Everyone's favorite classes?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I'm going to be working on something short and sweet. I'll be putting in some hero classed NPCs into it, so I'd like to know what hero classes you like best out of:

The Main Book

Psionics Unleashed

Advanced Player's Guide

The something short and sweet will be researched from Celts Historical Reference and Crusades Historical Reference (both 2e resources). This short and sweet work will be designed to be put into your campaigns at any time, anywhere. It won't be designed to be out of the way, but should fit into any campaign based off of Medieval Europe, even though there will be strong Celtic influences.


If someone will be so kind as to give me a suggested list of good bardic feats?

Bard, a very very narcissistic arcane duelist to be specific. From the APG it is the summoner.

Depends on the bard, seriously that class can fill so many niches.

Shadow Lodge


Polearm wielding rogue with improved and greater trip once you get opportunist is super fun.

It's extremely difficult for me to pick a favorite as I'd love to play them all if I could. I think that's why I GM alot.

Barbarian or fighter. A gallowglass barbarian would be really cool...


So simple to learn to be functional, a great starter for new players. Immense variable class thanks to various armors and weapons that can create unique feel for each fighter.

Shadow Lodge

I love the flavor of the Cleric, but hate the Pathfinder Cleric.

So, I'm going to second the Paladin.

I want to like the Oracle, but I just can't. It's not bad so much as just doens't do what I want or think it should, though not to the same degree as the Cleric. I kind of wish that we had a PathFinder Favored Soul that fixed all the problems in the same way PathFinder did for other classes.

Grand Lodge

I like them all, but currently My favorite is the Alchemist... I like the BOOM!!! and I made him Joker-esque

For me It's gotta be the ranger or Elocator from the expanded psionics. Ranger is a good beat sticky class that has lots of options and usefullness outside of combat. While the Elocator I just had so much fun with it in the past that it holds a special place in my heart.


I prefer Fighters, Clerics, Inquisitors, Witches and I really really really want to play a Gunslinger, but since I haven't had the chance yet, I dunno if I'll like it

Shadow Lodge

Fighters or a spontaneous caster version of the witch.

I am torn between wizard and magus.

Summoner. I enjoy summoning things & customize Eidolon.

Fighters do it all day long.


Lore Wardens, various Monks, and Archaeologists

For APG... Beastmorph Alchemists.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Witch, but it's a close tie with alchemist and rogue, and also wizard.

I love Psionics Unleashed Soulknife. It's my favorite class out of the books you mentioned. Other than that, there is the Synthesist Summoner, but unfortunately that's from Ultimate Magic.
I'm still itching to play an Inquisitor sometime, as well.

Boy that's going to be a lot of classed NPCs for a small town designed to be dropped into your campaigns with little effort (I'm not doing something overly psionically, guys, just something I can write up quickly).

I'll see what I can do. :)

so far:
* P.U. Soulknife

* Witch

* Rogue

* Wizard

* Expert

* Alchemist, Lore Warden, Monk, Archaeologist (I would use Harrison Jones and Belloque, but they are Copyrighted parodies).

* Fighter

* Summoner

* Wizard or Magus

* Cleric

* Elocater

* Paladin

* Bard

Keep them coming and I'll pick the best ones. :)

Starfinder Superscriber

Since I DM about 100% of the time I don't have a favorite per se, but I really really loved playing an alchemist. However, I see them all as children you love to see.

just noticed your second question. for bardic feats, I like lingering performance and discordant voice. also since it's a charisma character, you can get power attack+Strong impression+cornugon smash, or weapon focus+dazzling display+gory finish... or both! add in shatter defenses, and things are awesome.

Also since you're making an NPC collection, I should advice you to check out the Rival Guide. It's filled with NPCs grouped into factions. They've all got histories, goals, and relations.

A melee bard built around intimidating really can really start to do it all, Buffing, melee, debuffing, some battlefield control and out of combat healing not to mention all of the skills.

Dark Archive


Paladin, Ranger, Fighter, Barbarian.

I like hitting stuff.

The Exchange

Phalanx Soldier Fighter with a Halberd and a Heavy steel shield. Love that combo.

Silver Crusade

I can not pick a favorite.

Human Bard no archetype.
Information broker. The man that knows who to bribe, blackmail, or influence to get stuff done.

Human Oracle Mystery Battle.
Child from the streets of a large city. Enlist in there army to get off the streets. During this time is chosen to be the harald of X god. And becomes a adventurer. then retires to a different location after.

Dwarf Ranger/Rogue
Thug for higher. Axes to the highest bidder.

Halfling Witch (Hedge Witch, Jinx Caster)
Fun loving halfling, with the desire to help. With the ability to make some ones day turn out really bad if you cross him.

Really, I like what they did with pretty much every class, but I have to say Witch (mine is an EVIL LAUGH!), Wizard (we're smarter than Sorcerers) Sorcerer (we're prettier than Wizards) as well as several others.

Clerics and Druids (Paladins if in an RP heavy campaign)

Cool, cool. :)

This is a nice mix of people replying to the thread.

I'm gonna say Bard. Kill me.

From the advanced player's guide.. witch.

My favorite is the soulknife. Followed by the warlock (3.5 I know). Mix the two together with hideous blow, and you have a up front line fighter that is never without a weapon, and hits harder than any fighter I have ever seen. Then drop elocator on top and you are doing damage from every angel you can come up with.

I have played a summoner and an alchemist. Both classes are fun, but easy to break.

For my summoner my edilon was tanking way harder than the fighter, and dealing more damage than the rogue could even come up with.

My alchemist puts every character I have ever played (save one) to shame in damage per round.

I don't have psionics unleashed, magic is enough for me.

for the rest:

wizard (well actually arcane magic in general in 3.x)

that's about it, if I have a direct image of my persona, fighter and summoner sometime fit, but those 4 classes are what I like most.

From the APG... Cavalier all the way!

Think Judge Dredd on Horseback here people!

Who doesn't like charging into a camp of goblins on horseback shouting "I am the law"

Playing an over cocky Cavalier with the "your beneath me" attitude was an absolute blast...

In no particular order:






P.U. Soulknife

Core Wizard

APG Witch

EDIT: btw I'm glad to see other SoulKnives out here. In my group nobody cares about them at all except me (same with my previous group).

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Are there other classes?

The Alchemist is just so damn slick. They're new and interesting and well-done! They have the flexibility of a caster with enough extra goodies to make them strong, flavorful and fun for all sorts of things!

Runner up: Rogue (and the new ninja. Ouch. Almost tooooo good)



pipedreamsam wrote:

Bard, a very very narcissistic arcane duelist to be specific. From the APG it is the summoner.

Depends on the bard, seriously that class can fill so many niches.

I like the Bard idea, but I would use a controller Bard that crafts magical constructs that have unique ways of using martial talents on PCs.

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