fasthd97's page
Organized Play Member. 78 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
And so it was that the Mans Promise became the Brides Revenge.
yeah that redhead thing is getting changed becasue its annoying we also had to change mr plugg name to keep gritty feel to game.
Slightly offtopic but what are the chances of a thieves world update to pathfinder?
On the chance that paizo is reading this thread I would like to see a subscription where i can get the entire path including the recommended books like irrisen and people of the north for a path so that i dont have to eat the shipping charges each time and its a oneshot deal each time in case that particuliar path doesnt interest me. Just a thought since although I liked almost every path the westcrown one i didnt care for much as it relies heavily on perform without ever mentioning how important it is that all the players have it.
Our Gaming group just want a new name for Catfolk.
Curious about snowcaster elves myself.
BobROE (Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber) Yesterday, 09:43 PM
It seems like a class where you'd probably want to take something like Combat Expertise, which requires and int of 13, and then you have 15 skill points by 5th level to spend. More if you use your favored class bonuses.
Even so its still a very expensive class 14 skill points is a lot even with int of 13 and if your not a fighter the four or five feats makes it pretty hefty cost wise as well.Add in your combat expertise and now you have spent all of your feats and at least 90% of your skill points making you a one trick pony.Its still a fun class but i just think the requirements are a bit steep.
I just had a chance to skim it but the aldori dueling saber is missing.Poor sad duelists have nothing to fight with :(
Overall I really liked this book one thing i didnt care for were the rather steep skill requirements to join the aldori swordlord prestige class.Fourteen points if your a fighter with a ten int.Thats not so bad for nonfighters but for fighters thats harsh to say the least.A minimum of seventh level for our poor dumb fighter,and thats assuming he doesnt need to ride a horse or swim or climb.Otherwise a great overall prestige class but i just think its rather harsh.It makes the class nearly unattainable on a 15 point buy for fighters at least in my opinion.
ditto on what pyschicmachinery said.
Are you doing anything else with the pathfinder universe?I really liked your FR novels but I have not read anything for FR since 4th edition came out.Incidentally I think elaith would make a great pathfinder villain too.
Barnes and Noble is listing isles of the shackles as unavailable until july and blood of fiends as out of print.I was unsure of where to post this so i put it here.
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After DA 2 And ME3 I am waiting till hear lots of good things.Biowares on my s#@# list.
Fantastic.I will buy it with issue #2
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I am starting my subscription with this ap. The first adventure will I need the Isle of the shackles book?I will be getting it but I would like to get the adventure started right away.Will they both be released at the same time?
Wil this be available in print as well?
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Wow I totally missed that last part."These bonuses grant you additional spells known and spells per day for your modified caster level" I viciously kill it with my nerf stick!My apologies.Overpowered by a longshot especially since it doesnt cost you any feats etc.
So recently I was looking for a 3.5 book for some reason I cant recall.Upon opening the box of old retired rpgs I found a near complete copy of the midnight setting,Wheel of time main book,Thieves world set,and the black company set.It inspired me to steal a bit from each and quite a bit from golarion as well and make a custom setting. I was just wondering if anyone had done any conversion from any of these books just because Im lazy.I know about the wheel of time in progress conversion in progress but the only thing i want from them besides monsters is warders,Aiel and Algai de siswai.Not that I dont like the world but just because it is interesting place to read about doesnt make it fun to rp in.Dragonlance being a excellent example of that at least for me.
I always found the idea of staying children for 100 years silly and had them mature to adults at the same rate as humans approximately.Maybe thats why they rarely have kids.Can you imagine having a child for 100 years?
Well its no different than the practiced caster of 3.5 the way i read it.Your damage output is the same as a 8th level caster ..Your Theurge should still only be casting level 3 spells.It could be read either way I grant you.However if you do it my way its far less overpowering and just means your spells have the same punch as a level 8 caster.I believe both Magical knack and esoteric training are meant to be replacements for the 3.5 knack and so should work exactly like that feat.
I started out playing on 1st edition and played quite a bit of 2nd edition as well.Some of the players options could be kind of broken but the thing that always made me b*!#~#! were the skills which were based off your attributes and never got better.Also the level limits for nonhumans which most of my dms ignored. I think a lot of us oldtimers remember it fondly becuase its where we learned to play.Sort of like your first car. Sure it was a old beat up whatever but becuase it was first it always has a place in your heart.I would only recommend it if you like more action less skill rolls.
So anyone have a review? I looked at the quickstart rules and I love the setting but the rules are pretty confusing.If I can figure out the ruleset,I will buy it.
So spells are the part my group is really curious about.Are we still looking at several rounds to cast spells?Also in ed you could cast spells all day is that still the case?Will spell matrixes exist?How will metamagic work? Will boneshatter,Razor orb and onion skin retain their scariness?Will we have ed healing too?Or will we need to have a questor present like pf?Last but not least will this line or ed3 ever do any books about shosara or sereatha?
Elven fighter/wizard eldritch knight admixture specialist.If you dont mind losing the last spell level make him a level 2 rondelero archetype first so you can cast and bash(tm).
Well if you have ever worn armor it is does get heavy rather quickly.Ask any army or marine soldier how much their kit weighs.Or better yet wear some chainmail all day at a renaiassance faire.(Wow that was one of my worse ideas ever)But like previous posters have said there are quite few ways to get around it.Houserule it if you dislike it.In our games we are pretty harsh on weight and quivers and such things.For us because we do a lot of renaissance stuff it breaks immmersion to carry 80 arrows or 12 throw axes etc. To each his own and all that rot,I just think the tables are rerasonably accurate. It can be a lot of bookkeeping but i cheat and make herolabs do it for me.

First point mechanically not flavorwise there isnt any reason to play a rogue when compared to a ninja.I was thinking of different ways to fix it.The huge dearth of eastern weapons ninjas get over rogues lackluster
selection bothers me.In addition the ki pool bothers me.I dont want to give rogues anything magical for flavour reasons but i do want them to be as viable as ninjas.My idea is to allow a trait that gains you some or all of the eastern weapons nijas get.Trait: Eastern Mentor: Your trainer was from Tian La and as such knew how to use a number of weapons most arent familiar with choose 2 from this list.Katana,Kama,Nunchaku,Sai,Siangham,Shuriken, and Wakizashi. For the fighter, I was thinking of allowing the 3.5 war college fighter to be used.I know the tactician and lore warden both are pretty close to this but force you to give up most of what makes you a fighter. If anyone has ideas on how to i8mprove thse two ideas or better ones feel free to post. On that note if you dont feel the two classes are imbalanced dont post here as in not interested in arguing with you.Thanks in advance.
Orcs in earthdawn are by far one of the best lore wise.Elves have a pretty interesting history too.I cant stand dwarves in most settings but here they arent gimlis redneck cousins for once.
For me its tiger spring and air dance that i really want for pathfinder.I would like to go first and yes I am wearing plate.
He quite likely wasnt joking.
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I have lived in texas most of my lif.Generally sp eaking the small the town more likely you will be harassed.Hpd by and large are decent cops.The sherriffs and constables are scary asell though.That being said a bad hpd officer can ruin your life so I expect them to hold to a higher standard.
Wow I love earthdawn,but my players like pathfinder rules for simplicity.So i need both the players guide and the gamemaster guide to run this?
Same here i can only view threads via phone
Just curious how other groups deal with players who are playing nonhumans that want to be archetypes such as harrowers or rondelero duelists,winter witches etc.Our group is pretty open and free about it. Unless its obvious nonhumans arent allowed like the red wizards of thay were in forgotten realms.Mostly curious because one of our round robin dms was nonplused that I made a elven aldori swordlord.Which seems like it would happen in brevoy on occasion.My other reason for asking is none of the nonhuman races have cultural classes like rondeleros,winter witch,aldoris etc. Varisians seem like a natural shoein for elves and halfelves and like the idea of a varisian elf harrower.
all the range penalties,spellcasting dcs,all the combat trick dcs,perception modifiers,a list of all the conditions and penalties.
The mekong whisky is what I remember most vividly from that nice seaside town in thailand.
My favorite place in thailand.
Hideous laughter,command,burning gaze,gravity bow.
Bioware is no longer on my buy list SW TOR was wow with lightsabers,DA 2 utter crap,and now i get this with them defending it like microsoft defended vista.SERiously BIOWARE if your fans hate the ending then maybe just maybe you should i dont know listen to them.Ask hasbro what happens when you ignore your fans wishes.
I would like to see the trait rewritten so you dont have to explain why all of your pcs that want to be eldritch knights were raised by magical creatures.
The thunderstriker and the rondelero both get to bash with smaller shields and get to use decent sized weapons in the off hand.Both also at some level get to use their shield as a weapon and not lose their ac bonus.With thunderstriker you can use a greatsword and bash with the offhand by 7th level I think. I dont have my books handy though.The rondelero gets better much earlier but is restricted to falcata and buckler.
I really dislike that you can make a monster whose appearance doesnt at all match his abilities,Also they can have a 24 ac at level 2-3.
Way Back in the days when dnd was the only thing around Unearthed Arcana had a stat called Comeliness.It was a optional rule that separated appearance from personality.I dont remember the specifics but I am sure theres other dinosaurs besides me that have the 1st edition book laying around.
Check out thunderstriker,rondelero duelist, and shielded fighter they all can be very effective shield basher.I am going to try out a thunderstriker with bastard sword as my next pc in a korvosa game.
Please please include random charts that incorporate these items so we can find them in treasure drops.
I can do that might take me a day or three as I left it at a friends so we could prepare for the shackles game.
Regarding order 1979819,When I received this order one of the books(pirates of the inner sea had a small mark on the back like the glossy part had gotten too hot.Later after reading through it once two pages stuck together.I am bringing this up much later than when I received it,because I am debating ordering more books but I would prefer to not get books in that condition.
25 point buy if you have tried it as a gm or player I want to hear what you thought.We usually use 15 point buys but for my next campaign(the shackles)I was thinking of using 25 point buys so everyone can invest in anutical skills and still do thier normal clases.
Give the poor guys a ki pool so they can use the ninja talents too.Playtest and I bet there wont be any more crying in the corner
Fix exotic weapons.At least have some exotic weapons grouped together