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Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
I've got plenty of ideas for novels (including one for the Pathfinder Tales line that involves the Red Mantis and the Skinsaw Cult)... but so far... there's no time to work on these projects, alas.

Ooh, Red Mantis stuff sounds very intriguing!

Did you come up with the idea for the cult to be headquartered on an island overrun with kobolds, pirates and dinosaurs, or did that sort of spring up as a collaborative thing?

So I am loving the Valashamai stuff in Mythic Realms

Are the Valashamai race still around in Golarion, or if not Golarion, at least the neighboring worlds?

Are they closer to Dino-folk than say lizardfolk, in appearance or inspiration?

Do any Neutral Evil or Lawful Neutral druids worship Asmodeus in his aspect as a fire god?

Alright, here's one:

In the upcoming Adventure Path Iron Gods, it is set within Numeria. On the subforum here on the website, a fair numberof posters have been writing up ideas on what kind of android character they would roll for the adventure. That said, I am curious to know if, officially within the adventure path itself, an android npc will be a major recurring character?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Atrocious wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Atrocious wrote:
James, what is the worst thing that could potentially happen to Golarion at the moment? Except for Rovagug breaking out, I figure that would be game over. (in game things, not real world issues)

Paizo getting sold to some company that doesn't want to continue publishing Golarion content!

Obviously, but I was taking about in game thing and not real world issues. I even wrote that in the original question, so I think you applied your "Question Dodge" feat inappropriately.

So what is the worst thing that can happen to Golarion, besides Rovagug breaking out?

Also, have you ever published any fiction at all? If so, where could I find it?

There is no "worst thing." Anything I can come up with can be equaled by anything else. Up to and including "Rovagug getting out." So I can't really answer the question. I could say: The world freezing solid as a result of the failing of the heroes in the Reign of Winter AP" but then what about a second Earthfall? Or the Worldwound exploding throughout the world? Or a massive solar flare cooking the planet? There's no shortage of "worst things."

I've not yet published any fiction outside of game products. A lot of the game products I write contain chunks of fiction in them. All my Demonomicon articles contain poems, for example.

But so far, I don't have any of my fiction out there. Maybe I'll throw a few of my older short stories up on my blog some day. Although that also implies I'd start writing blog posts again...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Alleran wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
4) Nope. Xanderghul partially knew he'd survive Earthfall becasue he was simply too awesome to NOT survive. He may actually have been right.

First, I love that attitude. "I'm just too pretty/awesome to die."

Second, does that imply that he might never have even bothered with the preservation methods that the other Runelords used and just rode it out while he was awake? So unlike Krune's sanctum, Karzoug's demiplane, and so on and so forth.

Xanderghul did have a method to ride out and survive Earthfall. As with all runelords, his solution is unique to him.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Voyd211 wrote:

Is there a Mythic tarrasque out there?

Like, Rovagug has had it up to HERE and makes a more powerful, sapient and loyal devastators to completely wreck Golarion.

Also, if Fafnheir set his death curse in a Mythic hero, would the resurrected Linnorm King become Mythic?

No. The tarrasque is and always has been intended to be a "capstone" monster for the core rules.

Whether or not Fafnheir could become mythic is up to the GM, but that sounds kinda cool!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Set wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
I've got plenty of ideas for novels (including one for the Pathfinder Tales line that involves the Red Mantis and the Skinsaw Cult)... but so far... there's no time to work on these projects, alas.

Ooh, Red Mantis stuff sounds very intriguing!

Did you come up with the idea for the cult to be headquartered on an island overrun with kobolds, pirates and dinosaurs, or did that sort of spring up as a collaborative thing?

Yup. Pretty much all of Mediogalti is from me, transplanted from my homebrew setting. The monkey goblins and the Ilizmagorti article are partially from Rob, who is the only person so far I've really trusted with doing much with that part of the world.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

MMCJawa wrote:

So I am loving the Valashamai stuff in Mythic Realms

Are the Valashamai race still around in Golarion, or if not Golarion, at least the neighboring worlds?

Are they closer to Dino-folk than say lizardfolk, in appearance or inspiration?

They're gone. And for now I'm gonna leave them mysterious. Heh heh...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Filby Pott wrote:
Do any Neutral Evil or Lawful Neutral druids worship Asmodeus in his aspect as a fire god?

No. Asmodeus is too non-neutral to appeal to druids. The only exception I could think of would be a PC, which is all about being an exception.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Seth Parsons wrote:

Alright, here's one:

In the upcoming Adventure Path Iron Gods, it is set within Numeria. On the subforum here on the website, a fair numberof posters have been writing up ideas on what kind of android character they would roll for the adventure. That said, I am curious to know if, officially within the adventure path itself, an android npc will be a major recurring character?

There will be a LOT of android NPCS in the adventure. Some will be significant and recurring. Some will be allies. Some enemies.

James Jacobs wrote:
Seth Parsons wrote:

Alright, here's one:

In the upcoming Adventure Path Iron Gods, it is set within Numeria. On the subforum here on the website, a fair numberof posters have been writing up ideas on what kind of android character they would roll for the adventure. That said, I am curious to know if, officially within the adventure path itself, an android npc will be a major recurring character?

There will be a LOT of android NPCS in the adventure. Some will be significant and recurring. Some will be allies. Some enemies.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

From the office of Expectation Management:

Note: when the boss-man says "a LOT of androids" he means a "Certain Amount." Those adventures are being written right now, but how many androids end up in there remains to be seen.

Could be a lot. Could be an amount less than what you might say is a lot. It's gonna be more than one though, that's for sure.

And thats the scoop on that.


James Jacobs wrote:
Nope; bloodline arcana works only with the type of sorcerer spells that are specifically listed for that bloodline.

I'll save you, James Jacobs!

Jason Bulmahn, 10/21/10 wrote:

Sorcerer: Do the bonuses granted from Bloodline Arcana apply to all of the spells cast by the sorcerer, or just those cast from the sorcerer's spell list?

The Bloodline Arcana powers apply to all of the spells cast by characters of that bloodline, not just those cast using the sorcerer's spell slots.

General rule: If a class ability modifies your spellcasting, it applies to your spells from all classes, not just spells from the class that grants the ability. (The exception is if the class ability specifically says it only applies to spells from that class.)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Alexander Augunas wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Nope; bloodline arcana works only with the type of sorcerer spells that are specifically listed for that bloodline.

I'll save you, James Jacobs!

Jason Bulmahn, 10/21/10 wrote:

Sorcerer: Do the bonuses granted from Bloodline Arcana apply to all of the spells cast by the sorcerer, or just those cast from the sorcerer's spell list?

The Bloodline Arcana powers apply to all of the spells cast by characters of that bloodline, not just those cast using the sorcerer's spell slots.

General rule: If a class ability modifies your spellcasting, it applies to your spells from all classes, not just spells from the class that grants the ability. (The exception is if the class ability specifically says it only applies to spells from that class.)

And that's why I tend to tell folks to take their rules questions to the rules boards.

Or check the FAQ before posting questions.

In any event, thanks for reinforcing my conviction to redirect all rules questions to other parts of the boards!


James Jacobs wrote:

And that's why I tend to tell folks to take their rules questions to the rules boards.

Or check the FAQ before posting questions.

In any event, thanks for reinforcing my conviction to redirect all rules questions to other parts of the boards!

You're welcome!

Remember folks; the devs are a poor substitute for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Rules Encyclopedia. Do your homework! ;-)

James Jacobs wrote:
Alleran wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
4) Nope. Xanderghul partially knew he'd survive Earthfall becasue he was simply too awesome to NOT survive. He may actually have been right.

First, I love that attitude. "I'm just too pretty/awesome to die."

Second, does that imply that he might never have even bothered with the preservation methods that the other Runelords used and just rode it out while he was awake? So unlike Krune's sanctum, Karzoug's demiplane, and so on and so forth.

Xanderghul did have a method to ride out and survive Earthfall. As with all runelords, his solution is unique to him.

Are you able/willing at this point to give any more hints as to what his method of riding out Earthfall was? Even just broad strokes or what sort of spells might have been thematically linked to it?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Alleran wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Alleran wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
4) Nope. Xanderghul partially knew he'd survive Earthfall becasue he was simply too awesome to NOT survive. He may actually have been right.

First, I love that attitude. "I'm just too pretty/awesome to die."

Second, does that imply that he might never have even bothered with the preservation methods that the other Runelords used and just rode it out while he was awake? So unlike Krune's sanctum, Karzoug's demiplane, and so on and so forth.

Xanderghul did have a method to ride out and survive Earthfall. As with all runelords, his solution is unique to him.
Are you able/willing at this point to give any more hints as to what his method of riding out Earthfall was? Even just broad strokes or what sort of spells might have been thematically linked to it?

Nope. Not yet.

1) Can we expect an android-related article in one of the Iron Gods books that goes into more depth about them than the little snippet from Inner Sea Bestiary?

2) It seems like thanatopic titans are generally less powerful than demon lords, but their demodand servants are a lot more powerful than the average demon is...are they actually numerous enough to be a threat to demon lords? It says that many demons lords have to spend a lot of time undoing the damage they do, but I guess it's kind of hard to believe since demon lords seem to be more powerful, and there's a ridiculously huge number of demons, even if the demodands are so much more powerful one-on-one. And how do qlippoths feel about them? I know they hate demons and mortals, but thanatopic titans and demondands don't fit either category, so do they not care, or even like that they're giving demon lords a hard time? I guess it's just hard for me to mentally pencil in where demodands 'fit' into the greater scheme of the Abyss...

3) It says in the Inner Sea Bestiary that there are still stranger and more dangerous entities that rule above both the veiled masters and the aboleths. Based on what's written about the Starstone in Mythic Realms, are some of these entities on par with the gods themselves, or at least on the level of demigods? Or was it simply because of the number of aboleths working together that...

...it took a god sacrificing all their power to kill the aboleth magic on that thing, in addition to the other deity who sacrificed herself to slow it down?

Silver Crusade

Why was Fate made a subdomain of the Luck Domain? They feel like opposing concepts to me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Why was Fate made a subdomain of the Luck Domain? They feel like opposing concepts to me.

One's luck can be someone else misfortune (and vice versa).

James, how do you roleplay a Paladin's Detect Evil ability?

Rysky wrote:
Why was Fate made a subdomain of the Luck Domain? They feel like opposing concepts to me.

I am, of course, not James Jacobs, but don't they both tend to involve forces that are generally beyond your personal control (barring, perhaps, high level magic) that nevertheless impacts your life in often significant ways? If people did have fates, wouldn't being lucky or unlucky in certain things be a part of their fate, or even perhaps directly the actions of that fate itself? Is there really a significant difference between having something terrible happen to you because your luck was bad, and having something terrible happen to you because it was a part of your fate? Either way, it's the fault of some nebulous concept you can't really control that nevertheless has the ability to affect your life profoundly...

Shadow Lodge

Can you give us any idea on when we will be seeing the open beta for the advanced classes guide?

Grand Lodge

James, when advancing the ice golem to give the PCs a harder challenge and adding more HD, how much does Ice Destruction advance? I see 3d6 slashing and 2d6 cold at 10 ft for a medium 6 HD creature. If it's huge and 22 HD, would this become something like 20 ft and 11d6 slashing plus 7d6 cold?

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Is there a way for a member of something like a core race or something to eventually become a true dragon? Dragon Disciple and spells like Form of the Dragon come close, but can a person basically ascend from their old form to become a dragon permanently?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Luthorne wrote:

1) Can we expect an android-related article in one of the Iron Gods books that goes into more depth about them than the little snippet from Inner Sea Bestiary?

2) It seems like thanatopic titans are generally less powerful than demon lords, but their demodand servants are a lot more powerful than the average demon is...are they actually numerous enough to be a threat to demon lords? It says that many demons lords have to spend a lot of time undoing the damage they do, but I guess it's kind of hard to believe since demon lords seem to be more powerful, and there's a ridiculously huge number of demons, even if the demodands are so much more powerful one-on-one. And how do qlippoths feel about them? I know they hate demons and mortals, but thanatopic titans and demondands don't fit either category, so do they not care, or even like that they're giving demon lords a hard time? I guess it's just hard for me to mentally pencil in where demodands 'fit' into the greater scheme of the Abyss...

3) It says in the Inner Sea Bestiary that there are still stranger and more dangerous entities that rule above both the veiled masters and the aboleths. Based on what's written about the Starstone in Mythic Realms, are some of these entities on par with the gods themselves, or at least on the level of demigods? Or was it simply because of the number of aboleths working together that... ** spoiler omitted **

1) If we don't do something that expands the lore on androids at some point during Iron Gods... it would be a mistake.

2) Nope; there are lots of demodands, sure, but there are more demons than demodands, and a demon lord can match any demodand army one for one with EASE with demon minions. Demodands fit into the Abyss simply by being a relatively small fish in a big pond; they have their niche and don't go far beyond it.

3) The creatures above veiled master in the aboleth hierarchy are as of yet unrevealed, but I'm 99.92% sure that they scale all the way up to CR 30. At least.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Rysky wrote:
Why was Fate made a subdomain of the Luck Domain? They feel like opposing concepts to me.

That's a Jason question. I wasn't involved in that design work. If I had to guess, it's because fate is a good complement to the concept of curse, and because fate makes sense to the gods who grant Luck.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Voltron64 wrote:
James, how do you roleplay a Paladin's Detect Evil ability?

I don't tell the paladin ANYTHING unless he specifically tells me he's detecting evil, at which point I run it as per the rules of the spell.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

doc the grey wrote:
Can you give us any idea on when we will be seeing the open beta for the advanced classes guide?

Nope. In time. Patience.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

kevin_video wrote:
James, when advancing the ice golem to give the PCs a harder challenge and adding more HD, how much does Ice Destruction advance? I see 3d6 slashing and 2d6 cold at 10 ft for a medium 6 HD creature. If it's huge and 22 HD, would this become something like 20 ft and 11d6 slashing plus 7d6 cold?

By the rules, things like ice destruction don't advance. But that said, when you're advancing a monster, you're basically making an entirely NEW monster, so it's good to advance those abilities to match the new CR. Compare the damage to monsters of similar CR and go for there; for explosive energy things, comparing to a dragon's breath weapon is a good place to go.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Is there a way for a member of something like a core race or something to eventually become a true dragon? Dragon Disciple and spells like Form of the Dragon come close, but can a person basically ascend from their old form to become a dragon permanently?

Divine intervention.

A lot of miracles or wishes.


GM plot devices.

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hehehe! Now I haz an idea to play a kobold paladin of Apsu who wants to earn his god's favor to become a REAL dragon! MUST MAKE CHARACTER SHEET! :D

In Osirion the majority of the population is Garundi so will the art in(Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs and People of the Sands) reflect this

I kinda need some advice here, James.

Skulls and Shackles spoilers:
We started book three and when they were in front of the hurricane king and telling their story, the captain of the players revealed how they got they mutinied against Scourge and Plugg, Squibbed the ship and ran off with it. He even said to bring on Harrigan if he's around. From what I read in the book, he IS in Port Peril. I have no idea how to keep the players from dying at this point. What do I do? This is the stupidest thing I have seen in my years of role-playing.

Hi James,

I have a few questions about Wrath of the Righteous

WotR spoilers:

- I like the article about the "lost relics of the crusades", and since I have a dwarven cleric of Torag, I think it may be appropriate to let him acquire the fiendsplitter axe killing the vrock near Kenabres. It can also become his legendary item, if he so desires. Also, since in the second adventure the party travels to Drezen, it may be a good time to introduce the Pauper's thighbone. Do you have any ideas about introducing these items? Do you think they will unbalance the game? Of course I will modify the treasure in the adventures to account for them.

- Another player (demon-blooded tiefling paladin of Sarenrae) has taken the "touched by divinity" trait from the Player's Guide. In his backstory, he has clearly defined who his parents are. Will this be a problem, since in a later AP installment it is discovered that he is the son of Sarenrae? Basically to tell him to leave the identity of his mother unknown.

- We know Deskari is the BBEG and Baphomet appears too, both of them will be fighting the PCs. Are there any other demon lords that the PCs will get a chance to fight during the AP?

- I like the mass combat aspect of "Sword of Valor". Do these rules reappear in a later AP installment?

- If possible, I would like to know the specifics about Irabeth discovering that Staunton was a traitor. The adventures don't give much detail about this.

- Can the PCs redeem Chaleb Sazomal? (the cavalier from Worldwound Incursion). They seem to be VERY interested in the redemption theme of this AP, particularly the paladin of Sarenrae, but I don't see many opportunities to do this on the first module.



Have you taken the PF Adventure Card Game for a spin yet? What are your thoughts on it?

Would I be correct in thinking that a demon lord in its realm gets the +10 natural armor, +10 in stat boosts, and 5 mythic feats that normally come 10 mythic ranks, in addition to the 10 surge uses?

I bought Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor and the book's binding is already coming undone. How would you go about fixing it? I've never had this issue before, and was considering picking up a glue gun to correct it, but I'm concerned that the glue might damage the book (it's hot, after all, and the binding is pretty thin--and made of paper, it seems). I guess there's probably professional book-binders someplace that deal in these sort of things, but I've never seen such a shop around my area. Then again, they're probably used to hardcovers. Can softcovers even be repaired?

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

James, I will start off with important question: Do you prefer mayo or Miracle Whip?

Why is there so little focus on the non-Evil planes within Golarion related adventures? Relatively little has been done with the other planes. The best descriptions of the Boneyard and the First World both come from PF Tales. Any chance for more planar love in the upcoming Inner Sea Gods?

JAmes, do you a running list of sea and oceanic based dinosaurs? And can you share it?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hi James,

How many times in campaigns you've run has the adventure ended incredibly off course from where you originally planned?

Or are you usually successful when the PCs do something you hadn't even considered?

Not a quesrion, just a knight on a dinosaur!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:
In Osirion the majority of the population is Garundi so will the art in(Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs and People of the Sands) reflect this

That's the plan and the hope.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jaçinto wrote:

I kinda need some advice here, James.

We started book three and when they were in front of the hurricane king and telling their story, the captain of the players revealed how they got they mutinied against Scourge and Plugg, Squibbed the ship and ran off with it. He even said to bring on Harrigan if he's around. From what I read in the book, he IS in Port Peril. I have no idea how to keep the players from dying at this point. What do I do? This is the stupidest thing I have seen in my years of role-playing.

This is a better question for Rob, frankly. He developed that AP, and I've actually not even read them (with the exception of the 5th one, which I actually DID develop).

Perhaps you can have...

...the Hurricane King be amused and delighted by the PCs' audacity and publicly acknowledge it? The Hurricane King might even say he'd LOVE to see a re-match against the PCs and Harrigan. This can certainly bolster the PCs' self-esteem. And of course, when Harrigan hears about it, he should get pissed off about it but then he should also start getting suspicious... why are the PCs being so bold? Are they trying to trick him? Lure him into a trap? Rather than have Harrigan simply storm in to attack the PCs, have him fade further into the shadows to go into observation mode and bide his time, and now and then add a few attacks by groups of thugs hired by Harrigan attack the PCs. These encounters should be pretty tough, with the thugs saying something like "Harrigan gives his regards!" as they attack. Vandalism to their ship, abducting crew members, and public smear campaigns against the PCs can be other ways Harrigan fights back against them without directly confronting them. Done properly, this should only increase the PCs' anger against him and thus make their final confrontation against him in book 5 all the more rewarding.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:

Hi James,

I have a few questions about Wrath of the Righteous

1- I like the article about the "lost relics of the crusades", and since I have a dwarven cleric of Torag, I think it may be appropriate to let him acquire the fiendsplitter axe killing the vrock near Kenabres. It can also become his legendary item, if he so desires. Also, since in the second adventure the party travels to Drezen, it may be a good time to introduce the Pauper's thighbone. Do you have any ideas about introducing these items? Do you think they will unbalance the game? Of course I will modify the treasure in the adventures to account for them.

2- Another player (demon-blooded tiefling paladin of Sarenrae) has taken the "touched by divinity" trait from the Player's Guide. In his backstory, he has clearly defined who his parents are. Will this be a problem, since in a later AP installment it is discovered that he is the son of Sarenrae? Basically to tell him to leave the identity of his mother unknown.

3- We know Deskari is the BBEG and Baphomet appears too, both of them will be fighting the PCs. Are there any other demon lords that the PCs will get a chance to fight during the AP?

4- I like the mass combat aspect of "Sword of Valor". Do these rules reappear in a later AP installment?

5- If possible, I would like to know the specifics about Irabeth discovering that Staunton was a traitor. The adventures don't give much detail about this.

6- Can the PCs redeem Chaleb Sazomal? (the cavalier from Worldwound Incursion). They seem to be VERY interested in the redemption theme of this AP, particularly the paladin of Sarenrae, but I don't see many opportunities to do this on the first module.



1) No ideas, really, but tying the ones you DO decide to put into the adventure to PC histories and backgrounds is a GREAT idea. And frankly... don't worry too much about "unbalancing the game." This is a REALLY tough AP, and one of the ways the AP helps to give the PCs a fighting chance against the really tough odds is by giving them some big, powerful magic items. You should probably consider replacing existing tough magic items the PCs can earn or find in the adventure rather than just adding them, but perhaps a better option is to wait until the PCs start feeling like they're not well equipped for the challenges they're facing. At that point, have an ally tell them a story about an old relic supposedly lost in the area, and then have the PCs go on a short side quest to go get it as a way to bolster their chances. Essentially... don't introduce the powerful new "bonus" item until the PCs start to feel like they need it.

2) Nope. Let the player choose his parents. When the time comes, and he finds out he's actually the child of Sarenrae, he can either find out his "parents" were foster parents, or that his mother was actually Sarenrae in disguise, or that there was something more like an immaculate conception type thing with Sarenrae investing the character in the mother's womb from on high.

3) Yes. There's a chance they can throw down against Nocticula... but that's a bad idea. And the fights against Baphomet and Deskari are semi-optional. You'll have to wait and see for the full details though.

4) Cool; glad you like them. I was VERY worried that they'd break up the flow of play, since you don't get to use your characters in those rules. There MAY be some more mass combat stuff or troop stuff in the 6th book, but not before. Of course, if you and your players like these encounters, there is plenty of places to ADD mass combats!

5) The methods by which she learned are left intentionally vague so that you as the GM can have it be however you want, if it comes up in play. My suggestion would be to play up a bit of her detective work; that he said something that she noticed was a bit off, started rooting around in his background. Anevia can then catch wind of it, then sneak into Staunton's home to find truth of his corruption. Irabeth wouldn't approve of this shady method, but would be forced to admit that the evidence is damning, and then goes to confront Staunton about it and he screws up, not realizing that she doesn't know nearly as much as she's implying, and pow. Fight!

6) The adventure doesn't expect him to be redeemed; he's pretty much expected to be nothing more than a fight. That said... almost ANY bad guy NPC in the adventure should be someone the PCs could have a chance to redeem... that's a big recurring theme, after all, and if they find an NPC that, for whatever reason, they want to save... go ahead and let them try!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

donato wrote:
Have you taken the PF Adventure Card Game for a spin yet? What are your thoughts on it?

I've played it a few times for real (and lots more in various playtests). I quite like it! Very fun and easy and relaxing! My only complaint is that Merisiel can't ever find a rapier in the game, which sucks, and that darts are better than daggers. I want my Merisiel to fight with daggers, but when she finds a dart, it's a bad choice to use the dagger instead, which is vexing.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Zhangar wrote:
Would I be correct in thinking that a demon lord in its realm gets the +10 natural armor, +10 in stat boosts, and 5 mythic feats that normally come 10 mythic ranks, in addition to the 10 surge uses?


Demon lords are "mythic equivalent." They're considered mythic in how spells and effects and the like affect them, and on their realms actually gain some mythic type powers (surge and spells), but they don't actually have the mythic subtype at all. They don't gain the bonuses to natural armor, stats, and feats and hp and all that—those numbers are built in to their basic design, putting them at the CR they need to be.

In this way, they're kinda like the simple mythic templates like Agile and the like—those templates make their targets function as mythic for the purposes of resolving attacks and saves and the like, but don't actually give them the mythic subtype and thus don't give them the bonuses that subtype grants. They get their boost instead from their simple template.

The stats for demon lords, in other words, are complete. There's no assembly required. You can play them right out of the book without having to do extra math to finish our job.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Detect Magic wrote:
I bought Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor and the book's binding is already coming undone. How would you go about fixing it? I've never had this issue before, and was considering picking up a glue gun to correct it, but I'm concerned that the glue might damage the book (it's hot, after all, and the binding is pretty thin--and made of paper, it seems). I guess there's probably professional book-binders someplace that deal in these sort of things, but I've never seen such a shop around my area. Then again, they're probably used to hardcovers. Can softcovers even be repaired?

That sounds like a printer/binding flaw. I've heard it happens now and then, and I've had it affect a couple of my books as well over the past half-decade. If you bought the book from us and the pages have fallen out super quickly, it's CERTAINLY a flaw, and you might be able to contact customer service for a replacement or something.

If on the other hand you want to fix it yourself... I'd suggest searching online for do-it-yourself book repair advice. There's special glues and equipment used to fix things like this, and they're relatively inexpensive and sold at crafting stores I believe. Another option I've heard folks do is to just embrace the damage and three hole punch the book or go to Kinkos and have it spiral bound or the like.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

James, I will start off with important question: Do you prefer mayo or Miracle Whip?

Why is there so little focus on the non-Evil planes within Golarion related adventures? Relatively little has been done with the other planes. The best descriptions of the Boneyard and the First World both come from PF Tales. Any chance for more planar love in the upcoming Inner Sea Gods?

As a kid, my preference was Best Foods mayonaise. At some point after college, though, I started disliking mayonaise; just started tasting nasty, and it's hardly the healthiest option for samwiches, and many years ago I stopped using it altogether. I'm on a pretty aggressive diet now and couldn't use it anyway... but I did find a delicious substitute—a similar sauce that is made pretty much ONLY out of olive oil, garlic, salt, and that's about it. VERY low calorie spread, and very delicious. How's that for an unnecessarily detailed answer?

There's little focus on non-evil planes in our adventures because we assume that the bulk of players play good guys, and thus there's not nearly as many adventuring options on the non evil planes, frankly. Furthermore, we simply don't GO to the other planes that much, so that when we do, we tend to hit the obvious adventure sites (aka the lower planes) first. Furthermore... as you get higher CR in the Bestiary, things skew VERY HEAVILY toward the evil outsiders, so that our adventures do the same.

An adventure linked to the First World or the Boneyard could certainly be interesting. In fact, we've done a few First World adventures already ("Sound of a Thousand Screams" and "Fellnight Queen").

Inner Sea Gods will have some information about the deities' planar realms, but not a lot. It's focus isn't planar as much as it is on the gods themselves.

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