Forum Games

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Liberty's Edge

BigDTBone is banned for making me end the page.

Lucky7 is banned for ending the page.

BigDTBone is banned for not being apparent on what kind of Bone is in their username, what 'DT' actually means and why it is so Big.

rashly5 wrote:
BigDTBone is banned for not being apparent on what kind of Bone is in their username, what 'DT' actually means and why it is so Big.

Rashly5 is BANZORRRRRED for being too nosy.

Big D - Dallas
TBone - Trombone

BigDTBone is banned for being a trombone maliciously trying to pass as a dragon. For shame !

Liberty's Edge

Quiche Lisp is banned for sneering at everything.

Lucky7 is banned so that I can remove the rust from my ban stick

Mark Hoover is banned for returning we liked it better when you were away.

Me only angrier is banned for assuming I care what he likes

Mark Hoover is banned for being a decent guy and a likable fellow. The nerve !

Quiche Lisp is banned for banning two people before me.

Bony Maronie is banned for being a dragon and NOT being in my dragon-themed megadungeon; no kobolds will ever worship you now! Oh, and thanks to the Lipper...

Mark Hoover wrote:
Bony Maronie is banned for being a dragon and NOT being in my dragon-themed megadungeon; no kobolds will ever worship you now! Oh, and thanks to the Lipper...

Banning for being named after a vacuum cleaner

Bluddwolf is banned for name calling

Mark Hoover is banned for making up cliché nicknames for everyone wrong thread man.

The Plutocat is banned for claiming anything I do is either cliche or wrong. Go back to the 70's and get a haircut hippie avatar

Banned for...banning hehehehehe *Carries sign protesting the man*

Hippeh is banned for having an annoying mispelled name.

Also know, you beatnik, that the Man is a tool: the Gnome is the real big daddy here !

Q-ball is banned like all gnomes in my homebrew of Karnoss. They are of the First World; they steal babies by moonlight and aided the fey in the many curses of the Wilding

Hoover is banned for not having luxurious long hair like myself.

Right on Brother Double ban the man *Offers fistbump*

Catty the Plut is banned for not seeing my billowing back 20' braids

The vacuum is banned for being ninja'd by Hippeh (who is banned because he did not ban the Plutocat (who is also banned so he doesn't feel left out)) and not realizing it.

The Redeye is banned for calling out the fact I was ninja'd

Holy cap, didn't I ban you once already? Now I will smurf you!!......... Doh?

Bluddwolf is banned for masquerading as a smurf!

Banned for smurfing

BADH is banned for just being itself

What I want to know, is who put the smurf virus into Paizo's computer in the first place?

Edit: The vaccuum is banned.

Schism is banned for requesting information not available at his security level.

Mean Angel's cousin is banned for revealing the existance of security levels

Mark Hoover is definitely banned... but if I told you why, I'd have to kill you afterwards.

Quiche is banned for being an assassin.

Captain Spalding is banned for not arresting the assassin.

You're all banned three days before Christmas. Now zip it, or you het no presents.

Aww...we never het any presents...

You're banned for making us sad.

An unknown number of Slaadlings are banned for unabashedly promoting chaos in the thread.

Quiche Lisp is banned for being against the unabashed promotion of chaos!

Rashly5 is banned from being from a minor race plucked from an afterthought rulebook.

Bwahahaha !

Do not cry, Rashly5 ! it's nothing personal: I'm just a gnome paragon of evil.

Quiche Lisp is banned for worshipping a blind mole-ish evil gnomish deity.


Yeah, you're banned for being not so bright.

You're banned for not having an avatar

Spastic Puma is banned because that reason has been used over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over etc...

gran rey de los nekkid is banned for being nekkid. We only have the fact that whatever deity has saw fit not to provide us an image to thank.

Rashly5 is banned because I must agree with him here, and I can't suffer it !

Quiche Lisp is banned for not suffering.

gran rey de los everything is banned for failing to establish a representative democracy.

You're banned for promoting a failed system, BigDTBone !

The Quichelispocracry is deemed to be the best system by all the sniveling sycophants I pay daily !

Quiche is banned for promoting himself.

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