Joana |

Suggested starter builds for PbP (besides meathead with an axe)?
If you're applying to an AP or other long-running campaign, many GMs prefer to see a character built specifically for that campaign (i.e., using campaign traits and/or backstories specific to the location). Also note that different GMs will use different point-buy levels, arrays, or ability score rolling guidelines or have other house rules around character creation.
If you're interested in PFS scenarios, anything PFS-legal should be fine.

Old Guy GM |
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Thanks for the info.
Ha! Although, DMing would be something that I can see myself doing one day, I am under no illusions about running a game now.A post a day seems very reasonable!
Suggested starter builds for PbP (besides meathead with an axe)?
Never underestimate the need for a meathead with an axe. Many players tend towards obscure builds of archetypes they've always wanted to play. The meathead is becoming a rare character these days.
That said, you can have quite a bit of fun with that type. I present to you Thordak Ironheart, dwarf barbarian; from one of my games:
As the ghost fades and the bear takes his leave, Thordak can be seen rubbing his watery, red eyes with his sleeve. "Blasted allergies. I can't go anywhere."
Thordak looks curiously upon Lym as she talks about traveling through 'Shadow'. "Now, lass, this 'Shadow' business, it's not gonna leave us stuck in the Plane of Shadow, is it?" Just after he lets out that last bit, he looks around at the others confidently, a proud expression upon him. "Bet you lot didn't know I knew about the Plane of Shadow, did ya? Huh? Huh? I thought not. Oh I know, I know ALL about the Plane of Shadow I do. Well... maybe not know all about it; it's possible I've heard all about it. Okay, okay, it's possible I may have overheard all about it, okay?" He looks to them all a long moment before, "Or maybe I just heard it in passing BUT THE FACT REMAINS:" he states adamantly, a finger in the air as he looks back to Lym, "Are we gonna get stuck in the Plane of Shadow? Because I just don't want to, lass! I don't know what ta do there!" he exclaims with a shrug. "I've never been! Can ya breathe? Can ya eat? Can ya... breathe?" he asks with near panic in his voice.

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I have a tabletop game that meets very irregularly, and was thinking of using Paizo's PBP board to augment the real-life game. (I've played in a handful of PBP games on here, so I know how the formatting works.)
My question is: How do I start a campaign?
It would not be open to new players, so there'd be no recruitment, but I am not sure how to build it from scratch.

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You can start by making either a gameplay thread or a discussion thread. Go to the appropriate forum and click on Add New Thread. The site will walk you through the options for connecting your threads and setting up your campaign. Then you can contact your players and point them to the game.
Thanks so much... I really appreciate it.

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Hi Generic! Yeah there is a lot to go through. I would suggest looking up the 'Flaxseed Lodge' if you are interested in Pathfinder Society. There is an online convention starting on August the 25th called 'Gamesday VI' and people are recruiting for games for that, incredibly new player friendly!
That's the recruitment bit, if you introduce yourself there plenty of people will be willing to help!

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There isn't actually anything very complicated about PbP. I would just apply to a game that appeals to you. The only thing you need to be able to do is post regularly and write a post to a reasonable standard of English, and have an understanding of the actual game rules. The PbP element is just the medium through which you communicate with the other players, and while it has some differences to a face-to-face game it is still basically the same game.

KyleS |

I would state Aubrey a reasonable standard of whatever language being used. That's something I'm noticing a lot more of lately on Roll20, games stating that a base requirement of certain language because majority of the group speaks that language.
I do understand where Generic is coming from though. For someone new (to anything really), it can be really daunting. And the boards here don't exactly advertise new player friendly games very well. As someone who suffers from social anxiety, I have to make sure I see what is included in the initial post before I consider applying. My confidence is a lot more thanks to the boards when it comes to applying to games (though I've become more picky because of time allotments). But not everyone puts in either the title or main post that new players are preferred or welcomed. Which means that a new person wanting to play because they heard <insert whichever AP was best to play as a new person> finds a thread for it and sees the first 7 applications full of classes and races and options that are barely comprised of the CRB but 5 other books instead, it's extremely daunting. Hell, it drives me up a wall sometimes because I end up having to try and track down where the hell they're pulling it from lol.

Doomed Hero |
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Well, I finally did it. Here's the GMing guide. Better late than never, right?

Amari Al'Fahd |

I have a lot of fun with this Zen Archer, having taken the Vow of Silence (fluff-wise, I know Zen's cannot take vows).
To commune with the group, he is only ever using sign language!
(Which is actually awesome, since we play a high-stealth group)
I use the following format if using sign language.
<I am keeping the door under observation.
You two go ahead and prepare the trap.>

Diaz Ex Machina |

Hello everyone.
I am sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this kind of question, but how do I create characters on this website? I see I can write down some informations on my profile page, should I use that to create a character or is there a way to add sheets to my profile?
Thank you in advance for your answers.

Joana |

Hello everyone.
I am sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this kind of question, but how do I create characters on this website? I see I can write down some informations on my profile page, should I use that to create a character or is there a way to add sheets to my profile?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
If you go to My Account > Account Settings, you can scroll down to a box on the left headed "MESSAGEBOARD ALIASES". Click the Create New Alias button, and you can choose a name and picture for your character, then use that alias's profile to fill in ability scores, etc.

Joana |

Read this thread.
I know it's hard to get into a game, but it's possibly harder to GM a game without some prior PbP experience. If you can't play first, I recommend that you at least read through several gameplay and discussion threads first, to get a feel for the format. Also, if you haven't, read this thread as well as the one we're posting in.
The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge is a good place to find Pathfinder Society PbPs, and my understanding is that they are newbie-friendly. Even if you're not into Organized Play, I would strongly suggest you jump into a game there if you can. PFS games are generally short and quick (by PbP standards) and can get your feet wet.