DM Austin's RotRL PbP (Discussion)

Play-by-Post Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Discussion for DM Austin's Rise of the Runelords campaign.

Currently we have 6 players.

Please post your more detailed characters here first (race, class, general stats, "about me", brief background). Just introducing yourself to the other characters/players really :)

You can have your characters introduce themselves, or you can do it for them and save that part for the actual thread :D

Also, to re-iterate: I'm aiming to get an actual start to the campaign tomorrow, mid-afternoon.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Arcanist L1 | AC12 (16) T12 FF10 (14) | HP: 7/7 | F+1 R+2 W+2(+4) | Init+2 | Perc+7 | Reservoir: 4/4

Talomyr checking in.

You see a clean, neatly dressed half-elven man, who's appearance favors his elven nature more so than his human half. His clothes and robes and well cared for, but not particularly expensive in nature.

As he makes his way through the crowd you hear him mention that his a member of the Pathfinder Society. You would imagine he is a cleric or at least a devout follower of Nethys based on the holy symbol that prominently hangs around his neck.

Overhearing idle conversation, you hear the half-elf introduce himself as Calathes Neverion, Pathfinder and graduate of the Arcanamirium in Absalom.

Having completed his initial stewardship with the Society in Absalom, he has finally been given permission to go on his first expedition to Varisa to learn more about Thassilon on behalf of the Society, all be it a poorly funded one.

He mentions that one of his first orders of business, now that he has arrived in Sandpoint is to find a group that will aid him on his expedition. He understands a bit of prid pro quo may be in order to get his way, so he is more than willing to do so

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 1
Character Information:
[HP: 13]; [Armor Class: 18; Touch: 12; Flat Footed: 16]; [BAB: +1; CMB: +4; CMD: 16]; [Saves: Fortitude: +4; Reflex: +2; Will: +0]; [Initiative: +4; [Perception: +5]

Here's my character. Will work up a more appropriate background tommorrow.

Liberty's Edge

Gah, just realized I had posted this in the wrong forum o.O Oh well, onwards we go :)

EDIT: Characters looking good so far!

Vil-hatarn's character-in-progress here. Still need background, description, and some final gear purchases.

"Greetings gents. How are we this fine day?"

Ready to rock and role.

Liberty's Edge

Ok as far as confirmed, we have:

Talomyr (Calathes Neverion)
Wulfson (Jaxom Cambourne)
Fang (Jaed)
Vil-hatarn (Issak Rialathel)
Woodford (Norhalo)

Still looking for:


male Human (part Chelaxian, part Shoanti) Ranger (crossbowman, guide) 2
Austin Morgan wrote:

Ok as far as confirmed, we have:

Talomyr (Calathes Neverion)
Wulfson (Jaxom Cambourne)
Fang (Jaed)
Vil-hatarn (Issak Rialathel)
Woodford (Norhalo)

Still looking for:


Here I is! :-p

You see a hard-bitten human with unkempt dark brown hair and a scraggly beard. He wears a hide shirt made of some type of very large lizard scales, has a dog-slicer on his hip and a light crossbow slung across his back. The crossbow, the only thing on or about the man that appears well-maintained, partially covers a quiver that looks like it holds over a score of bolts. He sips something from a metal flask, winces, then grins at you showing a set of none-too-well-cared-for teeth.

And here's what I have written up for Jed so far, stat-wise:

Movie plot spoiler:

Jedech Crell, game hunter (ranger, crossbowman)
S: 12
D: 18
C: 13
I: 12
W: 16
Ch: 8

Pt Blank Shot
Precise Shot

Big Game Hunter
Totem Spirit

Knowledge- Dungeoneering
Knowledge- Geography

Liberty's Edge

...And talbanus with Jedech Crell has been confirmed!

We're set and ready to run. ETS (Estimated Time of Starting) is 3-4pm today. I've already got some posts over in the actual Play thread... here. This doesn't mean I'm starting without people! Things will actually kick off around the ETS, though anyone with characters at the ready is welcome to take some actions and/or rolls if they'd like.

Liberty's Edge

Austin Morgan wrote:

That's Eastern, by the way :)

Liberty's Edge

Austin Morgan wrote:
Austin Morgan wrote:
That's Eastern, by the way :)

I may be a bit quiet to start with, then--got a meeting from 330-5 Eastern.

Liberty's Edge

John Woodford wrote:
Austin Morgan wrote:
Austin Morgan wrote:
That's Eastern, by the way :)
I may be a bit quiet to start with, then--got a meeting from 330-5 Eastern.

That's cool, I know people are going to be busy at times. I'm guesstimating that each "scene" will take about a day (real time). So missing an hour or two, may only be a few rounds in-game.

Of course, since I've never run a PbP I could be off in either direction :P

Anyways, no worries! We'll make it work :D

Liberty's Edge

Crap-ooligans, something else I forgot to mention. Is anyone looking to craft magic items later on? I'd like to do magic item crafting a bit differently, as laid out in... a previous thread I cannot find :P

Basically: scrolls, wands, potions, and standard enhancement bonuses on weapons and armor works the same. For other things, a "skematic" (found the thread) is the only absolutely required thing. Not having the listed feat simply raises the DC by 5. The feat also gives you three skematics of your choice. Everything else is the same (time/cost).

Skematics can be found (great as treasure!), researched (similar to researching spells), or bought/traded for.

I think this pushes crafting back in line with power level, instead of being able to make tons of items simply buy "selling" a feat slot... And I should know, I play a crafter in my home campaign :P

Um, do I understand correctly that you expect me to speak as Silas also?

Austin Morgan wrote:

Discussion for DM Austin's Rise of the Runelords campaign.

My draft character is here. Incidentally, I treated Varisian Tattoo as a Feat instead of a trait, because it seemed kind of tough for a trait (+1 caster level for a class of spells?). One other aside to the other players--although I've been gaming for a long time, I haven't actually played Pathfinder before. Feel free to advise me on my character build; I won't mind.

You see a Varisian man in his late teens or early twenties, black hair and dark complexion, bearded, wearing light blue and dark grey clothing. From the spatters of mud on his boots and leggings, and the dust and sweat on his headscarf, it's clear that he's recently been on the road. He wears no armor, but carries a spear with its head sheathed. Slung over his back is a brace of javelins. He has a ready smile for anyone he meets, whether or not the sentiment is returned. What can be seen of his right arm is heavily tattooed.

Liberty's Edge

Black Fang wrote:
Um, do I understand correctly that you expect me to speak as Silas also?

That would be awesome, though I can do it if you'd like.

Fleshed out the character a bit more--spent the rest of my starting gold, and added a very rudimentary background and description.

Norhalo wrote:
Austin Morgan wrote:

Discussion for DM Austin's Rise of the Runelords campaign.

My draft character is here. Incidentally, I treated Varisian Tattoo as a Feat instead of a trait, because it seemed kind of tough for a trait (+1 caster level for a class of spells?). One other aside to the other players--although I've been gaming for a long time, I haven't actually played Pathfinder before. Feel free to advise me on my character build; I won't mind.

Rise of the Runelords was published before they were using traits--thus, the feats listed are, in fact, feats. So good call!

Liberty's Edge

Vil-hatarn wrote:
Norhalo wrote:
Austin Morgan wrote:

Discussion for DM Austin's Rise of the Runelords campaign.

My draft character is here. Incidentally, I treated Varisian Tattoo as a Feat instead of a trait, because it seemed kind of tough for a trait (+1 caster level for a class of spells?). One other aside to the other players--although I've been gaming for a long time, I haven't actually played Pathfinder before. Feel free to advise me on my character build; I won't mind.

Rise of the Runelords was published before they were using traits--thus, the feats listed are, in fact, feats. So good call!

Yep, they essentially boil down to very powerful traits. I'm cool with you guys taking them as traits, though. +1 Caster Level is powerful, but not outrageous. Considering you won't get a whole lot of things that up CL, I'm fine with you guys having it.

male Human (part Chelaxian, part Shoanti) Ranger (crossbowman, guide) 2
Austin Morgan wrote:
Vil-hatarn wrote:
Norhalo wrote:
Austin Morgan wrote:

Discussion for DM Austin's Rise of the Runelords campaign.

My draft character is here. Incidentally, I treated Varisian Tattoo as a Feat instead of a trait, because it seemed kind of tough for a trait (+1 caster level for a class of spells?). One other aside to the other players--although I've been gaming for a long time, I haven't actually played Pathfinder before. Feel free to advise me on my character build; I won't mind.

Rise of the Runelords was published before they were using traits--thus, the feats listed are, in fact, feats. So good call!
Yep, they essentially boil down to very powerful traits. I'm cool with you guys taking them as traits, though. +1 Caster Level is powerful, but not outrageous. Considering you won't get a whole lot of things that up CL, I'm fine with you guys having it.

Hmmm, in that case I'll discard the 2nd one (Totem Spirit) and just take one of the traits from the APG or web trait document. :)

Austin Morgan wrote:
Yep, they essentially boil down to very powerful traits. I'm cool with you guys taking them as traits, though. +1 Caster Level is powerful, but not outrageous. Considering you won't get a whole lot of things that up CL, I'm fine with you guys having it.

OK, I tossed Dangerously Curious, downrated Tattoo, and replaced it with Combat Casting.

My fall break is this weekend--I'll try to post at least once a day, but that may be my limit--lots of traveling and spending time with the family.

I'll also be out of town this weekend, but should have enough net access to post a couple of times a day. (Depends on how often I can pry the rest of the family off of the laptop, and/or whether I pack along another computer....)

That reminds me, btw--Austin, what are your expectations regarding playing on weekends in general? I don't remember anything related to it coming up before, except the admonition to have time to actually play.

Liberty's Edge

Hey guys, quick post: was crazy busy today, and am about to head to a Pathfinder Society game I have to GM for.

I'm trying to hurry up and get a post out before I leave, but either way I'll have a nice, comprehensive post around 11pm Eastern or so.

Thanks, and I should be back to more regular postings tomorrow.

Liberty's Edge

Issak and Nohalo: That's cool, after this combat (which should only take a round or two) it slows back down a tad. Just catch back up whenever you do get a chance to post :)

Everyone: As for playing on weekends, its really up to you guys. I'm certainly open for doing it, but I understand that a lot of people are going to be more busy during that time. Just let me know how everyone feels on the matter, and we'll figure it out.

Possibly (if I succeed on my Game Master skill check), I could somewhat "aim" the story parts to be during the weekend, so people could simply pop in whenever or if they get the chance.... But that heavily relies on my DMing abilities... and a bit of luck, I'd say :D

My weekends are mixed...either I can probably post multiple times a day, or I'm really busy and it'll be more like one or two all weekend. So I guess it's up to how others feel.

I work security. 12 hours Saturday and 12 hours Sunday. I can manage a post or two each weekend day.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Arcanist L1 | AC12 (16) T12 FF10 (14) | HP: 7/7 | F+1 R+2 W+2(+4) | Init+2 | Perc+7 | Reservoir: 4/4

Saturdays tend to be a bit chaotic for me, so I would expect more than a post or two. Sundays are a little bit better as far as weekend posting goes.

Weekends are also kind of a crap shoot for me, but Sunday afternoons and evenings are usually OK.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Arcanist L1 | AC12 (16) T12 FF10 (14) | HP: 7/7 | F+1 R+2 W+2(+4) | Init+2 | Perc+7 | Reservoir: 4/4
Calathes Neverion wrote:
Saturdays tend to be a bit chaotic for me, so I would expect more than a post or two. Sundays are a little bit better as far as weekend posting goes.

Hmmm... that should have said "I wouldn't expect more than a post or two."

Liberty's Edge

Sounds as if weekends aren't the best time.

How's about we go with one post per day on weekends. If you can't make it, its no big, your character can be resting (effectively delaying) :)

Austin Morgan wrote:

Sounds as if weekends aren't the best time.

How's about we go with one post per day on weekends. If you can't make it, its no big, your character can be resting (effectively delaying) :)

Works for me.

One more question (which may be premature, depending on how tough the singing goblin is): Do you use slow, medium, or fast advancement?

Liberty's Edge

Norhalo wrote:

One more question (which may be premature, depending on how tough the singing goblin is): Do you use slow, medium, or fast advancement?

Good question! I was settling in on medium, but I'm totally down with using fast for you guys if yall'd like. That might make the looong durations due to PbP seems a little more exciting.

I think slow on a PbP would essentially come to a crawl, though I'm willing to do that if you guys really support it.

EDIT: As an addendum, I also group people/enemies when it comes to experience (i.e. even if someone never actually hits an enemy, if the party defeats it, that someone will still get an equal share of the experience.)

Austin Morgan wrote:

Good question! I was settling in on medium, but I'm totally down with using fast for you guys if yall'd like. That might make the looong durations due to PbP seems a little more exciting.

I think slow on a PbP would essentially come to a crawl, though I'm willing to do that if you guys really support it.

EDIT: As an addendum, I also group people/enemies when it comes to experience (i.e. even if someone never actually hits an enemy, if the party defeats it, that someone will still get an equal share of the experience.)

I've got no preference either way; does anyone else have experience with how they play out in PbP?

Norhalo wrote:

I've got no preference either way; does anyone else have experience with how they play out in PbP?

The one I'm running (Council of Thieves) is running on the medium track and seems to be advancing just fine as far as PC level advancement is concerned.

That being said, I think there was a post on the boards, from James Jacobs, saying that the 3.5 APs (RotRL, CotCT, SD, LoF) should be assumed to be on the fast track, while the Pathfinder edition APs (CoT, KM, SS) should be assumed to be on the medium track.

male Human (part Chelaxian, part Shoanti) Ranger (crossbowman, guide) 2
Austin Morgan wrote:
Norhalo wrote:

One more question (which may be premature, depending on how tough the singing goblin is): Do you use slow, medium, or fast advancement?

Good question! I was settling in on medium, but I'm totally down with using fast for you guys if yall'd like. That might make the looong durations due to PbP seems a little more exciting.

I think slow on a PbP would essentially come to a crawl, though I'm willing to do that if you guys really support it.

EDIT: As an addendum, I also group people/enemies when it comes to experience (i.e. even if someone never actually hits an enemy, if the party defeats it, that someone will still get an equal share of the experience.)

Whichever track you are all happy with, I'm happy with, too. When I was playing PbP's extensively (7 to 10 yrs ago), I became used to the slow progression of both the game and character leveling. Since the trade off is that rp in pbp's tends to be more prevalent and often 'deeper', I'm happy to make that trade.

By the way, I'll be flying out on business early tomorrow morning for three days. Ergo, the next three days will probably only see about 1 post per day from me. I'll try and be diligent and post contingencies, especially if the combat continues for multiple rounds beyond the current one.

Okay folks.

Black Fang's Rise of the Runelords
Black Fang's Rise of the Runelords Discussion

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