Bard-Sader |

Is the gun training bonus multiplied with the crit? This kind of damage doesn't seem to be excepted from the normal rules.I also think, that the part about the inappropriately sized firearms will be errated, so that the same rules as with other weapons will apply. That means, that you can use an oversized one-handed firearm with two hands and a penalty of -2. A Musket could not be wielded as far as I understand this text:
The measure of how much effort it takes to use a weapon (whether the weapon is designated as a light, one-handed, or two-handed weapon for a particular wielder) is altered by one step for each size category of difference between the wielder's size and the size of the creature for which the weapon was designed. For example, a Small creature would wield a Medium one-handed weapon as a two-handed weapon. If a weapon's designation would be changed to something other than light, one-handed, or two-handed by this alteration, the creature can't wield the weapon at all.
But until it gets errata'ed, Ultimate Combat's rules on firearms specifically says the "handedness" of guns do not change with size, that characters can wield different-sized weapons with a -2 for each size category different.
And yes, gun training bonus is multiplied. ANY static damage bonus is multiplied. ANY variable damage (like sneak attack dice or Flaming enchantment) except for the weapon dice are NOT multiplied. In this case the weapon dice is 9d6 and the static bonus is 5. More if my Gunsliner uses Ranged Power Attack I mean Deadly Aim.

KrispyXIV |

I also tend to think the whole using giant firearms thing will get errata'd. As for the weapon cords spoken of earlier, I'm not really sure I've seen where those come from, but they seem kind of abusive.
d20pfsrd lists the weapon cord as coming from the APG, and they are pretty much exactly where they shoiuld be; its an item that a lot of people probably houseruled into the game to begin with because of how intuitive and useful they are.

thomas nelson |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Just a thought but an immovable rod should be listed as a very useful gunslinger item, it replaces the awkwardness of the Double Hackbut's mini cart quite nicely by literally letting the gun be mounted anywhere.
Mounting a immovable rod instead of a cart should change the full round action of placing the cart to a move action and quite possibly halve the weight.

MinstrelintheGallery |

Thoughts on a Pistolero + Mysterious Stranger build? The two can be used together, and I'm trying to decide whether to take both or just Pistolero.
People avoid this because, while it doesn't say that the Pistolero's Pistol Training replaces Gun training, it obviously does. It's only a matter of time until it is errata'd

Roaming Shadow |
Any reason you seem to be dismissing double barrel pistols? As you've said, taking penalties to hit only means so much when going against Touch AC, and for a -4 penalty to all attacks, you're doubling the number of attacks you can make in a turn, which is essentially the same as dual wielding regular pistols, with the excpetion of a double shot having to be aimed at the same target, logically. Dual wieling double barrel pistols...sure, you're beginnging to stretch even firearm accuracy, but the sheer volume of attacks with a full round action could be worth it. Rapid Reoad + Paper Cartridges allows you to reload a double barrel pistol completely with two free actions (as it is a seperate reload for each barrel of an early firearm), and with weapon cords you can full two weapon fight with them. Sure, that's a -8 before any other penalties, but at, say, 11th level with the right feats, that's 12 attacks at just a -8 penalty against Touch AC. That seems rather attractive in my eye. Deadly Aim makes it -12, which is starting to push it (especially at the lower BAB levels), but that'd be some disgusting damage if even most of them connect, let alone all. Heck, you might be able to kill multiple targets in range (or more if you Signiture Deed Deadeye and a distance weapon) by targeting your attacks to other targets once the first falls.

Eadaro |

I made up a 7th level Pistolero for fun that had 5 double-pistols and 1 regular. He had what I called the "Death Blossom" he could full attack for 5 double shots with something like +4/+4/+4/-1/-1 touch, (don't remember stats), only problem that this was within 10 feet so not entirely feasible, but still kind of cool being able to potentially do 10d8+(dex x10). On a side note I instead went with a double hackbutt musket master, seriously its a pain but my dwarf just strapped the cart to his back and spent a round setting up, that thing does ridiculous amounts of damage once u get firing.

thomas nelson |
I made up a 7th level Pistolero for fun that had 5 double-pistols and 1 regular. He had what I called the "Death Blossom" he could full attack for 5 double shots with something like +4/+4/+4/-1/-1 touch, (don't remember stats), only problem that this was within 10 feet so not entirely feasible, but still kind of cool being able to potentially do 10d8+(dex x10). On a side note I instead went with a double hackbutt musket master, seriously its a pain but my dwarf just strapped the cart to his back and spent a round setting up, that thing does ridiculous amounts of damage once u get firing.
Replace the cart with an immovable rod, that full round action is now a move action.

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Is deadly aim even wanted- it appears not to work with touch attacks- so it seems like a wasted feat to me.
Deadly Aim (Combat)
You can make exceptionally deadly ranged attacks by pinpointing a foe's weak spot, at the expense of making the attack less likely to succeed.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all ranged attack rolls to gain a +2 bonus on all ranged damage rolls. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.

Doggan |

Is deadly aim even wanted- it appears not to work with touch attacks- so it seems like a wasted feat to me.
Deadly Aim (Combat)
You can make exceptionally deadly ranged attacks by pinpointing a foe's weak spot, at the expense of making the attack less likely to succeed.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all ranged attack rolls to gain a +2 bonus on all ranged damage rolls. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.
"Early Firearms: When firing an early firearm, the attack
resolves against the target’s touch AC when the target iswithin the first range increment of the weapon, but this type
of attack is not considered a touch attack for the purposes
of feats and abilities such as Deadly Aim."
Firearm rules in Ultimate Combat

rat_ bastard |

I feel really stupid asking this but I'm having trouble finding anything on this.
Do you get access to all grit deeds you meet the prerequisites for or do you select individual deeds as you level?
Also, for the sake of the Master Craftsman Feat, is Craft: Alchemy the skill one would use to make guns?

Starbuck_II |

I feel really stupid asking this but I'm having trouble finding anything on this.
Do you get access to all grit deeds you meet the prerequisites for or do you select individual deeds as you level?
Also, for the sake of the Master Craftsman Feat, is Craft: Alchemy the skill one would use to make guns?
Yes, as a gunslingers you get all grit deeds the page list of that level.
No, Alchemy is only used for Alchemy cartridges like Paper cartiridge.

n00bxqb |

Halfing**: Gets the dex bonus which is nice, but the 20 feet movement speed is crippling for a class that has such a narrow window of attack. Trading +1 hit for less damage is also a very bad trade for a gunslinger. Some of the skill bonuses aren't bad though, nor is the stealth bonus if you wanna go that route.
Couldn't you multi-class 1 level of Barbarian to gain back that speed, though ? Also, the permanent +1 and temporary +2 bonus on Will Saves (from Rage) may come in handy against spellcasters.

nicklas Læssøe |

I would say go for the musket master archetype. Buy one immovable rod and carry around a large dubble hackbut. Place the hackbut with a move action because of the rod. Then proceed in the next round to use deadshot with speed boots and see people fall fast.
50f range, which can be made to 75f with the distance property.
The penalty to go from a normal dubble hackbut to a large version, is -2 to attack rolls, the advantage is that damage will go from 2d12 to 6d6.
With deadshot this char would give around 18d6 + 6 dam. or an average of 69 dam, quite a good average at that level. If he should land a crit then the crit is 72d6 + 24. Talk about instant kill.
Even with a strict reading of the Deadshot, i think most GMs would allow haste to work on it, thats why he can give 18d6 dam.
Thats why boots of speed, and after that a +1 distance keen dubble hackbut would be the first items to get.

Stasiscell |
Heres a list of feats i think are awesome for the gunslinger.
Clustered shots - greatly reduces dr when full attacking
Snapshot chain - aoos
Combat reflexes - More aoos with snapshot
Combat patrol - increases snapshots reach by 5 feet per 5 bab
Quickdraw - has good synergy with gunslingers initiative ( anice filler feat)
Impact critical shot - by sheer rate of fire you will get a crit eventually this allows a free bullrush or trip

MacGurcules |
I just have a quick question about the validity of mysterious stranger, couldnt you use both it and Pistolero to get the dex bonus to dmg still? or is there and something im missing in the online text that makes them incompattable?
The Pistol Training class feature of the Pistolero doesn't explicitly state that it replaces Gun Training, but it performs a similar role and it's worded pretty much identically to Musket Training for the Musket Master which does replace Gun Training. So it's generally understood that Pistol Training is supposed to replace Gun Training as well and the fact that it doesn't is just an accidental omission.

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I've been trying to wrap my head around the double-barreled pistol and double-barreled musket (when will this finally get the 10' range errata'd?!). The way I read the descriptions, you can choose to fire both barrels as a single attack, not a standard action, so you double each shot in a full-attack sequence. Is that correct?
So, assuming an 11th level musketeer, 24 Dex, Rapid Shot, Boots of Speed and paper cartridges:
+1 musket single shot +20, full attack +18/+18/+18/+13/+8
+1 double-barreled musket single shot +16/+16, full attack +14/+14, +14/+14, +14/+14, +9/+9, +4/+4
Misfires would be a killer, with 10 chances to roll 1-4, so it wouldn't really work without a Greater Reliable weapon (with Distance unless an errata is forthcoming).
Have I figured this right? How would a double-barreled weapon work with Deadshot?

Neonpeekaboo |
You are 11th level, have a +1 double hackbut prepared for these kinds of moments, boots of haste, a 24 DX (reasonable at this level), deadly aim and rapid shot, having also taken a double hackbut as one of your gun training guns. Assuming you hit with all of your attacks (a not unreasonable circumstance on many creatures of this level, given your all important armor ignoring ability) you inflict 10d12+14 (or roughly the same as 20d6+14 if that sounds more impressive). No, that's not a joke. +7 damage from your dex, +6 from deadly aim, +1 from the weapon and base 2d12 for the weapon x5 gives you that. And, if you crit on any of those five attacks (getting a 19-20 isn't hard really), you're dishing out 40d12+70 (or 80d6+70 if you prefer)
I cant imagine that the critical would multiply the entire die pool, rather than the attack roll that crits.
Let's say you're a musket master, and have rapid relaod... that gives you full use of every single attack possible. With rapid shot, and Haste, that brings your total attacks to 5. (3 for lvl 11, +1 for Haste, +1 Rapid Shot). One crit starts you at 8d12 (2d12x4). Each successful attack after that hits? That's only additional 8d12 for a total of 16d12(not 40d12).
Any bonus damage from Dex and Deadly Aim is only added once (it's only one attack, afterall). And wouldn't get up to +70.
Of course, that's just how I'm reading it..

Jubal Breakbottle |

Can you evaluate the new Human Buccaneer archetype from the ARG. It's posted in OGC here. I'm investigating Skull & Shackles characters.

Jato Jay |

In terms of the Mysterious Stranger, I agree that it;s relatively weak, but there is one hack they can do, and do damn well.
Dead Shot allows you to make your full BAB's worth of attacks and deal cumulative damage with a single bullet, allowing you to do so with Muskets, which do 1d12. Focused Aim, allows you to add your CHA mod with the stipulation that it multiples along with Dead Shot instead of being added. So, assuming you got 4 attacks per round, you had perfect CHA, and hit with every shot, you're looking at 4d12+20. That's not counting a crit, which would be 16d12+20. The max damage potential for this attack is over 200.

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You know the secrets of repairing and restoring firearms.Benefit: If you have access to a gunsmith's kit, you can create and restore firearms, craft bullets, and mix black powder for all types of firearms. You do not need to make a Craft check to create firearms and ammunition or to restore firearms.
Craft Alchemy needs only one rank to make Alchemical charges and still no craft check required.
I'm a fan of Catch off Guard. Use that Gun as a melee weapon at no penalty and allows for AoO and flank with buddy. Then again so does spiked armor.

pylfer |

Anyone have any idea if it's worth it to switch to Rifles and pick up Rapid Reload (Rifle) after a while? I can see you drop down to a d10 as opposed to the d12, but it also becomes consistently a free action to reload them with alchemical paper and the rapid reload feat.
Cons: Needing to spend another feat on something that you don't wholly need.
Pros: no longer needing to reload with a move/swift action by using grit.

lemeres |

Looking at the justifications for using the witch's prehensile hair, would you say that tieflings could use their prehensile tail alternate race trait to reload guns too?
Admittedly, the only character I wanted to try this on was the same one I wanted to try playing with only one arm. Sure, it would be much easier to get a GM to agree to that interpretation, along with a few creative and intuitive solutions like the weapon cord such as tying a powder horn to the tail so it would be easier to use, but trying to get them to accept a one armed character has own can of worms.

Stone the Crows |

This may sound like a really stupid question but I can't see any obvious answer...
Do you just get access to all three Deeds at each Deed level [1st, 3rd, 7th etc.] or do you have to pick one and then you're stuck with it?
I can't see an Extra Deeds Feat which makes me think you get them all but it's not actually written anywhere.

Blueluck |

Do you just get access to all three Deeds at each Deed level [1st, 3rd, 7th etc.] or do you have to pick one and then you're stuck with it?
A Gunslinger can use any deed of his level or lower.
Here's the section on Gunslinger Deeds And the key phrase is,
"The following is the list of base gunslinger deeds. A gunslinger can only perform deeds of her level or lower." Also, no matter how carefully you read the section, you won't see anything about choosing to learn particular deeds.

pylfer |

Just going to throw this out there, but upon further inspection into bleeding wounds, it has been either severely nerfed or perhaps misunderstood.
The bleed damage will apply on your first attack, so at 11th level with a DEXMOD of +7 or so you will be dealing 7 points of bleed damage on your first attack, with the following: 1 pt STR, 1 pt CON, 1 pt DEX bleed, on the second, third, and fourth attack. After that bleeding wounds will have no effect save for on other targets.
Unless someone can find something somewhere that the gunslingers deed works differently, this is how I believe it to work.

Nu'Raahl |
Bleed damage continues until it is healed. It occurs each round at the beginning of the bleeding character's turn. Below text pasted from your link.
Bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or through the application of any spell that cures hit point damage (even if the bleed is ability damage)

pylfer |

Bleed damage continues until it is healed. It occurs each round at the beginning of the bleeding character's turn. Below text pasted from your link.
Bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or through the application of any spell that cures hit point damage (even if the bleed is ability damage)
Precisely, however because it takes the highest amount of bleed damage you do and does not stack. That means that even at 20th level a gunslinger will apply, at most, 10-15 HP Bleed and 1 STR/DEX/CON bleed to a single target.
It severely reduces its usefulness save to have higher level monsters take a piddly 7-15 damage when their round comes up and makes other deeds like Targeting (or up close and deadly for pistoleros), generally speaking, an all around better choice for Signature Deed.

Nu'Raahl |
Ok, I misunderstood your post. I thought you meant the bleed lasted only one round. 15 points of bleed along with the str, dex, con bleed each round is significant if they don't get rid of it. If they do, or another Npc does, your making them waste their actions, which is also pretty good. I believe it's a standard action to make that heal, so now they can just move. Assuming the BBEG has a cleric to remove it with a spell, that's still and action his cleric isn't taking to cast a buff, debuff, or controll spell.
Also, it doesn't take any additional actions, so if you do have multiple opponents, you just shoot each of them once. Yes, it can be situational, but overall still not a bad ability IMO.

JustynThyme |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sorry for coming late to the party, but I just found this thread.
Drake: I saw that your Google Doc was linked in the thread, but it seems to be more or less the same as here. At least, Deft Shootist and Snap Shot are not in it. Any chance for a re-eval and an update, to the Google Doc if not here?
Nu'Raahl wrote:Bleed damage continues until it is healed. It occurs each round at the beginning of the bleeding character's turn. Below text pasted from your link.
Bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or through the application of any spell that cures hit point damage (even if the bleed is ability damage)
Precisely, however because it takes the highest amount of bleed damage you do and does not stack. That means that even at 20th level a gunslinger will apply, at most, 10-15 HP Bleed and 1 STR/DEX/CON bleed to a single target.
It severely reduces its usefulness save to have higher level monsters take a piddly 7-15 damage when their round comes up and makes other deeds like Targeting (or up close and deadly for pistoleros), generally speaking, an all around better choice for Signature Deed.
Pylfer: You missed the part in the description for Bleeding Wound where it says "Alternatively, the gunslinger can spend 2 grit points to deal 1 point of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution bleed damage (gunslinger’s choice) instead." Meaning, this isn't in addition to, it's instead of the bleed damage. Also, it isn't one point of each, it's a choice of one. Nu'Raahl is correct in that the bleed, whichever type the gunslinger chooses, would continue until the target received some sort of healing.
GeraintElberion wrote:My bold.
Your large pistol would be two-handed.
I'll quote the book, even give page numbers. And remember specific (gun rules) surpass generic rules.
Pg 136, "Inappropriately sized Firearms: ... The size of a firearm never affects how many hands you need to shoot it. "
Do some fact checking before you try and second guess a claim. Guns don't use normal weapon size rules. Heck, 2 handed firearms can be fired in 1 hand (with -4 penalty to hit).
Starbuck: Thought I'd let you know, this was FAQed. According to d20pfsrd (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/firearms), under Firearm Rules, there is a sidebar next to the asterisked "Inappropriately Sized Firearms" section that reads:
Do the inappropriately sized firearms rules allow a Medium or smaller creature to use larger firearms of any size?
The text of the rule is, "The size of a firearm never affects how many hands you need to use to shoot it." The intent of that rule was to prevent a Medium character from using a Small rifle as a one-handed pistol; it wasn’t intended to let a Medium character use a Large, Huge, Gargantuan, or Colossal two-handed firearm as a two-handed weapon. Just like with non-firearms, a creature cannot wield a weapon that’s far too big or small for it. Specifically in the case of firearms, a Medium character can’t use a two-handed firearm sized for a Large or larger creature, and a Small character can’t use a two-handed firearm sized for a Medium or larger creature.
The source is linked at the bottom of the sidebar.
As I said, great thread! Gave me a much better starting point than I had to begin with, and loads more advice, with very valuable perspectives from everyone. :)

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I'm thinking of creating a Gunslinger for the first time for use in PFS play in a couple of weeks, so this guide is a big help. However, one thing has confused me. There are a couple of references to using bucklers, but on p9 of Ultimate Combat, it states that Gunslingers are only proficient with light armour, not shields. Have I missed something?
I know that on p136 it states:
Quote:Bucklers: You can use a one-handed or two-handed firearm without penalty while carrying a buckler.But presumably this doesn't override the need to be proficient with a buckler.
I wondered this myself, especially when I realized there is such a thing as a buckler gun.
There is no class that is proficient with both bucklers and guns. Why make a buckler gun?
For that matter, why are so many firearms "we took this other weapon and made it also a gun"?

Atarlost |
There's a -1 attack penalty to using a weapon in a hand with a buckler independent of proficiency. IIRC this doesn't apply to bows and crossbows because at least one arm is just holding them steady. The same clearly applies to guns. You still take the nonproficiency penalty unless you get the proficiency another way, but without that clause the extra -1 would never go away.