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73 posts. Alias of Dave Spik.

Ten Dumb Things D&D Won’t Change
January 15, 2013 | Chris Dias | Comments 11
Oh sure, there are certain mechanical decisions other games have done better. I’m not even talking about some of the philosophical choices made. I’m talking about weird mechanics which the designers appear to refuse to deviate from, concepts not only carried over from past editions, but ones recent editions, including D&D Next AND Pathfinder still insist on adhering to. There are many staples of D&D, ones which we know will never change, but the following list are issues which I wish they would address.
Beyond the statistical flaws present in comparing a D20 die roll against 3D6, your actual attribute value means very little. Think about it, when is your attribute score ever used? Back in the old editions, every numerical increase gave you something, but that stopped nearly 20 years ago. In 4th Edition, your Constitution score was used to generate hit points at 1st level, but that was it. Everything else was derived from your attribute bonus, which is itself derived from said attribute score. But if that’s true, why have an attribute score in the first place? It does nothing anymore other than give you another fixed number. Oh sure, there’s that mechanic indicating that you only gain another +1 attribute bonus from 2 increments of your score, but that’s easily worked around. Other games don’t bother. So someone has a -1 to Charisma instead of 8. It means exactly the same thing and the -1 is applicable to rolls while the 8 is not. At one point, there was some reason for it, back in the old days, but it hasn’t in a long time.
Isn’t it unusual that a wizard gaining his knowledge from reading spellcraft is cursed to forget his spells at the beginning of each day? I’m aware of the need for limiting the uses of spells, but inventive writers have worked around this dilemma for decades. The best idea D&D can come up with is that magic somehow wipes its knowledge from the guy who spends the whole of his life trying to remember it. Ironic? Yes? An annoying meta-rule to work around logical problems? Yes. Necessary? No. This is another Wheel of Fortune conundrum—you know of that I speak; when choices are limited, people eventually just pick the same options as everyone else. Since Wizards need to select certain spells to use each day, it precludes them from doing anything actually clever. They’ve tried to work around this with the use of rituals, but even D&D Next and Pathfinder have still wrapped their heads around this obsolete concept that magic acts likes a dick. Wizards require a long rest and are then forced to select which spells to memorize, even if they might’ve cast said spell a thousand times by that point. Christopher Lee is 90 years old; he’s memorized the Lord of the Rings, every G&!-d+@ned page, so I’m pretty sure Gandalf should be able to recall magic missile whenever the hell he wants.
D&D Next put Monk front and center with their core classes, because it makes perfect sense. There isn’t a single work of high fantasy that doesn’t make the mistake of excluding bare-fisted kung-fu flying magic men from their setting. It reminds me of a famous Gardner Dozois quote where he said (paraphrasing) there was no problem within a science fiction story which couldn’t be solved by putting dinosaurs in it. And now we have magic monks. Not just martial artists, I’m talking G@+-d@~ned immortal teleporting indestructible flying men wrapped in robes that can throw fire from their hands. Why bother being a fighter wielding a clumsy sword. A rust monster could reduce his armor to dust. But a monk could punch your colon through your throat and be naked doing it. It’s like lining up the characters from the Fantastic Four film and thinking to yourself, okay, these make sense. We got water, earth, air, fire…and…bad ass armor with lightning? For once, I would just like a martial artist, and not some ridiculous retreading of an increasingly annoying cinematic cliché.
Someone made an argument that saving throws were intended to be a last ditch survival roll to prevent something horrible from happening. Unfortunately, it evolved into the single die roll you were given to prevent the instant and utter eradication of your character. One random number generator disregarding your AC and hit points which would wipe your character from that plane of existence. At least with 4th Edition, nothing could ever kill you dead unless you were already close to dying. Some people will applaud that brutal nature of the game, but there’s a point where that stops being fun, especially when it’s your character. I wouldn’t mind saving throws if it truly was a last ditch effort. A monster fires its hex vision, rolls to attack and hits, and THEN you get your saving throw—a double chance to avoid petrification. I haven’t even gone into the mechanics themselves, a topic I’ve ranted about previously. Why does a melee attacker have to roll to attack but a spell fall to the defender to roll? This was another point 4th Edition got right. D&D Next goes half way, crystallizing the problem while simultaneously only partially addressing it. There shouldn’t be a separate mechanic for spells and melee attacks; die rolls should fall to the attacker. If saving throws are required, make it for extreme spell effects, and only after an attack has succeeded. This also leads me to my next issue.
So let me get this straight. I get hit with a fireball and I wear no armor. My AC is entirely Dex based, but I still make a Dex-based saving throw, which is not connected to AC. If I wore armor, said armor should provide protection against fire…because stuff you wear just does that; it’s one of the reasons why we wear clothes. And yet it doesn’t, and said fireball is entirely based on a separate mechanic to my claimed primary defensive statistic. Armor Class has always been an obsolete concept which should have been abandoned with the eradication of THACO. To then create a separate saving throw or defense for avoiding things and what you have is this clumsy set of situations which are arbitrarily categorized to affect only certain situations. So when said dragon breathes fire, our poor fighter has no hope, because apparently being draped in four layers of cloth and metal provides zero protection. And what annoys me the most is that the solution has been easy from the get go. AC should be about avoidance and armor should be damage resistance. It’s called hardness, a mechanic the game already has!
In order to prevent players from utterly crucifying DMs when that solitary saving throw versus death is failed, D&D placated the masses by making death…well…annoying. Dying means very little. Don’t bother with tears or burial rights. Just make sure the body is intact until you can FedEx it to Miracle Max, ensuring the corpse is only mostly dead. Let’s get the obvious out of the way; there is no society in any reality which can function with commonplace resurrection. When mortality and economics combine, what you have left are legions of suffering peons which would hold every cleric to the fire to bring their dead wife or child back to life. And yet death and resurrection is a staple of gaming…well actually it’s not. In fact, few games outside of MMOs really involve true resurrection with little to no penalties. Most games actually feature save games, meaning the situation just becomes a giant do over. You may think that’s a jarring mechanic, but consider how valid the alternative is to a legitimate fantasy setting. Death should mean something more than a slight financial burden.
Sometimes, I think Wizards have their oddball mechanics in order to justify other classes. Nearly every edition of D&D has had a huge spells chapter encompassing in some cases half a book. No matter what spellcaster you make, they all tap from this same list with many sharing the same spells. But do we truly need all of them? And what fantasy world would take them all? Most settings only permit one, maybe two; do we really need a cleric, wizard, sorcerer, druid, bard, paladin, ranger, and in some cases even warlock. Sorcerer and wizard are basically the same class with some clumsy mechanics separating them, thus also proving the mechanical limitations on each are meaningless. Second, do we really require our paladins and rangers to be spellcasters? Do we really need a bard spellcaster? And then to have every one of these function with the exact same mechanics, tapping the same spell list, often sharing identical features from other spellcasters…it makes the whole ordeal…well…an ordeal. I’ve not run a game without outright banning most of them. I don’t mind wizard and I don’t mind druid. I have separate feelings on cleric, but most of the others could fall between the couch cushions.
Do you want to make a dwarf druid? Well don’t, because you’re stupid. Apparently that’s the argument from power gamers everywhere. Unlike human beings, fey races (you know, the halflings, elves and such) are skewed to specific roles, clichés, even stereotypes. This can almost be considered racial profiling; this ethnic group is populated by terrorists, while this ethnic group are all thieves…just like halflings. And why wouldn’t you make a character this way? Bonuses from being an elf generally boost your Intelligence and Dexterity, so why be anything other than a class using those attributes. For a brief time, 4th Edition played with the idea of customization, but D&D Next runs right back into static boosts, something Pathinfer is still stubborn to change. Despite creative gamers trying concepts purely out of some private fantasy; hardcore gamers are always smart enough to find the killer combination of class and race to make one clearly superior to another. Fantasy worlds may wallow in cliché, do we have to create mechanics for it?
Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. I hate alignment so much, I ignore it utterly in every game I play. 4th Edition tried to downplay the system somewhat but my perspective is that it should go completely. I find it irksome when people try to categorize me in real life, so I find it annoying and unnecessary when a game implements it as a rule. I don’t mind holy and unholy dichotomies, but good and evil is at its basic philosophical level quite nebulous. To then impose mechanics around lawful and chaotic ideas and then make abilities based on them is unwanted and unneeded. I simply tell my players that they have to play heroes and let them define for themselves what that means.
Do you remember that famous fantasy book where a band of intrepid heroes went on a quest wearing a million gold coins worth of magical items which they purchased at a nearby bizarre? Of course not, because that’s insane. I’ve always wondered about any game where plucky heroes are walking around with magic items worth more than the kingdom they are trying to save. You couldn’t even assume one was a family heirloom since after four levels, you’d have to sell it to acquire a better variant. I’ve actually seen adventurers with polished perfect armor and magical sporting rings, cloaks, amulets, and periapts ride into town in a rickety old caravan. They wear all of this, ignoring the sensible alternative of perhaps trading in all that magic in exchange for a castle made of solid silver, in order to slay a dragon for the sole purpose of acquiring more gold and purchasing slightly better magic. It makes you question the sanity of the adventuring profession. They sleep in the mud under the stars, and then put on their +5 armor to kill some trolls. Peasants would look on and ask themselves, “Why did they buy magic armor? Why didn’t they buy food?” The constant drive to acquire better magic items is something we tolerate in ridiculous video games, but even some of those create mechanics allowing you to keep the same weapon for the entire progress of your character. The items in particularly simply get better as characters do.
Readers may imagine certain mechanics they would want to add to the list. Some people criticize classes. I don’t generally. This is one where I don’t mind filling a mold. As for deities, yes, I admit I hate them, but I also understand its part of D&D canon. I just cut them out of my own personal settings. What would you like to see gone from D&D even though you know perfectly well it never will be?
Thanks everyone you all have been a great help. I am DMing the game so I just need so things to mix it up. I think that many of you said don't take the players control away and I fully agree with that.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Does anyone have a list of 20-30 Arcane spells that are anywhere from 1st-5th lvl that are best to use against a general line up of PC classes?
I have done some searching online and have come up empty handed. I very rarely use spells or even play a spell caster its just not my type of class I like to play so I need some serious help.
Thanks for any advice you can offer.
So I was looking in U Camp and I can not find the range of range attacks. So did some more research and looked at Ultimate Battle and War. I did not find anything there as well or maybe I missed something. Can someone help me out to understand how the distance in mass combat works and what the ranges are? Is it if you can see it you can hit it or what?
Electric Wizard wrote: You should read this novel. It explains the under-dark very well.
book = the descent
Theme: The author's knowledge of mountaineering is evident, with vivid
descriptions of caving and of underground topography.
I will check it out thanks.
Jiggy wrote: A dungeon designed with long-term thinking could have everburning torches (or other continual flame targets) keeping an area lit.
I don't know specifically about the Underdark, but I've seen/heard of adventures with caves that had bioluminescent fungus.
Cool thanks for the ideas.
So I have been searching for how are Dungeons, Undergrounds and Underdark Lite. I know there are torches and the light spell, But what other means can they be lite with both magical, chemical, mechanical, and natural possibly. Any help would be appreciated. Also is the any list of different of types of hazardous terrain as well.
BigDTBone wrote: Cerealkiller wrote: BigDTBone wrote: If you host it in one drive ( Microsoft online storage) then you can use it in the excel web app. Both are free. Awesome thanks. No problem. Excel web app is pretty neat and lets you display an interactive spreadsheet in an iframe. example
If you go that route and just need a place to host the page pointer, send me a pm and I'll put it on my site. That would be awesome once I get it all finalized I will.
BigDTBone wrote: If you host it in one drive ( Microsoft online storage) then you can use it in the excel web app. Both are free. Awesome thanks.
Papa-DRB wrote: Dropbox or Goggle Drive has free options. Thanks.
Liz Courts wrote: You can't. You'll have to post a link to the file hosted elsewhere. Do you have any suggestions on where to have it hosted. See I have been working on a Excel sheet with all of the pathfinder monsters in it and it auto calculates the info and I would like to share it.
How do I post a excel file in a thread so people can download it and view it?
chavamana wrote: All of the images in the books are the property of Paizo and any website that uses them (other than the images that have been previewed on the Paizo Blog) would be violating Paizo's copyright.
However, for your own personal use, you can copy and select the images in your own copy of a pdf. See some of the previous threads where information concerning this has come up.
I am using it for my personal use. I am going to display it on my computer screen I'am just tired of finding it in the hard copy and opeing the book and holding it up for everyone. So thanks for your help. May be one day Paizo will make then avaiable as JPEG or something like Wizards of the Coast did.
I am looking for Jpeg images of all the pathfinder monsters. I don't want to have to take snap shots of all the PDFs. So is there a link or site that has them already.
There was an artical in dragon magazine about too many magic items having strange effects around each other. I can't find the artical. I want to allow my players to carry a lot of magic items but with a hidden draw back. So I read on a forum about this artical that is in a dragon magizine but I can't find it. Please help me out.
Ravingdork wrote: I'm not seeing ANY SR on the Shoggti Qlippoth. Your right thanks for the correction.
Are wrote: CR+11 is only the most typical SR value. Certain creatures (such as those on your list) exist with SR values that are lower or higher, depending on if the creature is particularly vulnerable to magic or particularly resistant to magic.
It's worth noting that several creatures with low or high SR values in 3.5 have received the typical value of CR+11 in Pathfinder. I believe I read somewhere that the Pathfinder designers felt that there should only be a limited number of creatures that deviated from the norm.
I don't make sense that these monsters are the exception. Then why have rules to calculate anything in the game. If they are not going to fallow the rules they set down or even give an explaination to why these monsters are different from the rules.
The first number is the Book's Spell Resistance value. The second number is how Spell Resistance is calculated Challenge Rating + 11 the third number is the difference between the two. Can someone please explain way these do not match and calculate I have looked over many sources both in the official book and SDR?
Achaierai 20 16 4
Aeon, paracletus 7 13 -6
Angel, movanic deva 23 21 2
Azata, ghaele 25 24 1
Demon, shadow 17 18 -1
Devil, belier 28 27 1
Div, pairaka 22 18 4
Elf, drow 7 12 -5
Faerie dragon 14 13 1
Garuda 21 20 1
Gremlin, pugwampi 7 12 -5
Intellect devourer 23 19 4
Kami, shikigami 16 13 3
Lukwata 27 22 5
Mercane 20 16 4
Night hag 24 20 4
Nightshade, nightwave 29 31 -2
Qlippoth, shoggti 31 18 13
Qlippoth, thulgant 25 29 -4
Rakshasa 25 21 4
Rakshasa, dandasuka 20 16 4
Rakshasa, maharaja 35 31 4
Rakshasa, marai 23 19 4
Rakshasa, raktavarna 17 13 4
Rakshasa, tataka 30 26 4
Roper 27 23 4
Sprite, grig 16 12 4
Where would I find the spell earthbind at.
A lot of those sound great. I am not sure what spells the wizard has. I would not be able to find out til friday (Game day).
So we have a total of five players in the group. 1 Rogue, 2 Fighters (sword and shield types), 1 Fighter that is the (Archer type), the Wizard who is a necromancer. The party average level is 10th it is a mid magic campaign. Most of us have enhanced melee weapons and armor we are a band of dungeon delvers. So you see where we got thrown off by this CR 11 Young Blue dragon fighting him in open terrain wasteland. (aka no mans land or better know as the capital wasteland (DM's big fallout fan).
#1 So here is the deal. My DM is playing a dragon and will not make it land on the ground. It is very high in the air and is using strafing attacks. We have a archer and a wizard. What Is or would be the best tactics to handle this now or in the future.
#2 How would you handle flying creatures and what tactics have or would use.
#3 Is their any spell out their that is best suited to use against flying creatures or a spell like dragon rend in skyrim.
R_Chance wrote: Cerealkiller wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
If the Wilderness Survival guide covers more than just forests.
Yes I agree a full complement of outdoor environments.
The Wilderness Survival Guide covered pretty much every type of terrain (to whit: Desert, Forest, Hills, Mountains, Plains, Seacoast, Swamp and Bodies of Water), climate etc. I'm looking at my old copy right now and getting nostalgic for AD&D... it covered (from the table of contents): terrain, climate, skills ("proficiencies" in those days), dressing for the weather, encumbrance and movement, food and water (including foraging / hunting), camping and campfires, medicine and first aid, natural hazards, combat rules for wilderness play, fatigue and exhaustion, mounts and beasts of burden, and magic in the wilderness. Not too shabby... Its been a while scine I have looked at the book. I was thinking of picking an old copy and using it in my pathfinder campaign. Some books just can't beat the old ones.
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote: If the Wilderness Survival guide covers more than just forests. Yes I agree a full complement of outdoor environments.
I would like to see some old school books brought back.
The Wilderness and Dungeon Survival guides D&D 2nd Ed.
Because we all know 95% of our gaming is done in either the wilderness or a dungeon. Makes sense to remake those over most other books.
Eric Hinkle wrote: Dale McCoy Jr wrote: This book assumes an environment similar to the River Kingdoms. We have plans to do additional supplements if there is interest (and it looks like there is). One of those supplements will be adapting these rules to alternate environments and cultures. Even then, little adaptation will be required. Building costs will change if it is a tent-based nomadic city. Additional rules about water supplies and population will be required. The exploration and travel time box will need an additional line covering sand travel times.
But beyond that, these rules can be used as is. That bolded line is among the best news I've heard on this site in a long time. I'll be looking forward to any such books. A few environments that would be interesting would be artic, aquatic, and underdark. I would really be interested in the underdark what strange thing lurk below the ground.

Dale McCoy Jr wrote: How many city districts (36 squares) are their in a hex?
A: The Average district is a square mile and there are ~375 square miles per hex. So, up to 375.
When building a city is the first hex you make your castle/capital hex.
A: It can be. It should be. But it doesn't have to be. You can change the capital as many times you want, but you only get XP the first time you declare a capital. We modified the "one week to hold court rule" to requiring the ruler and officials to be in the capital instead of just anywhere in the kingdom. So declaring your first hex as being the capital is a good idea (atleast at the start). You can build a castle in any city.
Next are all the hexes around the first one your districts/resources/developed land.
A: A hex is about 4 times the size of Washington DC. We included a few references so you can get an idea of how big your kingdom is at various sizes. Unless you build something super huge, a whole city will fit inside a single hex. Heck, a few cities can fit inside a single hex. Neighboring hexes, if they do not contain a city can be developed for farms, aqueducts, watch towers and others with the opens space development rules.
Thank you for your fast response and clarification of my questions. I really enjoy all of your products I hope you and your staff keep up the good work and keep the awesome products coming.
I have a few questions? How many city districts (36 squares) are their in a hex and when building a city is the first hex you make your castle/capital hex. Next are all the hexes around the first one your districts/resources/developed land. I am having a hard time trying to map out the cities structure and shape and where everything is located. Any help would be appreciated.

J.R. Farrington, Esq. wrote: It's rarely a good idea to expect a player to have the same knowledge or skills as their character. Metagaming is generally frowned on in most games, and that's basically what this is asking players to do. It's an in game task (that the character might be great at), but now the player needs to use out of game knowledge (to perform a task they may hate, or not do well).
That said, riddles and puzzles are an original AD&D staple, and some players enjoy the challenge. I think the way to add this is as an option, not a requirement. If you as a GM want your players to do these little puzzles, maybe make an in game reward of some kind? Reward all characters (and players) with a little xp for participating?
I'm doing something like this in a Desert of Desolation 3.5 campaign now. This is an AD&D campaign converted to 3.5, and includes a number of code translation style puzzles...ancient writings to translate. When the group encountered the first puzzle we established the system we would use. Spells and skill checks are always permitted to attempt a translation. However, decoding the text IRL earns the group bonus xp that is shared between all party members. Some players like completing the translations, others don't, but they all like the bonus xp and tend to remain patient while the players who love the puzzles work it out.
The only way this works is if you have the whole group on board. YMMV.
That a great suggestion. I like the idea of translation style puzzles. Many of my players are in the computer field. So translation puzzles would appeal to them as well.

So I had a friend stop over this weekend and we were discussing traps, locks and bindings. He had a suggestion that I never would have thought of he suggested that I use those mind puzzles that you can get for like 3 bucks the ones that are made of metal and wood. He said that he uses them in his campaigns all the time. He times that player to solve the puzzle before 2 minutes after the 2 minutes that is considered one fail (example #1 so let’s say that player “Mike” is playing Fador the rogue, and there are 3 other players that get separated by a wall that is slowly closing in on them. So now “Mike” has to save the party by figuring out the puzzle and he gets 5 fails before the wall starts to crush his fellow player’s characters. Now “Mike” can not get any help from the players to solve the puzzle. So you know what that’s going to sound like at the table a lot of yelling and panic oh the stress). (Example #2 “Mike” our rogue I now faced with a trapped treasure chest and must disarm it. He gets 2 minutes to solve a new puzzle. If he fails to solve it in the allotted time it goes off. In essence “Mike” is trying to save his own character that helps involve the player in another way in the game.) Now as for the skills that perform these tasks they would still be very valuable because for like every 10 ranks or every 10 total points you can get additional time added to each attempt so like if Fardor our rouge has a total of 23 in his “lock picking skill” then he would get a bonus of lets say for every 10 points you gain 30 seconds so now he would have 3 minutes to solve the puzzle. Now there are other scenarios that you could use the puzzles in like anyone that is tied up just toss them a puzzle and say you have X amount of time before the guards get back to escape you bindings again you can add time for every 10 points they have in the escape artist skill. So I hope you like this idea and if anyone else has any other suggestions please post them in detail who knows what might be out their.
Notsonoble wrote: I'm actually working on a list of new ones for a realm booklet I plan to publish (free or pay I'm still not sure) I won't use these without direct permission, but it is good to know that there are others who want more. I am really interested in the booklet when do you plan on publishing it.
So the gunslinger is going to be a great class, but what about the flavor of the class. Is their going to rules in the ultimate combat for gun showdowns i.e. (the ok coral or high noon gun duals)? I mean if you are going to have a gunslinger then you have to have some of the unique flavor of the classic archetype.

You know we fight monsters a lot in many gaming systems, however it seems that their are things that do not get explained in great depth or at all.
I would like to see a Monster book that would cover the following.
1) The proper way to pronounce their names.
2) Monster tactics and strategies. Does their intelligence and/or wisdom score determine their combat knowledge or is it really the GM using his/her personal knowledge on how the monster would act which I think would be the wrong choice. You assume that they would act like this or that but you really do not know. So there should be a section on how they act in and out of combat and, what other monsters they might work with . An example would be; a troll and some goblins working together, and randomly a troll grabs a goblin in the middle of a fight and eats him. Things like that would be nice to know when it come to the monsters personality.
3) Their society (i.e. social structure, living conditions, and hierarchy). Do they make plans to go out and adventure or hunt for food.
4) Monster food chain (i.e. in a dungeon their are 4 groups of monsters [goblins, rats, giant spiders, and a beholder] explain why they might be there. Who would eat whom because monsters have to eat as well. Territories what areas do the control. Do they fight amongst each other.
You know there are a lot of really good suggestion on books that could be put together and published in 2012. It might be nice to really focus on the core mechanics of many RPG's. Which is monsters. A book like this would help both new and seasoned GM's alike.

William Bryan wrote: mdt wrote: B) Magic/Mundane Item Book (Complete with FIXED crafting rules, rules for things like building ships, buildings, castles, bridges, etc), low level magic items (stuff for the 4th to 10th levels), and such as that. To build off what mdt said, I would personally like to see a book with ALL mundane magic items. Even "extraordinary" items that are special just by sheer virtue of the skill of their crafter. This gives people more things to play with that run low magic campaigns. You can even create world-reknown NPCs (or build off of NPCs that have already been created in past supplements) that have crafted legendary items such as these.
I'm all for a book that gives the PF planar structure an identity. Planescape did that, and while I will ALWAYS be in love with that campaign, it's certainly time for Paizo to create something new around that concept.
I've been impressed overall with the new core classes but I'm starting to feel that in the future Paizo may be getting a little TOO crazy with the "more core classes" thing. I can see it turning into what 3.5 did with Prestige Classes...just WAY too many. Myself and a lot of friends are concerned about the amount coming out in the future and basically doing what some of the 3.5 "Complete series" did, create more core classes that dwarfed the original core classes. A few classes in the APG teeter on the edge of doing just that.
Releasing maps being sold with hexes instead of squares. Hehe.... :D I know I'm in the minority with this one. I just love hexes (I actually switched over for my Kingmaker Campaign) :D
Someone mentioned a book with JUST magic items in it. That would be fantastic but as long as the items where created with maximum flexibility and creativity. I think that person said, "don't just put a ring of blagidy-blah +10 in there".
More Beastiaries as long as they remain inventive.
Please keep pushing Lovecraft in your products. I love to see him so liberally borrowed from.
Please... You mentioned magic items and their flexibility and creativity. You might want to check out the gaming system midnight. Their covenant items are really cool and a great idea.

Jason Ellis 350 wrote: Steel_Wind wrote: The Seas of Fate
A naval and sea-based adventure book. This book will deal with ships, ship designs, adventuring at sea and combat at sea - and below it. Stormwrack on steroids with FAR more of a naval feel. Gunpowder based ships and TONS more ship designs, rules for multiple ships in combat and LOTS and LOTS of piratey goodness. And more rules for rapiers, powder and ball, too.
And when that book is released or shortly thereafter, give us an AP with even MORE Piratey goodness. BETTER, way better, than Savage Tide and with far more emphasis on pirates, canons, gunpowder, ships and naval combat.
I know that some of you don't like guns and gunpowder in your standard FRPG. I get that. But that's why the flavour of this AP should be distinctly Pirates of the Carribean. Keep the gunpowder flavor where the gunpowdery flavor tastes best. Give us something NEW.
I'd say divide this into sections.
Section 1: Player Options. Pirate and Swashbuckler archetypes for multiple classes, an undersea race or two, new equipment for the "age of sail" feel.
Section 2: Ships and more. Rules for ships, shipbuilding, cannons, and related stuff.
Section 3: Underseas. It's a part of the game, but give t a section, not the majority of the book.
Section 4: Running a game at sea. The GM section; 'nuff said.
And a section or two for spells and magic items that fit the theme. I think a navel book would be of good use I made an excel sheet for ship creation. I treat ships like player classes that ship gains level by spending gold to level them up.

Steel_Wind wrote: The Tome of Thrones
This book would include:
- Kingdom Management rules for both Players and GMs
This will be the be all and end all for Kingdom managment, expanding DRAMATICALLY the rules for kingdom management in Kingmaker. almost every facet of kingdom managment will be revised and expanded geometrically.
- Armies of Golarion
Rules for recruiting, training, equipping and managing an army, navy and even an air force in Golarion. With and without gunpowder. If you are looking at creating an organizing an army? This will tell you EXACTLY how to do it. Again, the rules will be targeted at both players and GMs alike.
- Mass Combat
This aspect of the book will handle mass combat in Pathfinder at two or three levels of detail. Those who wish to resolve combat quickly can do so with this book at a cursory level of detail. The rules will also support additional level of detail and granularity for those that want it.
Again, GMs and players alike.
- Courtiers and Retainers
These rules will examine in greater detail and expand on the Leadership feat, add new feat trees relevant to the command of retainers, and deal with and expand on themes of courtly intrigue.
Again, targeted at GMs and players alike.
Put all of that together in a meaty 320 page tome which vastly expends upon the Kingdom Management rules presented in Kingmaker: Rivers Run Red and upon the Mass Combat Rules presented in Kingmaker: War of the River Kings.
At or about the same time, I'd LOVE to see an August 2012 Adventure Path will feature an all new AP with a Kingmaker Mk II theme.
More exploration, more kingdom building, more epic glory.
Players and GMs alike will purchase the Tome of Thrones to assist them in playing this new AP. The two are intended to go together and support one another. The module authors (and most definitely the AP Developer) must have access to most of the manuscript of at least the core rules of this book as the AP is...
+1 I think that is an awesome idea
In my campaign I use firearms all the time a pistol does 2d6 dam 19-20x3 range inc of 30ft. It works great and the players like it. I also allow the first shot in combat from the firearm to act as a free intimadate check agains creatures. casue what troll is going to expect a handcannon in a fight. I look at it like this the combination of a crossbow and a bow stats.
Bruno Kristensen wrote: Something about how to use skills in combat would be nice, including Knowledge skills (tactical insight) and less used skills (can't think of any at the moment...Profession: Woodcutter against plant creatures?) Their is a book that has things like that it called professions by joshua raynack. I do agree that it would be nice to have the the book.
How about the artificer from Tome of Secrets expand on their technology list their are some great examples in World of warcraft magic and mayhem books.

Here I have suggestion non-magic enhancements would be nice.
Acid wash (+4 save vs acid, rust, disintegration)
Alchemical chamber (Add Alchemical flask to dam)
Armor razors (Deals 1d6 Slashing)
Armor spikes (Deals 1d6 Piercing)
Barbed (2 pts Dam 1d4 rnds addition hit extend duration)
Bashing (Bash deal dam as if two sizes larger (1d3=1d6 and 1d4=1d8)
Basket hilt (+4 vs Disarm, +1 AC with Combat Expertise)
Bayonet (Deals 1d6 x2 Ranged -8 to hit and 1/2 incerment)
Bladeshatter (When any non axe, hammer or mace fails a attack roll by 10 or more the weapon tke 1d8 dam by passes hardness)
Blood groove (Casues 1 bleed dam every round)
Bow stablizers (+1 To hit)
Bowstring silencer (Make bow totally silent but reducing its range increment by 10ft/2in)
Buoyancy (-1 Check pen when swimming)
Camouflage (+4 to Stealth)
Caster armor (-5% Spell fail)
Crossbow shield (A small shield is attached to the crossbow +1 AC)
Crossbow/Musket scope (Reduce range penality by 1)
Deceptive (+4 Sleight of hand)
Dwarven forged armor (+2 AC -1 Check pen +10% spell fail)
Dwarvencraft weapon (Increase dam by 1 level +2 Hardness, saves, +10 HP )
Elven craft bow (Functions like a club when use as a melee weapon)
Elven forged armor (+1 Max dex -1 Check pen -10% spell fail)
Embossed (+2 to Gather info if stolen)
Enhanced bracing (+2 Dam set againt a charge)
Extended chain (+4 to Trip flails,chain, and whips and +5ft/1in to spiked chain and whips)
Extended Haft (+5ft/1in Reach)
Fast-Donning/Quick release Straps (No increased check penalty, -1 AC, Standard action to remove armor)
Fire retardant I (Fire resistance 5)
Fire retardant II (Fire resistance 10)
Folded weapon (+4 to Hardness)
Forestwarden Shroud (Negating the effect that undergrowth has on the wearer's Acrobatics and Stealth)
Grounded (Electical restance 5)
Heavy (+2 HP +1 Dam -2 to hit)
Heavy pommel (+2 to Parry)
Interlocking Plate (+2 to AC when moving no more the 5ft/1in)
Iron Sight crossbow/musket (+1 To hit)
Light (+2 To hit -1 Dam -1 HP/Hardness)
Lightweight (Lower category of armor type by 1, +5ft/1in movement, and reduce AC, check pen by 1)
Lined (Cold resistance 5)
Mercurial (+1 Dam)
Muffling (+4 to Stealth -2 to other dex skills)
Ornate/Savage (+1 to +5 either /or Diplomacy, Intimidate)
Penetrating (+4 to Sunder)
Percise fitting (-1 to check pen +1 max dex +1 Bluff and Diplomacy)
Perfect balance (+1 AC when taking total defence)
Perfect weighted (+5ft/1in thrown range incerment)
Pistol (Add a pistol to the weapon 2d4 x3 Range 5ft/1in)
Quick quiver (+1 to Initive when using a bow)
Razor sharp/Honed (+1 to critacal threat range)
Reinforced (25% chance of negating any precision damage)
Resilient (+5 HP)
Riding Straps (+1 to Ride)
Rifiled Barrel (+1 To hit +10ft/2in range incerment)
Rusted (-1 Dam, -1 HP, -2 Hardness, -2 save vs rust plus rust disease)
Segmented (+1 Max dex)
Serrated (2 pts Dam 1d4 rnds addition hit extend duration)
Shield blade/axe (Deals +1d4 slashing dam )
Shield sheath (Holds one light weapon drawing the weapon in the shield sheath is a free action and Free feint attempt)
Shield spikes (Deals +1d4 piercing dam)
Spidersilk (Make armor usable by monks, rouge, and ninjas)
Spring-loaded dagger (1d4/19-20x2 can launch Range 5ft/1in +5 to Sleight of hand)
Stability (+4 vs Bull rush +10% spell fail -1 max dex)
Teather (+4 vs disarm and if disarmed you do not drop weapon)
Tempered armor I (DR 1/-)
Tempered armor II (DR 2/-)
Tempered armor III (DR 3/-)
Tempered armor IV (DR 4/-)
Tempered armor V (DR 5/-)
Thin blade (+2 to diarm and bluff -2 dam)
Thunderhead (Add a blackpower charge to weapon +2d4 Dam)
Weapon pair (Reduce two weapon penality by 1 a matched pair of a normal and light weapon)
Vital coverage I (+2 AC vs crit effects)
Vital coverage II (+4 AC vs crit effects)
No problem just give an email I can send it too.
Lakesidefantasy wrote: Cerealkiller wrote: List of cool stuff! Those are all very cool. Can these be found in published material or are they your own homebrew creations? I have searched and searched many books and differnet systems to come up with that list. I can email you a full list of the items I dont have what books thay came from but I do have theirs gp cost/what they can be applied to/the restriction thy have as well.

Here I a suggestion to non-magic enhancements
Acid wash (+4 save vs acid, rust, disintegration)
Alchemical chamber (Add Alchemical flask to dam)
Armor razors (Deals 1d6 Slashing)
Armor spikes (Deals 1d6 Piercing)
Barbed (2 pts Dam 1d4 rnds addition hit extend duration)
Bashing (Bash deal dam as if two sizes larger (1d3=1d6 and 1d4=1d8)
Basket hilt (+4 vs Disarm, +1 AC with Combat Expertise)
Bayonet (Deals 1d6 x2 Ranged -8 to hit and 1/2 incerment)
Bladeshatter (When any non axe, hammer or mace fails a attack roll by 10 or more the weapon tke 1d8 dam by passes hardness)
Blood groove (Casues 1 bleed dam every round)
Bow stablizers (+1 To hit)
Bowstring silencer (Make bow totally silent but reducing its range increment by 10ft/2in)
Buoyancy (-1 Check pen when swimming)
Camouflage (+4 to Stealth)
Caster armor (-5% Spell fail)
Crossbow shield (A small shield is attached to the crossbow +1 AC)
Crossbow/Musket scope (Reduce range penality by 1)
Deceptive (+4 Sleight of hand)
Dwarven forged armor (+2 AC -1 Check pen +10% spell fail)
Dwarvencraft weapon (Increase dam by 1 level +2 Hardness, saves, +10 HP )
Elven craft bow (Functions like a club when use as a melee weapon)
Elven forged armor (+1 Max dex -1 Check pen -10% spell fail)
Embossed (+2 to Gather info if stolen)
Enhanced bracing (+2 Dam set againt a charge)
Extended chain (+4 to Trip flails,chain, and whips and +5ft/1in to spiked chain and whips)
Extended Haft (+5ft/1in Reach)
Fast-Donning/Quick release Straps (No increased check penalty, -1 AC, Standard action to remove armor)
Fire retardant I (Fire resistance 5)
Fire retardant II (Fire resistance 10)
Folded weapon (+4 to Hardness)
Forestwarden Shroud (Negating the effect that undergrowth has on the wearer's Acrobatics and Stealth)
Grounded (Electical restance 5)
Heavy (+2 HP +1 Dam -2 to hit)
Heavy pommel (+2 to Parry)
Interlocking Plate (+2 to AC when moving no more the 5ft/1in)
Iron Sight crossbow/musket (+1 To hit)
Light (+2 To hit -1 Dam -1 HP/Hardness)
Lightweight (Lower category of armor type by 1, +5ft/1in movement, and reduce AC, check pen by 1)
Lined (Cold resistance 5)
Mercurial (+1 Dam)
Muffling (+4 to Stealth -2 to other dex skills)
Ornate/Savage (+1 to +5 either /or Diplomacy, Intimidate)
Penetrating (+4 to Sunder)
Percise fitting (-1 to check pen +1 max dex +1 Bluff and Diplomacy)
Perfect balance (+1 AC when taking total defence)
Perfect weighted (+5ft/1in thrown range incerment)
Pistol (Add a pistol to the weapon 2d4 x3 Range 5ft/1in)
Quick quiver (+1 to Initive when using a bow)
Razor sharp/Honed (+1 to critacal threat range)
Reinforced (25% chance of negating any precision damage)
Resilient (+5 HP)
Riding Straps (+1 to Ride)
Rifiled Barrel (+1 To hit +10ft/2in range incerment)
Rusted (-1 Dam, -1 HP, -2 Hardness, -2 save vs rust plus rust disease)
Segmented (+1 Max dex)
Serrated (2 pts Dam 1d4 rnds addition hit extend duration)
Shield blade/axe (Deals +1d4 slashing dam )
Shield sheath (Holds one light weapon drawing the weapon in the shield sheath is a free action and Free feint attempt)
Shield spikes (Deals +1d4 piercing dam)
Spidersilk (Make armor usable by monks, rouge, and ninjas)
Spring-loaded dagger (1d4/19-20x2 can launch Range 5ft/1in +5 to Sleight of hand)
Stability (+4 vs Bull rush +10% spell fail -1 max dex)
Teather (+4 vs disarm and if disarmed you do not drop weapon)
Tempered armor I (DR 1/-)
Tempered armor II (DR 2/-)
Tempered armor III (DR 3/-)
Tempered armor IV (DR 4/-)
Tempered armor V (DR 5/-)
Thin blade (+2 to diarm and bluff -2 dam)
Thunderhead (Add a blackpower charge to weapon +2d4 Dam)
Weapon pair (Reduce two weapon penality by 1 a matched pair of a normal and light weapon)
Vital coverage I (+2 AC vs crit effects)
Vital coverage II (+4 AC vs crit effects)

Here I a suggestion to non-magic enhancements
Acid wash (+4 save vs acid, rust, disintegration)
Alchemical chamber (Add Alchemical flask to dam)
Armor razors (Deals 1d6 Slashing)
Armor spikes (Deals 1d6 Piercing)
Barbed (2 pts Dam 1d4 rnds addition hit extend duration)
Bashing (Bash deal dam as if two sizes larger (1d3=1d6 and 1d4=1d8)
Basket hilt (+4 vs Disarm, +1 AC with Combat Expertise)
Bayonet (Deals 1d6 x2 Ranged -8 to hit and 1/2 incerment)
Bladeshatter (When any non axe, hammer or mace fails a attack roll by 10 or more the weapon tke 1d8 dam by passes hardness)
Blood groove (Casues 1 bleed dam every round)
Bow stablizers (+1 To hit)
Bowstring silencer (Make bow totally silent but reducing its range increment by 10ft/2in)
Buoyancy (-1 Check pen when swimming)
Camouflage (+4 to Stealth)
Caster armor (-5% Spell fail)
Crossbow shield (A small shield is attached to the crossbow +1 AC)
Crossbow/Musket scope (Reduce range penality by 1)
Deceptive (+4 Sleight of hand)
Dwarven forged armor (+2 AC -1 Check pen +10% spell fail)
Dwarvencraft weapon (Increase dam by 1 level +2 Hardness, saves, +10 HP )
Elven craft bow (Functions like a club when use as a melee weapon)
Elven forged armor (+1 Max dex -1 Check pen -10% spell fail)
Embossed (+2 to Gather info if stolen)
Enhanced bracing (+2 Dam set againt a charge)
Extended chain (+4 to Trip flails,chain, and whips and +5ft/1in to spiked chain and whips)
Extended Haft (+5ft/1in Reach)
Fast-Donning/Quick release Straps (No increased check penalty, -1 AC, Standard action to remove armor)
Fire retardant I (Fire resistance 5)
Fire retardant II (Fire resistance 10)
Folded weapon (+4 to Hardness)
Forestwarden Shroud (Negating the effect that undergrowth has on the wearer's Acrobatics and Stealth)
Grounded (Electical restance 5)
Heavy (+2 HP +1 Dam -2 to hit)
Heavy pommel (+2 to Parry)
Interlocking Plate (+2 to AC when moving no more the 5ft/1in)
Iron Sight crossbow/musket (+1 To hit)
Light (+2 To hit -1 Dam -1 HP/Hardness)
Lightweight (Lower category of armor type by 1, +5ft/1in movement, and reduce AC, check pen by 1)
Lined (Cold resistance 5)
Mercurial (+1 Dam)
Muffling (+4 to Stealth -2 to other dex skills)
Ornate/Savage (+1 to +5 either /or Diplomacy, Intimidate)
Penetrating (+4 to Sunder)
Percise fitting (-1 to check pen +1 max dex +1 Bluff and Diplomacy)
Perfect balance (+1 AC when taking total defence)
Perfect weighted (+5ft/1in thrown range incerment)
Pistol (Add a pistol to the weapon 2d4 x3 Range 5ft/1in)
Quick quiver (+1 to Initive when using a bow)
Razor sharp/Honed (+1 to critacal threat range)
Reinforced (25% chance of negating any precision damage)
Resilient (+5 HP)
Riding Straps (+1 to Ride)
Rifiled Barrel (+1 To hit +10ft/2in range incerment)
Rusted (-1 Dam, -1 HP, -2 Hardness, -2 save vs rust plus rust disease)
Segmented (+1 Max dex)
Serrated (2 pts Dam 1d4 rnds addition hit extend duration)
Shield blade/axe (Deals +1d4 slashing dam )
Shield sheath (Holds one light weapon drawing the weapon in the shield sheath is a free action and Free feint attempt)
Shield spikes (Deals +1d4 piercing dam)
Spidersilk (Make armor usable by monks, rouge, and ninjas)
Spring-loaded dagger (1d4/19-20x2 can launch Range 5ft/1in +5 to Sleight of hand)
Stability (+4 vs Bull rush +10% spell fail -1 max dex)
Teather (+4 vs disarm and if disarmed you do not drop weapon)
Tempered armor I (DR 1/-)
Tempered armor II (DR 2/-)
Tempered armor III (DR 3/-)
Tempered armor IV (DR 4/-)
Tempered armor V (DR 5/-)
Thin blade (+2 to diarm and bluff -2 dam)
Thunderhead (Add a blackpower charge to weapon +2d4 Dam)
Weapon pair (Reduce two weapon penality by 1 a matched pair of a normal and light weapon)
Vital coverage I (+2 AC vs crit effects)
Vital coverage II (+4 AC vs crit effects)

Here I a suggestion to non-magic enhancements
Acid wash (+4 save vs acid, rust, disintegration)
Alchemical chamber (Add Alchemical flask to dam)
Armor razors (Deals 1d6 Slashing)
Armor spikes (Deals 1d6 Piercing)
Barbed (2 pts Dam 1d4 rnds addition hit extend duration)
Bashing (Bash deal dam as if two sizes larger (1d3=1d6 and 1d4=1d8)
Basket hilt (+4 vs Disarm, +1 AC with Combat Expertise)
Bayonet (Deals 1d6 x2 Ranged -8 to hit and 1/2 incerment)
Bladeshatter (When any non axe, hammer or mace fails a attack roll by 10 or more the weapon tke 1d8 dam by passes hardness)
Blood groove (Casues 1 bleed dam every round)
Bow stablizers (+1 To hit)
Bowstring silencer (Make bow totally silent but reducing its range increment by 10ft/2in)
Buoyancy (-1 Check pen when swimming)
Camouflage (+4 to Stealth)
Caster armor (-5% Spell fail)
Crossbow shield (A small shield is attached to the crossbow +1 AC)
Crossbow/Musket scope (Reduce range penality by 1)
Deceptive (+4 Sleight of hand)
Dwarven forged armor (+2 AC -1 Check pen +10% spell fail)
Dwarvencraft weapon (Increase dam by 1 level +2 Hardness, saves, +10 HP )
Elven craft bow (Functions like a club when use as a melee weapon)
Elven forged armor (+1 Max dex -1 Check pen -10% spell fail)
Embossed (+2 to Gather info if stolen)
Enhanced bracing (+2 Dam set againt a charge)
Extended chain (+4 to Trip flails,chain, and whips and +5ft/1in to spiked chain and whips)
Extended Haft (+5ft/1in Reach)
Fast-Donning/Quick release Straps (No increased check penalty, -1 AC, Standard action to remove armor)
Fire retardant I (Fire resistance 5)
Fire retardant II (Fire resistance 10)
Folded weapon (+4 to Hardness)
Forestwarden Shroud (Negating the effect that undergrowth has on the wearer's Acrobatics and Stealth)
Grounded (Electical restance 5)
Heavy (+2 HP +1 Dam -2 to hit)
Heavy pommel (+2 to Parry)
Interlocking Plate (+2 to AC when moving no more the 5ft/1in)
Iron Sight crossbow/musket (+1 To hit)
Light (+2 To hit -1 Dam -1 HP/Hardness)
Lightweight (Lower category of armor type by 1, +5ft/1in movement, and reduce AC, check pen by 1)
Lined (Cold resistance 5)
Mercurial (+1 Dam)
Muffling (+4 to Stealth -2 to other dex skills)
Ornate/Savage (+1 to +5 either /or Diplomacy, Intimidate)
Penetrating (+4 to Sunder)
Percise fitting (-1 to check pen +1 max dex +1 Bluff and Diplomacy)
Perfect balance (+1 AC when taking total defence)
Perfect weighted (+5ft/1in thrown range incerment)
Pistol (Add a pistol to the weapon 2d4 x3 Range 5ft/1in)
Quick quiver (+1 to Initive when using a bow)
Razor sharp/Honed (+1 to critacal threat range)
Reinforced (25% chance of negating any precision damage)
Resilient (+5 HP)
Riding Straps (+1 to Ride)
Rifiled Barrel (+1 To hit +10ft/2in range incerment)
Rusted (-1 Dam, -1 HP, -2 Hardness, -2 save vs rust plus rust disease)
Segmented (+1 Max dex)
Serrated (2 pts Dam 1d4 rnds addition hit extend duration)
Shield blade/axe (Deals +1d4 slashing dam )
Shield sheath (Holds one light weapon drawing the weapon in the shield sheath is a free action and Free feint attempt)
Shield spikes (Deals +1d4 piercing dam)
Spidersilk (Make armor usable by monks, rouge, and ninjas)
Spring-loaded dagger (1d4/19-20x2 can launch Range 5ft/1in +5 to Sleight of hand)
Stability (+4 vs Bull rush +10% spell fail -1 max dex)
Teather (+4 vs disarm and if disarmed you do not drop weapon)
Tempered armor I (DR 1/-)
Tempered armor II (DR 2/-)
Tempered armor III (DR 3/-)
Tempered armor IV (DR 4/-)
Tempered armor V (DR 5/-)
Thin blade (+2 to diarm and bluff -2 dam)
Thunderhead (Add a blackpower charge to weapon +2d4 Dam)
Weapon pair (Reduce two weapon penality by 1 a matched pair of a normal and light weapon)
Vital coverage I (+2 AC vs crit effects)
Vital coverage II (+4 AC vs crit effects)

Here I a suggestion to non-magic enhancements
Acid wash (+4 save vs acid, rust, disintegration)
Alchemical chamber (Add Alchemical flask to dam)
Armor razors (Deals 1d6 Slashing)
Armor spikes (Deals 1d6 Piercing)
Barbed (2 pts Dam 1d4 rnds addition hit extend duration)
Bashing (Bash deal dam as if two sizes larger (1d3=1d6 and 1d4=1d8)
Basket hilt (+4 vs Disarm, +1 AC with Combat Expertise)
Bayonet (Deals 1d6 x2 Ranged -8 to hit and 1/2 incerment)
Bladeshatter (When any non axe, hammer or mace fails a attack roll by 10 or more the weapon tke 1d8 dam by passes hardness)
Blood groove (Casues 1 bleed dam every round)
Bow stablizers (+1 To hit)
Bowstring silencer (Make bow totally silent but reducing its range increment by 10ft/2in)
Buoyancy (-1 Check pen when swimming)
Camouflage (+4 to Stealth)
Caster armor (-5% Spell fail)
Crossbow shield (A small shield is attached to the crossbow +1 AC)
Crossbow/Musket scope (Reduce range penality by 1)
Deceptive (+4 Sleight of hand)
Dwarven forged armor (+2 AC -1 Check pen +10% spell fail)
Dwarvencraft weapon (Increase dam by 1 level +2 Hardness, saves, +10 HP )
Elven craft bow (Functions like a club when use as a melee weapon)
Elven forged armor (+1 Max dex -1 Check pen -10% spell fail)
Embossed (+2 to Gather info if stolen)
Enhanced bracing (+2 Dam set againt a charge)
Extended chain (+4 to Trip flails,chain, and whips and +5ft/1in to spiked chain and whips)
Extended Haft (+5ft/1in Reach)
Fast-Donning/Quick release Straps (No increased check penalty, -1 AC, Standard action to remove armor)
Fire retardant I (Fire resistance 5)
Fire retardant II (Fire resistance 10)
Folded weapon (+4 to Hardness)
Forestwarden Shroud (Negating the effect that undergrowth has on the wearer's Acrobatics and Stealth)
Grounded (Electical restance 5)
Heavy (+2 HP +1 Dam -2 to hit)
Heavy pommel (+2 to Parry)
Interlocking Plate (+2 to AC when moving no more the 5ft/1in)
Iron Sight crossbow/musket (+1 To hit)
Light (+2 To hit -1 Dam -1 HP/Hardness)
Lightweight (Lower category of armor type by 1, +5ft/1in movement, and reduce AC, check pen by 1)
Lined (Cold resistance 5)
Mercurial (+1 Dam)
Muffling (+4 to Stealth -2 to other dex skills)
Ornate/Savage (+1 to +5 either /or Diplomacy, Intimidate)
Penetrating (+4 to Sunder)
Percise fitting (-1 to check pen +1 max dex +1 Bluff and Diplomacy)
Perfect balance (+1 AC when taking total defence)
Perfect weighted (+5ft/1in thrown range incerment)
Pistol (Add a pistol to the weapon 2d4 x3 Range 5ft/1in)
Quick quiver (+1 to Initive when using a bow)
Razor sharp/Honed (+1 to critacal threat range)
Reinforced (25% chance of negating any precision damage)
Resilient (+5 HP)
Riding Straps (+1 to Ride)
Rifiled Barrel (+1 To hit +10ft/2in range incerment)
Rusted (-1 Dam, -1 HP, -2 Hardness, -2 save vs rust plus rust disease)
Segmented (+1 Max dex)
Serrated (2 pts Dam 1d4 rnds addition hit extend duration)
Shield blade/axe (Deals +1d4 slashing dam )
Shield sheath (Holds one light weapon drawing the weapon in the shield sheath is a free action and Free feint attempt)
Shield spikes (Deals +1d4 piercing dam)
Spidersilk (Make armor usable by monks, rouge, and ninjas)
Spring-loaded dagger (1d4/19-20x2 can launch Range 5ft/1in +5 to Sleight of hand)
Stability (+4 vs Bull rush +10% spell fail -1 max dex)
Teather (+4 vs disarm and if disarmed you do not drop weapon)
Tempered armor I (DR 1/-)
Tempered armor II (DR 2/-)
Tempered armor III (DR 3/-)
Tempered armor IV (DR 4/-)
Tempered armor V (DR 5/-)
Thin blade (+2 to diarm and bluff -2 dam)
Thunderhead (Add a blackpower charge to weapon +2d4 Dam)
Weapon pair (Reduce two weapon penality by 1 a matched pair of a normal and light weapon)
Vital coverage I (+2 AC vs crit effects)
Vital coverage II (+4 AC vs crit effects)

Here I a suggestion to non-magic enhancements
Acid wash (+4 save vs acid, rust, disintegration)
Alchemical chamber (Add Alchemical flask to dam)
Armor razors (Deals 1d6 Slashing)
Armor spikes (Deals 1d6 Piercing)
Barbed (2 pts Dam 1d4 rnds addition hit extend duration)
Bashing (Bash deal dam as if two sizes larger (1d3=1d6 and 1d4=1d8)
Basket hilt (+4 vs Disarm, +1 AC with Combat Expertise)
Bayonet (Deals 1d6 x2 Ranged -8 to hit and 1/2 incerment)
Bladeshatter (When any non axe, hammer or mace fails a attack roll by 10 or more the weapon tke 1d8 dam by passes hardness)
Blood groove (Casues 1 bleed dam every round)
Bow stablizers (+1 To hit)
Bowstring silencer (Make bow totally silent but reducing its range increment by 10ft/2in)
Buoyancy (-1 Check pen when swimming)
Camouflage (+4 to Stealth)
Caster armor (-5% Spell fail)
Crossbow shield (A small shield is attached to the crossbow +1 AC)
Crossbow/Musket scope (Reduce range penality by 1)
Deceptive (+4 Sleight of hand)
Dwarven forged armor (+2 AC -1 Check pen +10% spell fail)
Dwarvencraft weapon (Increase dam by 1 level +2 Hardness, saves, +10 HP )
Elven craft bow (Functions like a club when use as a melee weapon)
Elven forged armor (+1 Max dex -1 Check pen -10% spell fail)
Embossed (+2 to Gather info if stolen)
Enhanced bracing (+2 Dam set againt a charge)
Extended chain (+4 to Trip flails,chain, and whips and +5ft/1in to spiked chain and whips)
Extended Haft (+5ft/1in Reach)
Fast-Donning/Quick release Straps (No increased check penalty, -1 AC, Standard action to remove armor)
Fire retardant I (Fire resistance 5)
Fire retardant II (Fire resistance 10)
Folded weapon (+4 to Hardness)
Forestwarden Shroud (Negating the effect that undergrowth has on the wearer's Acrobatics and Stealth)
Grounded (Electical restance 5)
Heavy (+2 HP +1 Dam -2 to hit)
Heavy pommel (+2 to Parry)
Interlocking Plate (+2 to AC when moving no more the 5ft/1in)
Iron Sight crossbow/musket (+1 To hit)
Light (+2 To hit -1 Dam -1 HP/Hardness)
Lightweight (Lower category of armor type by 1, +5ft/1in movement, and reduce AC, check pen by 1)
Lined (Cold resistance 5)
Mercurial (+1 Dam)
Muffling (+4 to Stealth -2 to other dex skills)
Ornate/Savage (+1 to +5 either /or Diplomacy, Intimidate)
Penetrating (+4 to Sunder)
Percise fitting (-1 to check pen +1 max dex +1 Bluff and Diplomacy)
Perfect balance (+1 AC when taking total defence)
Perfect weighted (+5ft/1in thrown range incerment)
Pistol (Add a pistol to the weapon 2d4 x3 Range 5ft/1in)
Quick quiver (+1 to Initive when using a bow)
Razor sharp/Honed (+1 to critacal threat range)
Reinforced (25% chance of negating any precision damage)
Resilient (+5 HP)
Riding Straps (+1 to Ride)
Rifiled Barrel (+1 To hit +10ft/2in range incerment)
Rusted (-1 Dam, -1 HP, -2 Hardness, -2 save vs rust plus rust disease)
Segmented (+1 Max dex)
Serrated (2 pts Dam 1d4 rnds addition hit extend duration)
Shield blade/axe (Deals +1d4 slashing dam )
Shield sheath (Holds one light weapon drawing the weapon in the shield sheath is a free action and Free feint attempt)
Shield spikes (Deals +1d4 piercing dam)
Spidersilk (Make armor usable by monks, rouge, and ninjas)
Spring-loaded dagger (1d4/19-20x2 can launch Range 5ft/1in +5 to Sleight of hand)
Stability (+4 vs Bull rush +10% spell fail -1 max dex)
Teather (+4 vs disarm and if disarmed you do not drop weapon)
Tempered armor I (DR 1/-)
Tempered armor II (DR 2/-)
Tempered armor III (DR 3/-)
Tempered armor IV (DR 4/-)
Tempered armor V (DR 5/-)
Thin blade (+2 to diarm and bluff -2 dam)
Thunderhead (Add a blackpower charge to weapon +2d4 Dam)
Weapon pair (Reduce two weapon penality by 1 a matched pair of a normal and light weapon)
Vital coverage I (+2 AC vs crit effects)
Vital coverage II (+4 AC vs crit effects)

Here I a suggestion to non-magic enhancements
Acid wash (+4 save vs acid, rust, disintegration)
Alchemical chamber (Add Alchemical flask to dam)
Armor razors (Deals 1d6 Slashing)
Armor spikes (Deals 1d6 Piercing)
Barbed (2 pts Dam 1d4 rnds addition hit extend duration)
Bashing (Bash deal dam as if two sizes larger (1d3=1d6 and 1d4=1d8)
Basket hilt (+4 vs Disarm, +1 AC with Combat Expertise)
Bayonet (Deals 1d6 x2 Ranged -8 to hit and 1/2 incerment)
Bladeshatter (When any non axe, hammer or mace fails a attack roll by 10 or more the weapon tke 1d8 dam by passes hardness)
Blood groove (Casues 1 bleed dam every round)
Bow stablizers (+1 To hit)
Bowstring silencer (Make bow totally silent but reducing its range increment by 10ft/2in)
Buoyancy (-1 Check pen when swimming)
Camouflage (+4 to Stealth)
Caster armor (-5% Spell fail)
Crossbow shield (A small shield is attached to the crossbow +1 AC)
Crossbow/Musket scope (Reduce range penality by 1)
Deceptive (+4 Sleight of hand)
Dwarven forged armor (+2 AC -1 Check pen +10% spell fail)
Dwarvencraft weapon (Increase dam by 1 level +2 Hardness, saves, +10 HP )
Elven craft bow (Functions like a club when use as a melee weapon)
Elven forged armor (+1 Max dex -1 Check pen -10% spell fail)
Embossed (+2 to Gather info if stolen)
Enhanced bracing (+2 Dam set againt a charge)
Extended chain (+4 to Trip flails,chain, and whips and +5ft/1in to spiked chain and whips)
Extended Haft (+5ft/1in Reach)
Fast-Donning/Quick release Straps (No increased check penalty, -1 AC, Standard action to remove armor)
Fire retardant I (Fire resistance 5)
Fire retardant II (Fire resistance 10)
Folded weapon (+4 to Hardness)
Forestwarden Shroud (Negating the effect that undergrowth has on the wearer's Acrobatics and Stealth)
Grounded (Electical restance 5)
Heavy (+2 HP +1 Dam -2 to hit)
Heavy pommel (+2 to Parry)
Interlocking Plate (+2 to AC when moving no more the 5ft/1in)
Iron Sight crossbow/musket (+1 To hit)
Light (+2 To hit -1 Dam -1 HP/Hardness)
Lightweight (Lower category of armor type by 1, +5ft/1in movement, and reduce AC, check pen by 1)
Lined (Cold resistance 5)
Mercurial (+1 Dam)
Muffling (+4 to Stealth -2 to other dex skills)
Ornate/Savage (+1 to +5 either /or Diplomacy, Intimidate)
Penetrating (+4 to Sunder)
Percise fitting (-1 to check pen +1 max dex +1 Bluff and Diplomacy)
Perfect balance (+1 AC when taking total defence)
Perfect weighted (+5ft/1in thrown range incerment)
Pistol (Add a pistol to the weapon 2d4 x3 Range 5ft/1in)
Quick quiver (+1 to Initive when using a bow)
Razor sharp/Honed (+1 to critacal threat range)
Reinforced (25% chance of negating any precision damage)
Resilient (+5 HP)
Riding Straps (+1 to Ride)
Rifiled Barrel (+1 To hit +10ft/2in range incerment)
Rusted (-1 Dam, -1 HP, -2 Hardness, -2 save vs rust plus rust disease)
Segmented (+1 Max dex)
Serrated (2 pts Dam 1d4 rnds addition hit extend duration)
Shield blade/axe (Deals +1d4 slashing dam )
Shield sheath (Holds one light weapon drawing the weapon in the shield sheath is a free action and Free feint attempt)
Shield spikes (Deals +1d4 piercing dam)
Spidersilk (Make armor usable by monks, rouge, and ninjas)
Spring-loaded dagger (1d4/19-20x2 can launch Range 5ft/1in +5 to Sleight of hand)
Stability (+4 vs Bull rush +10% spell fail -1 max dex)
Teather (+4 vs disarm and if disarmed you do not drop weapon)
Tempered armor I (DR 1/-)
Tempered armor II (DR 2/-)
Tempered armor III (DR 3/-)
Tempered armor IV (DR 4/-)
Tempered armor V (DR 5/-)
Thin blade (+2 to diarm and bluff -2 dam)
Thunderhead (Add a blackpower charge to weapon +2d4 Dam)
Weapon pair (Reduce two weapon penality by 1 a matched pair of a normal and light weapon)
Vital coverage I (+2 AC vs crit effects)
Vital coverage II (+4 AC vs crit effects)
Hi I know this is off topic but...
I just read your post about "Armor - A complete Overhaul" and I think it is a great idea. You might want to suggest it for the Ultimate Combat Book. I think others would appreciate it as a variant rule to armor. I know I would and do.
Thanks, Ck