Books you would like to see rewritten by Paizo

Paizo General Discussion

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Silver Crusade

Then do it in another thread. There is a whole section called Off-Topic Discussion for just such shouting matches.

Sovereign Court

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Witch/Warlock debacle taken off-topic.


Liberty's Edge

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Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Chris Nehren wrote:
All the AEG / Fantasy Flight d20 books. Like Guilds and Good and Evil and City Works and Toolbox and ... . I think they're OGL, too. But I'd like to give Paizo money to do the work of converting them for me. And I'd like them to be in print still! :D
There aren't enough plusses in the world for this.

Hells Yes!!!

Dark Archive

R_Chance wrote:
Darwyn wrote:

I'd like to see Paizo rewrite the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook, personally.

I'd like this. Especailly if it got into more detail on the construction and mechanics for running a stronghold (economics, etc.). I do this in my own game, but having Paizo do it would be good. It helps the longevity of a campaign for the PCs to have something to do besides level up constantly.

Also as Paizo moves forward a rules compendium type book would be great to tie together the latest rules / errata to run the game.

While I feel that it would be a good fit for a large chapter in a "Complet e Subsystems" hardcover, getting it as a stand-alone 64-pages softcover would be awesome nonetheless.

Yes. We need some GM-focused softcovers. Even Companion-like staple bounds.

I'm amazed to see so many people heaping praise on Magic of Incarnum. Personally, I never liked it much - it seemed like a neat, if somewhat underpowered system with some interesting concepts but a LOT of fiddliness and a lack of overview of the various options.

Incarnum was an awesome concept. As a concrete system, however, it lacked something. The new races were somewhat lackluster, and the only big suggestion for campaign was the opening of using incarnum in a world. It was designed to be an add on system, I would have liked to see it replace both divine and arcane magic, or at least suggestions for doing so. Finally, and most problematic, every incarnum user has access to all melds, meaning creating stat blocks for anything else than specific encounters requires ridiculous amounts of text. Even if you wanted to support it with adventures, it would be difficult to do. So, magnificent concept and bad execution. That is why I would want Paizo to tackle it.

Dark Archive

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Staffan Johansson wrote:
I'm amazed to see so many people heaping praise on Magic of Incarnum. Personally, I never liked it much - it seemed like a neat, if somewhat underpowered system with some interesting concepts but a LOT of fiddliness and a lack of overview of the various options.

I loved the idea of the Totemist, but 'Magical Beasts' is just an enormous unthematic hodge-podge of creatures with no rhyme or reason other than 'critter that may or may not have magical powers,' so having a class based off of abilities sampled from this muddle made for what, to me, felt like a very unthematic mish-mash of a character.

A 'Totemist' who was focused on Animal/Vermin/Dinosaur abilities, or Dragon abilities, or Undead abilities, or Fey abilities, or Elemental abilities, IMO, would have 'felt' more tightly on-theme.

Liberty's Edge

Wasteworld rpg. I love this rpg (yes, yes, I know, but everyone has one. This is mine, leave it alone.)

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Urizen wrote:
A post-apocalyptic setting. Something something staff Creative Director something something has massive outline something something Unspeakable Futures something.

Keep your eyes open for the Shadowsfall setting. It's not exactly what you are looking for, but the writer has said that as he designed the shadow plane his influences were post-apocalyptic fiction and zombie fiction/films (which I guess is just a subset of post-apocalyptic fiction).

Adding another one in here that may or may not start some discussion:

I would love to see Paizo's take on Planescape, especially "the Cage"... I mean Sigil.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

and another vote for Stronghold Builders Guide with a tie-in to the kingmaker mechanics perhaps?

and I would love to see some PDF only books (to keep the cost down) for summoned creatures - yes I can make them myself. But wouldn't it be lovely to have a PDF of summoned monsters and a second for Summon natures ally?

It would save so much time at the table.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Cavian wrote:

Adding another one in here that may or may not start some discussion:

I would love to see Paizo's take on Planescape, especially "the Cage"... I mean Sigil.

Sigil is WotC IP.

However, Paizo's The Great Beyond is a one big hell of a tribute to Planescape on oh so many levels.

Gorbacz wrote:
Cavian wrote:

Adding another one in here that may or may not start some discussion:

I would love to see Paizo's take on Planescape, especially "the Cage"... I mean Sigil.

Sigil is WotC IP.

However, Paizo's The Great Beyond is a one big hell of a tribute to Planescape on oh so many levels.

Oh I am fully aware that WotC will never give up Planescape but from what I have seen this thread is largely a thought experiment in stuff we'd like. Granted, I will certainly check out The Great Beyond the next time I find time to get to my FLGS.

Liberty's Edge

Azure_Zero wrote:
DigitalMage wrote:
I am curious, for those who are wishing for stuff like the Complete series, Races of, and environment books (Sandstorm etc) to be re-written by Paizo - is your wish simply that they be written to be Pathfinder RPG compliant (as opposed to D&D3.5), or is it that you feel those books held some promise but were flawed in some serious way and you would like Paizo to re-write them as a "better" product?
Mostly for Pathfinder RPG compliant part, and a bit on the fix the flaw part.
SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:
Either. Honestly I just like the books and don't think they need to change even if flawed (however I should mention I never actually got to try any of them), but if someone is offering I might as well see what I can get out of it.

Interesting, the reason I ask is that Pathfinder was meant to be backwards compatible, and yet people still want official conversions; a Pathfinder Freeport Companion was created despite there being a d20/3rd Era version already, and there are threads asking about conversions of classes, spells etc, and now in this thread wanting WotC books to be redone.

So I wonder whether Paizo were actually that successful with backwards compatibility, and if they knew conversions would still be wanted whether they may have decided to be less constrained by thoughts of compatibility and made more bold changes.

Anyway, somethinng for another thread I think!

Dark Archive

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Gamers are oh so lazy. ;D

Male Witches are called Warlocks


I kid, I kid....

I'd honestly like to see the older APs updated to Pathfinder RPG as some of the stuff printed is no longer applicable. Some use templates and abilities at don't quite fit into Pathfinder, or the give tactics that no longer apply. Often times, the monsters in the old APs are not powerful enough to challenge a party of equal level Pathfinder characters.

I'm currently running Curse of the Crimson Throne, and as a general rule, everything gains 2 levels and max HP. Otherwise they only last a round or two. Often times, I give them max HP, and then toss on DR 10/GM Abilities, and I still end up tacking on an extra 50 HP or so, fiating in random immunities etc.

Even if the updates were only sold in PDF format, and done in spare time, it'd be nice to see them worked on and eventually released. Perhaps even "Official" Paizo conversions of some of the more memorable characters from the APs.

Scarab Sages

Ok, so it might have been stated before, but what I would like to see is a series of books that break down each class, all thier archtypes, possible prestige classes, and which feats, skills, and items would be benificial for them. Sort of a "Complete" series, only just combining all the already available information. I hate thumbing through four books just to flesh out my Level 6 Mindchemist. A product like this would help players out a lot!

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
dfsearles wrote:
Ok, so it might have been stated before, but what I would like to see is a series of books that break down each class, all thier archtypes, possible prestige classes, and which feats, skills, and items would be benificial for them. Sort of a "Complete" series, only just combining all the already available information. I hate thumbing through four books just to flesh out my Level 6 Mindchemist. A product like this would help players out a lot!

Use the PRD, Luke.

Gorbacz wrote:
Use the PRD, Luke.

+1 for Win!

Shadow Lodge

Gorbacz wrote:
dfsearles wrote:
Ok, so it might have been stated before, but what I would like to see is a series of books that break down each class, all thier archtypes, possible prestige classes, and which feats, skills, and items would be benificial for them. Sort of a "Complete" series, only just combining all the already available information. I hate thumbing through four books just to flesh out my Level 6 Mindchemist. A product like this would help players out a lot!
Use the PRD, Luke.

I would like the PRD much better if they would update provide the information all on one page. Yes, the PRD has all the information, but it would be nice if ALL the information on fighters was in one main fighter page, instead of a fighter page for the CR, the APG, and UC. And the CR would be nice if the page for the individual spell actully listed (for example) the Witch level as well. While I somewhat understand Paizo's desire to keep it seperate, it does make the PRD less useful than it could be.

DigitalMage wrote:
Azure_Zero wrote:
DigitalMage wrote:
I am curious, for those who are wishing for stuff like the Complete series, Races of, and environment books (Sandstorm etc) to be re-written by Paizo - is your wish simply that they be written to be Pathfinder RPG compliant (as opposed to D&D3.5), or is it that you feel those books held some promise but were flawed in some serious way and you would like Paizo to re-write them as a "better" product?
Mostly for Pathfinder RPG compliant part, and a bit on the fix the flaw part.
SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:
Either. Honestly I just like the books and don't think they need to change even if flawed (however I should mention I never actually got to try any of them), but if someone is offering I might as well see what I can get out of it.

Interesting, the reason I ask is that Pathfinder was meant to be backwards compatible, and yet people still want official conversions; a Pathfinder Freeport Companion was created despite there being a d20/3rd Era version already, and there are threads asking about conversions of classes, spells etc, and now in this thread wanting WotC books to be redone.

So I wonder whether Paizo were actually that successful with backwards compatibility, and if they knew conversions would still be wanted whether they may have decided to be less constrained by thoughts of compatibility and made more bold changes.

Anyway, somethinng for another thread I think!

Backward compatible = you need to do some work to make it work and be equivalent to the system it'll be adapted to.

An offical PF version = 99% likely to be allowed by GMs

Saurstalk wrote:
Urizen wrote:
A post-apocalyptic setting. Something something staff Creative Director something something has massive outline something something Unspeakable Futures something.

D20 Modern

D20 Future
D20 Urban Arcana
D20 Apocalypse
D20 Menace Manual

Strong, Fast, Tough, Smart, Dedicated and Charismatic classes are cool, especially with talent trees and occupations to choose from, and I'd be cool with re-building these on par w. PRPG classes, but I'd also like to see Paizo re-envision PRPG classes (or at least some of them) as archetypical frameworks for modern classes.

A big +1 to this and a + 2525 to a Pathfinder framework PA setting that does not buy into the overdone and played out "zombie-apocalypse" scenario that seems to be so popular right now (for PA examples;, I loved Jeremiah and the Book of Eli, also a Big fan of the Mad Max films and the old Gamma World setting {any edition actually for the setting}; I absolutely hate The Walking Dead, 28 days later, and World of the Living Dead)

DigitalMage wrote:

Interesting, the reason I ask is that Pathfinder was meant to be backwards compatible, and yet people still want official conversions; [...]

So I wonder whether Paizo were actually that successful with backwards compatibility, and if they knew conversions would still be wanted whether they may have decided to be less constrained by thoughts of compatibility and made more bold changes.

golem101 wrote:

Gamers are oh so lazy. ;D

I wrote:

But I'd like to give Paizo money to do the work of converting them for me. And I'd like them to be in print still! :D

We are indeed lazy. And Paizo does awesome work. So, why not?

Sovereign Court

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Kthulhu wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
dfsearles wrote:
Ok, so it might have been stated before, but what I would like to see is a series of books that break down each class, all thier archtypes, possible prestige classes, and which feats, skills, and items would be benificial for them. Sort of a "Complete" series, only just combining all the already available information. I hate thumbing through four books just to flesh out my Level 6 Mindchemist. A product like this would help players out a lot!
Use the PRD, Luke.
I would like the PRD much better if they would update provide the information all on one page. Yes, the PRD has all the information, but it would be nice if ALL the information on fighters was in one main fighter page, instead of a fighter page for the CR, the APG, and UC. And the CR would be nice if the page for the individual spell actully listed (for example) the Witch level as well. While I somewhat understand Paizo's desire to keep it seperate, it does make the PRD less useful than it could be.

You mean, like this?

Do not care what book that they put it in, but I would love to see the Dragonfire Adept class brought back. That was a fun class in D&D 3.5, also the warlock would be great.

Banecrow wrote:
Do not care what book that they put it in, but I would love to see the Dragonfire Adept class brought back. That was a fun class in D&D 3.5, also the warlock would be great.

You can use this.

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****The Scarred Lands setting!!****

It is out of print and since begining my 'd20 life epic' when I picked up the first edition of D&D (after putting down my Chainmail rules), I have never enjoyed a gameworld so much.

Buy the rights, convert the crunch and spellcheck the fluff....

.... sorry to say it Paizo - but Golarion is unoriginal and flavourless gruel compared to Scarred Lands....

Silver Crusade

Caliburn101 wrote:

****The Scarred Lands setting!!****

It is out of print and since begining my 'd20 life epic' when I picked up the first edition of D&D (after putting down my Chainmail rules), I have never enjoyed a gameworld so much.

Buy the rights, convert the crunch and spellcheck the fluff....

This. :)

Caliburn101 wrote:
.... sorry to say it Paizo - but Golarion is unoriginal and flavourless gruel compared to Scarred Lands....

Not this. :(

Dark Archive

On topic....

Since you've asked for a Paizo product and not a Pathfinder fantasy RPG product I'd suggest sci-fi settings. For these sci-fi settings I'd prefer if the rules were different than the pathfinder rpg rules. Something that made the phone life or death role playing much different. For example if two guards are caring crossbows and 2 PCs have swords and swashbuckling fight starts. But is the same issue happened in shadowrun, the PC might play it a little smarter. I'm not saying to use shadowrun rules but just rules that make game play different.

Dark Archive

Caliburn101 wrote:

****The Scarred Lands setting!!****

It is out of print and since begining my 'd20 life epic' when I picked up the first edition of D&D (after putting down my Chainmail rules), I have never enjoyed a gameworld so much.

Buy the rights, convert the crunch and spellcheck the fluff....

.... sorry to say it Paizo - but Golarion is unoriginal and flavourless gruel compared to Scarred Lands....

As much as I love the SL setting (despite the burning grievance I feel everytime I look at the shelves and notice the Creature's Collection II book is missing), Paizo staff has many times answered the question about supporting multiple settings - in short: bad idea, business wise.

Maybe, implementing wildly different themes within the Golarion world (Inner Sea, Dragon Empires, Kelesh/Vudra in the future, etc.) and even something completely different set in Akiton/Castrovel - but nonetheless tied by an overall "Pathfinder" link - fits better with the company vision and ability to support different settings to play in.

Golarion may have some less extreme premises when compared to the Scarred Lands, but it's far from unoriginal and flavorless... and I have made sure that the Darakeene War Harpists concept migrated to a new home. ;-)

Jon Brazer Enterprises

golem101 wrote:
As much as I love the SL setting (despite the burning grievance I feel everytime I look at the shelves and notice the Creature's Collection II book is missing), Paizo staff has many times answered the question about supporting multiple settings - in short: bad idea, business wise.

But an excellent idea for a 3PP. I have thought of doing this seriously multiple times. Short answer is I'll start doing serious research into this idea if JBE ever becomes a full time job. Certain real life complications make it next to impossible for me to go that route self-initiated, but if I lose my day job through no fault of my own, it could become a full time job. Buying or licensing the scarred lands or one of the other more distinctive 3pp 3.x settings is a real possibility at that point.

Liberty's Edge

Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
golem101 wrote:
As much as I love the SL setting (despite the burning grievance I feel everytime I look at the shelves and notice the Creature's Collection II book is missing), Paizo staff has many times answered the question about supporting multiple settings - in short: bad idea, business wise.
But an excellent idea for a 3PP. I have thought of doing this seriously multiple times. Short answer is I'll start doing serious research into this idea if JBE ever becomes a full time job. Certain real life complications make it next to impossible for me to go that route self-initiated, but if I lose my day job through no fault of my own, it could become a full time job. Buying or licensing the scarred lands or one of the other more distinctive 3pp 3.x settings is a real possibility at that point.

First, I have to say statements like this kinda make me hope you get fired. Nothing personal. :)

Have you considered perhaps using kick starter to help you out getting JBE to become a full time job? I don't know much about kick starter, personally, but it might be worth looking into. I bet there's quite a few people who'd be willing to chip in to get scarred lands into pathfinder.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

ShadowcatX wrote:

First, I have to say statements like this kinda make me hope you get fired. Nothing personal. :)

Have you considered perhaps using kick starter to help you out getting JBE to become a full time job? I don't know much about kick starter, personally, but it might be worth looking into. I bet there's quite a few people who'd be willing to chip in to get scarred lands into pathfinder.




I really can't quit. I have another 10 years to go before I can. Child support. I want to make sure my daughter is taken care of living with her mom so I'm not looking to leave my job, but you never know how stable any job is with this economy. But as I indicated above, I've got a plan B if it does go away.

Its not the money to lease or buy the property as much as it is the time to do it right. Right now I'm basically at the limit of my abilities doing a single 32/48 page books every quarter. And that is with several months prep (hence why JBE was really quiet much of last year after the Book of the River Nations came out).

If JBE did become a full time gig, I'd have more time to not only write more but also to edit freelancers' work more, allowing me to produce more than I can now.

Dark Archive

Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
golem101 wrote:
As much as I love the SL setting (despite the burning grievance I feel everytime I look at the shelves and notice the Creature's Collection II book is missing), Paizo staff has many times answered the question about supporting multiple settings - in short: bad idea, business wise.
But an excellent idea for a 3PP. I have thought of doing this seriously multiple times. Short answer is I'll start doing serious research into this idea if JBE ever becomes a full time job. Certain real life complications make it next to impossible for me to go that route self-initiated, but if I lose my day job through no fault of my own, it could become a full time job. Buying or licensing the scarred lands or one of the other more distinctive 3pp 3.x settings is a real possibility at that point.

The day JBE takes on the Scarred Lands license, I will preorder. Just to let you know. ;D

Scarab Sages

GeraintElberion wrote:
You mean, like this?

Yes, but in book form, something I can take to a game and not worry about my computer dying, or running out of ink/paper to print it all off.

Yes - I KNOW SL won't be converted becuase of the Golarion-driven business model. That's a no-brainer.

However - what I would LIKE, and what I EXPECT are two different things in this case.

I think that just a crunch conversion book or just PDF would 'fly off the shelves'. I would happily pay $40-$50 for a book and around $20 for a PDF - and I am not alone. Every single d20 player I know would do the same.

Without virtually no exceptions, anyone who has played or run SL that I know off (and I must know ~60 RP'ers well enough) thought SL was a fantastic setting.

Yes I am a 'fanboi' - but I hold it in high regard because it deserves it, not out of misplaced loyalty. My three complaints would be the artwork, the too-often encountered errata and the 'rush to finish' at the end of the series which left Asherak et al more of a footnote than a fully realised part of the gameworld.

But in terms of the fine art of world building - there is no commercially available gameworld which comes up to the same well-balanced level of depth, immersion and variety in my opinion. As a GM it was simply a delight to run - ideas just lept off the page at every turn, making my campaigns easy to build in the most engaging and immersive fashion.

A site with the full range of campaign book PDFs and a crunch PF conversion PDF would likely be very successful.

I would do it myself if I had the time....

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

I'd like to see someone* do Scarred Lands PDFs. Likely the part that would make some other SL fans cry, I'd love to see the spells/prestige classes brought (powerwise) in-line with current PFRPG offerings. Some of them are just really powerful even compared to Pathfinder.


Someone competent, mind you. :-P

Dark Archive

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A Red Mantis book a la Scarlet Brotherhood by what's his name.

Shadow Lodge

If I where just to reaching into the lands of purely never going to happen fantasy, I'd go with the 3E Dragonlance world, minus the adventures (which where amazing).

Realistically, I'd love something along the lines of the complete books, class guides, and/or the Heroes of books. Particularly the last one, Heroes of Horror and the mythical Heroes of Intrigue, particularly if it took a look at bringing the Core classes (that don't have obvious ins into that playstyle) into the fold, so nothing muich for Rogues or Bards for Heroes of Intrigue, for example, and little for Paladins in Heroes of Horror.

I'd be interested in seing a Paizo style nWoD or PF Modern, like this.

I'd like a Manual of the Planes style book, for Pathfinder, NOT Golarion. I'd absolutely love, again PathFinder, not Golarion, a short serioes of books like the greatest D&D book in existance outside core. Specifically one or two focused on variant magic and similar major rules systems, one for high magic, and one for low magic, and things liket that.

If this is just a thought exercise wish list, I would love to see a complete pathfinder-ised Greyhawk campaign setting. Also, Pathfinder: Modern

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

I would like to see a Golarian version of some of the old AD&D flavor books, like "Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog," and "Leaves from the Inn or the Last Home." I know there is already a 3pp book like Aurora's, but I would like to see a Golarian flavored one. These types of books are honestly some of my favorites, mostly because I can use them as GM to flavor my games and I can use them as a player to flavor my character.

While epic level book are not really something I am really interested in, they would be required for a Deities and Demigods book. I create worlds of my own, and a couple my them have gods that are really, really active in people's lives. Knowing their stats means I know their limitations and strengths, and a book that helps me build stats is what I really need. The 3.x version of the book was cool in concept, but poor in execution.

A Magic Item Compendium is pretty high on my list. The book also needs have at least a way to quickly reference all of the items by slot and type. Having to do a manual search for all items in the "Hand" slot (of which there are very few of by the way,) is annoying. Also this book needs expanded tables and help on how to create your own items.

All of Spelljammer, and Planescape...and Mystara....

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I'm amazed at some of the requests here, some of these books are so rules lite as to be almost completely usable with PFRPG. I use Heroes of Battle constantly in our Kingmaker sub-campaign.

If Paizo were to rewrite something, I'd go with Planescape/Sigil or rather their version of the Great Beyond and a city at the center.

Rewrites don't really interest me, I already bought the books once.

I don't buy that anyone would be happy with an updated TOB or Warlock class. Those classes were beyond "power creep" they were "power jumps". Paizo versions would be so radically toned down that they'd be unrecognizable.

I could totally see an Unearted Arcana product with all of the subsystems in one place.
Battle System would be nice as well; our house ruled mass combat system is clunky.

Grand Lodge

Elves of golarion for pathfinder not 3.5 easy enough to mod but i like completeness.Several of the green ronin d20 series like wheel of time,thieves world,and black company books.good books but way too complex of systems would be better if paizo simplified them a bit.

zagnabbit wrote:
I don't buy that anyone would be happy with an updated TOB or Warlock class. Those classes were beyond "power creep" they were "power jumps". Paizo versions would be so radically toned down that they'd be unrecognizable.

Warlock toned down? It wasn't overpowered in 3.5, quite contrary it was quite unimpressive - it worked as one-trick specialist or even better as opponent when it could rely on very small selection of abilities but to be a decent PC class in Pathfinder it would need powering up.

Drejk wrote:
zagnabbit wrote:
I don't buy that anyone would be happy with an updated TOB or Warlock class. Those classes were beyond "power creep" they were "power jumps". Paizo versions would be so radically toned down that they'd be unrecognizable.
Warlock toned down? It wasn't overpowered in 3.5, quite contrary it was quite unimpressive - it worked as one-trick specialist or even better as opponent when it could rely on very small selection of abilities but to be a decent PC class in Pathfinder it would need powering up.

Now see I found it to be quite powerful in it's own way.

The class was surprisingly lackluster in a 15 minute adventuring day. Not so in a "running of the gauntlet".

It sniped better than an archer

It blasted better than a sorcerer

It required very few feats, with very little trade off decisions.

It got a very limited number of SLAs, but it got the best ones;
Unlimited flight
Unlimited invisibility
Unlimited dispel magic, with a damaging secondary
Unlimited dimension door, with a decoy left behind
Unlimited Evard's Black Tentacles

He self healed
He almost auto checked on UMD
He got material based DR

I found it to be a very strong class
While it lacked the versatility of a full caster, it was exceptional at what it did.
Again it depended on the game, but in a game where there were multiple encounters, he could full out everytime.

I felt the Swordsage was similar in it's superiority to combat casters for similar reasons. Not that this was necessarily a bad thing.

Compared to how powerful PF PCs are though. I don't think a straight conversion of either the Warlock or the Swordsage would be too overpowered anymore.

I would like to see some old school books brought back.
The Wilderness and Dungeon Survival guides D&D 2nd Ed.

Because we all know 95% of our gaming is done in either the wilderness or a dungeon. Makes sense to remake those over most other books.

If the Wilderness Survival guide covers more than just forests.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
If the Wilderness Survival guide covers more than just forests.

Yes I agree a full complement of outdoor environments.

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