APs you'd like to see in the future

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Marius Johansen wrote:

[...] one based around Law vs. Chaos in some way, with Axiomites and Proteans as the major powers involved.

This sounds cool.

Playing off the Osirion request above, maybe one could be set in historical times when Aroden (LN) was still alive.

An AP heavily featuring the plane of dream.

It should be structured around entering the dreams of key prime-material NPCs, sort of like the game Alundra (or The Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery).

Obviously, that classic plot structure should be hooked up with an adult-size dose of Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath.

Even though it's only technically one plane, this adventure format should definitely scratch the "planehopping" itch, because each of the dreams can be thematically way-the-hell out there.

Doesn't have to be one dream per book, either. Short dream-dungeons would be cool, mixed in with longer engagements and some waking-world action.

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Alkenstar all the way. I know it might be tough to work out a story that wouldn't bind all the PCs to playing Gunslingers, and to allow time adventuring outside of Alkenstar to get any magic-users to be able to...you know...use magic...but it could be a lot of fun.

It could be about an arms race kind of thing. Sure, guns are rare, but whoever controls the guns can take them and an army somewhere else and almost immediately rule the roost. The PCs, agents of the Alkenstar government, have to retrieve the caravan of weaponry from the villains and return it to Alkenstar. Maybe book 5 or 6 has a "Battle of Five Armies" vibe when multiple armies lay siege to Alkenstar, so there are multiple fronts the government now has to protect/fight over to keep their guns. Book 6 allows for two major plot paths: Alkenstar is saved by successful diplomacy and fighting, led by the PCs, so that more conflict in Alkenstar is the main point of book 6, or Alkenstar is lost and the conquering faction is now steamrolling more countries. Only an intrepid, last-ditch infiltration and assassination effort by the PCs can remove the twisted leadership, allowing for the younger officer NPC to take over and return the guns to Alkenstar.

Dealing with Nidal would be awesome
Desnan freedom fighters
Underground railway,
Asmodeus worshippers in conflict but not too dominant ( maybe cheliax/ Nidal / pc three way conflict)
Shadow plane far realm stuff

Grand Lodge

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Okay, I'm updating my list from earlier, this time noting which APs should be 7 volumes and which should be 5 volumes for when Paizo switches to the 5 - 7 volume format....

AP# 11, volumes 61-66
Shattered Star AP (Varisia meets "Rod of 7 Parts")
(The Final 6-volume AP)

AP #12 Absalom. 67-73 (7 Volume AP)
Pure urban adventure -- and since everyone else wants it -- throw in The Spire of Nex Mega-Dungeon for half of the Adventure Path.

AP #13 Cheliax and Andoran. 74-78, 5 Vols
Something where the PCs are mostly playing in Cheliax but have to go in & out of Andoran, too -- dealing with a conflict between the two. Or, actually, not specifically dealing with THE problem but dealing with repercussions of The Problem. We can get a real 64 book on Cheliax, too, not that joke of a product "Companion to Cheliax."

AP #14 Taldor. 79-85, 7 Vols
With a Qadiran threat looming in the background but still, all Taldor and everything that implies (Urban intrigue, decadent NPCs, deteriorating economy & society, ancient traditions and architecture, etc.)

AP #15 Vudra (and Holomog). 86-90, 5 Vols
Maybe the first volume enters the Matriarchal empire in southern Garund and runs there a bit before sailing to Vudra, to be run in Vudra for the last 4 volumes.

AP #16 WorldWound. 91-97, 7 vols
I repeat, Worldwound.

AP #17 Azlant. volumes 98-102, 5 vols

A rule of business, "DON'T assume anything."
I foresee Paizo keeping the 6/6 format,
and I really prefer the 6/6 format not the 5/7 format.


Places for AP I would like to see;
Darkmoon Vale
The Linnorm Kingdoms

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I'd like to see an AP that addresses the vaults of Orv, and the various hints and connections to other places - like the crown of the world, potentially other planets, etc. Since this is darklands related, it could easily tie into Dwarven culture and history as well.

Oh god yes, Numeria. If Paizo is squeamish about dedicating half a year to Science Fantasy maybe at least as a series 3-4 of linked Modules.

I really want to go to Shattered Azlant, but that seems like a great fit for the later parts of the Pirate AP.

W E Ray wrote:

AP #12 Absalom
AP #13 Cheliax and Andoran
AP #14 Taldor
AP #15 Vudra Maybe the first volume enters the Matriarchal empire in southern Garund and runs there a bit before sailing to Vudra, to be run in Vudra for the last 4 volumes.
AP #16 WorldWound
AP #17 Azlant

Yikes. I'd be saving a lot of money (and probably no longer be a Paizo customer) if that was the list in the pipeline...

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

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I traditionally only advocate Irrisen/Whitethrone for the next AP (with a generous nod to the Land of the Linnorm Kings). However that's just because that's the AP I want to see the most.

I find nothing wrong with a Numeria AP. Sounds fun.

Actually, I have faith that most AP's that Paizo would or could publish have every potential to be a whole lot of fun, if given the chance. I say this a lot, but people tend to plug their ears and shut their eyes before they even hear the gist of the idea. There's so many ideas that could be just awesome if given a shot.

If I haven't voted for it, I would like to add the Mana waste AP as well.

Grand Lodge

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I want to see an AP set in Iblydos, maybe something like the Iliad or the Odyssey.

Scarab Sages

Many good ideas of AP places have been posted so far, but I wish some other things in future AP :

- An AP that goes up to level 20.
- An AP that starts higher than level 1 (level 4 looks good to me).
- An AP with less than 6 parts (3 or 4 parts).
- An AP with more than 6 parts (9 or 8 parts) to complete with the shorter AP just above.

This maybe combined in some way. For example, an 8 volume AP going from level 1 to 20 looks good, combined with a 4 volume AP starting at level 4.

MRick wrote:

Many good ideas of AP places have been posted so far, but I wish some other things in future AP :

- An AP that goes up to level 20.
- An AP that starts higher than level 1 (level 4 looks good to me).
- An AP with less than 6 parts (3 or 4 parts).
- An AP with more than 6 parts (9 or 8 parts) to complete with the shorter AP just above.

This maybe combined in some way. For example, an 8 volume AP going from level 1 to 20 looks good, combined with a 4 volume AP starting at level 4.

I believe, I recall James mentioning the various reasons, as to why they don't do any of what you mentioned.

Having just finished reading Distant Worlds, here's what I'd like to see in an AP.

1st - I really want an Akiton based AP, that starts on Golarion, bounces to Castrovel for two and ends on Akiton for the final three, perhaps with a war between the Shobhad and one of the City States.

2nd - I've changed my mind and a Viking-esque AP in the lands of the Linnorm Kings and dealing with Baba Yaga, a Tor Linnorm, and a critter akin to Grendel.


3rd - A Numeria AP where everything just goes "Gama World" level nuts and the players will have no way of knowing what to expect. Serious or Silly, I don't care, but Surprising is a must.

Now I know the first is unlikely until Paizo does a set of detailed Psionics-rules and the Lashunta are fully worked out, but it is still feasibly if you take the Elven continent as the Castrovel focus. Plus it would be a great opportunity to take some of Burroughs's creatures from his Carson of Venus series and work them up. Then when the PC's get to Akiton we could get Critters similar to the Kaldan, Hormads, Uliso, and Banth by Burroughs, and Kline's "Cavalry Ducks" (for lack of a better term, I forget what they are called).

Just my 2 coppers, though I suspect that I am in the minority.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Numeria: What can I say? Sci-Fi and Fantasy blend well to me!

A Planet Hopping Adventure: A lot of the planets in Distant Worlds are ripe for adventures and I crave to see them.

Irrisen: I'd enjoy a path set in the land of frozen trolls and ice witches and Russian Folklore

Land of the Linnorm Kings: I cut my teeth on Norse Mythology, I love that kind of story.

Planar Journeys: I'd really delight in seeing a path set largely in the Golarion outer and inner planes, dealing with the cosmology.

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I would like a lot to see an AP portraying PCs as gladiators, much like Spartacus, maybe with a huge slave revolts too...
for those who can remember the first campaign from Dark Sun, a very beatiful one, or something similar in mood to scourge of the slavelords, a n unforgettable campaign, and a very hard too (PCs naked, imprisoned in the dark, no way to escape, a very challenging situation).

Roncolord wrote:

I would like a lot to see an AP portraying PCs as gladiators, much like Spartacus, maybe with a huge slave revolts too...

for those who can remember the first campaign from Dark Sun, a very beatiful one, or something similar in mood to scourge of the slavelords, a n unforgettable campaign, and a very hard too (PCs naked, imprisoned in the dark, no way to escape, a very challenging situation).

It has to be asked: you want this as a GM or as a Player.

Silver Crusade

Osirion! Worldwound! Osirion! Worldwound!

Grand Lodge

Belle Mythix wrote:
Roncolord wrote:

I would like a lot to see an AP portraying PCs as gladiators, much like Spartacus, maybe with a huge slave revolts too...

for those who can remember the first campaign from Dark Sun, a very beatiful one, or something similar in mood to scourge of the slavelords, a n unforgettable campaign, and a very hard too (PCs naked, imprisoned in the dark, no way to escape, a very challenging situation).

It has to be asked: you want this as a GM or as a Player.

I want this as a player! ^_^

Lantern Lodge

1. Irrisen
2. Numeria
3. Osirion
4. Worldwound
5. Absalom

And, while I hope it is unlikely that the format would change, please put me down as someone that is VERY happy with the current format of 6-part APs beginning at level 1. Very interested in Vudra and a planetary AP, but they're just a smidge further down the road for me.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

1. A Distant Worlds AP

2. Osirion

3. Azlant

4. Dragon Kingdoms

1. IOBARIA (don't care what the plot is, thats for the brains at paizo to figure out:)
2. something galt, preferably involving the gray gardeners.
3. an exploration into the mwangi expanse and southern garund (maybe explore the cultures a bit more then serpent's skull).
4. mega-dungeon in the house of oblivion.
5. egyptian adventure in osirion.
6. a foray into the world wound territory.

please no distant worlds adventure paths, if i wanted to go into space i'd play star wars, tho i'm sure distant worlds is an awesome book. six adventures in space would be a bit much.
i say wait till after the moonscar adventure comes out and see how that is before jumping on space ap.

another point: it was my understanding that planar (or even space) travels was reserved for higher levels. it would seem that in order for an adventure path to go into space without a blood bath 80% of ap would have to be about journey and very little about actual space.
just my thoughts, take 'em as you will.

i would love to see something in alkenstar. or maybe something that feature alot of dwarven hijinks

i know with a thread this long these ideas have probably all already been mentioned, but these are destinations i'd love to see some ap's focus on


Valenhall / Arcadia


Alkenstar / Mana Wastes

Castrovel or Akiton



also i would like to see an ap that has some focus on the Prophecies of Kalistrade in much the same way that the Carrion Crown ap's focus was on the Whispering Way

as a final side note i'm eagerly anticipating the Skull and Shackles ap as a pirate based ap is something i've been looking forward to for some time now

Test of the starstone
1) enter absalom and end up running tasks to find out more about the cathedral and its tests
2) final tasks and cross the bottomless pit and enter
3) explore the cathedral and its many hangarounds (i bet atleast one cult has set up shop inside..)
4) battle ever tougher opponents and wander deeper into the cathedral
5)turns out you need a missing key, stolen away by a previous contestant that never went deeper. Go hunt for it
6) inner halls, slaughterfest and high diplomacy, powers of every variety checking out who intends to join them, challenges for vit, death and general mayhem. and finally, if worthy (while stepping over a fallen avatar or two)... GODHOD!

A Distant worlds




First World exploration


Mana Waste




Linnorm Kings

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Evil Lincoln wrote:

An AP heavily featuring the plane of dream.

It should be structured around entering the dreams of key prime-material NPCs, sort of like the game Alundra (or The Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery).

Obviously, that classic plot structure should be hooked up with an adult-size dose of Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath.

Even though it's only technically one plane, this adventure format should definitely scratch the "planehopping" itch, because each of the dreams can be thematically way-the-hell out there.

Doesn't have to be one dream per book, either. Short dream-dungeons would be cool, mixed in with longer engagements and some waking-world action.

I second this idea.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azure_Zero wrote:
MRick wrote:

Many good ideas of AP places have been posted so far, but I wish some other things in future AP :

- An AP that goes up to level 20.
- An AP that starts higher than level 1 (level 4 looks good to me).
- An AP with less than 6 parts (3 or 4 parts).
- An AP with more than 6 parts (9 or 8 parts) to complete with the shorter AP just above.

This maybe combined in some way. For example, an 8 volume AP going from level 1 to 20 looks good, combined with a 4 volume AP starting at level 4.

I believe, I recall James mentioning the various reasons, as to why they don't do any of what you mentioned.

Messing with their bread and butter is not such a good idea. However, I wonder if (ie. hope that) they might float the idea of occasionally doing a "part 7 of 6" in the Modules line, as an addendum to the most popular of APs.

Silver Crusade

What about "A return of Aroden" AP- 1st-2nd AP would be the to investage the rumors.3-4 working with him?, 5th-6th would deciding if he should come back? I see this as being Mystery political AP.Is it really him, who brought him back, how will it effect Cheliax, How will the Gods react)

Dark Archive

Random ideas;

A version of Kingmaker set in Numeria could be freakadelic. Kingslayer. The party can work with the Technic League, against the Black Sovereign, or with the Black Sovereign against the Technic League, or with foreign agents provacateur against both, or play all three against each other in their own bid to rule Numeria.

Osirion, definitely. Rise of the Fiend-Pharoah, perhaps (now a powerful devil, seeking to resume authority in Osirion from beyond the grave). In the climactic final chapter, the Risen Fiend-Pharoah attempts to animate the beetle Sothis as a beyond-colossal undead warbeast and destroy the capital in the process. Someone should stop him...

Some sort of border skirmish between Qadira and Taldor where each player plays *two* PCs, one Qadiran, one Taldan, and they each complete seperate missions, struggling to overcome the objectives of the other. The party with the most 'objective points' at the ends wins. Optional encounter at the end of the AP, the two parties can meet in mortal combat! It would never work, and exists solely as a sneaky way of making sure that both Taldor and Qadira finally get 64 page Chronicles treatments. :) [Swap Qadira for Cheliax and Taldor for Andoran, and the exact same 'border skirmish' scenario could work for the other two main Inner Sea nations who haven't gotten 64 page Chronicles books yet.]

Warmaker. It's Kingmaker, set in the Hold of Belkzen. All the PCs are orcs or races working under them (half orcs, goblins, etc.). Diplomacy will probably not be your main way of establishing your kingdom.

Alternately, We Be Goblins, the Adventure Path. By the end of the 'Adventure Path' (a single 96 page volume, divided into six fifteen page chapters, with some extra info in the back), the goblins who survive will be Epic Level Characters, by Goblin standards. (6th level)

Absalom Nights. Intrigue in the big city. Each PC must be a member of one of ten or so approved factions from the Faction Guide (Kalistocracy, Varisian Wanderer, Arcanamirium, Aspis Consortium, etc.), and will use Faction advancement rules, attempting to advance not just their skills and power, but also their faction's goals. Comes with obligatory dungeon crawl in one or more of the 'Seige Castles,' to recover useful information.

Mendevian Crusades. Start out small, protecting locals from overzealous crusaders, get noticed for nobility and selflessness and promoted to field patrols, and eventually rescue missions deep into demon-haunted lands, past the wardstones. Discover signs of sabotage on a wardstone, and discover that someone inside Mendev has deliberately tampered with that stone as part of a deal with a demonic patron! Root out the traitor within (who will turn out to have demonic powers, via willing possession!), while fighting off demons without!

Something, something Irrisen.

Something, something, big *** dragon at the end!

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I would like to see something a bit more dwarf-centric. Either a group establishing its own clan territory (sort of Kingmaker with beards) or the retaking of a sky citadel.

1. Axis
2. Distant Worlds
3. First World

Liberty's Edge

PCs establishing a business and having to deal with all aspects of running it successfully.
Dealing with traitors. Traveling to foreign lands to broker a trade deal etc.
Sort of like kingmaker but instead doing it for profit.

Snow Crash wrote:

PCs establishing a business and having to deal with all aspects of running it successfully.

Dealing with traitors. Traveling to foreign lands to broker a trade deal etc.
Sort of like kingmaker but instead doing it for profit.

Perhaps the AP could be about operating a mercenary force? Sort of 'The Dogs of War' done for Pathfinder?

Like Kingmaker, any alignment would be possible.

1) A solidly science-fantasy styled campaign that draws on Numeria, Distant Worlds and Alkenstar among other elements. Perhaps the Azlant legacy would have a nice place here, with the obvious Atlantis/Ancient Astronauts type of vibe. Offset that with some savage tribal foes, barbaric PC types and you've got the tasty tasty soup of Kull, Conan and John Carter to enjoy.

2) A true mega-dungeon. Complete with surrounding wilderness, dungeon dwelling factions and mysteries to offset the exploration and hacking. A full 15 levels of dungeon crawling mayhem would be delicious.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Yes First World...

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Pete Whalley wrote:

2) A true mega-dungeon. Complete with surrounding wilderness, dungeon dwelling factions and mysteries to offset the exploration and hacking. A full 15 levels of dungeon crawling mayhem would be delicious.

I would love this but it might be something to build over time with the module line. I could also see it as an AP or a separate product.

Regarding mega dungeons...

There's very little info on it yet, but I have a suspicion that the Shattered Star AP will be very dungeon-centric. It won't be one long dungeon crawl, but it may be Paizo's attempt to answer calls for mega dungeon APs. Or I could be totally wrong.

As for the AP I would most like to see? It would involve aboleth antagonists, travelling someplace exotic like the ruins of Azlant or the Sightless Sea in Orv, one underwater adventure, and ultimately discovering something about the aboleth's master plan for Golarion.

There are a lot of posts here already so I apologize if these ideas have already been thrown out.

I was reading the Numeria AP thread and decided to chime in here on some things I'd love to see elements of in an AP. Golarion has EVERYTHING so there are a lot of great ideas waiting to be exploited. One I'd love to see is something dealing with the Mana Wastes. The homebrew I dropped recently in favor of Golarion was a post-apocalyptic steampunk so imagine my squee happiness when I ran across that land in the Inner Sea Primer.

I'd also like to see some elements of the caveman theme going on in the Lands of the Mammoth Kings. Ever since I read GURPS Ice Age years ago, the idea of stone age fantasy has always been really interesting to me even though I've never gotten the opportunity to try it. I really enjoy the study of prehistory and that would be an AP I'd make a point of buying and running.

Liberty's Edge

Generic Villain wrote:

Regarding mega dungeons...

There's very little info on it yet, but I have a suspicion that the Shattered Star AP will be very dungeon-centric. It won't be one long dungeon crawl, but it may be Paizo's attempt to answer calls for mega dungeon APs. Or I could be totally wrong.

They've actually specifically said that each of the six segments is pretty much a big dungeon. So 6 dungeons instead of one, but still a very dungeon-centric AP.

As for what I'd like to see?

Swords and Planets, with the first chapter dealing with getting to a portal to Castrovel or Akiton and the rest dealing with adventures on one or preferably both of those? Yes, please.

Vikings from the Land of the Linnorm Kings, with the AP assuming the claiming of a Linnorm kingdom towards the end? Possibly with heavy anti-Irresen elements? Again, yes please.

I'd also love to see a Numeria focused AP (of any sort), a Worldwound focused/militarily structured AP, and an Absalom AP featuring intrigue as much as battle (since that seems a good setting for a focus on intrigue).

An AP focused on a non-Elf race might also be cool, particularly when combined with other APs people want to see done. Something dealing with the Bellflower Network in Cheliax could both focus on Halflings and provide that whole 'opposing Cheliax's evil' feel that Council of Thieves lacked. Likewise a mega-dungeon descending below one of the Sky Citadels could be both Dwarf-focused and a nice actual mega-dungeon. And so on and so forth.

hmm, an AP on Nidal and Numeria (did I write right?). I would like also to see more AP about the different nation of Golarion.

A Zon-Kuthon based AP!
Maybe for evil character? Not necessary
However I would love to see an AP where Zon-Kuthon's clerics or fanatics are the enemy of the AP :)

When it comes to a mega-dungeon I think there would be a market for it. Put it out there for the fans of big dungeons and move on. Six books, 17 levels, 1 dungeon. Mega-dungeons aren't my thing, I prefer intrigue and roleplaying and swashbuckling adventure but I still think people would eat it up. For those like myself I'm sure some would b@%@# but people do that anyway. Ultimately the next path would be something completely different and the haters would forget all about it... and find something new to complain about.

A mega dungeon is my first preference, however part of the reason I want paizo to do one is that I want to see a decent story complete with roleplaying, intrigue, etcetera but set within that uniquely rpg environment.

I'm certainly not meaning a "monster hotel" with an endless series of rooms and corridors full of monsters. With adventurers kicking down doors, killing them and taking their stuff. I think there are several of those out there already (although granted none specifically for pathfinder).

Shattered star isn't what I'm looking for in that regard either (nor other dungeon heavy APs like age of worms). In my view, a mega dungeon isn't just about being indoors a lot. It's about miles of interconnected tunnels and chambers, interesting factions and rivals vying for control of different regions.

It's not for everyone, of course, but neither were LoF, SS or some of the other "nichey" APs.

You can keep all the super-epic stuff, for me I want a rich mystery, with interesting characters, great RP opportunities, puzzles (!) and difficult decisions that impact the story.

I've read the first part of the Crimson Throne...MAKE MORE OF THAT KIND OF STUFF!

Silver Crusade

It also occurs to me that a lot of ideas can be tied together.

For instance, an Irrisen AP can start out in the Land of the Linnorm Kings, giving a strong dose of viking-dom.

A full Orision AP might be difficult (the Egyptian tropes could be exhausted rather quickly), but there could be an Orision-based adventure in an AP that involves travel, possibly even winding up in Vudra.

Shadow Lodge

kyriakoshasapis wrote:

You can keep all the super-epic stuff, for me I want a rich mystery, with interesting characters, great RP opportunities, puzzles (!) and difficult decisions that impact the story.

I've read the first part of the Crimson Throne...MAKE MORE OF THAT KIND OF STUFF!

Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes.

How bout a Vudra based AP and as a result, Paizo needing to release support material (as they always do) for "the land of the psychics" i.e. Psionics stuff!

Bam, AP set in an exotic land. (To most Pathfinder players, not so much for me since I'm Asian)

Bam, fill the huge gaping hole that is Psionics.

Double win!

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I don't see psionics as a gaping hole, more like a low spot in the yard that'll be just fine if left alone though if the neighbor wants to fill it then go for it (the neighbor in this analogy are 3rd party publishers like dreamscarred press).

captain yesterday wrote:
I don't see psionics as a gaping hole, more like a low spot in the yard that'll be just fine if left alone though if the neighbor wants to fill it then go for it (the neighbor in this analogy are 3rd party publishers like dreamscarred press).

Agreed, I don't like psionics and it should be left out of official products and 3rd party publishers can make that content.

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