Banecrow's page
Goblin Squad Member. 343 posts (359 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.
So I am trying to understand the new crafting system for the alchemist I want to make. Can someone please help me understand this some.
If I wanted to make level 1 alchemical fire bombs, I could make up to 4 of them at a time. Each of these normally cost 3gp each, so normal price would be 12gp, I would have to invest 6gp of materials up front and at the end of 4 days I would then have to pay the remaining 6 if I managed to succeed on my craft roll.
Is this correct? For small cost items it seems such a waste of time when it would be just easier to buy them from a npc especially since you pay full price anyways.
And yes I realize if you take extra days you can reduce the remainder of the price but it seems such a waste of time for only 4 of them.
So my white haired witch just reached level 4 and can now use her hair to trip people. Now my question is when I hit an opponent with my hair can I attempt both a grapple and a trip? Both state I can do it when I strike someone with my hair. I do not think I can do it but I am honestly not finding any rule saying that I cannot. Can anyone weigh in on this for me please.
Ok so I have a question concerning XP in adventure paths. Sometimes you may see something like "If the players manage to save all the NPC's award them 2400 bonus xp" Now the question is this 2400 per player OR is it 2400 divided by the number of players?
Dave Justus wrote: I'm not sure boar style works with this. Boar style triggers on multiple hits, not on damage, although you are damaging them with your hair twice, you are only hitting them with it once.
A Grapple is a type of attack. The fact that I have strangle just allows me to do damage right away instead of waiting till the next turn.
avr wrote: Andy Brown wrote: How are you proficient with hair as a weapon at 1st level? FAQ. Yeah just saw that, I am starting at lv 4 so can just put it as level 3rd level feat and do unarmed strike as first.
So just wanted to get some advice and other peoples thoughts on this build.
Bringing in a 4th level character to a campaign and am playing around with a Brawler/White Haired Witch build. We were doing rolled stats and the key ones of importance are after human racial bonus I will have a 20 int and a 16 dex.
First level Brawler (Strangler Archetype)
Feat 1 Weapon Finesse
Feat 2(human bonus) Weapon Focus Hair
Second Level Witch (White Haired Witch Archetype)
Third Level Witch
Feat 3 Improved Unarmed Strike (loose it as strangler archetype in return get bonus to grapple and sneak attack on grapple damage)
Fourth Level Witch
But going forward I will take 5th level as brawler so I get another d6 for the grapple sneak attack and the feat will be Feral Combat Training. (this will allow me to use feats that require improved unarmed attacks with a natural weapon instead)
6th and 7th level will be witch and the 7th level feat will be Boar Style.
This is what I have so far but by 7th level my hair has a 10' reach, I am hitting for 1d4+5 damage and if I hit I start a grapple, if grapple succeeds then I do another 1d4+5 and if the target is susceptible to sneak attack then that grapple damage does another 4d6 (2d6 from the Strangler archetype and another 2d6 from the Boar Style).
So can a white haired witch take the extra hex feat in order for them to get a hex?
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I can deal with a lot of the mechanics for the 2.0. Even the ones I have not liked that much. But this Resonance concept ends up being the deal breaker for me. It takes away from the high fantasy and turns magic into some sort of limited resource.
Sorry Paizo, you loose me with this portion of the rules =/
Just wanting to figure out how burn damage works for a Kineticist when they have temporary HP from spells such as False Life or Death Knell. From my understanding by RAW you would loose these temporary HP first.
So this came up in the game last night and was hoping to get some clarification and if you could give me sources of where I could find this information that would be great. I have not GMed in years so am just getting back into it.
So last night the party ran into a group of troglodytes who have the stench ability. Now the question is, do the PC's have to make a save for each troglodyte's stench to avoid the effect or is it just one save for the entire encounter.
Also another encounter the players ran into giant spiders. One player got poisoned and then bit again, does the player have to make another save or is he just already poisoned? Does the poison effect stack?
If you can please refer me to the rules where these questions are clarified that would be great.
Thanks a lot for the help.
So I am new to the Kineticist class and had a question about the Gather power ability.
The power states it reduces the cost of a blast wild talent by 1 point. Looking through all the wild talents I cannot see any that are listed as blast type, they all seem to say Utility.
Am I missing something here or does it just lower the cost of all Wild Talents?
Trish Megistos wrote: The general assumption is that if there is no other information or doesn't require any sort of cost it's a standard action. Not what I asked lol. Yes it says in the ability that it is a standard action. It also says you can have one up, I was asking if you can use this ability multiple times a day.
So I was looking over the spellscar oracle. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/oracle/mysteries/paizo-oracle- mysteries/spellscar/
And I had a question about the Animate Primal Force revelation. It says that the elemental lasts a number of rounds equal to your Cha modifier but how many times per day can you use this?? Once it goes away can you just summon another?
Alayern wrote: In the same table where it lists the chances for each (pg 183), the rightmost column lists the effects. For reference:
Vital Organ: 18-19 Fort save 1d4 Con damage.
Brain: 20 Stunned 1 Round.
I am a f+@&ing idiot ignore me now thanks lol
quasiconundrum wrote: As far as what the effects do, I'd refer to Conditions on 273-277, and ability damage on 252. Hmm maybe I am missing it, the wounding locations that you can have are 1-10 (general) no save, so I am guessing nothing happens
11-13 (Eye sensory) Reflex save
14-15 (Leg mobility) Fort save
16-17 (Arm manipulation) Reflex save
18-19 (vital organ) Fort save
20 (Brain) Fort save
So what happens when you get the Brain result or the vital organ result? That is what I am trying to find for this.
On page 182 and 183 of the main book it talks about the Wound critical hit special effect. The chart talks about the hit locations and the type of saves they require but I cannot find anything about what the DC of the save is or what the location effect does.
Can anyone help me out please.
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So a dragonkin has a reach of 10 feet normally. If they are using a dragonglaive which has the reach special property does this mean they now threaten squares up to 15 feet away?
Was wondering if Enhanced Resistant feat can be taken multiple times. Each time with a different resistant type that is.
So the armor storm fighting style at lv 1 you can treat your unarmed attacks when wearing heavy or powered armor as if you were wearing a battle glove of your level or lower.
When I go to the equipment guide I only see 4 battle gloves listed, lv 1, lv 10, lv 13 and lv 17. Does this mean you only get damage upgrades at those levels? Are you stuck doing 1d4 till you are lv 10?
Ok I misread that then, good to know lol
Does the extra 0.5 damage boost from this gear boost stack with the Vesk claw weapon specialization? Normally class get 1.5x your level as bonus damage starting at 3rd level, would this boost it to 2.0x your level as bonus damage?
So I have had the CRB for less than 2 weeks now. I was a subscriber and have mostly been using my free PDF but with as little as I have been using the physical book it is already falling apart. This is not what I expect for a $60 book, very much unacceptable.
Ok thank you for answering that.
So I just got my pdf access today and have been reading it over and I had a question.
In pathfinder you got extra attacks as your base attack bonus got higher. Did they take this out of Starfinder? I was not seeing anything about it, but then again I only have my pdf so far so searching can be troublesome.
Had someone shoot one of our members earlier while gathering then run off when he fired back lol. I was close by and came over and we chased him to Marchmont. He decided to just log out before he got to the bank and then made the mistake of coming back online 10 minutes later and we were still sitting there waiting for him. Good times were had and much coal was gained.
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Well all things considering I am more inclined to believe the Golgotha members for this one. Considering Atome and 2 of his friends kept killing my alt who had no xp trained while I was killing goblins. Was not afk, even asked why and after I did they came back and killed me again.
Slammy just has great skills, one of the best I have seen so far at pvp in pathfinder lol.
Doc || Allegiant Gemstone Co. wrote: Quote: Think about why you are not playing those games, and stop trying to make PFO more like them. I don't think existence of nameplates ever crosses my mind as a reason.
This is a game not a simulation.
I think making company or (when in game) friends have their name tag or a friendly icon of sorts is a decent compromise.
Unknown people are unknown, so no nametag. Just kill them all. You know Doc that is a good idea. If you are part of the same company/settlement then yeah you get to have name tags if not then no tag. That would make pvp a lot better and not having to guess.
Only thing to add to it though is that I would want something if say you have an alliance with another settlement then the two settlement leaders should be able to flag it as such so that the names also show.
Yes you can enchant your fists...in a way.
You just have to pay 7500 gold and have someone to cast greater magic fang and Permanency on you.
Azaelas Fayth wrote: @Banecrow: If you look he references the Vulpine Pounce Feat. Dam missed that line lol.
Ok if he charges he only gets 1 attack at full BAB. Charging allows you to only make one standard attack not a full round attack.
Now on the second round when you are able to make a full attack you would get all 5 from flurry of blows AND your bite attack.
There are feats out there that can change this, things like pounce and such but without those feats it is only 1 attack after a charge.
You could always play a Samsaran and take the alternate racial ability Mystic Past Life. It allows you to add spells to your spell list.
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Buri wrote: The DC 20 to simply detect their presence is counter to the illusion school description. You're telling someone else's mind: hey, I'm not here. So, they don't see you. They pay no mind to you to even look unless you do something stupid like bump into a piece of furniture or something. There is already a boon given for detecting moving invisible creatures which is half the bonus to stealth.
Actually you are quite wrong there. Invisiblity is a glamor, it changes YOU and does not effect someone elses mind.
PRD wrote: Glamer: A glamer spell changes a subject's sensory qualities, making it look, feel, taste, smell, or sound like something else, or even seem to disappear. With invisibility the subject is the person targeted by the spell, thus the one invisibile.
Ciaran Barnes wrote: Blasphemy. You can't play D&D without a cleric. Or a rogue. Heh done it before without a cleric, and our rogue was switching every level between rogue and bard.
Wind Chime wrote: I really wish I had noticed that race before starting play getting all those summoner spells early would of been an untold boon to my build (haste at 2, greater invisibility at 3, Greater Planar Binding at 6, Banishment at 5 etc). Mind you that can't really be balanced. Summoner is arcane and druid is divine, you have to choose from a list that is the same type of casting as you. I.E. Divine to divine or arcane to arcane. So a Samsaran druid could not take spells from the summoner list.
kyrt-ryder wrote: Wizards can turn people into spoons OMG that one simple sentence just made my day! You have someone going on about how awesome/broken a build idea is and you just shut it down with those 6 simple words.
Turin the Mad wrote:
EDIT: blood money "keys" the created material component to a "spell that you currently have prepared". Oh, this is even better - you can nuke yourself into nappy land. When you wake up, you have the costly M component for whatever it is you are going to cast. Weeee!
Still, dragon disciples are pooched on combining this with wish.
Actually no, you must use the component in the same round that blood money is cast. That is why casting blood money is a swift action. If you do not use it the component goes away.
I always liked the blood money + fabricate combo. Hello Mithril chainmail, adamantine sword etc.
The material component for the fabricate spell is the material needed to make the item. Thus blood money allows you to make mithril, adamantine etc items without having anything.
wraithstrike wrote: Natch wrote: I'm not saying this is 100% RAW, but the way I always saw it, the DC 20 Perception was to notice something that was invisible, but not trying to hide. Say a pixie got into the room and was just buzzing around invisibly, it'd be a DC 20 to notice it. If the pixie then tried to use stealth, the DC to notice it becomes 20 plus the stealth roll.
Essentially, the DC 20 "notice active invisible creature" would be an opposed check against a Stealth roll of 0 (because the creature made no attempt to hide). Any actual effort at stealth increases the DC to notice it. Even on a nat 1, trying to hide can't be less effective than not hiding, unless you've got negative Dexterity mods and no ranks, in which case you are objectively a clumsy oaf.
That is incorrect.
Even in 3.5 they had an article on this.
The DC to "notice" a creature, and the DC to "locate" a creature are not the same. The flat DC 20 is just to nice someone within 30 feet. The actual stealth modifier is to pinpoint the square the creature is in.
If you wish to pinpoint the square of the invisible creature the DC is 40(assuming they are not stealthing. That is because of the +20 modifier for pinpointing the creature. Remember, then you make a perception check to locate an invisible creature it is to find the square, not to notice them. That is why noticing them is only a flat 20, but to find the square they are in is much more difficult. It is not always 40 there are modifiers to that DC depending on the situation.
In combat or speaking –20
Moving at half speed –5
Moving at full speed –10
Running or charging –20
Not moving +20
Using Stealth Stealth check +20
Some distance away +1 per 10 feet
Behind an obstacle (door) +5
Behind an obstacle (stone wall) +15
The base DC is 20, to notice if they are within 30'. If you try to pinpoint it then it is still base 20 but you add +20 for invisibility then you add any modifiers.
Example Invisible creature is 20 feet from you and is moving at 1/2 speed and makes a stealth check of 15 the DC to notice them would be 20 (base) + 20(invisible) + 15 (Stealth) +2(distance) -5(movement) = DC52
Adamantine Dragon wrote: Banecrow, please explain to me what an "active invisible creature" means. Because if I'm trying to hide from you, even while invisible, I'm going to be as "inactive" as I can possibly be.
It does not say you can notice the presence of "an invisible creature in the room". It says an "active invisible creature within 30 feet."
Thus the DC 20 does not necessarily apply. If I am deliberately trying to hide from you, then you need to make a perception check against my stealth.
Look at the chart in the invisibility section I linked in my above post.
In the case of they are TRYING to hide from you then it is DC 20 + your stealth check. It lays it all out for you there.
By active I take it to mean it is not taking extra actions to hide its presence such as using stealth etc.
You are right about the 30' but then most rooms are not much bigger than 30'.
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Adamantine Dragon wrote: This is the second time someone has asserted that detecting an invisible person is a straight DC 20 perception check. According to BOTH the "invisibility" spell and the "perception" skill description, invisibility is not a straight DC 20, it is a PLUS TWENTY to the perception check DC.
Perception goes against stealth. So how are you getting it's a straight DC 20?
First off I said it was DC 20 to notice they were in the room with you. You can see it in the PRD PRD Scroll down to invisibility section
But if you do not feel like scrolling down here is the quote.
PRD wrote: A creature can generally notice the presence of an active invisible creature within 30 feet with a DC 20 Perception check. The observer gains a hunch that “something's there” but can't see it or target it accurately with an attack. It's practically impossible (+20 DC) to pinpoint an invisible creature's location with a Perception check. Even once a character has pinpointed the square that contains an invisible creature, the creature still benefits from total concealment (50% miss chance). There are a number of modifiers that can be applied to this DC if the invisible creature is moving or engaged in a noisy activity. Detect Magic allows them to pinpoint the square the invisible creature is in after 3 rounds, but it does not negate the 50% miss chance.
In fact by the rules if the invisible creature is in combat with you they are at a -20 to the DC to pinpoint the square they are in so you only need a DC 20 perception check then also.
Adamantine Dragon wrote: The greatest benefit, by far, for being invisible is that nobody knows you are there in the first place. Allowing a cantrip to reveal that someone is present means a cantrip is negating the purpose of a level 2 spell.
I fundamentally disagree entirely with detect magic revealing invisible creatures. It's one of the very few actual house rules I have.
Trust me I had the same argument. I ranted and raved about it myself. But fact is by RAW detect magic can tell you what 5' square an invisible person/item is at after 3 rounds of concentration.
Now that said, it DOES NOT negate the 50% miss chance for attacking an invisible creature. And if that invisible creature moves out of your cone you have to start the 3 rounds over again to find him.
Remember a DC 20 perception check will let you know there is someone invisible in the room with you, flower can be used to show what square that person is in for 1 round. There are lots of ways to detect someone who is invisible this is just one of them and an imperfect one at that. All you know is the general area that the person is.
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Cranefist wrote: I agree with your GM as well. I'd never let Detect Magic detect an illusion. An invisible person is invisible because they have a mind effecting enchantment that makes you not notice them. If there was a camera, they would be on the film. If you looked at the camera while they have the spell up, you would not see them.
In my opinion, using DM to detect invisibility would make sense if the invisibility was evocation - a physical bending of the light. As a mind affecting spell, it doesn't matter what he's radiating - you won't notice it because you can't notice it.
I would agree with you but the problem is invisibility does not stop divination spells. It says so in the rules. it is in the glossary section under invisibility.
Here is the PRD page scroll about 3/4s of the way down to invisibility and it is the 2nd to last sentence in the section.
PRD scroll down to invisibility section
Remember that detect magic takes 3 rounds and is a cone, if the invisible person moves out of the cone the 3 rounds to detect them start over.
Why not just make him invest the feats to get it?
There are drow feats that allow them to get the 11+ SR
Drow PRD
Seems fair to me.
But remember SR can be a hinderance for him. It blocks friendly spells also. Meaning if the healer in the group wants to even heal him he needs to spend an action to lower his SR or the healer needs to try and overcome it and chance wasting the spell.
KingmanHighborn wrote: Con is third Most of your spells are touch spells, you do not need to have a huge bonus in dex to still hit. You honestly should not be using a bow or crossbow. Use acid splash or ray of frost.
Lets look at the statistics here
Lets say your oponent is a human wearing say chainmail armor and has a good dex of 14.
so we have 10+5+2=17ac
Lets say you put 16 into dex givng you a +3 to hit when you fire that bow/xbow. You still need to roll a 14+ to hit. Giving you roughly a 35% to hit.
Now lets say you instead only put 12 in dex but instead use ray of frost/acid splash. Against the same figther you now attack his Touch AC which is only 12. With the above example you only need to roll an 11+ to hit which gives you a 50% chance to hit. yes it is a bit less damage but you hit more often and you do not have to worry about things like ammo and such.
I much rather have the higher hit points and more consistant damage than go for the chance of a bigger hit (Remember that bow or xbow can still end up only doing 1-3 damage). The hit points will keep me alive, the more consistant damage when I am not doing other things like grease or color spray will contribute more in the long run.
Actually it says you MAY deal damage to the weapon. that makes me think you have to choose.
When you crit you get to choose, deal normal damage or try and destroy their weapon instead. It opens up the option for you, makes it so you did not have to anounce it ahead of time.
KingmanHighborn wrote: Well outside of INT your highest stat should be DEX, and having a trusty crossbow works wonders. I personally disagree, I find Con very important. The extra hit points each level add up.
MiniGM wrote: dont forget to carry a acid flask or liquid ice for +1 to damage for acid splash or ray of frost
full disclosure i did not read the whole thread so that might have been mentioned
Where is the rule for that at?
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master_marshmallow wrote:
naturally going 1st is essential, so fleet-footed elf with reactionary trait, improved initiative, and a compsognathus familiar with a DEX of at least +3 should do ok, netting a +19 initiative at level 1
How do you get 19?
Fleet-footed is +2 racial bonus, reactionary is +2 trait bonus, Improved initiative is +4 feat bonus and Compsognathus is +4 familiar bonus. Add that to the +3 dex bonus and you only have +15. Still awesome at 1st level and you will almost always go first.