Ice Titan |

Similiar to the Shrink Item trick, my favorite combo is Dimension Door, Feather Fall, and a nearby, unattended 250' rock or other item. Dim door up to lethal falling range and drop said object on enemy, with a feather fall for safety and distance of course (fly would work too).
This is good for 3 reasons: It gets you out of the fight, it changes the battlefield slightly, and deals 20d6 damage one foe.
I also like trying to yank an enemy out of the fight and drop them on their allies. Sure, the Will Save makes it a little dicey, but its far more fun dropping that Hill Giant from 500' in the air on his buddy than just casting a Hold spell and coup-de grace-ing away.
Well, check out the rules for falling objects. pg. 443.
Your dropping a rock combo doesn't work as you posit. A colossal rock does 10d6 damage. That's the maximum. Range increment of 20 feet, max of 5 since it's a thrown weapon. Ranged touch attack. If you drop it and eschew the touch attack, they get a DC15 Reflex to half the damage.
It still works, and it works really well. It just doesn't have that much of a punch!

wesF |

FallingIcicle wrote:On a similar note: Shrink Item + Telekinesis. Find or purchase a boulder or ball or iron that is the maximum weight you can hurl with telekinesis. Permanency shrink item on it. You then have a very high damage weapon that you can use over and over again, and can easily carry around and hide on your person, even as a puny wizard. This is particularly fun with a ring of telekinesis. You can have a 9d6 damage attack effectively at-will.This is a good idea.
Unfortunately, it doesn't actually work that much. Shrink Item does not get up to really big items. A DM who crunches the numbers can tell you 'no' and be justified.
How about Treasure stitching (with the max of a 10'cube of heavy/sharp/explosive stuff, but otherwise worthless) + any magic that allows you to drop the contents on an enemy (flight, telekenesis, etc)

Aelryinth RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Ughbash wrote:Other creatures that attempt to attack you or pass through
English can be an inprecise language.
Two possible interpretations which would cause differnt results.
Aerlinth interprets it as Attempts (to attack you or pass through) and with that interpretation he is correct, Reverse Gravity does not work.
Others interpret as (Attempts to attack you) or (pass through). And with their interpretation then Reverse Gravity works.
Since I suspect the devs are NOT going to comment on this and the English language can be interpreted either way... Ask your DM.
There is another interpretation. After reading Prismatic Sphere I see nothing to say that I can not push someone through it and cause them to make all 7 of the required saving throws. Other than the hideous effects of each color the sphere doesnt actually hinder someones ability to walk through it. It does say that the sphere does block any attempt to "project" something through it. This to me reads as attacks, arrows, spells, energy blasts, psychic assaults, nasty notes tied to brinks, etc.... Basically the effect blocks all forms of ranged attacks and force anyone that wishes to actually melee with the caster inside to survive the 7 deadly colors in order to reach him.
Creatures can pass through the sphere simply by walking through it and surviving the 7 saving throws. I don't like the interpretation that it doesn't effect someone who doesn't "actively through choice" try to pass through it. Otherwise I can just sit on top of a mages Prismatic Sphere and have tea? I don't think that was the intent of the effect.
No where in the description does it say that its an solid barrier that blocks movement. It even says you can attempt to pass through it but have to survive all of the effects if you do.
I go agree its written very vaguely but honestly if it was supposed to be a barrier that can not be passed you would think it would say something along the lines of "no creature can pass through it and...
You attempting to push someone through is no different then you attempting to push a spear through...which you cannot do without making the saves.
Likewise, there is absolutely nothing in the rules that says you can't touch the thing and NOT attempt to pass through, thereby keeping it completely impervious, as it is default meant to be.
I already explained how the english works in a previous post. The willful attempt is a requirement, not an option.

qlawdat |
qlawdat wrote:Trap the soul + Tarrasque. Turn it into your phylactery when you become a lich. No one wants to kill you because it would release the Tarrasque.I read that Dragon magazine too. ;-)
Yup that was a good one. Because of that issues my players will always assume all fire breathing dragons will be guarded by iron golems.
Reverse gravity + telekinesis. Make em fly up and hit the ceiling and then push them out of the reversed gravity.

Fallen_Mage |

wesF wrote:qlawdat wrote:Trap the soul + Tarrasque. Turn it into your phylactery when you become a lich. No one wants to kill you because it would release the Tarrasque.I read that Dragon magazine too. ;-)Yup that was a good one. Because of that issues my players will always assume all fire breathing dragons will be guarded by iron golems.
Reverse gravity + telekinesis. Make em fly up and hit the ceiling and then push them out of the reversed gravity.
Then pull them back into the AoE and repeat. Let the Hilarity ensue.
Anyway, here's one: Flesh to Stone + Shatter
Hasta la vista, baby.

Kalyth |
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Kalyth wrote:...Ughbash wrote:Other creatures that attempt to attack you or pass through
English can be an inprecise language.
Two possible interpretations which would cause differnt results.
Aerlinth interprets it as Attempts (to attack you or pass through) and with that interpretation he is correct, Reverse Gravity does not work.
Others interpret as (Attempts to attack you) or (pass through). And with their interpretation then Reverse Gravity works.
Since I suspect the devs are NOT going to comment on this and the English language can be interpreted either way... Ask your DM.
There is another interpretation. After reading Prismatic Sphere I see nothing to say that I can not push someone through it and cause them to make all 7 of the required saving throws. Other than the hideous effects of each color the sphere doesnt actually hinder someones ability to walk through it. It does say that the sphere does block any attempt to "project" something through it. This to me reads as attacks, arrows, spells, energy blasts, psychic assaults, nasty notes tied to brinks, etc.... Basically the effect blocks all forms of ranged attacks and force anyone that wishes to actually melee with the caster inside to survive the 7 deadly colors in order to reach him.
Creatures can pass through the sphere simply by walking through it and surviving the 7 saving throws. I don't like the interpretation that it doesn't effect someone who doesn't "actively through choice" try to pass through it. Otherwise I can just sit on top of a mages Prismatic Sphere and have tea? I don't think that was the intent of the effect.
No where in the description does it say that its an solid barrier that blocks movement. It even says you can attempt to pass through it but have to survive all of the effects if you do.
I go agree its written very vaguely but honestly if it was supposed to be a barrier that can not be passed you would think it would say something along the lines of "no creature can pass
NO where in the text does it say the Sphere is Impervious. The sphere stops any attempt to "PROJECT" something through it. Why did the use the word project rather than saying "stops anything from passing through". Maybe because they were trying to get across an effect that doesn't "stop anything from passing through" and only stops ranged attacks as per the effects of the colors. The Shere is only impervious to "Ranged effects" creatures can pass through they just suffer the effects of each color. If you had to "attempt" as you said to walk through i think it would spell that out much more clearly with out the need to disect and breakdown the sentence. I'm sorry but I refuse to believe that Jack and Jill can sit ontop of a Prismatic sphere and have tea time, simply because they do not wish to pass through it.

Bofdm |

Quickened True Strike + Telekinesis (Combat Maneuver version)
Combat Maneuver: Alternatively, once per round, you can use telekinesis to perform a bull rush, disarm, grapple (including pin), or trip. Resolve these attempts as normal, except that they don't provoke attacks of opportunity, you use your caster level in place of your Combat Maneuver Bonus, and you add your Intelligence modifier (if a wizard) or Charisma modifier (if a sorcerer) in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier. No save is allowed against these attempts, but spell resistance applies normally. This version of the spell can last 1 round per caster level, but it ends if you cease concentration.
Goodbye to your uber weapon Mr. Fighter. Or again to throw someone down a pit. With easily about +35 to your CMB for this roll it's highly unlikely anyone will be able to defend against it.

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Flaming Sphere + Pyrotechnics. Very nasty and reliable low-level trick - the sphere does not go out, so you can keep on rolling.
Just warn your party first.
Not only does the 20' rad smoke cloud caused by the pyrotechnics' smoke flow off of the 5' rad flaming sphere -- the smoke cloud can even cover more areaas the flaming sphere can moves up to 30 feet per round under the control of the FSph caster. And new smoke will pour off of the flaming sphere as it moves, too! That is one rocking low level spell combo. Very nice.
Apart from the general mayhem and confusion (and total concealment), what's the best way you've taken advantage of the pyrotechnics' smoke?
I guess it's an awesome distraction tactic. If the PCs need to get through a heavily guarded area - using that spell combo? They are getting through. Mind you, it's not exactly a stealthy way to do it :)

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Spectral Hand + Stone Shape
That stone floor the BBEG was standing on? It's now his air-tight, not-allowing-for-any-movement tomb. No save.
Brilliant. I had to double check both spells, but it sure does seem legal.
Charm Person + Modify Memory. Yes, we have been friends for some time now, don't you remember? (combine with Diplomacy for even greater shenanigans)
Aqueous Orb + Freezing Sphere Sure, you need bunches of saves to pull it off, but the payoff? Badguy is stuck in giant ice-encased dishwasher of drowny doom.
Create Pit/Move Earth/Stone Shape (any earth-moving-type spell, really) + Cloudkill Best used in advance of attack - create obvious cover & choke points for the enemy to use on approach, making sure they're subterranean (like trenches). Flood said trenches with poison gas. Repeat as needed.

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Okay, I know he clearly means Explosive Runes, but I'd like to detour for a minute here.
Explosive Ruins: 8th or 9th level illusion spell, with a huge area and long duration, that creates whatever you want and then explodes when someone makes the will save to disbelieve.
I want this in my spellbook.

Moox |
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prismatic wall and illusionary wall covering it, Always a laugh when you know it's probable someone would try to climb it,
I did that once, but with Deeper Darkness instead of the illusionary wall. Teleported a PC to another plane, lols.
Wild Shape/Elemental Shape into Large Air Elemental + Call Lightning. Tornado + bolts are pretty nasty, since you kill people with both your move action and your standard. If you speak Auran, summoning a large or larger Air Elemental works too.
Poison combo: 2 Summon monsters I's for Stirge + Centipede (or anything with poison). Lower the Fort save, then poison. It's a one-two punch of death.
Hunted: Darkness + summon monster for a dog (or something else with scent).
Have fun!

vip00 |

This would be a point where common sense trumps the fact that there isn't a specific rule governing the issue at hand. It is physically impossible to hold your breath while you collapse into "gales of manic laughter." Go on, try it, I dare you.
Yes, the "common sense" moments tend to be where the game breaks. I generally try to rule as much in favor of game balance as I can. The entire game is based on suspension of disbelief anyway...

Moox |
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Wild Shape/Elemental Shape into Large Air Elemental + Call Lightning. Tornado + bolts are pretty nasty, since you kill people with both your move action and your standard. If you speak Auran, summoning a large or larger Air Elemental works too.
Uh, I forgot to mention that the tornado causes the Call Lightning to switch to d10's!!!
Hence the amazing combo.

Ravingdork |
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I once set up an illusion of a wall of fire to hold off the enemy for a round or two. Finally, I yelled to my teammates, "quick, retreat through the illusion!" We all hopped to the other side and as the last of my team mates got through I cast prismatic wall on our side of the wall of fire.
As I predicted, once the enemies saw that the flames were harmless, they hopped on through, right into our trap. :D

Dragonslie |
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Dust of dryness + a barrel of holy water.
Instant any undead kill.
Pick up pebble left behind. throw it at next undead (touch attack) follow immersion rules for holy water (20d6) per round while the holy water is covered on them...
Instant kill any 30th level lich ( they are wizards anywayz no HP... )
just make sure you have true seeing on :)

cdglantern |
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Well here are the combos I read while we went through, that most people seemed to think would work.
Please, if you are just getting on the page, read the whole list, the descriptions of these combos really do them more justice than just reading them as a list.
Black Tentacles/Stinking Cloud
protection from arrows/ levitate
Haste + Rage
Maze + anything else
Aqueas Orb + Hideous Laughter
Flaming Sphere + Pyrotechnics
Enemy Hammer + any Create Pit spell
Quickened Ill Omen / Hold Monster
Glitterdust + Fog Cloud
Pit spell + illusory wall = Nobody saw it coming
Blindness/Deafness (blind) + Blindness/Deafness (deafen) + bestow curse (make mute) = Poor sap
Silent Image/Create Pit
Spark + Pyrotechnic
Wall of Stone + Meld into Stone
What about flesh to stone followed up by a transmute rock to mud?
web + burning hands
Invisibility + Summon Monster
rainbow pattern + acid pit.
Create Pit + Hydraulic Push
Beast Shape I and Geas/Quest. = "A talking bird just told me that I'm the chosen one!"
Fear + Crushing Despair
Create pit + Summon swarm.
Use Gust of Wind to blow tiny critters into Blade Barrier
Use Telekinesis to toss enemies into Black Tentacles'
Irresistible Dance on a target within a greased area
Mage's Magnificent Mansion + Fabricate = Infinitely shapeable dungeon of doom in which to lure your enemies.
Shrink Item + Mage Hand
Shrink Item + Telekinesis
quicken Cloud kill placed on back wall where enemies are + wall of force to wall them in
Feeblemind + Ray of Stupidity
black tentacles followed by a quickened stinking cloud
Flesh to Stone + Stone Shape + Stone to Flesh
Moment of prescience already casted + prismatic wall + quickened telekinesis
Unseen Servent + Grease
Summon Monster VI to summon a succubus and suggestion to tell victim "She told me she wants you, go hit her so
hard her daughter is born pregnant."
Dimension Door, Feather Fall, and a nearby, unattended 250' rock
Mind blank + invisibility/greater invisibility
Web + Summon Swarm (spiders)
quickened cause fear + create pit
Grease + Blade Barrier
Black Tentacles on floor followed by Black Tentacles on roof ten feet above.
Any Wall spell coupled with Stinking Cloud, Cloudkill, Acid Fog or Incendiary Cloud.
Wall of Force + Acid Fog
Aqueous Orb coupled with Cone of Cold or another Cold-dealing spell to trap the target within the now-solid ice Aqueous Orb.
Telekinetic orb + implosion
Magic Jar + Binding (Minimus Containment),
Hypnotism + Ventriloquism
Continual Flame + Sepia Snake Sigil, preferably both cast as Shadow Conjuration/Evocation to keep the costs down
Animal Messenger + Delay Poison
True Strike + hydraulic push + Create Pit
Unseen Servant + Grease
Trap the soul + Tarrasque. Turn it into your phylactery when you become a lich. No one wants to kill you because it
would release the Tarrasque.
Reverse gravity + telekinesis
Flesh to Stone + Shatter
Running Enemy + Grease + any Pit spell.
Quickened True Strike + Telekinesis
Spectral Hand + Stone Shape that stone floor the BBEG was standing on? It's now his air-tight, not-allowing-for-
any-movement tomb. No save.
Charm Person + Modify Memory
Aqueous Orb + Freezing Sphere
Create Pit/Move Earth/Stone Shape (any earth-moving-type spell, really) + Cloudkill
Explosive ruins and Dispel magic
Explosive Ruins: 8th or 9th level illusion spell
Animal Messenger + Magic Mouth
Wild Shape/Elemental Shape into Large Air Elemental + Call Lightning.
2 Summon monsters I's for Stirge + Centipede
Darkness + summon monster for a dog (scent)
Illusion of wall of fire + Prismatic Wall
Dust of dryness + a barrel of holy water

randomwalker |

Reverse gravity + telekinesis. Make em fly up and hit the ceiling and then push them out of the reversed gravity.
I prefer reverse gravity + hydraulic push to split up groups.
The point is not to make them hit the ceiling, but be suspended mid-air. Ultimate crowd control spell against melee opponents. Your melee team line up around the 'receiving square' with readied actions. Hydraulic pushes from caster lvl 1 wand is enough to gently push one by one out of the area and have then fall down in the receiving square for swift ganking.
obviously the receiving area can also be prepared with spike stones, acid pits, walls of fire or whatever you fancy, but then you need carfully planned pushes or telekinesis to have everyone land in the prepared squares (the melee team is a bit easier to move).
ahh. nice memories...

DrowVampyre |
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I don't know if it's been said already, but I love the Wizard's Satchel Charge (lots and lots of Explosive Runes-inscribed papers wrapped around/bundled in something, tossed at the enemy, and hit with a wand of cheap Dispel so you fail on most of the checks).
Even better is the Wizard's Cruise Missile (as above, but strips of Explosive Runes paper glued around an arrow/bolt/spear/etc. and fired into the target by your friendly full-BAB character before Dispel).

Tiny Coffee Golem |
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On a similar note: Shrink Item + Telekinesis. Find or purchase a boulder or ball or iron that is the maximum weight you can hurl with telekinesis. Permanency shrink item on it. You then have a very high damage weapon that you can use over and over again, and can easily carry around and hide on your person, even as a puny wizard. This is particularly fun with a ring of telekinesis. You can have a 9d6 damage attack effectively at-will.
I use this to great effect with my mages. ;-) Also fun if the sphere is cold iron/on fire/ or otherwise enchanted.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

I started a related thread that asks people to incorporate Ulitmate magic and Ultimate combat spells. Feel free to contribute.

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Favorite Low level combos
Sleep + any Summon 50' above target.
Invisibility + Spiritual Weapon
Produce Flame + Pyrotechnics
Favorite Mid Level Combos
Stone to Flesh + Cantagion
Telekinetic Sphere + Create Water
Summon Swarm + Forcecage
Elemental Wall Spell + Summon same Elementals
High Level Combos
Spider Climb + Reverse Gravity
Levitate + Meteor Storm
Prismatic Wall + Telekinesis
Contingency + Anything

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Telekinetic Sphere + Create Water
Perhaps I'm slow, but can you explain this one to me?
Edit: actually I think I get it and it's pretty nasty assuming you don't need line of effect (which I don't think you do). however if you're just trying to drown someone you could use resilient sphere. Also Create water is divine, but that's easy enough to get around.