2 people marked this as a favorite.
Since they'll be off for 24 hours, ask me what you need to know.
I'm a trivial pursuit guru.
And I might even try to get it off of spanish wikipedia, and convert it via babelfish into something beautiful.
So ask away!!!
disclaimer:noneofwhatspankytheleprechaunreflectstheopinionsofPaizo,anybodyh ere,orthetruthnecessarilyforthatmatteronlymeantforentertainmentpurposes.
Deer Spaynkee,
Whut fer does snoe fell?
How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Is TOZ actually the Tooth Fairy in disguise?
why can a woodchuck not chuck wood?
Snow false, on acout of its cold and gravytous.
A cord per unit force.
The tooth fairy you say? No, but he is the Great pumpkin.
Ask his cousin Betty Lou.
FuelDrop wrote: why can a woodchuck not chuck wood?
When it's Elijah wood. Because he allready went and chucked himself.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
onoes..........icanhazcheezburger.com is down too....
Deer Spaynkee,
Duz yoo evry thank thit may mummu maid loov mea agin?
now, here's my Wikipedia page of the day.
I don't know what they're saying, but.....who cares?!?!
Dear Spanky,
Wanna smoosh?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Snooki wrote: Dear Spanky,
Wanna smoosh?
Apparently,.....no; Leprechauns are not immune to Hepatitis C.
How much flour do I need to make zhe scrambled eggs?
Have you seen my cousin Sock?
Creepy Puppet wrote: Have you seen my cousin Sock? She's in Quito, Ecuador.
Le French Chef! wrote: How much flour do I need to make zhe scrambled eggs? Frenchy Wikipedia works fine, dude.
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: onoes..........icanhazcheezburger.com is down too.... Can you post kyoot kittehs here, too?
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: No.
now, here's my Wikipedia page of the day.
I don't know what they're saying, but.....who cares?!?!
Spankypedia? So, is this where one spanks it to those pics?
When wikipedia is the down, witll our grammer do bad?
How about politits threads? less or more talking
or just the same and less facts
Magnets. How do they work?
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Chick magnets. How do they work?
Is that Leprechaun movie with that girl from Friends any good?
What are the historical precedents for paladins, I don't think they've had enough attention on the boards lately.
Who wad that guy in Die Hard? No, not Bruce Willis, not that main bad guy, that other guy?
What is the latest song by Buraka Som Sistema?
What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Spammy, can you give me the plot for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?
Is my wittle boy an internet troll?
When is WotC releasing 5E in stores?
Is there a list of famous Paladins?
Is there a list of infamous Paladins?
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Any paladins with Alignment issues? Do they go to Meineke?
Finally the death of the wordiest word site and a systamtic stealer of good goblins thoughts. I approve. They should stay down, permently, and be burned while they're down.
But a question to the lepurcan, I am in the middle an existential quandary.
How do I write without writing?
Britney peek shaved
No results?
Gall, Inquisitor of Gargling wrote: How do I write without writing? It's not writing if it's typing.
Geesh. This thread is like an aborted PbP.
Where did you go Spankay?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gall, Inquisitor of Gargling wrote: How do I write without writing? {consult's Poor Urizen's Almanac} Ah, I have your answer here:
无 (mu)
So has He house-ruled, so shall it be. Pie Urizen domine; dona eis requiem. {wacks self in head with the heavy tome}
This thread is useless. The talky-ovoid metal thign told me how to use wikipedia.
Whut fer do trolls be allowed to hav intranet axess?
Mothman wrote: Is that Leprechaun movie with that girl from Friends any good? The one I'm watching on an old vhs tape is.
Castiel of Fangwood wrote: What are the historical precedents for paladins, I don't think they've had enough attention on the boards lately. El Cid, John Wayne, and Tim Tebow.
Angry Bird wrote: Who wad that guy in Die Hard? No, not Bruce Willis, not that main bad guy, that other guy? Erkel's dad from that show. It doesn't matter. You won't remember tomorrow.
what are the historical preferences for red mantis assassins?
Mothman wrote: What is the latest song by Buraka Som Sistema? A Country Boy Can Survive?
Aberzombie wrote: Spammy, can you give me the plot for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? It's like Dumb and Dumber, except without the Dumber; i.e. just dumb.
Gall, Inquisitor of Gargling wrote: Finally the death of the wordiest word site and a systamtic stealer of good goblins thoughts. I approve. They should stay down, permently, and be burned while they're down.
But a question to the lepurcan, I am in the middle an existential quandary.
How do I write without writing?
Two wrongs, or three left turns should do the trick.
Just not in Albuquerque.