Dill Dotee Baggins's page
116 posts. Alias of Moorluck.
Han Johb wrote: Everybody loves me, but nobody wants to tell their mom about me. Do you know how much that hurts? It only hurts if you spank it son.
Blind Squirrel wrote: Moorluck wrote: A squirrel or a chipmunk? I'd lick Alvin's ass! Ah always figerd yew fer that type.
Ethel the Succubus wrote: Dill Dotee Baggins wrote: Cornholio wrote: I AM CORNHOLIO! You have TP for my bunghole? Ah gots sumthin fer yer bunghole. That's two levels for that, Sweet cheeks.
Inhales Pall mall Ain't got no levels. Yew gotsta have class tah have levels.
Cornholio wrote: I AM CORNHOLIO! You have TP for my bunghole? Ah gots sumthin fer yer bunghole.
Alaina, priestess of Calistria wrote: Moorluck wrote: Now I can't get the thought of a all Halfling game where the PC's are all modeled after movie murderers out of my head.
"It puts the treasure in the basket!" I like where this is going .. Hey der sweet thang.
Blind Squirrel wrote: DSXMachina wrote: Ouch, ouch? Stop those are my nuts Mr Squirrel?
Anything like that?
Always with the complaining!
Well hey thur lil' fella. Why yew ain't no bigger thin mah han', how's 'bout yew an' me git better 'quainted?
Ambrosia Slaad wrote: You poor deluded fools. Even now, your rational minds won't fully grasp what your subconscious lizard-brain already knows.
This is just the Beginning, the opening of but the First Seal. By the time you begin to truly understand the Horrors festering here in Florida, it'll be too late to act.
Sweetheart, I been tryin ta open dem dere seals by clubbin' 'em on da heds, but all I kep gettin' is seal brayns.
aeglos wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Celestial Healer wrote:
But really, I meant authentic Mexican tacos...... Made with real Mexicans? [schwarzenegger voice] ve germans like to eat americans.
ve eat white americans, black americans and mixed americans, pictured: mixed american[/schwarzenegger voice] Geet to da choppah!!!!!
Yer all havin' badwrongfun!! I'ma gonna tell yew awl howz it dun, an' yer gonna dew et mah way, gotthat!!
Angry Bird wrote: Dill Dotee Baggins wrote: Angry Bird wrote: Crimson Jester wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Crimson Jester wrote: 3 Hour meeting?? Do you have to pay attention? Apparently....no, not really. psst.. Angry Birds... Just saying. ~Narrows eyes~ Ah'd be mure intimidated if'n yew had a sphinkter Bird Boy. ~Loads self into catapult, fires, and is KO'd by a window~ HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Stoopid Burd... Ah'ma gonna cook yew fer dinner!
~Runs into window when he goes to pick up AB.~
Angry Bird wrote: Crimson Jester wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Crimson Jester wrote: 3 Hour meeting?? Do you have to pay attention? Apparently....no, not really. psst.. Angry Birds... Just saying. ~Narrows eyes~ Ah'd be mure intimidated if'n yew had a sphinkter Bird Boy.
Deer Spaynkee,
Duz yoo evry thank thit may mummu maid loov mea agin?
AM SORCERER TOO wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Look! A squirrel!!! WHERE!?
In muh belly! Ah et the damn varmint.
Mothman wrote: Moorluck wrote:
Exactly, they would just use it as a port-a-potty!
Unless you're.... into that sort of thing... then, have at 'em! :/ Uh ... no. That's one sub-set of fetish I just don't get. Ayup.
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: When the French and the Germans speak to one another, they have to do so in English? My prayers were answered! Now thut thur iz whut we call Ironic.
Ah heard that with muh bad ear.
Pipp wrote: Fawtly DM wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Morning! Going to breakfast with wife.
No Joycean ejaculations this morning?
Homicidal Halfling? Is our PbP coming back? Or am I missing the reference? I tried to resurrect our PbP, somebody never posted. Right-o. And here I was hoping to meet those lovely piggy chaps. I brought biscuits to share. Them pigs was real eager to meet you too, I hear they think you got a pretty mouth.
Crimson Jester wrote: Dill Dotee Baggins wrote: Crimson Jester wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Man...some people REALLY take things too metagamishly seriously... What? You don't like hamsters? HA! It's funny you should mention hamsters. We had a gerbil as a mascot for our anime club in college(Fuzzy, the anime gerbil, or FUZTAG), and I kept him as a pet for many years. I was sad when he passed.
No, I was talking about the Kender topic far, far up-page. Some people really should stay far away from them, and I don't just mean the people who play them poorly.
[edit]NEKKID GERBIL REMNINICENCE/KENDER EXTRAPOLATION FOR TOP!!!! You know why you duck tape a hamster right? So it don't fall out yer butt? ** spoiler omitted ** Anybody ever tell ya' thut yer a sick puppy?
~Wanders off with a jar of Vaseline and a pocket full of gerbils.~
Crimson Jester wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Man...some people REALLY take things too metagamishly seriously... What? You don't like hamsters? HA! It's funny you should mention hamsters. We had a gerbil as a mascot for our anime club in college(Fuzzy, the anime gerbil, or FUZTAG), and I kept him as a pet for many years. I was sad when he passed.
No, I was talking about the Kender topic far, far up-page. Some people really should stay far away from them, and I don't just mean the people who play them poorly.
[edit]NEKKID GERBIL REMNINICENCE/KENDER EXTRAPOLATION FOR TOP!!!! You know why you duck tape a hamster right? So it don't fall out yer butt?
taig wrote: Emperor7 wrote: lynora wrote: Jiminy Sunwake wrote: Moorluck wrote: ulgulanoth wrote: boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored.... Three screaming kids and one stressed out wife would remove the boredom.... trust me. :S Sounds like you have room for a fourth. I'm very adorable. Just ask anyone alive. ;) As they are quivering in terror. Oh, you're adorable all right. Evil, but adorable. And the ones that don't think I'm adorable aren't 'alive' for very long. Mean peoples shouldn't say bad things about Jiminy. Your mask slipped. :)
Shhhh... It's safer if'n ya' don't say nuthin'.
Justin Franklin wrote: Looks like we have a stray cat infestation this morning. Someone call Animal Control. Ah'll take any extra "kitties" ya have layin' 'round.
Captain O'Hagan wrote: I swear to god, I'm pistol-whipping the next one that says "Shenanigans"! Sheenannygins!
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: taig wrote: Moorluck wrote: taig wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: I see NOTHING.
I should hold hostage the first printing hardback of I, Strahd (with dust-jacket) that somebody scored for somebody until I start seeing stuff. Huh, buh, wha? You were only supposed to take one of those pills Badgah. Now your brain isn't getting enough blood. :P But I've seen/heard less vague statements from politicians before. A statement that is only vague to those at whom it's not aimed. MUAHAHAHA! Talky leaf man make Dill's head hurt....
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote: Woodraven wrote: Moorluck wrote: I have been to sporadic in my posting as of late, I blame Solnes being home with me more, she's better looking than you guys and her boobies distract me from posting. in my experience boobies trump *almost* anything and can cause one to post sporadically if not completely shut down posting altogether. I still don't get boob obsession. Son, yer momma din'd breastfeed yew enuf, did she?
Gary Teter wrote: *click* *click* Somebody give that ooze some live ammo, poor guy's been shooting blanks for too damn long.
Well Ah kin tell ya not only who ishood a farearm by it's sound, but whare it 'uz made, whare it 'uz shipped from, and whut culer eyez the guy holdin' it 'az.

flash_cxxi wrote: Fawtly DM wrote: Maulfeuer Brandstifter wrote: ok gear purchased, I just feel lost I have 972gp or equivalent(a.k.a divided it up with platinum gold silver and copper) Too much coinage.
I rename the greatsword to a Flamberge just for flavor or did they actually make sword to that name here? A flamberge would indeed be just a greatsword under another name. not unlike a claymore. I kinda like the wavey lookin' things so run with it. Hell I still half refer to longswords as broadswords. Although I do draw the line at refering to a katana as a bastard sword. They actually have a Flamberge now in The Adventurer's Armoury, although they call it a Flambard? O.o
Flambard: This two-handed sword has a wavy blade that is especially useful for cutting through wooden weapons. If you are proficient with this weapon, you gain a +4 bonus on any sunder attempts made against weapons with a wooden haft; otherwise you may use this sword as a bastard sword.
Two–Handed Melee Weapons
Exotic / Cost / Dmg (S) Dmg (M) / Critical / Weight / Type / Special
Flambard / 50gp / 1d8 1d10 / 19–20×2 / — / 6 lbs. / S / sunder, trip
Note it's Exotic nature, although it says you can use it as a Bastard Sword, so maybe you can use it two-handed without taking the EWP and one-handed with the EWP? Hey! We don' need nun o yer fancy book lernin ta teach us 'bout no flaminbergs!! ;)
Pipp wrote: Dill Dotee Baggins wrote: Pipp wrote: taig wrote: O_o
I'll have a character by Wednesday.
I always like making new friends! Hey thur, is you still lookin' fer yer flute, or is ya intrested in a trombone. Why, my flute's right here, thank you for asking!
What polite, helpful people they have around here. Ewed be suhprised how helpfull ah kin be, handsum.
Pipp wrote: taig wrote: O_o
I'll have a character by Wednesday.
I always like making new friends! Hey thur, is you still lookin' fer yer flute, or is ya intrested in a trombone.
Aberzombie wrote: Moorluck wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Oooh! TotP with a pointless flight status post.... Only cause it ate mine. It's a tainted victory (*).
Fuzzy green meat tainted? Tasted fine to me.
Studpuffin wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: I see now... it's the ultimate in making people welcome. Force them to be welcome. How could I have been so blind??? Oh, a wise guy eh? *double pokes Mairkurion's eyes* nyuknyuknyuk
Obi-Jack wrote: Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote: You don't know jack. A Jack-Knight feels the Jack flowing through him. Well ya know whut they say, ya don't buy it, ya rent it.
The Jade wrote: Moorluck wrote: Jeremy Mcgillan wrote: First off when you were naked on the other persons lawn were you looking in their windows casue that just might be the problem. It's not that he was naked, it's what he was doing to himself while naked. That poor chicken.... O_o The only reason I'm a vegetarian is because I can't kill what I love.
And love... and love... and love...
::cues funk bass:: That's right make it squawk for ya!
Urizen wrote: Solnes wrote: I thought you said you were clean?!! Dude, you're supposed to tell a girl about things like this! ;) I shaved. Does that count? Mahn Ah'd shave mah back too fer summa that thur.
General Zod wrote: KNEEL BEFORE ZOD! ~Kicks Zod in the nads with Kryptonite toed boots.~
Hay ewe skered me!
~pees pants.~
On top of old Lucy, all covered with sleaze, I lost my poor cherry, and got a disease.
The Stick of Darkness wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: The Stick of Darkness wrote: Hello Mairkurion. You should be posting in the EEVAIL thread. But I like it here better. You all have such nice round mouthes. Well lookee here, we gots us anudder one a dem invayders.
~Pulls out flamethrower.~
Hold still boy, Ah'm gonna light yer fire!
Ward wrote: *Cruises through thread, looking for women that look better than June. Notices that even the men look better than June, too.* ~Hollars over the deafening roar of his guns~
Hey you dere, ya cruisin'?
Fire Squad Bravo wrote: Must eliminate all bio-forms
*ten voices soeak in unison*
~Opens up on Alpha squad, then turn his duel street sweepers towards Bravo~
Gud luck wit that!
Fire Squad Alpha wrote: Dill Dotee Baggins wrote: Universal Soldier #3 wrote: Universal Soldier #3 wrote: *enters thread, takes sniping position, and begins firing* *continues firing* ~Walks up to US3, rips gun out of hand and shoves it up US2's scrawny a**~
We gotcha alred-E. Target sigted. Nail Baggins.
*ten voices in unison* Bring itcha buncha scrawny lil' bone bags!
~Whips out twin AA-12 Auto Shotguns loaded with Flack-12 explosive shells~
I gotcher farin squad right 'ere!
Universal Soldier #3 wrote: Universal Soldier #3 wrote: *enters thread, takes sniping position, and begins firing* *continues firing* ~Walks up to US3, rips gun out of hand and shoves it up US2's scrawny a**~
We gotcha alred-E.
Fiendish Wilhelm Nietzsche wrote: Bring out your dead. But Ah ain't dun makin' tha luv to 'em yet.
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote: I'm back from the store and I am in the process of fixing cornbread (from a mix, not homemade) in my new cast iron skillet.
Then, I will be off to the FLGS where I might be running d20 future despite not being ready at all. :(
Chili and cornbread should remedy that to an extent, however.
You gonna eat that conebread?
Jack_Frost wrote: taig wrote: Ow!
<Calls police to arrest Jack Frost for assault and battery>
C'mon, it was a "good touch." It's okay to admit it. ~Comes up behind Mr. Frost and places his hand on Frost's buttocks.~
Lahk this here? Yer cold... ya wanna I kin warm ya up.
Jack Hammer wrote: Dill Dotee Baggins wrote: Jack Hammer wrote: Sara Marie wrote: Just posting to say hi.
** spoiler omitted ** How YOU doin'? ;) Back off bub. Ah sawed her first. She'uz gonna be mah gurl friend. Movin' up to humanoids are you, and girls? Big jump thar. Ah hell, ewe know me JH, Ah'll wrassle wit anybody that'll have me... Ah ain't picky. :P
Jack Hammer wrote: Sara Marie wrote: Just posting to say hi.
** spoiler omitted ** How YOU doin'? ;) Back off bub. Ah sawed her first. She'uz gonna be mah gurl friend.
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote: bye to everybody that said bye
Wow, I'm full of important things to say today. :)
** spoiler omitted **
I don't care who ya' are, that thur is funny.
Täîg wrote: Snöôplatin, I suppose. ~BOOM~BOOM~
Dangit! Ah missed 'im again!
Mac Boyce wrote: Moorluck wrote: The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote: Moorluck wrote: The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote: Anyone ever eat SOS? Sh** on the Shingles? Yup. It's just sausage gravy on toast. We (back in the day when my Dad made it) often used beef instead of sausage and added scrambled eggs. Mmmmmm... damn now I'm hungry. Really?? Because we're doing Sirloin with handmade Hashbrowns for dinner tonight.
Loves ya all. Gotta go cook and Mass Effect 2. Get back in that kitchen woman! I wants mah dinnah!!