Tacticslion |

So... I just found out my mother has cancer. It is still uncertain what the prognosis is. I... think I could use a hug, if anyone's got some to spare.
Thanks guys... As I understand it, she is on a fast track to diagnosis and treatment now. Should have the prognosis talk within the next few days.
Cell division is a good thing. We'd be pretty pathetic without it. That doesn't make this any easier. =(
My mother, father, and niece have battled cancer, and I understand intimately how hard that is.
And it's no "easier" go through - I'll be praying for both you and your mom, and hoping to hear good things, later.

Freehold DM |
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Thanks guys... As I understand it, she is on a fast track to diagnosis and treatment now. Should have the prognosis talk within the next few days.
Cell division is a good thing. We'd be pretty pathetic without it. That doesn't make this any easier. =(
I know first hand how important diagnosis is. Here's hoping the news is optimistic.

John Napier 698 |
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John Napier 698 wrote:Believe it or not, but the first RPG I learned how to play wasn't D&D, but Classic Traveller. I was about ten when Star Wars first hit the theaters, so you can imagine the impact of seeing a Star Destroyer for the first time has on an imaginative young boy. Since then, I've always had a fondness for the Big Ships. Especially warships. And I've gotten good at designing them in various RPGs. Sooo looking forward for Starfinder and Aethera. :)I LOVED Traveller, in part because the person running it was exceptional. We had a 2 year campaign in the late 80s.
If you like 'big ships' and who doesn't, when your in New York next, let's grab Freehold and let's
punish your buttplay Star Wars Armada, I simply love the game.
My work schedule doesn't allow me to travel very much ( it really sucks being the most senior security officer at my post ), but if I ever get the time, I'd love to visit New York.

Captain Deadpool |
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Cap'n Yesterday's Spring Fever wrote:It's still winter. >:-(
I'd elaborate, but it would only be f@~&ing swears anyf%#*ingway. G%!*%&n s*~~ f%#+ing cold ass f&##ing s$&*ty ass weather. >:-(
So, I can say ass, but not my name, despite being a f$&+ing legend.
As I told Francis before cleaning his teeth with a Glock. Who f$%%ing cares!

John Napier 698 |
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Since we're talking about BIG ships, I found this while on youtube just now.

Syrus Terrigan |
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Spheres of Might Kickstarter Thread
The Kickstarter page
Spheres of Might Sample 1
Spheres of Might Sample 2
Spheres of Might Sample 3
Just wanted to repost this and add the third link. Check it out, if you have time, and post feedback in the thread!
Also: I see I have a backlog of 122 posts to read!!! Somebody close the floodgates!!! :D

Cuddly Hugs Cap'n Yesterday |
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Thanks guys... As I understand it, she is on a fast track to diagnosis and treatment now. Should have the prognosis talk within the next few days.
Cell division is a good thing. We'd be pretty pathetic without it. That doesn't make this any easier. =(
I can now give you a hug, as I've had my coffee (trust me you do not want me hugging without coffee, I'd crash the whole place into a ditch).
super cuddly hug!
I'm truly sorry you both have to fight this fight. I'm sure you'll both come out of it all the stronger. Keep your spirits up!
At least you don't live in [redacted], with a cabal of Don Bluthian mice in an expensive suit and a moldy pumpkin for a head running the show. :-)

Drejk |
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Also: I see I have a backlog of 122 posts to read!!! Somebody close the floodgates!!! :D
122 posts? Floodgates? More like a trickle...
In the glory days of the FAWTL, we had dozens of posters writing thousands of posts at our merest whim!
I might not have been around yet at the peak times...

Captain Literal |
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Syrus Terrigan wrote:Also: I see I have a backlog of 122 posts to read!!! Somebody close the floodgates!!! :D122 posts? Floodgates? More like a trickle...
In the glory days of the FAWTL, we had dozens of posters writing thousands of posts at our merest whim!
I might not have been around yet at the peak times...
Clearly, I haven't been using enough aliases.

NobodysHome |
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Eerg. NobodysWife is trying to get us tickets to the Muse concert in September, and it reminds me of everything I hate about "Free Market Capitalism". (Or is this politics? Ah, well it's raining. Fritzy's bikes won't hurt TOO much...)
So the scalpers get 90+% of all tickets.
It's great for scalpers, because they can add a 50-100% surcharge and desperate people will still buy the tickets.
It's great for the venue, because they sell out.
It's great for local radio stations, because those contests to give away free tickets are suddenly very very important to people.
It utterly hoses the consumer, who now has to pay the 50-100% surcharge on top of the already-ludicrous prices.
And people say, "That's great! That's how it's supposed to work! And if the stupid consumer would just boycott the scalpers, the problem would go away, so it's entirely the consumer's fault. Supply and demand and all that!"
In my nigh-50 years on this Earth, I've never seen consumers even remotely approach "wisdom". "It's TICKETS! I MUST have them! Name your price!!! I don't care that you're scalpers who have cheated me out of a large amount of money! Gimme gimme gimme!"
And it saddens me.
I don't think there needs to be a law. I just wish consumers would, for once, just say, "Nah, the scalpers can take a bath. I don't need to go to the concert all that badly."
And we'd all be better off.
As usual, NobodysHome's idealistic, "If we'd all do the right thing, we'd all be better off," versus reality's, "It's easier and provides more immediate satisfaction to do the wrong thing."

Syrus Terrigan |
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offers Sissyl lotsa hugs. and then more
My sympathies, Sissyl. If I can ever be of help, let me know! :)
Yeah, 122 posts to catch up on here is a ton for me, relatively speaking. I know I've been less post-y (or should I just say "postal" here, with all the drama that implies?) in recent weeks, but I do try to stay abreast of things here. Two days away, and I gots that many to catch up on??!! Whew.

NobodysHome |
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And that's why I haven't been to a concert* in almost twenty years.
That's also why I don't do going to football or basketball games. :-)
I'll go to a show at a club, but if it's over cover price, f!#@ that!
*I do, occasionally, do concert security, but I don't get to watch the show when I do that.
Well, as usual I think I posted this on FaWtL before, but my real epiphany came when my friend the traffic engineer described modeling traffic in the Bay Area:
"We put all the cars on the road, added accidents, closed lanes, everything we could think of. And we never got the traffic jams. Then we made the drivers stupid and selfish. BOOM! An instant perfect model of Bay Area traffic."Ever since then, all I can ever think when I'm stuck in yet another eternal traffic jam is, "And yet if you'd all be cooperative instead of competitive, we'd all be moving along just fine right now..."

NobodysHome |
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I continue to be inordinately proud of Impus Major.
This morning:
"Dad, is 98.1 a fever for me?"
"No. Are you not feeling well?"
"No. I'm really not."
"OK, well, why don't you go to school anyway, and if you feel worse you can call and I'll come get you."
15 minutes later:
"Dad, I've decided I'm not going to school today."
He only has 3 absences on the year, so if he decides he's sick, I tend to trust him.
Well, it's 12:40 pm and he's still dead asleep. Has been since he went back to bed at 7:30 am. (And I know, since he's moved his bed into the living room right behind where I work for the winter.)
So yeah, he correctly self-diagnosed himself as too sick to go to school, and is now sleeping off whatever's afflicting him.
Nice to see one of my kids take care of himself in a sensible way...

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:Aww. Big hugs to Impus Major.
So yeah, he correctly self-diagnosed himself as too sick to go to school, and is now sleeping off whatever's afflicting him.Nice to see one of my kids take care of himself in a sensible way...
I ain't touchin' the boy 'til this thar cold is gone. Diggit?

NobodysHome |
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It's weird when an intersection suddenly becomes dangerous for no reason you can fathom.
Just under a month ago there was a serious injury collision at the intersection up the street from us. I commented before that it's always been a problematic intersection, as the right-of-way street is on a significant downhill slope, and the cross traffic has extremely poor visibility.
So maybe it was just heightened awareness, but over the last month I've seen two people on the cross street dangerously run the stop sign. Just blow right past it and out into the intersection. Maybe I was imagining things...
...but today we had another crash there.
Nothing's changed. No new foliage; no new signage; the guy who parks his big black minivan blocking visibility hasn't moved it. It's just more collisions all of a sudden.
Just a cycle of the universe thing, I guess...

captain yesterday |
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So, at some point, a loss in faith in humanity was discussed. Maybe not here, but somewhere...
Anyway, you wanna talk about losing faith in humanity; Dirty Grandpa, Unrated is currently the most popular movie on Hulu. And Dirty Grandpa is fourth!
"Hey Billy, I know we just watched Dirty Grandpa but let's watch the Unrated version to see how many more vagina jokes we can squeeze out of it"
Humanity has brought great shame upon itself.