Laiho Vanallo |

Here is the issue,
I started playing this new home brew campaign with friend a few month back, during party creation, seeing the lack of magic user within the group I decided to forgo my usual classes choices and took on to be the group wizard.
I was not warn nor was expecting this campaign to be a total post apocalypse scenario. I started at level 1 with NO SPELL BOOK, a dagger and only level 0 spell memorized (for some plot driven reason I started the game with a character that had already used his 2 level 1 spells). So, miracle! after the 3rd session I finally found my character spell book back, even with the help of the full party we fail to create any opportunity for my character to rest and actually get some spells back.
Now I am level 4 and so far using every resources at my disposal I was able to get an invisibility scroll and a protection from evil scroll, the DM did not give the party any resting chance so far therefore I was not able to learn those spells and I will not be able to do so until maybe 2-3 game sessions from now.
To compensate for this I tried a few things already, I am trying to craft items using craft wondrous items and by boosting my spell craft to the maximum (+12 now), the thing is that since there is no way to find components for item creation, or even to trade with anyone (hell even the wizard college we found did not want to help me even after helping them) so that failed (and I wasted a feat), I tried to boost my knowledge check to the help the party the best I can but again I fail them all the time for plot related reasons I guess (A total roll of 30 of knowledge of the plane and no relevant information was told about the plane we traveled to). I just feel out of options, the DM is very cool with the other characters, they always have their cool moments, I just feel useless and I feel that I am being punished for trying to have a ''good'' character or maybe singled out because I am the player with the most experience in the group.
Anyway to turn this around In or Out of game?

Cheapy |

Wow, no rests at all during that time period? At least you still have your cantrips. Even 1 hour is enough to add a 1st level spell. Remember that two spells are automatically added to your spellbook at level up.
It sounds like you are being railroaded hard. You always have the option of having the character go insane and wander off. Time for a new character then. Come back as a sorcerer.

Laiho Vanallo |

Honestly, it sounds like your DM is just a jerk... I would flat-out ask him what he has against you/ wizards/ spellcasters. That's fairly harsh treatment.
Did he warn you going in that this would be the direction the game would go in?
No not at all, I was not expecting this to happen, every time I use magic little to nothing happen, detect magic gave a monstrous headache to my character (feel unconscious once because of this) until the plot progressed to a certain point, every time I complain about my action to be useless the DM justify himself with plot related arguments that only ''he'' knows.

voska66 |

Ask the GM if you can switch your Character to Sorcerer. It would seem to fit better in this setting than a wizard.
I played a game like this back in the Second Edition days where the GM just punished the crap out of the wizard only to drop a artifact in the wizards hands at the end. The GM had thing about making you really pay for you magic items. He had plans to do this with each player but the game ended before that could happen. The idea was each player was going to go through hell to get an artifact and the artifacts got more powerful as more of them came together in the group. Sound interesting but think the GM should have warned us before hand, people gave up on the game.

Sean Hanlin |

It is impossible to make it to level 4 without rest, the human body isn't capable of staying awake and functioning beyond a certain point. If your DM continues to be a ****, point out that by this point the fighters should be taking -10 to every roll and see how fast he changes his tune, or get out of this very poorly run game. I mean seriously, you cannot have encountered this many experience point encounters without resting, that is simply not possible.

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It is impossible to make it to level 4 without rest, the human body isn't capable of staying awake and functioning beyond a certain point. If your DM continues to be a ****, point out that by this point the fighters should be taking -10 to every roll and see how fast he changes his tune, or get out of this very poorly run game. I mean seriously, you cannot have encountered this many experience point encounters without resting, that is simply not possible.
They might be getting some rest, just not enough downtime to get things done.
I'm hesitant to judge a campaign just from one person's stressed point of view.
OP, I suggest you have a long talk with your DM outside of the game session. Express your unhappiness and see what kind of response you get.
Then it's up to you.

Laiho Vanallo |

Wow, no rests at all during that time period? At least you still have your cantrips. Even 1 hour is enough to add a 1st level spell. Remember that two spells are automatically added to your spellbook at level up.
It sounds like you are being railroaded hard. You always have the option of having the character go insane and wander off. Time for a new character then. Come back as a sorcerer.
I know about the 2 spells per level, I took days to choose them carefully knowing how I would not get any outside of leveling up, to add insult to injury, the spell I selected became useless pretty fast (monsters able to see through invisibility, creature with resist fire 5 or very high saving throws) the only useful thing I can do I summoning and buffing if I get the chance.
I am seriously thinking about quitting this game, but I love the group even if I am useless and I grew ''attached'' to my character, I want him to fight on I think he deserve to be useful but not out of pity of the DM.

Dorje Sylas |

Quite frankly the whole party should be suffering from fatigue at the very least. If there is no resting period then the party should be nearly out of HP by now. I'm surprised no one has died.
I would talk to your GM directly and express your consern that you were not properly informed about the difficulties creating a Wizard for this game would present. It sounds like the GM will intentionally prevent your party from resting regardless of what you attempt. Unless there are some details you are omitting this really sounds like an Out-Of-Game issue that should be discussed solo or with the group as whole. You have two or hours of down time to try crafting magic items in the field but the group won't be allowed a full 8?
Perhaps you could explain a bit more about this game you're in. What was the initial brief your GM gave you when you were making your characters.

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Christ, dude, talk to your DM. This is like denying Rogue sneak attack and stealth, or ruling that Clerics can only heal people on Tuesdays. You're getting nerfed beyond any reasonable expectation - talk to your DM about some ways you can adjust your character that fit with the storyline so you can at least be able to learn and cast spells consistently.

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I was in such a gauntlet-campaign once. Unfortunately nobody, me included, had the gumption to tell the GM that we weren't having fun. If I had it to do over again... Inform your GM that you're not enjoying the campaign, using phrasing that does not cast blame or sound judgemental, such as:
You: I'm not enjoying this campaign.
(Not "This campaign isn't fun," and not even "I don't enjoy your campaign." The difference is subtle but important if you want a serious discussion rather than just a pouty GM.)

Mr.$mith |
You could always make a bow fighter and wreck face, unless arrows are an issue then a duel kukri fighter is win. But as far as getting spells back fast I don't believe there is any way you can do that. It would help to know why you can't get 8 hours of rest at any one time for whatever reason. Also what spells were you casting, or was it detect magic, and if that is the case I would just ask for an out of character reason that that is happening. I mean it is only fare that you know why in this game world wizards are getting the shaft.

Kolokotroni |

Yea this sounds like a jerk dm who has a great idea for a 'low magic' campaign and doesnt bother to tell the magic user of the party. Have a talk with the dm, if you dont like what he has to say ask to change your character to a non-magic class (i dont think just getting away from wizard will help you here). If he still says no, walk on the game. Life is too short for bad dms.

Laiho Vanallo |

Quite frankly the whole party should be suffering from fatigue at the very least. If there is no resting period then the party should be nearly out of HP by now. I'm surprised no one has died.
I would talk to your GM directly and express your consern that you were not properly informed about the difficulties creating a Wizard for this game would present. It sounds like the GM will intentionally prevent your party from resting regardless of what you attempt. Unless there are some details you are omitting this really sounds like an Out-Of-Game issue that should be discussed solo or with the group as whole. You have two or hours of down time to try crafting magic items in the field but the group won't be allowed a full 8?
Perhaps you could explain a bit more about this game you're in. What was the initial brief your GM gave you when you were making your characters.
We have the time to rest now and I am able to memorize my spells (from my very small list that is), but only for about 9 hour maximum. I could stall a full game session to take the time to create magic items(Provided that the 20th abandoned home we break in as any actual material for crafting in it), but I would never do that to my teammates, they want to play not to sit while the wizard create a pearl of power or a cloak of resistance.
The issue is that there is almost no ''downtime'' and if there is it's a 8 to 10 hour in-game downtime.
The initial brief of the game was pretty much: ''I will try something new and we will focus on role play and a big epic story'' (so far the role play we have is that every NPC is a douche and/or as no idea of what is going on) also most of our characters woke up in the middle of the ruins of a city that none of them knew and any tentative to get information so far have been fruitless. On the other hand one character has knowledge of the city we are in (Out and In game knowledge that is) and he knows how to get around. So even with + 10 in knowledge local I get no information at every roll.(I am not proud of this but I even cheated a natural 20 once just to see)

Laiho Vanallo |

Laiho Vanallo wrote:Are you really sure about that?
I started playing this new home brew campaign with friend a few month back,
Yeah... the group are friends, the DM as clearly an issue with me I am not blind, but there must be a logical way to deal with this no? He is not the best DM I ever had but he is not that bad... maybe he just hate wizards?
But that is the point, I want to find a solution to make this fun, I enjoy the group and intend to keep playing with the even if the DM treat me like crap.

cranewings |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
The isn't anything wrong with what the GM is doing. If you thought it was fun, it would be fine. Unfortunately, he wants you to RP and not care about winning fights. You care about winning fights and increasing things on your character sheet.
Why don't you just forget about getting bigger numbers and more spells and just RP your character?
You are entitled to learn two new spells each time you level as a part of your class. It is a handicap, but not that bad. By the time you are level 3 you should have a minimum of 2 first and 2 second level spells, even without a spell book. Is he not letting you do that either?

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Hahaha, normally i would frown on cheating shenanigans but I approve here ;-)
Maybe if you explained that you could also make magic items for the group as well they would be more likely to take the time to let you craft? Personally, a cloak of resistance is welcome at any level.
I would talk to the DM directly or try to get the other players on "your side" so to speak. Then maybe they could help with the situation. Have any of them noticed your character getting the short stick over and over again?

Mr.$mith |
So even with + 10 in knowledge local I get no information at every roll.(I am not proud of this but I even cheated a natural 20 once just to see)
So you were just checking to see if your efforts were pointless and you found out they were? I wouldn’t be not proud of that, ist just like checking to see if your playing a video game or watching a movie, seems like your watching more of a movie than playing a DnD Game. I mean you mentioned that certain characters get to have "cool" moments, it just sounds like the GM is directing you rather than reacting to what your trying to do.
The issue is that there is almost no ''downtime'' and if there is it's a 8 to 10 hour in-game downtime.
What? Like you sit at the table for 8-10 hours while your characters rest, you can just "fast forward" rest? IE: So we set up camp and rest for X hours.
Also have you asked your GM what your characters remember from before they "woke up in a bar"?

Caedwyr |
It could be something as simple as the GM doesn't like to give things out for free. So, if you just say "I roll Knowledge(Local), what do I find" the GM isn't going to give you anything. But if you say "I walk through the marketplace chatting with the locals to see if anyone has heard of TOPIC, (I roll Knowledge(Local) and get a 12, so a total of 22 for my efforts) what do I learn? You may have more luck.
If instead of trying to get spells off scrolls and learn them automatically or head to the local magic mart, play up a researcher aspect of your character. Be a naturalist/write everything down in a journal. Research your own spells (you may be able to get away with learning spells that aren't on the normal lists this way). Basically, try to do cool things that you can justify in game and not via mechanics and your GM may be more willing to go along with you.\
Or you could talk to the GM and see what type of game/what type of limitations to expect.

Kolokotroni |

The isn't anything wrong with what the GM is doing. If you thought it was fun, it would be fine. Unfortunately, he wants you to RP and not care about winning fights. You care about winning fights and increasing things on your character sheet.
Why don't you just forget about getting bigger numbers and more spells and just RP your character?
You are entitled to learn two new spells each time you level as a part of your class. It is a handicap, but not that bad. By the time you are level 3 you should have a minimum of 2 first and 2 second level spells, even without a spell book. Is he not letting you do that either?
There is adversity and there is lack of player agency. If one type of character is severly handicapped, the player should have been informed prior to the start of the game. You dont let someone show up as a fighter and suddenly say 'Oh combat is impossible in this world, you will have to talk out all your problems'.
There is a difference between being worried about 'numbers on a character sheet' and wanting to feel like you can influence the story. That is called player agency. Players should feel like they have some influence over their destiny. If your spells all fail/dont have the ability to memorize/learn new ones, and your knowledge skill use is also highly restricted/ineffectual, then as a wizard you have no agency. Not liking that is not turning away from wanting to roleplay, its wanting to be able to DO something in the story.
It sounds to me like the dm is lookng for actors in a play and not roleplayers, because he wants to keep complete control over what the wizard does. That isnt ropeplaying that is railroading. All dms would be wise to learn the difference between those two things.

Laiho Vanallo |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The isn't anything wrong with what the GM is doing. If you thought it was fun, it would be fine. Unfortunately, he wants you to RP and not care about winning fights. You care about winning fights and increasing things on your character sheet.
Why don't you just forget about getting bigger numbers and more spells and just RP your character?
You are entitled to learn two new spells each time you level as a part of your class. It is a handicap, but not that bad. By the time you are level 3 you should have a minimum of 2 first and 2 second level spells, even without a spell book. Is he not letting you do that either?
Hey buddy do not get me wrong, I tried on MANY occasions of role playing, the thing is that I failed miserably so far, character tell a minor lie? Skill check (My charisma is not that bad I just have little to no points into social skills), character try to get is opinion out? The other guy rolled higher intimidate. I say ''My character will to X and Y'' the DM tell: ''I do not think you character would be able to tell/act that way'' It's pathfinder, if I wanted to play a purely role playing game were the only thing character do is talk and create social intrigue, I would simply enjoy my life hahaha!
It's not about winning fights, it's about being heroes, if I wanted to be a nobody I would have played a commoner or maybe an expert, now I am supposed to be a wizard with a spell-book going on adventures with my friends and right now I am really good at having no idea of what is going on and little resources to accomplish or do anything.

Tinalles |
If you are playing a human, and the GM has allowed material from the Advanced Player's Guide, be aware that human wizards have the following alternate favored class option:
Wizard: Add one spell from the wizard spell list to the wizard's spellbook. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level he can cast.
You take that instead of the extra hit point or skill point when you level up. So maybe you're a teeny bit squishier and less knowledgeable. Big deal. Hit points and skill points are important, but spells are a wizard's life blood.

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Have you noticed NPC spellcasters having the same issues as you when casting spells? You said you helped a wizard college. Did they use zero-level magic without bleeding from the ears and collapsing to the floor or is it just you? If so, I say force the GM's hand.
That's a wizard college. They've got wizard stuff, and they're using it without penalty. You want that for your character, so take it. Next session, gather the troops and tell your GM you are storming the wizard college to take their stuff and establish a stronghold where you can get a decent night's sleep because it seems pretty obvious they're hiding some knowledge or item that lets them do their wizardin'.
I expect a couple things might happen.
1. You'll find the wizards in the college have no trouble whatsoever quelling your ill-advised raid using their wizard powers, and they will hammer you into paste.
2. You'll actually pull it off, but the GM will then come up with a hundred more reasons for why you can't sleep and why your magic is giving you cancer.
Your character is probably going to die either way but, if you're lucky, the GM will never see this coming and you'll derail his train, taking his entire campaign down with you.

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Definitely, explain to the DM that you're not enjoying the game, and that you aren't enjoying it because you aren't able to meaningfully contribute to the success of the team.
Start with your worries about the world, and how your magic doesn't work as expected nor are you able to take advantage of your crafting capabilities because of the lack of materials and downtime. He'll likely quote reasons that need to remain private for the purposes of story. Just accept this and move on.
Then, bring up your spell choices, and how you worry that he's updating his encounters to specifically counter your choices. If he says, "Oh, I see your point, thanks for letting me know," and he changes, great, but he'll likely deny that. Accept that and continue your points.
Next, bring up skills. Say that you've got a +10 Knowledge(Local), but even with a 20 for a total skill roll of 30, you're not allowed information at lower DCs, even though (other character) is allowed that information. This, more than everything else, is a great indication of a personal weakening. The rest might be his own view of magic, but if skill use between characters isn't allowed to be equal, that's a real problem, and you mustn't put up with that.
If, after you have given your specific examples as to why you aren't enjoying the game, and you aren't able to get the responses you're looking for in return, be ready to quit. I wouldn't even consider changing characters or strategies, I would quit. Not being willing to apply the rules the same way to different people is a sure sign of a poor DM, and I see little reason to continue in such an environment, whether or not he's a friend.
There are a number of passive-agrressive things you can do, but they're just antagonistic and won't lead to a fun game in the end. Talk to the DM about how you're not having fun, have specific examples of what the problems are, listen carefully, and be prepared to quit.

cranewings |
Laiho, hey, I get what you are saying. I don't like to play Pathfinder, at all, because of the lack of player agency which is natural to the game. If you play it RAW with the guidelines in the GM guide, a world full of 10th level black smiths, 10th level mayors and 42 level kings makes your characters pretty pointless and stupid. Most GMs fill their worlds full of characters higher level than the PCs, which I find to be an intolerable amount of rails.
That's why I only GM now.
But, your game reminds me of the last Exalted game I played and every White Wolf game I ever played. There isn't a right way to play the game and if your GM wants to run this way,and you want to keep showing up, you need to man up and play your character and find other things to have fun doing than being a hero and succeeding on rolling dice.
Your example of, "I do this and then I roll a die," isn't what qualifies as roll playing. That's writing fluff to go with your die roll. Why don't you hold off on dice until your GM asks for it and try to do as much as you can without them.

Laiho Vanallo |

It could be something as simple as the GM doesn't like to give things out for free. So, if you just say "I roll Knowledge(Local), what do I find" the GM isn't going to give you anything. But if you say "I walk through the marketplace chatting with the locals to see if anyone has heard of TOPIC, (I roll Knowledge(Local) and get a 12, so a total of 22 for my efforts) what do I learn? You may have more luck.
If instead of trying to get spells off scrolls and learn them automatically or head to the local magic mart, play up a researcher aspect of your character. Be a naturalist/write everything down in a journal. Research your own spells (you may be able to get away with learning spells that aren't on the normal lists this way). Basically, try to do cool things that you can justify in game and not via mechanics and your GM may be more willing to go along with you.\
Or you could talk to the GM and see what type of game/what type of limitations to expect.
What locals? Post apocalypse world! The first guy we saw tried to kill us for food! I try to get a very simple information like: ''hey I wonder where was the market before this town was destroyed?'' Total Roll 26!
DM: No you do not know if there was a market around
5 minutes later the rogue find a market 2 streets away.
I tried to research my own spells and the DM does not allow this because researching spells take a lot of time, a laboratory in his world.
I tried to barter with the few mage we saw but we had little to no time with them and they refused to teach me ''grease'' even after we saved their life, because I was not a member of their mage college, i tried to join up but the place was destroyed and we where whisked away to another plane (obviously the plane of air) I therefore tried to use my knowledge of the plane to get around (total roll of 28 this time), the DM said that I did not know where I was, only to confirm 15 minutes later that we were indeed on the plane of air.
I try to justify my action with logic and descriptions but I guess that maybe I am not trying hard enough.

Dorje Sylas |

Points to crafting in the field: "If the caster is out adventuring, he can devote 4 hours each day to item creation, although he nets only 2 hours' worth of work. This time is not spent in one continuous period, but rather during lunch, morning preparation, and during watches at night."
The target item to craft would be a spell-in-can with multiple uses per day.
Perhaps a longer term compromise if the DM continues to insist on rapid advancement would be take that crafting rule apply it to "field" reseach.
The basic rules for researching new spells is rather open, at base 1 week (7 days of 8 hour working), some kind of spell-craft/knowledge check, and 1000 Gp in materials per level.
If you use the field crafting as a guide we can get a rule saying something like:
You can conduct magical experiments and research while adventuring. You can devote 4 hours each day to the research and net 2 hours worth of work. Each day you must make a Knowledge check or Spellcraft check equals to DC 15+ the spell level you are researching, and consumes 36 gold x level of spell you are researching. Once you have completed 56 total hours of research you may add the new spell to your spell book.
In a long shot you may also consider diving into Words of Power in Ultimate Magic, with limited resources you can get more spells out of them.

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What locals? Post apocalypse world! The first guy we saw tried to kill us for food! I try to get a very simple information like: ''hey I wonder where was the market before this town was destroyed?'' Total Roll 26!
Question: Did you know going in that it was going to be a post-apocalyptic world? Because, let's face it, such a world is not really going to be easy for wizards. I know that some posters here are dedicated to bemoaning the fact that wizards are SOO over powered while simultaneously warping any setting to treat all of their weaknesses with kid gloves, but apparently your GM isn't that kind of a guy.

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I tried to barter with the few mage we saw but we had little to no time with them and they refused to teach me ''grease'' even after we saved their life, because I was not a member of their mage college, i tried to join up but the place was destroyed and we where whisked away to another plane (obviously the plane of air) I therefore tried to use my knowledge of the plane to get around (total roll of 28 this time), the DM said that I did not know where I was, only to confirm 15 minutes later that we were indeed on the plane of air.
I try to justify my action with logic and descriptions but I guess that maybe I am not trying hard enough.
No, you're trying hard enough.
Quit the game. I've played in enough antagonistic-world games over the years to recognize when it's a bad world well run, or just a poorly run game. This is a poorly run game.

Adamantine Dragon |

It is always dangerous to judge an entire campaign based on the comments of one player in the campaign. Instead of bagging on your GM I would rather give you some advice that might help.
The spontaneous spellcaster approach is worth trying.
If you have enough downtime to try to craft an item, you can research new spells. The spell research rules are pretty specific, but they do require that you invest 1,000g per level of the spell being researched. If you have the gold, you should be able to research any spell on the wizard list and add it to your book.
If you are struggling with spells that affect the GM's monsters or NPCs, then focus on buffing your party or controlling the battlefield. Making your party fighter a better fighter is something that the GM can't reasonably interfere with. Using "grease" or "web" or spells which automatically slow or entangle the opposition are also difficult for the GM to "game". Enchanting weapons is also effective.
In the end, if you simply aren't having fun, let the GM know that you intend to leave if you can't have fun. Don't put it on the GM, just say that you aren't having fun the way things are going.

Laiho Vanallo |

Simple solution: Get your party to help you gank any other wizards that you come across, and then take their spellbooks. Start with the guys who refused to teach you grease.
I tried that, the paladin of the party stopped me from doing so ...
After that the DM scolded me because since my character was not ''evil'' I could not do that.
I even tried to cast charm person on the guy (Woot that was my first useful spell in 3 games!) but I failed.

Mabven the OP healer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

You want to play a game where you have some control over your fate. The GM does not want to give you any control. You want two different things. You can try to negotiate with him out of game, but don't try too hard, and don't get upset. If there is no compromise to be found, then stop playing, because it is not a game you want to play. Make sure he knows it is not a personal thing, just that what he and perhaps the other players enjoy playing, you don't enjoy. Better to leave the situation and still have a friend and no game, than to try and salvage a game and lose a friendship.

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The college was already destroyed? So much for taking it over, I guess. You could still try hijacking his campaign in other ways. From the sound of it, I think your only options at this point are to bow out of the campaign gracefully, make a new character to see if the GM is equally averse to any other PC you make or stage a brilliant, if petty, revolution.
Bowing out is probably the least damaging option if you plan to game with any of these people again, and I'd probably suggest this if I were in a less-confrontational mood. Fortunately, you caught me while I'm feeling froggy and vindictive.
Making a new character would let you test to see if the GM just has it in for you. Maybe even play a class and race already represented and see if the GM treats your rolls or actions worse than the other player of the same class/race. If he does, that's just one more reason to leave the game or move on to option three.
If other players are also having a bad time or are sympathetic to your cause, do the opposite of what the GM wants or tell him your character wants to take up some bizarre, random quest like locating the ruins of a famous crepe bakery because you suddenly have an urge for crepes to go with your tea.

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Like others before me I strongly suggest speaking to the DM. Tell him you are not having fun and that your character is being punished at every opportunity.
If you are dedicated to playing with this group and talking does not work then you just need to break the game. Seize player agency for yourself. Did he write his house rules down? No? Then challenge everything because RAW should be assumed. Sometimes you just have to break the game world by refusing to do what the DM desires. He is not giving you any respect and you are not required to give him any. It worked the couple times I had to do it.

Stubs McKenzie |
Kthulhu wrote:Simple solution: Get your party to help you gank any other wizards that you come across, and then take their spellbooks. Start with the guys who refused to teach you grease.I tried that, the paladin of the party stopped me from doing so ...
After that the DM scolded me because since my character was not ''evil'' I could not do that.
I even tried to cast charm person on the guy (Woot that was my first useful spell in 3 games!) but I failed.
If this is what he stated, "could not", he is a terrible DM. He does not get to make your character decisions for you. This isn't a Geas you are fighting against, it is your own actions and decisions free of any outside influence, and he is telling you what you can and cannot do... again, this is if he actually said "could not do that." Even suggesting because you are not of evil alignment you may not act in an evil way makes no sense at all... you act how you act, and your alignment follows suit, not the other way around.
My immediate reply would be something like: I may have been good aligned throughout my life, but i have awakened to a dead world I can learn nothing about, where I cannot use the tools i have to defend myself effectively, and am at constant risk of death and dismemberment... my character is in crisis and is acting on instinct. You have no say in what decision i make, and RAW the paladin can't stop me from attacking without pinning me, which will take him 2 rounds, so I attack... then proceed to roll dice. (I might even suggest that because no one else was expecting the attack to occur, that it is your surprise round to act in, not the first full round of combat :P)
If he still says you can't, you should leave, because he is a terrible, terrible DM.
If he seems confused, and possibly a bit hurt/taken aback by your response, it is because he probably thought everything was going swimmingly up till this point, and you need to have a chat with him about his DM style (which is terrible).
If he lets you, and it plays out in whatever way it does, well then he either just learned a lesson, or you have been possibly looking at this the wrong way.
Everyone around the table should be having fun most of the time. If no one else cares that the DM is treating you poorly they either don't care that much about you personally, or you may be taking things out of context... either way, it is time for an out of game sit down with the other player(s) to understand how they feel about it, and then the DM second. If they don't care, and/or if the DM doesn't care, leave straight away.

leo1925 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I was going to say to play a sorcerer instead of a wizard but that wouldn't help a lot, so i also suggest getting out of the game.
If you really want to stay i suggest an arcane bloodline sorcerer and try as mighty as you can to find a ring of sustenence. Or kill your character and make a full bab class since most of the problems you are getting would apply to any spellcaster.

lastblacknight |
I'd be tempted to put your Wizard to the side (retire it - things aren't likely to get better).
If you still want to play in this campaign, then play a character that the GM can't really touch. Monk or Divine caster would be my suggestion.
A Monk can fight naked if he/she has too. No gear, no worries.
or Choose a Cleric of the same faith as the party Paladin (the source of his power will be the same as yours) and you don't need rest to get your spells back - you simply need to pray at the convenient time (you can even be exhausted, wounded etc...
or Druid, remember a druid can bond with animal after animal but it takes 24 hours each time so stick with a bond (domain) and gives the GM no chance to kill off your companion. You should get access to all spells as you level up, well, generally....
In closing though: Stick with the Cleric, stay alive and most post-apocalyptic communities I'd imagine might want to see a healer (especially one who can create food etc.. at higher levels).
[i]Sounds like a challenging campaign though, one several levels. Good luck and let us know how you go.[i/]

Arbane the Terrible |
The way I see it, you have at least four options, which can be tried in order.
1: Like the chorus says, TALK TO THE GM. Did you run over his dog or something? If he says he's deliberately making things hell for you as part of his Big Plot, ask him what his plans are for the plot when you quit in disgust or, more politely, if there's some way for his Big Plot not to require you to be a useless gimp.
2: Change classes, or just make a new character. If you DID run over the GM's dog, don't expect this to help much, your new character's life will also be an unending nightmare of futility and failure.
3: Embrace the suck. Have your character desperately and futiley try to use his minimal abilities plus frantic improvisation, only to fail miserably at every turn (from the sound of it, the 'failure' part will not require any action from you). Show the GM just HOW well you can roleplay by having your wizard apologize to his comrades for his uselessness at every opportunity, before going out in a blaze of ignominy in a (failed) attempt at a heroic sacrifice. Then, see '2', or more usefully, '4'.
4: QUIT. No gaming is better than bad gaming, as the RPG.net crowd says.