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![]() *Rolls Perception* "Hey, did you guys see those eyes IN the wall?" A lost earth elemental might be missing its Binky, or whatever elementals use for security blankets/teddy bears, and it happens to be down one of the tunnels. Of course, it might get cranky if no one can communicate with it in Auran, hence, the goblins would have warnings and barricades around that section of the complex. For a bigger challenge, make it a mephit of some sort. ![]()
![]() Ice Titan wrote:
Lol...I read the thread title and thought immediately of 2 things from Jade Empire before even reading your post...Have fun in the forest. Very fun game. My personal favorites from Chinese folklore are the Hopping Vampires. Either use them in hordes, or just make them tougher. And although they're Japanese, Tengu are nothing to scoff at. An older d20 monster collection had a King of Tengus in it that you could have a lot of fun with as a nemesis/tutor for some of you PCs. Good luck, and let us know how it shapes up. ![]()
![]() Matt Stich wrote:
http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Brown_Bear 3.5 Brown Bear. Ideally, its for use by higher level druids, so make sure your party can handle this, plus the Area of Effect spells the druid can toss out BEFORE the party even gets to him/her. Not "true" to PF, but acceptable under the GM license of making the encounter interesting. Or nerf it slightly by having the bear suffer from some 'malady'; it recently got bitten by a diseased animal, reducing its STR and/or CON, giving it the sickened condition from munching on too many wild berries, etc...BBEGs get bad luck from other sources than meddling adventurers sometimes. Good luck! ![]()
![]() My campaign houserule: Any new PC starts 2 levels behind the highest level PC. And I pick most of their equipment. Deal with it, keep playing, and make due with what you've got. Its not like there won't be other treasure to find. Or just go play something on PS3, XBOX, or PC that lets you put in cheat codes. ![]()
![]() Beating the dead horse... 3.0's launch adventure, The Sunless Citadel, had a druid BBEG. His animal companion was a tree frog, and he had 2 other allies. I changed it to a bear for my over-sized party. Bears ftw. If he/she can wildshape, you've got Poppa and Momma bear, and, ideally, an unnerved party. ![]()
![]() I agree with 'Gast & Lincoln: the Kobold King or Crypt of Everflame are good, all-inclusive adventures. The early Pathfinder Society adventures make for good one-shots. I have a special place in my heart for A Dark And Stormy Knight(3.5e), the 1st adventure I GM'd. Its short and sweet(and easy to update to PF). ![]()
![]() SmiloDan wrote:
Plant subtype is definitely a go, as he 'prays' to a coffee god. Thx! ![]()
![]() Halp! I've got a PC that is advancing in the Geomancer PrC. Since we've switched over to PF, i'm still trying to think of a nice 10th-Lvl ability for him that wouldn't be over-balancing. Current idea is giving a free Plant graft from Magic Of Eberron or extra Drifts. Any other ideas are welcome! Thanks! ![]()
![]() Epic Level (35th) 3.0/3.5 D&D 1-shot. (The Quicksilver Hourglass from Dungeon 133? that a friend 'modified' for 35th level)
The DM out and told us that if we traveled back through a gate, which was what we HAD to do to advance the adventure, the dragon waiting on the other side would TPK us in the 1st round. Nope, no chance to even try, it would just happen. On the plus side, I learned you can REALLY annoy a DM that limits your money spending by using cheaper ones effectively. And that Dust Of Choking and Sneezing is NOT an item that players, even at 35th level, are allowed to buy or carry around. :D ![]()
![]() Killer_GM wrote: The player of Jean Claude Von Dumb (wisely) concluded that his character couldn't realistically hope to make a tumble/acrobatics check to get out of my threatened space to flee, and he instead went defensive; but to no avail. Sir Sean skewered him again in Round 12, doing another 20 HP damage and killed his character. A bit late on this, but seriously, ninja kick the damn horse with a Stunning Fist! A stunned (or even better, DEAD) mount makes it really tough to charge.(Hmmm...new rules question...is a stunned quadruped easier to trip?) Love this series, BTW. I may have to draw from your cruelty in my own campaign. |