campaign thread). Alternatively, I've seen some GM's put the link in their alias -- under the race entry, so you see it right below your screen name -- so the link comes up with every post they make.

Some people just link it in each post there's combat, but I find that's more work.

qwerty1971 wrote:
this may be a stupid question but i am admittedly not that smart, how do you post maps during a PBP game?

What I do is use the "Race" and "Classes/Levels" lines in my profile to include maps that I maintain and store in my Dropbox folder.

-- david

I used to do maps via cut paste dropbox, but google drawings and shared as 'edit by all that have link' on a google drive is SOOO much more efficient and time saving.

I saw this over at RPG.net's play-by-post area and I think it is something to consider as a sticky. 'PbP admonishments and warnings'.

Having players/DMs just up and vanish without notice is very annoying, even more so if they keep posting in other areas, so having something that at least encourages posting that you are going to be delayed or are dropping out is needed.

Life happens of course and if someone vanishes from the boards due to life happening than no problems, but continued dropping of games/vanishing should have postings that said person has a habit of this.

I think this will help cut down on games dying due to absences

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