Kelim Esteban

Lrocco's page

8 posts. Alias of Roncolord.


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I would like a lot to see an AP portraying PCs as gladiators, much like Spartacus, maybe with a huge slave revolts too...
for those who can remember the first campaign from Dark Sun, a very beatiful one, or something similar in mood to scourge of the slavelords, a n unforgettable campaign, and a very hard too (PCs naked, imprisoned in the dark, no way to escape, a very challenging situation).

living in Italy, shipping costs are really a barrier for me. Buying PDF from Paizo and phisical copy from amazon UK cost me far less than having a subscription with Paizo with free PDF. There is nothing that can be done?

Thank you very much

John Mangrum wrote:
I've owned Fantasy Grounds for quite a while, but never really used it. For the last six months, however, I've been GMing for my group (which is spread over three time zones) with a combination of D20Pro + Skype + Paizo PDFs, with occasional assists from Hero Lab. I find it a powerful mix.

I've nothing against D20Pro, on the contrary, I will stick on it if Paizo decide to support it, or to support ANY virtual tabletop software, or even to create their own virtual tabletop. I'm not a programmer, I have few spare time, I can't use it to plug the Pathfinder ruleset in FG2 ot in d20pro... I want everything ready to play, and I'm ready to pay for it. FG2 is very flexible, but I've no time to explore the flexibility, or to learn and customize another kind of software, that's why I ask Paizo to produce/support one

dmchucky69 wrote:

Add me to the group clamoring (not so) patiently for a Pathfinder ruleset for Fantasy Grounds. I've got two VTT groups that I DM through FGII and I want to change at least one of them over to PF as soon as possible. The other group has 3 Savage Species-type characters, so it would be much harder to convert.

I am definitely jazzed about converting the one group over to PF though!

PS I'm sure that the other VTT platforms are fine, but I've put too much work into my FG campaigns to start thinking about changing now!

me too!!! same situation!

hogarth wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Won't happen, because there's no mac version and Paizo refuses to support software that isn't Mac friendly.
Why would Paizo's support be needed for adding (OGL) Pathfinder rules into Fantasy Grounds?

Actually I would like a lot to have an officially supported virtual tabletop. I had to relocate and I wouldl ike so much to start a pathfinder game with my now-remote friends

Please Paizo, if not Fantasy Grounds, something else, but do it! We need to continue playing

I have to move into VTT too because I go away from my home city; I tried with FGII and it seems a very good product....
We need paizo support!!! Please, for all the people who had to left their own home to be exiled away, far from their families, their friends... and their loved rpg table!
a nice ruleset for Pathfinder RPG, with FG versions of PF modules and AP!
that's all we ask

thank you to all

Sean Mahoney wrote:

I guess you need to decide on the big question regarding law in a D&D game: Is law reflective of medieval or renaissance laws or do you want them reflective of modern laws and sensibilities. It is actually a pretty big question... and I don't know that I can answer it for you.

Sean interpretation is very interesting, I would like to add a few points myself. The law consideration should take into account how modern the civilization is. Trying to explain better, civilization is made not only by technology, but by thoughts, philosophies, feelings and so on. I've read a good amount of golarion materials, and I feel that the overall civilization level seems like the nineteen century, and absolutely not medieval at all. (reneissance can make it too, but the modern concept of laws, government and rights came after the French revolution). in Golarion we lack the industrial revolution, but it seems like some kind of feelings are very modern. And better not forget that Golarion has a very old civilization history, if compared with our world, with advanced empires flurished 10.000 ago, much older than our human civilization.

Just to make an example: In "seven days to the grave (pathfinder 8)" the queen call physicians to help against an epidemic disease. This is not a "medieval" way. In Middle Age epidemy was fought only with prayers and there was no basic hygiene to protect against disease
Enough ramblings

I'm a paizo subscriber since last november and I'm enjoying very much the stuff produced so far. So much that I would like to get the older dungeon AP. I've bought the Shackled city hardcover, and now I'm after Age of Worms and Savage tide. For age of worm I'm going for pdf because I see that #126 and #132 are OoP. I prefer to use paper but can stick with pdf too. But for Savage tide there are no PDF and #139 is OoP. What now?
the dungeon mag will be eventually go pdf? and there is a hope to see in Hardcover like for shackled city? I have read that it there is no hope, but would like to know better...
and to reprint the missing numbers?
thank you very much