Flesh Golem

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So yeah, filling out the series but after that im done for now. See ya later.

hmm.. i immediately saw the old testament in those "spill no seed" and "night tea".. waitaminnit, moon tea aka ban on fetuscide/sterility.
All of which in turn leads to sexual emergencies (automatic selfpollination more or less every week) and need to commit sexual crimes, luckily those can be smoothed over by 20 silver to the father of the girl and a quick marriage. Also straight out of the old testament.

So sure, for a less explicitly brutal adult entertainment interpretation maybe just as well its about drinking green tea at nght and spilling grain.

the drunkard (lawgiver) sheriff must be popular at the bar. Oh got a cut? Well just hang by old sheriff Mary-Lue, sometimes during this night she will lose consciousness.. ..and your bleeding wound will vanish and be as good as new!

For more fun combine this with being a faithful of Calidean...
And as a varisian picking up a made in home renewing reincarnation tattoo somewhere along the line. One of those lil toys that are worldvise overpowered but with a player not so much. Death just stops being much of a problem as you are back in 24 hours (or some such).

One more way to extend the notion of traveling, travel in new bodies too and sometimes live in whole new communities for a lifespan.

Being still pretty fresh as far as colonies go historically, a mere century old. It probably is somewhat dependent on flowing aid. Aid that kinda tends to vanish during upheavals/mobilizations at home.

And thus being forced to seek other forms of assistance or liberalization for the purpose of mobilizing local resources.

In short busy taking care of themselves.

But what do i know, that is what I would expect tho.

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They will join us or die. Then join join us in undeath.
-Tar-Baphon grand strategy memo

In primitive times its closer to 90% material 10% labor, in more modern days like today or hyperadvanced nantine ie fabricate & wall of stone/iron casting wizards its closer to 90% labor and 10% materials.
And the old rule holds true, the harder you work (sweat running) the less you are paid.

Urath DM wrote:
the nerve-eater of Zur-en-Aarh wrote:
Urath DM wrote:

Because, sadly, the character that the AP established (or, more accurately, reinforced) is wrong. They're not supposed to be anywhere near as offensive as they come across in the AP (partially because, I suspect, you only see the offenders in the AP, not the 90% of the race that is supposed to be nicer).
I still don't quite understand how people can find those elves in general offensive unless the GM fails fairly spectacularly on communicating "the nice ones want your help and appreciate it, there are a handful of political extremists who don't and one of those turns out to be the villain." Particularly when you've got Shalelu and Kwava to make the first impression, and when the ones who try to assassinate them in Kyonin directly identify themselves as a splinter group by shouting “Death to all who would doubt the Winter Council!”

So.. here's how I see the issue...

** spoiler omitted **...

And then it leads to calculations like "ok, we took down the guardians and all runes are ours now, so if we take out just one or two... that ought to still land some rock on the elves.. right?" That is without wrecking home and all of Golarion. The elves bloody well deserve it.

Wizards should often want to do a bit multiclassing into a scouting type rogue once wizarding is mostly done. The main weakness being being cornered and hacked to bits and running out of suitable spells... so its useful to be able to sneak, spot, acrobat about etc.
Plus archmages int is thru the roof already so the thieving and sneaking skills will shoot up real fast.

Plus if you get anti-magicked you can still survive even among traps and monsters.

Keep watching the skies? (Issues #18 & #90 secret messages hidden inside the books)

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Cole Deschain wrote:
The little town where it all began... awesome!

Marketer crying out: Small town where big adventures start.

Local: Thankfully it has been wonderfully boring for a few years now.

My lil theory has been for awhile that Lissala got a good bit sneakier during the fall and decided to re-list godhood as Sivanah. There is a good bit of overlap in both symbology and domains.

i suppose for one imagining shes in charge and preserving the knowledge... then loses control as all that preserved everything is turned to dust. Only stuff that was saved was cunningly and trickily hidden.
Meanwhile quite obviously varisian tattoos have vanished nowhere.

Early may, and right now I'm almost literally splitting with curiosity about the towers :p

I could think of a dozen places willing to sell to well organized and thus outwards behaved hobbs that come thru a tower some teleporting guy brought. They are told to behave and any trouble results in instant executions by their own commanders that want to maintain both discipline and fight just one war at a time.

shackles for extra cheap stuff (iirc one plunder 1000gp value 3000gp in goods if bought honestly), absalom sells to anyone with coint to pay and so forth.

Pride and folly: a Xanderghul runelord AP.
His way of hiding was in LIES. It is said truth frees you, but sometimes its the other way around.

A diplomatic ap of interacting with slippery self-serving nobles and scoundrels, uncovering a plot.. only to find out the uncovering was always intended and lies meant to be overturned, as the freeing comes dangerously close. Nothing being as it seems, perhaps even the return of X is yet another lie?
Sometimes uncovering the secrets and lies of the peacock spirit can be very dangerous. And yet, ho can one let lies fester and undermine the very fabric of society?

It could start pretty much anywhere with plenty of intrigue and at some point point towards knowledge needed about the peacock spirit.. only to ensnare the adventurers in their own foolish pride seeking to know what should have remained secret for everyones safety.

Might is right

Strength, magic, chaos, evil
Weapon: Tooth and nail
Sacred beast: red dragon
Worshipers: the strong
Holy text: might is right
holy symbol: fist in the face

motto: seize all you can, trample down the weak. The ruler who isnt strong does not deserve to rule. Only slaves are born into contracts (laws). Someone smites you, smash them down breaking every bone in their body. Freedom or death are no empty words. Each individual must determine right or wrong, or their individuality is lost. Take a silver from a peasant and they think you a thief. Take 3/4 of their harvest as rent and tax and they will worship you.

so now i know what to do with that (maure) robe of transmutation and its prime transformation ability.
Get starflight.. :p (and the head hits a crystal sphere.. hahah!)

and magic books like coultes des ghoules?
'learn ghoul
'become ghoul
'cha boost, so as to...
'civilized ghoul feat (noone can tell.. :p)

Or the wanderer thru the sea
*bespeak the end of the day (quirky spell/ritual. See a thing that will happen and be ...umm... destined ie kinda untouchable, sort of)
*craft magical object ... one more or less useful for finishing something
*ritual for trading your soul to the dark tapestry for strange abilities... and just maybe you get eaten.

Path of fire and sky
*summon tiny flying fire elemental (living fireball, almost)
*sacraments of becoming (become a flying fireball!)
*words of fire and sky (inspire! ..or burn... or both..)

Scythia wrote:
  • Even death may die.
  • Yes. A death found nailed to a wall? :D

    It was kinda hinted they were made as some kind of techno-magical batteries by the Cyclopses.

    So now with technology made a bit more clear, any ideas on power output?

    I Imagine that with the smoking tower having its own 100 point techno-magical power plant it should be somewhat similar. Considering that Tiberoliths can also defend themselves, well, maybe halve that to 50. And that it is very much a kind of free add-on effect..
    Or perhaps just 25, forcing the old cyclops empire into a really inefficient mass-production of their dear Tiberoliths to get any kind of serious power.. haha! (and thus ruining themselves on a lack on power)

    Slithery D wrote:
    I'd rather keep the infinite power source and on demand 1 mile dimension lock for my secret lair rather than build a god who may or may not care about me in a few months.

    Oh yes. And besides, Cassandra is my special friend in a box!

    She needs electricity, i need electricity. Its wrong to have just one person benefit from infinite electricity.

    Oh and chips being: Entropy, Creative, Intuitive, Ingenuity.

    Artistic creator and re-discoverer of technology.

    In this "little" tower with a 200' deep cellar and as high on top. In many ways similar to the choking tower (just octagonal, and a sidebuilding for entrance etc). See dungeon adventure Quelkins quandry for architectual ideas. But with a central elevator. No stairs.

    and you triple the value of the blood money component with a fabricate.
    It begins to explain stuff like Smaug's hoard. And a few levels of binder to bind the creature that gives 1 point of ability regeneration/round.

    Anyways red great wyrm STR 42. Some buffs and wishes and you are at 53.
    One casting (52 str*500)*3 = 78.000 gp of golden goblets, cut gems or whatever. Cast this combo an approximate 30 times a day = 2.340.000 gp.
    365 days a year = 854.100.000 gp.
    Keep doing this for 500 years... and you'll have hoard worth showing off.

    or as a way to buy your beers. Ignore material component -> 1gp = 3gp of coins manufactured. False focus is ever better, or 300gp per fabricate (100*3 due to crafting)

    Next thing you'll want is one of those biers of restoration. Sit on it, all day long and a item of blood money at will and a fabricate at will. Murder-hoboing is so last season... and when your wizards tower is smock full of treasure (see tv shows for hopeless hoarders), you expand it with wall of stones. Hell summon a dao if nothing else. You could even bargain and pay if you can agree to part with your hoarded stuff :D

    definately curse of the chrimson throne... youve got a city on the edge, a dragon-king doing a ritual, gray templars..... and seeking some aid from desert barbarians :p

    Hell, with Nibenay, even the gender of the templars would be right.
    Or perhaps better with Draj, and those templars seeking to raise a dragon-king from their moon-oracle or whatnot puppet ruler

    There has been an awful lot of dark colors. And relatively few light (kingmaker a suitable absolutist royal white & Reign of Winter IcyBlue) and a couple yellow.

    How about red, still dark tho. Pink?
    Imperial Purple? Other purple.
    One orange, pretty please?
    Or perhaps even more exotic choises like Polka... lol

    oh yeah, did someone else cross-reference the buildings with kingmaker?

    I mean repair a castle (1/2 cost), 54/2=27 BP. This was 10 Plunder.
    Also dock, 16 BP = 5 Plunder.

    Thus leading to a approximation of 1 Plunder equals 3 BP.
    Thing just is, BPs cost 4000 to buy or 2000 to sell. This would indicate one plunder to be worth around 12000gp utility-vise.

    So if you are looking for an end product, like say building a golem or a belt of strength, you would get 12000gp of value from 1 plunder. In other words, wizards really should travel to the shackles to purchase enchanting stuff before crafting magic. 1000gp of gold for 12000gp of stuff! That is, if you don't have moral qualms about supporting murder and theft..

    or go a little angry-crazy and pick up those heritage chains.
    Orc (str+8) and abyssal too (str+8) and become a bit more melee capable.

    Ofcourse that would work better with mystery: fire and str/dex switching places.. but ohwell.

    64) Start a citystate-kingdom of kobold archmages.

    That is what it had to be after favoring the kobolds, and their utterly mindboggling rate of reproduction... and that that rate of wizards (sorcerers?) towers springing up... a dozen or so a round. And later a hundred, if someone could be bothered with the accounting.

    Eventualy incomes were in the 12000 BP range, and accounting simply stopped.

    Supposedly the world would be covered in wizards towers in a few more decades at that rate of growth. Im kinda assuming they began masscrafing demiplanes for those kobold wizard towers :p

    Oh and the kingdom had absolutely no farmland at all.
    Magic items, thats where business really is.

    Armies consisted of a few archmage legions, many more apprentice legions, and golems. Yes, whole armies golems. That just retarded development for less than a single kingdom round per golem army. Scary? Yup..

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Charles Scholz wrote:
    Jason Nelson wrote:

    7. Relevant to Smaug: He seemed VERY well-informed for a dragon that has supposedly been asleep for 60 years, never threatened, never leaving, never being visited, and in fact with all the entrances collapsed so no one COULD go visit him. Yet he knows about all of Sauron's dalliances in the south. Heck, he knows Thorin Oakenshield's adopted surname, even though he got it long after the dwarves left Erebor in a battle a thousand miles away.

    Where does Smaug get his information?

    Just the ramblings...

    Smaug has been asleep for only 60 years, but Thorin got his name 200 years before. He could have heard about it any time during that period.

    Check out the feat from draconomicon, Draconic Knowledge, page 69.

    They know everything about any object associated with their hoard and location. Then its the other stuff, like existance of hobbits, that they are completely ignorant about.

    So yeah, theyll have no problem naming the whole lineage of every person ever holding any single coin in their hoard. ;)

    Hohum.. it sure was over the top. Some of the floor was bare, other parts probly over 20 meters high in coins etc. Lets take an average of that and say 5 meters.

    Covering maybe a square kilometer.

    This makes 5 million cubic meters of gold, gems etc
    Gold comes at 19tons/m3, but there are plates, coins etc so its hardly entirely solid. Maybe 17 tons per m3.

    Thus we have 85 million tons of gold.
    Or 85 billion kg.
    Which comes to about 200 billion lbs.

    -> 10 trillion gp. But worth easily 10 times that thanks to art objects, gems etc.

    Which amounts to no more than 5000 gp/dwarf/year and 5 million dwarves working for 400 years.

    And im pretty sure that the Arkstone had some powers with creation like spawning gold or enabling more efficient mining. OTOH, dwarves in the middle-earth cleary have some kind of flawless cog in the wheel racial skill allowing one to complement another... allowing for perfect cooperation and massproduction.

    Then again we could also be talking about 5, 10 or even 100 square kilometers of coinage...

    Melvin the Mediocre wrote:
    ikki3520 wrote:

    IF you are allowed to extract wishes, you would be better off using simulacrated efreti. As stone statues they make excellent garden ornaments tho.

    Should you go ahdead and extract wishes from trapped efreti, you pretty much deserve to have this: http://www.trollandtoad.com/p170440.html thrown at you.

    Have fun surviving the city of brass as a slave :D

    Edit: fixed link

    I don't understand what you are getting at. If I have an efreeti cast wishes, we should change campaign settings? It looks really fun, so thanks for bringing it to my attention, but at $100 I don't think we will go that way.

    Not a campaign setting but a high level "mini"-campaign & area & efreti fluff. It can no doubt be found for cheaper too.

    Anyways, the mini-campaign (iirc 11 adventures) starts with a wish extracted from a efreti.. and after that you are in deep trouble :p

    IF you are allowed to extract wishes, you would be better off using simulacrated efreti. As stone statues they make excellent garden ornaments tho.

    Should you go ahdead and extract wishes from trapped efreti, you pretty much deserve to have this: http://www.trollandtoad.com/p170440.html thrown at you.

    Have fun surviving the city of brass as a slave :D

    Edit: fixed link

    imho, roll a dice to choose the monster book, then open a random page and voila.. your new form! :D
    Well sometimes you havre to redo it, unless you believe one can reincarnate as a iron golem.

    Dont forget return on investment, profession checks are at zero capital investment.

    Ofcourse gilding & gemstudding the walls of your inn wont convince customers its worth to pay 5000gp a night ;) Meaning there are limits.
    Generally one can also make good investments or bad ones.

    In general some 5%/month for modest investments and 1%/month for more extensive ones. And for the gilded walls 0% return on investment :D
    Otoh not having ANY decoration might be a bad idea too.

    So a profession check could tell you what would be smart to invest in and what would be dumb.

    Below DC 10 0,2%
    DC 10 0,5%
    DC 15 1%
    DC 20 2%
    DC 25 3%
    DC 30 4%
    DC 35 5%
    etc.. DC 50 at 8% monthly return on investment max? (youd be the business genius who makes everything perfect).

    And max investment at those levels can be done to DC check * 1000 gp.
    Above that twice the investment for half the profit percentage and so forth.

    Porphyry house could work as a pretty nice wizards tower too.
    No need to use girls/boys/goats... go with Nimblewrights.
    They can alter self. Loyal and intelligent. And capable of those profession rolls, and have pretty good stats too. Cha 19 average, try beating that competitor brothel! And by assigning duties according to random stats, 24 shouldnt be an impossible average for the "entertainers".

    But that would be a gradual replacement operation, and slowly moving towards some ~40 "girls", ~15 guards & ~25 assistants (scribes, guides, servers, cooks..)
    All in all 80 nimblewrights. Thats 2 million gp.

    Luckily, at 12 hours open (could easily be 24/7) and 30% occupancy that place still rakes in some 1,5 million gp a year. So getting 40 porphyry stone golems shouldn't take too long. Perhaps a good amount of those apocalypse golem windows, obviously slightly different motif ;) (see wormholecrawls)

    Ive dreamed up a few changes too.
    Little or no need for guard rooms, so a row extra can be given to the girls. 2 Orgy rooms, upper and lower level. Some nice illusion magics to give the impression of a garden upstores while waiting for the "specials" & indulging in random orgies.

    Cellar can be general sleeping, cleaning, eating. Storage, crafting.. And none of that is counted into income yet :p

    hmm.. a bardish noble scion and dabbler in all things osirion would be such a perfect member. Perhaps a few levels of fighter to learn the kopesh?

    Re Greta. There is another way to make the rime pelt semi-permanent.
    Clone. It takes 2d4 months to grow, but could be cast daily i suppose. And by temporal stasis one of the winter wolves, the others would grow up dead and thus easier to skin.

    So thats still a 2hours/day... and a room full of ~150 heterochromatic winter wolf clones in various stages of growth.

    Well there is a way around it. Sort of.
    Make simulacrii of zombies. No more control issues.. but it also means not having endless hordes. More like one or two really big "zombies".

    And lets face it, a necromancer lacking zombies just isnt a real necromancer.

    if paizo ever shows up in helsinki, finland.. ill might get myself one of those hoops and show how easy it is :D

    And i do have massive shoulders. The trick is to reach up with your hands together.

    As for small being able to get thru with a escape artist check... well... ya know. Seriously. A ½Ling is 3' tall. This gate is half that. You thing you could as a 6' tall guy crawl thru a 3' diameter ring? :D
    I mean people limbo thru hoops nu bigger than that!

    Wanna look up some basic army camp videos of crawling excercises? 10" being a limit there often.. and this isnt even special forces.

    And not just small. All it comes down to is the head, once that is thru, everything else fits too. Unless ofcourse one is in terrible shape...

    Even 12" would be doable, but that would already require some serious squeezing. That, or being downright athletic. Anyways, 18" is more than enough space for a medium sized person. But then there is that 100lbs limit, which is a lot tougher. If one chooses to enforce it.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Dragon steeds, pet balors (or other big tough meaty teleporting thingy with innate spells) and the like. Fabricate and craft:jewellery is used to gain the cash. Or improve upon the crafting scheme by simulacruing the master craftsmen of the realm... then set up a sweatshop. Churnig out supercheap masterworks. And no need to pay or feed your simulacrums.
    Or if you are convinced they do need to eat, make a simulacrum of "tear of nuruu'gla" while at it. Immortality, sustenance etc granted to the host.

    Balors are quite capable of teleporting and doing the adventuring for you... so you can be a stay at the tower wizard after level 13. Perhaps sovereign glue a portable gate to the chest of one of the balors so you can toss spells thru that hole and see what your balors are doing.


    Then there is this spell that allows for no end of sheaniganics. Like your balors, sculpt them into the shape of staffs and tell them to obey anyone that holds them. I bet you can sell those weapons for quite a profit ;)

    Or a Djinni shaped into a table. Now its always covered in fresh foods, wines etc :D

    Oh and interrogations. The big bad guy has some secrets? Make a simulacrum, or several. Theres a 50% chance it remembers and a 100% chance of being willing to tell.

    And then ofcourse, if charm person fails you.. you can use the spell to create your own umm.. companions. Perhaps even messing with the royal bloodline by making pricess copies. And youll be the father of a whole lot of those offsprings. Very useful if there are some "gotta be of the royal bloodline to.." artifacts/doors etc. Now your simulacrum or even live kids/apprentices can operate those.

    Letsee. Undead, desert (hot, no water)

    Whoever, but get a tear of burning flame symbiont. Great lil undead blasting ability with immortality, fire immunity, sterility, sustenance (no need to haul water, food), telepathy, mind reading and flame making as innate powers. Oh and spell resistance.

    If the world fails to give you one, use the simulacrum spell. Or hire someone to cast it for you.


    Thats a good pile of "free" equipment ;)

    illusionist pimp works tho. Simulcra the princesses...

    Maybe a Noble Scion. Undeads? Hire someone to destroy them.
    The penultimate dilatantte who will not get personally involved but let minions do all the work.

    And lets not forget cybernetic implants. From the razor/tool hand to synthetic heart and brain implant. Skinweave (natural armor +10, but charisma -4 ie the amazing rubberman). Biomonitor!
    Nanite self organic selfrepair (fast heal 1, can use 3 cure X wounds/day).

    And then the doityourself plasmapistols.

    Got to grab a craft tech item feat, some skill, identify/use technology and then with the tech skill know what to loot and allow the greatest use out of those.
    So treasure could be handed out in the terms of: 400 gold coins, broken blaster with 5 charges and 500gp of technological spare parts.

    Then go entirely nuts and enchant the technology.. :p

    fully functional and anatomically correct?
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlbmi1hhV_0 :D

    Better yet, grab the biggest, strongest, "giant". Create a simulacrum and have the simulacrum be willingly possessed with a magic jar.

    Or a hired priest standing next to you lobbing heal spells?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Starting strength 10 (fairly regular for a sorcerer, best suited thanks to charisma demand for bloodlines & feats for such)
    Abyssal Bloodline +6
    Orc Bloodline +6
    Orc blood, large +6
    Belt of strength +6
    1/2 Dragon (ring) +8 (draconomicon)
    wish +5
    Alchemist lvl 1 +4
    = 51

    In other words, barely.
    Yeah, add in that blood rage?
    And lets not forget mule cords, wouldnt want to collapse under your own weight just because your strength was drained.

    Oh and while at it 1/2 iron golem +14
    And were-bear +14
    Wish +5
    So potentially somewhere at 90

    ..while large.. and being a ironplated, furry, 1/2 dragon..

    Next you need some ioun stone of restoration -all the time- item. And then you are set at cheating the world out of wishes ;)


    ...and incidentally, with anthaul, those 20'*20'*20' stoneblocks arent really stopping you anymore. You just lift them. And you can probly also take castlewalls apart.. lift a section of the wall and remove a few stones from underneath.. then watch the whole thing collapse

    Read "the hound" by HPL. Its on the interwebs, and well past common human heritage. ie noone owns it anymore. The page is dagonbytes.

    Id say those collectors of corpses and students of the decadent are CN. Evil you only become when actively seeking to harm others. Merely being shocking and out of touch with reality does not make you evil. Chaotic people dont really care about the law.

    ...so someone that allows himself to be mounted by stray dogs in the market place, stands outside windows masturbating etc..

    I do wonder.. summoner-synthesist + monk.
    Grazy body with all the wackedout moves.

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