![]() I've just been informed our game is going mythic. I have an oath of vengeance paladin, two-handing a falchion and focused on smiting and diplomacy. I'm pretty certain I want to go the champion route and dual-path marshal, and I kinda want a legendary weapon. Any suggestions beyond (or in spite of) that? ![]()
![]() +1 on the beasts suggestion. Even more than summoned I'd suggest trained ones/controlled ones. Think beast-man from he-man. Usually on the losing sideof things, yes, but always witha fresh supply of forces. At that point you have elves with golems, boh of which are rarer in th world, dwarves who can steadfastly keep producing quality at a reasonable pace, and orcs who breed like mad along with the exotic beasts they roam with. ![]()
![]() I like the tormentor build, and I understand you aren't going for optimization (which is why I'm going to say go with the greatsword rather than a reach weapon because Conan carried a big damn sword), but I would suggest getting combat reflexes and quick reflexes instead of animal fury and cornugnon smash. You'll want the extra AO's for come and get me, and just in general. ![]()
![]() I agree that you're asking for help building a perfect character. However, assuming this isn't a joke, the best martial combo is going to be Invulnerable Rager Barbarian/Lame Oracle of Battle (18s,16d,16c,10i,16w,16c). Pick up war sight and surprising charge for revelations, and beast totem and the spell sunder line for rage powers. You can self buff, very little magic hurts you or stops you, you can rage cycle, and you full attack almost every turn (if your DM likes difficult terrain add in dragon style). Suli excel for this combo. I know it's not as popular, but combining two full casting classes makes you a game breaker imho. Combining wizard and cleric (10s,18d,18c,18i,18w,10c) gives you access to almost every spell in the game, and going diviner(foresight)/whatever you like (I like magic: arcane or travel) means you go first and if you've invested in scrolls you can handle any situation that comes up. Samsarans with the past life racial trait not only get a dex and wis boost, but you can pick the few spells you are missing and add them to your list. There are other fun options to explore (like rouge/cavalier and two weapon fighting for both challenge damage and sneak attack using your mount companion as a flanking buddy, or summoner/druid and running a cadre of beasties) but those are the two major powerhouses. ![]()
![]() Since you obviously have to change a few things anyway I would suggest going straight cleric and finding a pair of domains that give you spells you want from the wizard/sorc list. Clerics get a bad rap, but as prepared casters they have a lot of versitility and can single handedly tip the tide of most battles with a little planning (especially since they 'know' all of the spells on their list). ![]()
![]() Is there such a thing as too high? The highest paizo published monster attack bonus is +44, without buffs, belonging to this charming devil. The highest attack bonus attainable by a PC that I can think of would be slightly higher (48 - 52 I think, but I don't have time to put that together right this second), and of course you could up that with a template, but it'd either break the rules or use up way to many resources to be bothered with. Gunslingers, tweaked save or suck wizards (magic users in general), and anything with a brilliant energy weapon are really your only concern when it comes to being hit at all, really. Although the super high AC builds make me miss the 3.5 missle master... ![]()
![]() Out of the mouth of SKR: Please stop trying to break the game ![]()
![]() Nope. It may be a misprint, since it isn't worded like the fighter archtypes that change weapon training, but since both of them describe adding a dexterity bonus to damage you'd only be able to add that bonus once. The only problem I see with the wording is theoretically you could use gun training on a different type of firearm, and recieve bonus damage to two types... ![]()
![]() You shouldn't be looking to counter the cavalier, you should be looking to challenge him. If you start throwing in difficult terrain he'll get his mount dragon style, if you use flying enemies he'll find a flying mount. Use social situations, traps, and puzzles to challenge him and let him excell at what he excells at. As for your questions, the horse only suffers a swim check penalty for the rider if the rider and all gear weighs enough. Here's a handy chart to see if there's a -3 penalty with a max dex bonus of +3: Str 16 - rider and gear over 231 lbs
Remember that Full plate weighs 50 lbs. ![]()
![]() Your best options are this spell, this spell which summons this monster, this spell used carefully, two handing a scimitar or scythe as long as you have a str bonus of two or higher, or expect to be using flare and guidance a lot. *Edit: Knowing more detail about the build could help uncover more options. ![]()
![]() Ssalarn wrote:
How do you figure? The wording in mounted combat states you get a single attack, not an attack action, a standard action, or a full round action. Are you citing an obscure FAQ? Because otherwise you're reading too much into the rule. ![]()
![]() Atarlost wrote:
Ah, good catch. ![]()
![]() I think the majority of the misconception still comes from people confusing the word 'attack' with the 'attack action'. Mounted charging specifically states you get a single attack, it does not say you get an attack action (which is a specific type of standard action, and what vital strike requires). Once you can spot the difference between an attack and the attack action the rules for mounted combat become very clear. ![]()
![]() It seems to me that a Faerie Dragon would work just like the Tidepool Dragon and Psuedodragon and be an improved familiar, available at 7th level. That being said, they'd follow the same rules as all other familiars. ![]()
![]() Half elves can gain faerie fire (druid 1) with drow magic, replacing the two favored classes option and skill focus (oh darn). At that point you are welcome to use whatever martial class you like and still be a dragon disciple (and you have the flexability to put your +2 bonus into strength, which is great for a martial character). ![]()
![]() A straight +3 bonus or a +1 Holy are always good options for a cleric, however if I may suggest a few alternatives... Merciful: An extra 1d6 damage on every attack, however all damage is subdual (a fitting thing for a cleric). Designating: A cleric is a buffing class. This gives all allies a +2 to hit and damage to all of their attacks until your next turn against the target you shoot. Boom. Planar: Ignore 5 points of DR against all outsiders (however you're better off getting clustered shots at that point). ![]()
![]() There are a few easy fixes to make things more challenging for larger groups/higher point builds/experienced players: -Max out enemy hit points (this is an easy way to add a couple rounds to combat). -Use the slow experience track. -Add in extra mooks/minions (one or two carbon copies without adjusting the encounter level keeps players from advancing to quickly without making the encounter too tough). Some fixes that require a little more work but can be far more rewarding are... -Tone up encounters to character level (Give them a 20 point buy, or as an easier fix give them a +2 in one or two key stats and adjust everything else acordingly; I usually use the former for BBEGs and the latter for mooks). -Insert more obstacles/traps in encounter areas. -Randomly generate or pre-plan what magic items will be available in what towns/shops as the game progresses (controlling what the PCs have access to can slow down the strength of characters). -ReTool the spell selection/feats/skills/magic items of BBEGs. -Completely rewrite some BBEG's (I changed a goblin encounter in one AP from a warrior 2 to two Feral Gnasher Barbarians and my players enjoyed the challenge and had a blast). -Give enemies an escape route, and use them as recurring characters later, leveled up of course. I hope this helps some. ![]()
![]() I'm actually plotting out my first 'god wizard'. As far as being able to handle any situation it shouldn't be too hard as long as the game stays somewhere around wealth by level (I should have most utility spells most of the time in scroll form without a problem, and all the buffing wands I need). The god wizard isn't a game breaker, though, he's a game winner as long as he has a competent party. Will Glasya be able to one shot end an encounter? Sure, but only once or twice a day, depending on the situation, and his resources will be better spent in other ways most of the time. Honestly the god wizard is a task undertaken by those of us who want to solve problems, not negate them. ![]()
![]() There are a few options besides magus that really benefit: Mutagen alchemist, a gish wizard shooting for eldritch knight (although that might be too much like a magus), a white haired witch (my personal favorite), and if you can have 3rd party material I'd look at these great classes from dreamscarred press.