narrator..... |

Okay, so here is our discussion thread. Players sound off, and anyone else is welcome to post in here. Visitors, please be respectful and don't post in the game thread.
Let's try to keep the majority of out-of-character chatter in here. Quick questions and jokes are welcome in the game-thread, but anything that will require any lengthy discussion should be here.
I'm going to be trying something with rolls. I'm trying to put an emphasis on fun, action, and story-immersion. To that end, I'll be rolling many checks for you that happen reactively, and many of those won't even show up in the thread. For example, if your character is subject to a will save, I'll probably simply roll it and put it in the thread in a "rolls" spoiler. In contrast, if an individual or the team needs to roll a perception check against an ambush, I'll roll those in a hidden or random thread somewhere, document the results, and simply narrate the impact those rolls had without actually showing you that you even rolled. This way it can happen a bit more naturally without me having to tip my hand that there is someone/something out there hunting you. :)
If you feel that my DM dice don't do you any favors as far as saves or somesuch go, please let me know and we'll come up with a solution. Don't expect me to allow you to roll random rolls and then ask that it be used for something useful if the die comes up helpful. That annoys me.
This is not to say you can't ever roll stuff proactively. If you want your character to spend some time specifically looking for something because there is reason to believe it's there, feel free to have them do that.
I'm also going to allow the players to roll their own AoO's and stuff, as there are always too many variables to consider when those to come up, and I don't want to make decisions for the players.
On the off-chance a lurker stumbles in here (which I'd be surprised about, but welcome anyway), here's the build specs. And keep in mind the players and I are referencing all the "rules" documents in private google documents. If you are actually interested in seeing them, throw up a post in here and I'll be happy to find a way to make those available to you.
All humans - though there are some cultural variants available to the players.
Two traits at creation - some are core, some will be custom.
Gear and money are being handled on case-by-case basis in relation to character backstory.
So players, sound off!

narrator..... |

Okay, thought of another thing. I said it in the last (and dead) game, but please respect spoilers. If it's not for you, please don't look in it. I know it's tempting. I know my writing is so awesome that you simply can't get enough and must read every word you can get your eyes on. But bear with me… it'll make me feel good.
And posting. I think no one should expect this to be a high-post-count game. Not that I think it'll be super-slow, but I know I for one have a very inconsistent posting presence. And I can rarely post in the evenings - at least up unitl this point.
So… mother' day, eh?

narrator..... |

Lol. I"m pretty sure he did that on purpose.
I'm on the fence about whether to enforce the spoilers. I mean, from teh story I'm trying to tell, I think it makes sense. But you guys seem to be reluctant to want to play that way.
Everyone's thoughts?
Also, good to hear from Nanette... how's the wrist(s)?

Reiko Mura |

I AM a trouble-maker. ;)
I think you should go with your vision, O' Narrator. If you'd like us to be spoilered more since we are totally out of sight right now... I'm OK with that. I thought with Callum posting in the arena and my last 'thing' with the bouncer setting them on a course to cross paths in the arena, a little teaser might be justified. I apologize if I jumped the gun on that.

Simon of Cyrene |

Busted! Nanette isn't supposed to be tying... ! Overall, she's doing better - but there's still some pain and swelling there. And in 2 weeks she gets to do it to her other wrist... yay!
Still, when it's all said and done, it'll be the first time her wrists didn't bug her with tingles or numbness in something like 20 years... so it's going to be worth it! But for now, I'll be doing most of her typing for a bit longer...
As to the lacking profile pic, no worries on our end. Don't wanna be distracting us with your big eye and scraggly tusk!

narrator..... |

Hey all, sorry for the quiet. Week just got busier than I expected. I'm aiming to have a post up later today, but it may be early tomorrow.
Also, in general, i'm always looking for feedback about the game and my style. Please feel free to ask me questions here or shoot me emails - whichever you're comfortable with.

Callum Rhen |

another question, is it difficult that this narrator profile doesn't have a profile pic?
I just haven't found one I love for this, but if it's impeding easy-understanding, I can look some more.
I personally would prefer an icon of some kind. I keep losing your posts in the mix - they end up looking like part of the previous poster's comments.
I recommend the Nicolas Cage avatar.

Reiko Mura |

After my hundredth post got eaten by the servers, I beat my head bloody against the keyboard THEN I started writing and saving my big posts in pretty much ANY other format than the interwebz. I've had far less key prints in my forehead after that. :)

narrator..... |

I realize this is beyond ridiculous, and that history will tell you i've flaked.
But I am still planning on getting this encounter and game back on-line. The last few weeks got way busier than I expected. I'll maek it a focus over this week to get myself back into shape here. I gots plans for you people!