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Oh wow this thread got big while I was moving.
Here's my item, I will join in the reviewing of stuff soon.
Scale of the Final King
Aura strong evocation; CL 12th
Slot shield; Price 80,000 gp; Weight 10 lbs.
Appearing to be a single black scale of some incredibly large reptile, the Scale of the Final King has ten dull grey gemstones embedded along its edges. This functions normally as a +3 heavy steel shield until its bearer is struck by energy damage.
After at least 5 energy damage from any one source -- including negative energy -- is applied to the bearer after all adjustments, the gemstones transform to bright diamonds with energy trapped within. This gives the bearer resist 20 against that damage type. This transformation cannot occur again until ten rounds have passed, when the gemstones revert to their dormant state. The duration is not extended by further damage of the same type, and remains even if the shield is dropped or passed off.
The wearer can, as a full round action, expel all the stored energy of the gemstones in a violent explosion. This acts as the detonate spell with no delay, doing a number of d8s of the resisted energy type equal to the remaining rounds of resistance (which applies for the detonate effect). After the explosion, the shield loses its energy absorption abilities for a number of hours equal to the rounds of resistance expended.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, resist energy, detonate, death ward; Cost 40,000 gp