KaeYotik's page
88 posts. Alias of Moorluck.
Aberzombie wrote: Almost time to go force the kid into the bath. Dirty little turd. Mah momma said thet she flushed thu baby an kept thu turd.
Ethel the Succubus wrote: KaeYotik wrote: Ethel the Succubus wrote: KaeYotik wrote: Eminem wrote: Mentally ill from FAWTLYville! Mah momma says yew f***ed her won tyme. That was me sweetie. Sorry
inhales Pall Mall Yew f***ed mah momma two? I dint no shee wuz buy. I've got both parts, dearie. It's part of the whole seducer demon package.
wheezes, coughs
lights another cigarette Yew an me an momma coold hev a treesome den! :D
Ethel the Succubus wrote: KaeYotik wrote: Eminem wrote: Mentally ill from FAWTLYville! Mah momma says yew f***ed her won tyme. That was me sweetie. Sorry
inhales Pall Mall Yew f***ed mah momma two? I dint no shee wuz buy.
Eminem wrote: Mentally ill from FAWTLYville! Mah momma says yew f***ed her won tyme.
Alien Abductor wrote: Who wants free candy? Ah dew, ah dew!
KaeYotk's Mom Lilly wrote: taig wrote: Moorluck wrote: Now I can't get the thought of a all Halfling game where the PC's are all modeled after movie murderers out of my head.
"It puts the treasure in the basket!" "Mother?" You're not mine... not stupid enough to be my brat. Awww. Thet hurted mah feelins. :(
Ah lak ol' peepuls, day tawlk funnee.
gran rey de los mono wrote: I'm almost scared to ask, but do you want him to make a sound like a pig's squeal, or do you want him to find a pig and make it squeal? Eeder or, Ah lahk tuh mix it up ferm tahm ta tahm.
Fawful wrote: KaeYotik wrote: Fawful wrote: KaeYotik wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: If all the bases are covered, you might consider an outfielder. Ah seed whut you dun der! You are being stopped with the seeding of the seeing! It is to be seeding your face with the seeds of the weeds. The weeds of your agony! Ah like thu way yew talk. An' yew shoor dew got a purty mouf. ...............
Fawful has the fleeing. *escapes!* HAY! Wade up now, Ah needs to hear yew make a piggy squeel.
Fawful wrote: KaeYotik wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: If all the bases are covered, you might consider an outfielder. Ah seed whut you dun der! You are being stopped with the seeding of the seeing! It is to be seeding your face with the seeds of the weeds. The weeds of your agony! Ah like thu way yew talk. An' yew shoor dew got a purty mouf.
gran rey de los mono wrote: If all the bases are covered, you might consider an outfielder. Ah seed whut you dun der!
Creepy Puppet wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: I was objecting to the avatar. It was a creepy clown-looking thing. Not this avatar? Whut abowt thees wun?
Mah paladhin juzt mayd owt wid his mownt!
Whut aline ment iz hee?
Deer Spaynkee,
Whut fer does snoe fell?
Weables wrote: oh, I'm sorry. We should meet halfway then. D8 hp, 3/4 BAB? Lets reduce his spell list a bit to make up for the buffs, maybe focus it on more the melee and shielding spells.... maybe a special dual wield mechanic to include spells.
Anyone have a name for such a beast?
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: Moorluck wrote: Cleric of St. Sebastian wrote: We must all try to follow the example of St Sebastian, the most magnamous man in the world! Yes, well we can't all shoot Skittles out of our butts. :/ I can, but just brown ones. Hhayay! Them skiddles tase like s*@~!
Mah momma sayd ta not be lettin' people hugs me unless they'd been payin' her firs'.
Xabulba wrote: Bug or van? Why would a bug be driving a van?
~Wanders off with a empty jug to find Cortney Cox.~
Gary Teter wrote: Because I said so! Momma says I ought not to listen to funny little things with tentacles, she says thet thaz how them there henshuh movies get madez.... an she should know, she'z a whore.
Gary Teter wrote: Because! Cause' why? Momma says to me thut "acause" ain't no good a reason.
Miss Fortune wrote: Sir Prize wrote: I'd make cheezecake art mandatory in all publications. Screw that! Beefcake! Carrot Cake!!!
Allen Taliesin wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Moorluck wrote: Sharoth wrote: You are not strange, Moorluck. You are VERY strange! ~grins~ And? :P ...little lambs eat ivy. Insightful. Ah understands whut ewe meenz.
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Moorluck wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: The word asstard is funny. Now that I think of it, though, it would have to mean slow ass. No way LPM is a slow ass. Well I think it comes from ass+bastard. But... thanks? Huh...ass+bastard. An asinine can be illegitimate? The things that worry me... Huh? Now i'z cunfoozed.
I eated the yella snow!
It don't taste nuthin' like limons.
lynora wrote: AT-AT IS AWESOME!!!!
No wonder he wanted that toy so bad. The review was right. This thing is the size of a (large) dollhouse. And it has several buttons that play sounds including bits from the movie. So happy that kidlet is happy. :)
Kin I haz won two!? :D
I know how Blink Dogs can be Sorcerers!
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: hellaw? walleh? is that you walleh?
taig wrote: Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: Why are you special? I never said I was special. Mah momma sayd I'z speshul!
Sharoth wrote: flash_cxxi wrote: Sharoth wrote: flash_cxxi wrote: Who was it that was interested in Tales of the Gold Monkey?
If you send me a message on FB there's a chance I can post you a copy. :) Thanks, but one of my friends has the Complete DVD series. O.o
From where did he get such a fabled product? He got it from Best Buy or Wal-Mart.
You could try Here. Wal Mart is the devil. At least that what momma says.
Sebastian wrote: Crimson Jester wrote: Moorluck wrote: Gary Teter wrote: Wait, we have a time machine?! Yes. But we are in disagreement as to how it should be used. I saw we go back and grab Audry Hepburn and bring her to the last PaizoCon as a gift to Jason. Everyone else thinks we should go shoot paintballs at the Mayans. I say we do both only we kidnap Mayans and shoot Audry Hepburn with paintballs. I'm all for options, but that's clearly a textbook case of "you're doing it wrong." Ayup. Evuhn Ah knowd that.
<trousers drop>
Moff Rimmer wrote: And we have "lessons in grammar" for the TotP. Ah lahk grahmur, momma sed Ah is a gude talker and speler.
Mah momma sed mah head wuz so big wen ah uz borned thut ah rerned her carrear as a escort lady.
Ah din'n no thut she useta be a car.
Eric Swanson wrote: Treppa wrote: Eric Swanson wrote: Moorluck wrote: Eric Swanson wrote: 9 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Till? :/ Baseball Opening Day! Go Cubs! Yeah you got it!! Goe Laykerz!! :P
Moff Rimmer wrote: Sharoth wrote: Moorluck wrote: Sharoth wrote: Am I? No more so than any one else here.... so yes, yes you are. :P Oh. ~thinks~ Is that good or bad? We'll just add that to the poll. KiN aH tAkE tHe PoLl TwO?
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: mine! Nu-uh! Is mahn, Ah woned it fair an skwar!
Moorluck wrote: DM Phil wrote: Geez, the people on Dr Phil are dumb. ** spoiler omitted ** I'm surprised they can type. So is Ah.
Ma momma saided ta me thut lafe was jus' lak a box o' dem dere ex-laxetives, in da end ya left wit' s@!!!
flash_cxxi wrote: Nuts Nuts Nuts... 11 Pages is not fun to read through... :/
I still have 8 to go...
Yew kin do eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!
Aberzombie wrote: Moorluck wrote: David Fryer wrote: Found this on a friend's facebook, thought it fit:
"Observe which side resorts to the most vociferous name-calling and you are likely to have identified the side with the weaker argument and they know it." - Charles R. Anderson Screw you you jerk!! :P Yeah, what a scab eater. I flag yur post, a'cause it make me feel bad fer eatin mah scabs!!!!
Heh-VEEEEE boots are red, feels 'is viktums on der heads!
Is he Clive or Fred... I see the waves of 'is water bed!
Lookee, I is sanging!!!!
Urizen wrote: You guys switch avys really fast. Is there a short cut to toggle or something? Wha?
taig wrote: flash_cxxi wrote: taig wrote: Flagged! :)
Aw, he got rid of it. :( ??? I just happened to spot a post from Ross Byers simply stating "Flarg!"
He got rid of it.
Did him see momma nekkid?
taig wrote: Flagged! :)
Aw, he got rid of it. :(
I don' unnerstan'.
Aberzombie wrote: Lord Fyre wrote: Is the new light bulb one of the new "eco-friendly" kind?
Smashes a CFL light bulb on the floor, causing mercury contamination. *Eats light bulb fragments, licking the floor clean*