Aldern Foxglove

Don Keebalz's page

39 posts. Alias of Moorluck.


GelBob CubePants wrote:

OOOOhhh, who lives as an alias of a monkey?


Acidic, and stealthy, and oozy is he!


Clean up on isle five!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This just in, My Little Ponies sent to dog food plant in order to feed The Pound Puppies.

Blind Squirrel wrote:
Betty, Poughkeepsie Waitress wrote:
What d'ya want, mac?
My nuts.


taig wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
You know, I really never make plans for my days off. Only because if I do words like premeditated get thrown around the courtroom......

I'm sure Sebastian can get you off.

Stay tuned to MTV for our next hit show.... Pimp My Pony!

Mad Hermit Runecaster wrote:
I'm the old dood who went in the dungeon, came out scathed, and wants to tell others where the damn traps are......

Screw you old man! We'll find those traps on our own!

And best of all, we don't suck......!


Whut fer do trolls be allowed to hav intranet axess?

Hey, the thread name lied. This stuff ain't funny at all. :P

He's back by not so popular demand!

Vote for your fearless leader the One and Only LPM this year!

All hail the bringer of hookers and booze!!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
lynora wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
lynora wrote:

We had to cancel gaming for tonight. :(

Apparently the guys thought I might have a bit of difficulty what with the laryngitis and fever. I hate it when they're right.
I'm sorry. My day of gaming was also canceled. Maybe it would have been pushing it in my condition, but it is so rare for my old pal's schedule to ever line up...almost like an eclipse, blah. Here's to next time, Lynora.
Hear, hear. And I hope your back is healing quickly.
I am, thanks! And though I am frustratingly weak, No Drugs At All So Far Today. Even longer than yesterday!

Drugs're bad. M'kay.

Aberzombie wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Did baby zombie "mark" you again? O.o

Not me. That happened to mommy. But I had to help with the cleanup.

Fighting a cold though, same as the boy. That's unfun.

That sucks me!

Emperor7 wrote:
Lord President Moorluck wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
I vote for hemp grocery bags. That way when parents get done looking at exorbitant grocery bills, or the stress from dragging screaming children through a grocery store they can then sit back at home roll up the grocery bag and smoke it.
I'm appointing you to my cabinet!

I'm pointing him towards my humidor!

*makes note to buy humidor*

Might I suggest the "Lewinsky" model, I hear it's got a lot of room inside.

It's not just lame, it's Sofa King lame!

FaWTL isn't just family.

It's Sofa King Family!!

Ricca Adri' Thiakria wrote:
Gruumash . is banned for not contributing more fake words.

Ricca is not just banned. Ricca is Sofa King banned!

And I ban myself for the bad puns.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Given a straight line like "Cagey Bees", how could I not do an In Soviet Russia joke?

Like this:

1: *knock knock*
2: Whose there?
3: Cagey Bee.
4: Honey, get the children and go out the window. I love you.
5: Did you say you have honey in there?


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" [/'Little Orphan' Ani Skywalker]

It's not just bad. It's Sofa King bad!

Alanis Morissette wrote:

Clearly the GM class is most broken of them all. Seriously, what's wrong with my LG gestalt ninja/fighter four-armed quad-wielding psionic quarter-drider/quarter-drow/half-dhampir with a loligoth theme?!?! If your not awesome enough to GM for my PC -- the gorgeous ultra-talented MariSu Tyler'Do'Durden PC -- then retire to the old GMs' home already!!!

What evs! I'll just GM my own solo game!1111!!elebenty-one!!!

It's not just broken. It's Sofa King broken!

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
So I finally got around to watching the entire Star Wars original Trilogy. Totally underwhelmed. Poor story and horrible script, ok effects for the time, and I`m totally mystified as to why it was so popular. I guess I`m just not a good geek.

Well shucks, that's not just wrong, that's Sofa King wrong!

Hello everybody! Come on down to Sofa-King, where the prices aren't just low. They're Sofa-King low!

Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Well, this is Monkey 2.0. Kinder, gentler monkey. The dude who has no opinion on religion/politics/game design or avatar choices. I'm just gonna chill and try to focus on what's really important. Where my copy of Cheliax: Empire of Devils got to ... (seriously, I can't find that lil' hooker anywhere... really harshing my collector's buzz)
Solnes' Chest? :P
+1. Or to be anatomically correct, +2. Unless there is something I don't know about Solnes....Better bump it up to +3 just in case. ;-)
They're big enough for +4. ;) mean she has QUAD BOOBS?!? I thought that was only a legend! A myth!!

Come to FaWTLcon 2011 and see the amazing Solnes boobs for yourself! The price of admission is your company..... and $29.95.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Blink Monkey ---- how are you doing?!?!?
Figured it was time to end my self-imposed exile from OTD for a bit. See if I can refrain from entering any of the ridiculous religion/political/etc threads that have infested our once happy subforum. Plus I missed y'all. Just been working the PbP upstream and working lots, trying to get the bills paid. Them subscriptions don't pay for themselves ya know ..
tell me about it. This however Pat may not be the best time since we are being invaded. I have been thoroughly chastised how ever to not at this time do a full scale retaliation.
Let me pour you a drink, CrimJ. Relax. Fawtly is the irresistible force that will march on, over all. Observe posting without anxiety. What else is up with you, man? Anything good? Eaten any good PIE lately? Need a Leafy hug? Want to make more innuendo about the PMG and his Mrs? Want to engage in edition warring? [I KID! I KID!]

Everyone knows that Super Mega 54E with New MMO features is teh AWESUM!!! EvARthing elz is teh suxxxxxxxxxxx!!!!!!!!!

taig wrote:

Woah! Roethlisberger was running like he was chasing some young, blond college girl.

Or away from a police investigation Taig.

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Lord President Moorluck wrote:
I think this is the most prolific Sunday we've had in a blink dogs age. Awesome work folks.
Solnes has to take most of the credit for today.
You don't give a woman credit! Are you mad, she'll max the damn cards out in one day! :P
LMAO Damn! there goes my keyboard.


We interrupt this page to bring you this important safety notice.

Reading FaWTL, Son of FaWTL, or any of the subsequent threads may damage, or even destroy your keyboard. If you have experienced this costly problem, or know someone who has, then tough s#*&.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Forum.

Urizen wrote:

Nah, that would require him to be politically correct. I know you're a fan of not being restricted to PC guidelines. So, why should he?


And the official adds one to Urizen's score.

Urizen wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Urizen wrote:
You ... haz sticker!?!?!
Sticker got bigz aploz!
Scrach und Sniffz?

Psst..... hey buddy, you interested in some Jenny Pousin Scratch and Sniff stickers?

Celestial Healer wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
And Sebastian's Back! Welcome back buddy.

Heh. The first thing I did was suggest he had a disease, and then I compared him to a schoolgirl.

I'm such a good FAWTLy friend.

And as we see here the people of FAWTL greet each other in the traditional way, with a series of several swift kicks to the groin.

Woodraven wrote:
ugh found out that the city suffered 8 water main breaks yesterday. City officials state the boil order might last until early next week. That means I can't use my shower until then due to possible contamination.

Try the NEW! Flesh Eating Bacteria Weight Loss Program!* Just two showers a day and watch the pounds vanish, just like magic!**

*The producers of this diet are not responsible for pain, suffering, or disfigurement due to the use of this product.
**As per the Horrid Wilting spell!

Aberzombie wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
So, pasta is malevolent then?
Evil of a kind such as you've never known before. Worse than this!

Barney eats pasta. And small children. Pasta means death for children.

~This message was paid for by the People Against Pastafarian Supremacy EvAngelistic Reform.)

Urizen wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Any good leads? You don't want to be the UPS guy? You'd be great at it, I hear they might be putting AC in their trucks soon.

To be frank, I'd be bored. It's also like telling me, "hey, they have data entry jobs! You're a fast-as-fnck typer; you'd excel at it!" It doesn't mean I'd enjoy it, though.

I revised my resume yesterday, but then the lil lady found a couple things afterwards I will be correcting today. "How come you and Treppa didn't point that out in Revision Three?" *slams head*. :D

EDIT: Piss and Vinegar for TOTP.

Have you considered an exciting career in Pest Management Services? You can make money and have fun all while slowly going crazy from the chemicals that seep into your bloodstream over the course of the next few years! And this isn't even mentioning the perks of crawling around on nasty kitchen floors look for roach s#&@! How cool is that? It's so cool it's ICE COLD!

The following is a test of our emergency profanity filters.


....This was just a test, if it had been a real emergency that would have been sad, we now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

The 2008 Day of the Dead sucks me BTW.

Yknaps the Lesserprechaun wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
YOU said hi to the zombie this morning but not me? Effer!
Kick his ass! KICK HIS ASS!!!

Kick his me, kick his me!!

Studpuffin wrote:
Marvel bashing for TotP!

DC stands for Don Keecox. He's my cousin.

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Treppa doesn't seem the type to like those kind of movies.
I thought maybe she was degenerating to our level...
It would take someone as lovely and smart as her 10,000 years of exposure to lethal levels of radiation to degenerate to my level.
Or, perhaps one exposure to this.

I kill you now.

flash_cxxi wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
sad now :(
Sorry :(

that sucks ME

Braying Ass wrote:
Don Keebalz wrote:
Braying Ass wrote:
Don Keebalz wrote:

Well hello everybody. I'm here to tell you about an amazing new opportunity for you. How would you like to win the interwebz? Well I know I sure would, and I'm sure you would to! How can I do this, you ask? EASY! All you have to do is master the art of 'snark'. Snark is an ancient art that dates back to our pre-asshat ancestors, they would use it to fend off sabre tooth jerkwads, and now thanks to the miracle of modern science we have cloned 'snark' and made it available to you! All you need to do is place your order TODAY, and if you order now you will receive a free guide to 'Suck it!', so interweb trollz B-ware, with 'snark' and 'Suck it!' they don't stand a chance.

*offer not valid in any way.

I already rulz teh Webz.
Don Keebalz.
I already addressed this in my previous post which you obviously didn't bother to read!

Yes, you rule because you have Don Keebalz! :P

Braying Ass wrote:
Don Keebalz wrote:

Well hello everybody. I'm here to tell you about an amazing new opportunity for you. How would you like to win the interwebz? Well I know I sure would, and I'm sure you would to! How can I do this, you ask? EASY! All you have to do is master the art of 'snark'. Snark is an ancient art that dates back to our pre-asshat ancestors, they would use it to fend off sabre tooth jerkwads, and now thanks to the miracle of modern science we have cloned 'snark' and made it available to you! All you need to do is place your order TODAY, and if you order now you will receive a free guide to 'Suck it!', so interweb trollz B-ware, with 'snark' and 'Suck it!' they don't stand a chance.

*offer not valid in any way.

I already rulz teh Webz.

Don Keebalz.

Well hello everybody. I'm here to tell you about an amazing new opportunity for you. How would you like to win the interwebz? Well I know I sure would, and I'm sure you would to! How can I do this, you ask? EASY! All you have to do is master the art of 'snark'. Snark is an ancient art that dates back to our pre-asshat ancestors, they would use it to fend off sabre tooth jerkwads, and now thanks to the miracle of modern science we have cloned 'snark' and made it available to you! All you need to do is place your order TODAY, and if you order now you will receive a free guide to 'Suck it!', so interweb trollz B-ware, with 'snark' and 'Suck it!' they don't stand a chance.

*offer not valid in any way.