MyrddinCCI's page

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7H3LaughingMan wrote:
So with appraising objects reading it states pretty much it is one try per item, now if multiple people try would they get the same result or what?

All depends on the roll. if they have the same skill total (ranks+int) and they take 10 then yes, but if they roll, could be wildly different! and maybe make some inter-party conflict :-D

"I say it's worth 100!"
"well i say it's worth 1000!"

Lincoln Hills wrote:
Heimdall help me! Not another mirror question!

Sorry! For some reason it always comes up that a mirror is all powerful and can break all the magic via it's mundane awesomeness. Hence why everyone carries one :P

And i agree with VRMH, in that to identify it you need to see it and if it's set to trigger with "look at it" then it would still trigger. Mirror or no.
I think scrying wouldn't trigger it.

I just want to give the PC's a chance to identify it without making the encounter to hard or to easy. Guess it's going to change to read or touch.

Thanks for the advice!

if the symbol of insanity was set to trigger on "Looks at Rune" per Symbol of Death descriptor, would viewing it in a mirror negate the effect?

Also, in order to identify what it is, you'd have to interact with the rune, which if set to "looks at rune," would cause it to trigger correct?

Thanks for any help!

Restores100HP wrote:


Are there creative ways to use disguise, bluff, sense motive, or diplomacy? I've heard you can use bluff to feint, but it seems to take forever.

Like I said, I'm still new.

Feint only works well in combat with Improved Feint which turns the bluff into a move action.

In my current campaign our rogue uses bluff quite effectively.
In combat he usually says something to the effect of "Is your shoelace untied?" which is followed by a sneak attack since dex bonus is negated.

Out of combat, Disguise and Diplomacy are great for bypassing guards and getting into places you might not be able to without mass killings and alarms and such.
combined with Bluff you can RP charm people and take advantage of them.

KaeYoss wrote:
The rules remain silent on it, so it's up to the GM. Personally, I'd say you hover. It is, after all, supernatural flight that doesn't need wings or other stuff like that.

Doesn't hover require a skill check though?

I've always though since there was no control, you would drift.

Cartigan wrote:
MyrddinCCI wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
D door is verbal only. It's designed for getting out of grapples. No contingency required. You're grappled, you say the magic word, poof you're elsewhere.
The issue i ran into was that the grappler was a high level giant so he had a CMD of "OMG that's high" i cast D-Door twice and couldn't get out. Then he covered my mouth. :(
As you didn't need a Concentration check in the first place, I don't think it mattered what happened, your GM was going to have you grappled.

yup. found out it was a plot thing. i wasn't getting out till GM wanted me too. all good. got to screw up plot later anyway :)

Jaryn Wildmane wrote:

according to the wording of the spell, dimension door has already been cast, so you would not need to make a concentration check as it just comes into effect. An easier method to set off the contingency would be to set a condition that you perform as a free action. Such as whenever I say escape in Celestial, dimension door is cast.
Weables wrote:

This is an amazing idea, since you can perform speaking as a free action outside of your turn.

That being said, you still have the issue of having to preset the distance and direction. If you're looking to do this specifically for grapples, 10 feet straight backwards may be a solid choice.

Just dont put your back to a solid wall.

i like it too! probably safer than 10ft straight up. more likely to have space.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
D door is verbal only. It's designed for getting out of grapples. No contingency required. You're grappled, you say the magic word, poof you're elsewhere.

The issue i ran into was that the grappler was a high level giant so he had a CMD of "OMG that's high" i cast D-Door twice and couldn't get out. Then he covered my mouth. :(

that's probably better verbiage. thanks
humm... i didn't think of that. that could prove to be a problem if the direction i pick is blocked.

If contingency is cast to say that if the caster is grappled, he D-Doors away.
Does the D-Door require a concentration check to cast? or since it was cast well before the combat does it just go off?


I got my bard to charm a Balor... twice!
It would have been cooler if they were consecutive, but alas, there were a few levels between

you're thinking of Refuge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just picked up UC and noticed the spell Warding Weapon.

in the description it says:
"It lunges at opponents, as if guided by a martially trained hand, parrying and turning back melee attacks aimed at you, but does not strike back at any opponent nor does it damage them. The weapon serves only as a defense. While it protects you, you can cast spells without provoking attacks of opportunity, without the need to cast them defensively."

Does this mean that it basically turns back ALL attacks? Or just AoOs?

Thanks for help!

I was just having this conversation yesterday. I've always done the Level right away type of gaming. It seems to make my players happy and they get to use the new shiny right away.

In the game i'm a PC in right now, our GM doles out xp each session, but we have to wait till we get back to a "training area" (i.e. city) and then we have to "train" an appropriate amount of weeks * Level earned.
For example, I was level 9 and had earned enough XP to level to 10. but we were in the middle of a dungeon/story arc where we couldn't get back to the city to train AND it would have let the BB escape and cause more havoc. so we kept going. Now we just wrapped up the story arc and i've now earned enough to be level 11! and i have to train 10-21 weeks depending. that's a lot of down time! seems a bit over the top to me.
But it's better than last campaign. we had to spend the time AND spend money. 1000gp*level earned. that one really sucked!

Life Bubble + Stinking cloud
Cast Life Bubble on the party members before hand and stinking cloud as necessary.

My Favorite PC: A Teifling Swashbuckler named Tyro Magnus of course. He had electric blue armor and a bright orange Three Musketeers hat. I played him as if he was Porthos from the Disney Three Muskiteers. He got the party into and out of so much trouble. I've never seen a DM laugh so hard at some of the stuff i attempted to pull.

Best DM: I joined a World of Darkness Werewolf game from an internet post years ago and the GM had a massive story all planned out. We were to form two packs. One in the present day and one 100 years in the past. He was really into it and it showed in his planning of the campaign. I still hold his game up as how a good game should be run.