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A Friend of mine is looking at making a Tiefling Magus - and has started asking the Obvious questions ... Tails and Metamagic Rods
Ive Dug through this at length trying to get a handle on it and am ... for the most part standing on the fence of a yes / no (this is a Society Character)
all of the quotes are grabbed form the SRD
Your tail becomes more useful.
Prerequisites: Tiefling.
Benefit: You can use your tail to grab stowed items. While you cannot wield weapons with your tail, you can use it to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on your person as a swift action.
Special: If you have the prehensile tail racial trait, you can use your tail to grab unattended items within 5 feet as a swift action as well as to grab stowed objects carried on your person; you can hold such objects with your tail, though you cannot manipulate them with your tail (other than to put them in your hand).
my 1st issue comes into play with the term "Carry" which is the exact same definition as "Hold" (you have to hold something to Carry it)
my 2nd issue is from the Idea of "What is Small" - does a Rod Qualify as Small - or is small refering to potions and Wands ect.
so the question is ... does the Idea work ... and do you need the feat or not to make it work

Cojonuda |
Cojonuda wrote:The whole gamut of using magic to repair objects is weirdly anemic and unsupported in Pathfinder. You've got DOZENS of spells that can fix hp damage to creatures in various ways, but very little in the area of objects.
Now... mending is a zero level spell. It's not really intended to be able to fix ships or huge objects, so I'd say that it wouldn't do much good at all to fix ships. You can fix a broken rope, perhaps, or something minor... but you really need make whole to heal damage to a ship's hp.
Thanks Mr. Jacobs. One last one: Is the hull and a deck considered one object? Reason I ask is b/c last game session players argued the hull is considered one object rather than multiple objects into one as I explained. I do understand PF rules might be "shallow" in regards to this. Your input is always appreciated. :)

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So does a bard. Both of those classes blur the lines between divine and arcane. If GMs wish to do something different with patrons... go for it! I personally wish we'd done more with them and hadn't gotten all vauge... in fact, I preferred an earlier incarnation where the patron and your familiar were inexorably bound, and your familiar choice was more what granted those bonus spells. Patrons aren't really "witchy" feeling to me. Because the word "patron" sounds too mundane.
I love that idea and would like to see it expanded upon.

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James Jacobs wrote:Demonskunk wrote:What do you mean "use Diplomacy or Handle Animal with Wild Empathy"? You mean stack them all together? Not that I know of...(also) Also, Is there no sort of Feat or something that allows you to use Diplomacy or Handle Animal with your Wild Empathy ability?
Like, a feat or something that would allow you to apply Diplomacy to your Wild Empathy check - instead of just Charisma and your Ranger Level.
I'm a fighter/samurai that multiclassed into Ranger to gain the Wild Empathy class ability, specifically because I'm extremely diplomacy focused - one of my Ronin Edicts specifically states that I must try Diplomacy first, unless it is obviously futile (when facing undead, for instance).
So Wild Empathy would have effectively allowed me to scratch Wild Animals off of the list of things that I can't reason with (and we're playing the Jade Regent adventure path, so there's a lot of outdoorsmanship going on.)
if there ISN'T a feat like that, you should, like, suggest it to someone that does rules on stuff, because it'd be pretty sweet.
Ah; no, no feat like that. Wild empathy isn't a skill, but it scales at the same level. Allowing Diplomacy ranks to stack with it would be like a feat that allows you to stack skill ranks from ANY skill onto a different skill. It's WAY too good for a feat, in other words.
One of the things that multiclassing does is that it lessens the impact of many class abilities. You're essentially trading off being able to be really good at, say, spellcasting, or in this case wild empathy, in return for having a wider range of abilities.

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1. Let's say you had the chance to do another hardcover adventure path. There's no worry about throwing off deadlines or concern about sales. However, you must create an original AP. What would you produce?
2. I plan to run an adventure in which lots of clockworks and constructs rise up and must be defeated. However, I'm worried about my spellcasters getting upset about their magical immunities. What other creatures can I add for some creature variety?
1) Whatever I was going to produce next in the regular AP line. It being a hardcover doesn't change anything in this case. And since we haven't announced what's next after "Wrath of the Righteous," I can't say what that magical hardcover would be.
2) Those constructs have to come from somewhere... make sure there's a construct building cult of humans or whatever. And other monsters along the way. Just because an adventure has a theme doesn't mean you can't sprinkle non-theme encounters in along the way.

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Do lamia matriarch's make good allies to demonic forces?
(Boldface is the simple question, everything follows is discussion, and context)
The core version doesn't speak to their relationship to religion, but the campaign version does.
My take-away from the campaign version of the creatures is that they're somewhat contemptuous of the gods.
Looking at them they seem like fine allies to demonic powers, because they have all the nastiness without being outsiders (and the disadvantages that come with that type). They even speak Abyssal. They both like to corrupt.
But that makes me think of their relationship to religion. And I suppose in a round about way I am feeling out the difference between demonic worship and worship of an actual god. But I am also specifically curious about the lamia matriarch.
What are your thoughts on the matter?
EDIT: made further interesting because they can cast cleric spells. I guess the whole question is really obvious to the point of being almost pointless.. I guess I'm just curious about the mixed relationship with the divine, and do demons constitute a specialized type of divine power?
Lamia matriarchs are CE and have ties to Lamashtu, so yeah, they make pretty good on-theme allies to demonic forces.

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Can you suggest a good map making program. I'm looking to make a world map and star map for my home brew setting. I'm currently doing some research on Campaign Cartographer 3. but I hear the interface is hard a pain.
Thank you.
There is no magical map making program that automatically makes good maps. I've used Campaign Cartographer a lot, and quite liked it, but it does require some training to use. I took some auto-cad classes back in high school, and they really helped me to learn Campaign Cartographer. The fact that it has so many options and tools makes it a great program for making maps... simple map-making programs, in my opinion, are less valuable because after you make 2 or 3 maps, they all start looking the same.
Most of the maps you see done up in Pathfinder are created in Photoshop.
I've moved away from Campaign Cartographer lately for maps for my own games. Instead, my preferred method is to draw maps by hand and then, sometimes, scan them in and add some finishing touches with Photoshop or other painting programs.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A Friend of mine is looking at making a Tiefling Magus - and has started asking the Obvious questions ... Tails and Metamagic Rods
Ive Dug through this at length trying to get a handle on it and am ... for the most part standing on the fence of a yes / no (this is a Society Character)
all of the quotes are grabbed form the SRD
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my 1st issue comes into play with the term "Carry" which is the exact same definition as "Hold" (you have to hold something to Carry it)
my 2nd issue is from the Idea of "What is Small" - does a Rod Qualify as Small - or is small refering to potions and Wands ect.
so the question is ... does the Idea work ... and do you need the feat or not to make it work
Heh... very interesting idea! Since I just started playing "Way of the Wicked" and my character happens to be a tiefling with a prehensile tail too! :P
In this case, the idea of using a metamagic rod or, frankly, ANY rod in a prehensile tail (or a wand or potion, for that matter) really depends on the GM's judgement call. But as written, the prehensile tail is something that's not intended to give you a third hand as regards combat options.
What you can do with the tail is carry a third item there and transfer it to your hand to use it pretty quickly; switching items from one hand to another is a free action, and in this case, switching from tail to hand is also a free action.
So... as intended, you couldn't use a metamagic rod carried by your tail, but you probably could drop your weapon then use your tail to transfer the rod to your hand and use it that way. You could then pick up the weapon (provided it's a light weapon, probably) with your tail.
Metamagic rods don't really mix all that well with magi, though, so it's not really something that the rules expect you to do. (Same as playing a magus with a 2 handed weapon.)
In other words... it's really in your GM's hands. Or his prehensile tail if that's the case.

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James Jacobs wrote:I love that idea and would like to see it expanded upon.
So does a bard. Both of those classes blur the lines between divine and arcane. If GMs wish to do something different with patrons... go for it! I personally wish we'd done more with them and hadn't gotten all vauge... in fact, I preferred an earlier incarnation where the patron and your familiar were inexorably bound, and your familiar choice was more what granted those bonus spells. Patrons aren't really "witchy" feeling to me. Because the word "patron" sounds too mundane.
To a certain extent, that ship has sailed, unfortunately.

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James Jacobs wrote:Cojonuda wrote:The whole gamut of using magic to repair objects is weirdly anemic and unsupported in Pathfinder. You've got DOZENS of spells that can fix hp damage to creatures in various ways, but very little in the area of objects.
Now... mending is a zero level spell. It's not really intended to be able to fix ships or huge objects, so I'd say that it wouldn't do much good at all to fix ships. You can fix a broken rope, perhaps, or something minor... but you really need make whole to heal damage to a ship's hp.
Thanks Mr. Jacobs. One last one: Is the hull and a deck considered one object? Reason I ask is b/c last game session players argued the hull is considered one object rather than multiple objects into one as I explained. I do understand PF rules might be "shallow" in regards to this. Your input is always appreciated. :)
All the parts of any vehicle are generally considered parts of the whole vehicle. In the same way the game considers your hand and your foot and your head all parts of your body for the purposes of hp damage.

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Unfortunately, Wild Empathy is always 15% worse than Diplomacy (no class skill bonus). Oh well :)
- Gauss
Correct. Also no options to bolster it further with Skill Focus.
As it turns out... animals tend to have crappy Charisma scores, though, so at a certain point, the DCs you're facing will be quite a bit lower than those folks using Diplomacy for will be facing.
The "15% worse" tradeoff is pretty good, though, considering the fact that without it, you wouldn't be able to do this type of character at all since Diplomacy doesn't work on animals.

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Wraith235 wrote:A Friend of mine is looking at making a Tiefling Magus - and has started asking the Obvious questions ... Tails and Metamagic Rods
Ive Dug through this at length trying to get a handle on it and am ... for the most part standing on the fence of a yes / no (this is a Society Character)
all of the quotes are grabbed form the SRD
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my 1st issue comes into play with the term "Carry" which is the exact same definition as "Hold" (you have to hold something to Carry it)
my 2nd issue is from the Idea of "What is Small" - does a Rod Qualify as Small - or is small refering to potions and Wands ect.
so the question is ... does the Idea work ... and do you need the feat or not to make it work
Heh... very interesting idea! Since I just started playing "Way of the Wicked" and my character happens to be a tiefling with a prehensile tail too! :P
In this case, the idea of using a metamagic rod or, frankly, ANY rod in a prehensile tail (or a wand or potion, for that matter) really depends on the GM's judgement call. But as written, the prehensile tail is something that's not intended to give you a third hand as regards combat options.
What you can do with the tail is carry a third item there and transfer it to your hand to use it pretty quickly; switching items from one hand to another is a free action, and in this case, switching from tail to hand is also a free action.
So... as intended, you couldn't use a metamagic rod carried by your tail, but you probably could drop your weapon then use your tail to transfer the rod to your hand and use it that way. You could then pick up the weapon (provided it's a light weapon, probably) with your tail.
Metamagic rods don't really mix all that well with magi, though, so it's not really something that the rules expect you to do. (Same as playing a magus with a 2 handed weapon.)
In other words... it's really in your GM's hands. Or his prehensile tail if...
thats why I included Grasping Tail Feat as an addition ... it changes a lot of the mechanics of the prehensile tail and "upgrades it"

Duskblade |

Hey Mr. Jacobs. I was hoping if you could help me clarify how the spell 'Dust Form' is suppose to work...
Upon casting this spell, you keep your relative form, but you and your equipment become composed entirely of dust. While in this dust form, you take no penalties for squeezing, and can move through spaces as if you were a creature three size categories smaller without penalty. You are also considered incorporeal, though any nonmagical attack you make deals half damage (50%). Magic attacks are unaffected, and you can still use your magic items and other equipment as normal. If the duration ends in a square that your normal space cannot occupy, you take 3d6 damage and are shunted to the nearest open space that you can normally occupy.
Okay, from what I can tell, you don't lose any of your gear (unlike most polymorph spells, or spells that turn you 'incorporeal') but what I'm not sure about is this...
Do you keep your natural AC, or do you gain the deflection bonus equal to your Charisma modifier?
Do your attacks now ignore natural armor, shields, and armor just like incorporeal attacks do?
Do you get to move silently and not be heard with Perception checks like other incorporeal?
Since incoporeal creatures have no strength score, do you use your dexterity modifier for melee attacks, ranged attacks, and CMB like other incorporeal?
I'm assuming you still take half-damage from non-ghost touch weapons, but is this correct?
Any clarification would be helpful. Thanks again.

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Hey Mr. Jacobs. I was hoping if you could help me clarify how the spell 'Dust Form' is suppose to work...
Upon casting this spell, you keep your relative form, but you and your equipment become composed entirely of dust. While in this dust form, you take no penalties for squeezing, and can move through spaces as if you were a creature three size categories smaller without penalty. You are also considered incorporeal, though any nonmagical attack you make deals half damage (50%). Magic attacks are unaffected, and you can still use your magic items and other equipment as normal. If the duration ends in a square that your normal space cannot occupy, you take 3d6 damage and are shunted to the nearest open space that you can normally occupy.
Okay, from what I can tell, you don't lose any of your gear (unlike most polymorph spells, or spells that turn you 'incorporeal') but what I'm not sure about is this...
Do you keep your natural AC, or do you gain the deflection bonus equal to your Charisma modifier?
Do your attacks now ignore natural armor, shields, and armor just like incorporeal attacks do?
Do you get to move silently and not be heard with Perception checks like other incorporeal?
Since incoporeal creatures have no strength score, do you use your dexterity modifier for melee attacks, ranged attacks, and CMB like other incorporeal?
I'm assuming you still take half-damage from non-ghost touch weapons, but is this correct?
Any clarification would be helpful. Thanks again.
Ugh... that's a kinda complicated spell that opens more questions than it answers. My advice is to take a minimalistic approach, and just assume the spell does only what it says—you can move through spaces with ease, take 50% damage from nonmagical attacks, full damage from magical attacks, and damage if you end your turn in a space you normally couldn't occupy before you're shunted to the closest open space. Everything else about you is unchanged, even though the flavor of the spell might make you think otherwise.
You keep your natural AC but do not gain a deflection bonus from your Cha modifier, since you're not incorporeal... you're only "considered" incorporeal.
Your attacks resolve normally and do not ignore armor, shields, or natural armor at all.
You still make the same amount of noise and make Stealth checks normally.
You still have a Strength score.
Ghost touch weapons don't grant a bonus to damage against you.
All that applies from this spell is what it says; a defense against damage, ability to move around in tight areas, and that's it.

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So not that I expect this to ever come up when you write pathfinder stuff...but which if any of the Golarion faiths or cultures would practice circumcisions?
Edit: My guess is Zon-Kuthon
That's not something I've really given any thought to. If I did, it wouldn't be Zon-Kuthon, or it wouldn't be ONLY Zon-Kuthon.

AbsolutGrndZer0 |

Ok, so this question is very much potential spoiler, so i'll hide it.
Oh and a side question, do the Razmiran "priests" (especially once they take the prestige class) ever learn the truth at any point in their training? I mean, I'd THINK they know the truth as soon as they become "priests" at 1st level or whenever they actually join the faith, as they are using arcane magic, not divine as they claim.

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James, have you tried Project Swallowtail? If so, how did you like it?
I've been involved with the game for about half a year, and have helped pick cards and themes and stuff for it. I played an early version of the game and it was fun then... I'm particularly intrigued by the campaign element of the game. Haven't had a chance to play it lately, but I'm looking forward to it.

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Ok, so this question is very much potential spoiler, so i'll hide it.
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[spoiler]You give up a LOT when you become undead. It's not for everyone, particularly for people who enjoy being alive and all that entails (such as being able to be part of society, indulging in pleasures, and not being disgusted by yourself.)Also... while it's relatively easy to become a vampire... it's not so easy at all to become one and retain your free will, since you're under the control of whoever made you a vampire, and that's a no-go for lots of folks too
And you can't just become a lich either. Each person has their own particular requirement and personal ritual that must be researched to become a lich, and for some people, the requirements might be steep enough to ward off the choice.
For Razmir, though, it's mostly a point of pride and preference. He LIKES being alive, and views becoming undead as a failure.
Eventually, yeah, his "priests" learn the truth about him. Pretty early in their careers. We talk a little more about that in the "Price of Immortality" adventures.

captain yesterday |

HangarFlying wrote:Did you watch Felix make his jump?Nope. Never heard of this.
EDIT: Just checked it out... Pretty awesome!
i watched it with my wife and kids, its pretty awesome world when you can watch football on the tv and someone jump from 24 miles up across the room on the computer. in this particular instance, technology rules!!

The Golux |

So correct me if I'm wrong: In Golarion, undead (or at least most mindless ones) have the body's former soul bound to them with magic as like a power source, while the negative energy/magic gives them direction? And that's why they're evil and why Pharasma hates them. But you can animate bodies as flesh or bone golems which don't have the original soul in them and that's OK?

AlgaeNymph |

1. What was warfare like in Thassilon?
2. Sorshen is described as having a "beguiling voice" in Pathfinder #1 (p.77). What, or who, exactly does it sound like?
3. She's also said to have both her weapon and a mithril staff. Were they both one and the same? I can't see her dual-wielding two 2-handed weapons.
4. Does each runelord have a Sihedron Tome?
5. What can counter the anti-wizard tactic of antimagic field followed by a melee rush? There's prismatic wall/sphere or having a nearby ally but I can't think of anything else.

Matrix Dragon |

Hey James, I have some Red Mantis questions for you. Basically, I'm trying to figure out what the full strength of the Red Mantis would be able to do against a level 20 party that might have their first 1 or 2 mythic levels (I may be able to have the player's levels be higher or lower depending on what would be appropriate). Also, I'm trying to figure out what good motives for the start of the fight might be, lol.
I'm thinking of having them have to deal with the Red Mantis again right as they're gaining their first mythic levels. I'm assuming that the very best of the Red Mantis will still be a threat at that point. The Red Mantis might be taking revenge on them for destroying the faction lead by an out of favor assassin earlier in the campaign, or they might be trying to stop the players from destroying the Skull of Ydersius, or the players might have to break into the Sarzari Library (in the Crimson Citadel) to find a way of destroying the Skull.
1. How vengeful would the red mantis be against a party who killed an out of favor red mantis assassin, several of her trainees, and a large number of their cultists?
2. What level is your 'average' red mantis assassin?
3. What level are the best red mantis assassins and leaders?
4. Just what would a party have to deal with if they tried to stage an assault on the Crimson Citadel to try and get access to the Sarzari Library? I've read that there are likely to be traps and creatures from the outer planes, but do you have any specific suggestions?
5. If the Red Mantis realized that a group of people (the players) were making preparations to kill a demigod would they take action against them? Or would they assume that is something their god would handle?
Btw, I have to say again that you're awesome for answering all these questions on this forum. It is great to be able to fill in details like these with info straight from the designers :D

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How does the extraplanar subtype work with fey?
Shouldn't the thane all necessarily have the extraplanar subtype?
Same with all creatures. If they're not on their home plane, they gain the extraplanar subtype.
And by "thane" do you mean "Tane"? If so, they're unusual in that they NEVER gain the extraplanar subtype; they're always considered to be natives of the realm they are on. That's what their Planar Acclimation ability does for them.

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So correct me if I'm wrong: In Golarion, undead (or at least most mindless ones) have the body's former soul bound to them with magic as like a power source, while the negative energy/magic gives them direction? And that's why they're evil and why Pharasma hates them. But you can animate bodies as flesh or bone golems which don't have the original soul in them and that's OK?
Whether or not animating bodies as flesh or bone golems is okay is based on the society. This animation is generally supplied not by enslaving a living creature's soul, but by trapping or utilizing an elemental as the animating force, or in some cases simply animating it with raw magic. It's different from creating undead.
The thing that really makes undead different than golems and other constructs isn't so much the fact that enslaving an energy source (be it magic or a soul or an elemental or whatever) is an evil act, but it's the fact that undead themselves are evil. You're basically creating a new force in the world that can spread evil when you create an undead—you're encouraging evil beyond what you may or may not do yourself. Constructs are not fundamentally evil, nor do they generally have intelligence enough to spread more evil even if they're created by someone who's evil.
But whether or not your neighbors and your city's government and your friends are okay with you making golems depends on them.

Abandoned Arts RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |

And by "thane" do you mean "Tane"? If so, they're unusual in that they NEVER gain the extraplanar subtype; they're always considered to be natives of the realm they are on. That's what their Planar Acclimation ability does for them.
Since this has come up...
What is the "idea" behind this special ability? I know that the Tane are derived from L. Carroll's nonsense-world of Wonderland. Is this mechanic meant to reflect that the Tane sort of "belong" nowhere and/or everywhere, because Wonderland was such an "out-of-place" place?
Ever since I read the Tane entry I've sort of wondered about this ability.
Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1. What was warfare like in Thassilon?
2. Sorshen is described as having a "beguiling voice" in Pathfinder #1 (p.77). What, or who, exactly does it sound like?
3. She's also said to have both her weapon and a mithril staff. Were they both one and the same? I can't see her dual-wielding two 2-handed weapons.
4. Does each runelord have a Sihedron Tome?
5. What can counter the anti-wizard tactic of antimagic field followed by a melee rush? There's prismatic wall/sphere or having a nearby ally but I can't think of anything else.
1) Over the top, with lots of giants and powerful magic and conjured monsters and huge armies. In a word: Mythic.
2) That's just another way of saying: "Sorshen's voice is super sexy."
3) She's very high level. She has multiple magic items, just as do high-level PCs. She doesn't use her weapon all that often in combat, since she's a wizard—she generally uses the weapon as a badge of office more than something to attack with. She can CERTAINLY carry a staff and a weapon on her person, though... just because she owns both doesn't mean she has to use both in every round.
4) Probably not.
5) Swords and arrows. Or having lots of burly bodyguards or monsters. Or physical escape.

Lucent |

On the topic of Nex's crazy government:
So, I'm having trouble parsing out how Nex's council of 3 and 9 works. I get that the "three" appears to be a single representative of the three major cities in Nex. The nine, according to source material, appears to be composed of "two representatives" from each of the tribes in Nex. But no function of 2 * X = 9. Are there two reps from nine tribes? One tribe with only one representative?
Furthermore, how do the "three" hold a majority of power? That seems to suggest that the council members don't have equal sway, and if there's no chance of the "nine" getting something done in their government, why try to be a part of it anyway? Is there some false hope offered to the tribals that maybe they can make a difference?
I'm curious to figure out how that political shell game works, or if I'm misinterpreting the entry.

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Is the only real advantage of blindsense the ability to know the location of a creature even if it is not visible by conventional means?
It also helps to protect you from visual attacks and effects, since you can close your eyes and still function somewhat. And in total darkness it lets you navigate... it's basically the same thing a bat uses to hunt and fly in the dark.

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Hey James, I have some Red Mantis questions for you. Basically, I'm trying to figure out what the full strength of the Red Mantis would be able to do against a level 20 party that might have their first 1 or 2 mythic levels (I may be able to have the player's levels be higher or lower depending on what would be appropriate). Also, I'm trying to figure out what good motives for the start of the fight might be, lol.
1. How vengeful would the red mantis be against a party who killed an out of favor red mantis assassin, several of her trainees, and a large number of their cultists?
2. What level is your 'average' red mantis assassin?
3. What level are the best red mantis assassins and leaders?
4. Just what would a party have to deal with if they tried to stage an assault on the Crimson Citadel to try and get access to the Sarzari Library? I've read that there are likely to be traps and creatures from the outer planes, but do you have any specific suggestions?
5. If the Red Mantis realized that a group of people (the players) were making preparations to kill a demigod would they take action against them? Or would they assume that is something their god would handle?
1) Not super vengeful.
2) The majority have 2–3 levels of the prestige class, and 5–7 levels of their entry class... so total level of 7–10. But there's also a lot of "trainees" who are basically single-classed lower level characters who haven't yet qualified for the prestige class. In the end, though... make them whatever level they need to be for your requirements for the adventure you're doing.
3) 15th to 20th level. Their current leader is a cleric 9/Red Mantis assassin 10 with some mythic stuff going on.
4) The Crimson Citadel is intended to be a megadungeon, and one that I'd LOVE to some day map out and populate. The library itself would likely be one of the goals of an invasion of the Crimson Citadel. It would probably be for a group of 14th or higher level PCs, and would be large enough that the PCs would gain several levels over the course of exploring it, and so by the time they got to the library they might well be 17th level or above. AKA: it's a VERY high level location. If we ever do a Red Mantis-heavy Adventure path, the Crimson Citadel would probably be the focus of the last adventure, maybe even the last two adventures.
5) Depends on what demigod the group was planning to take out. If the PCs are planning to take out Achaekek, then absolutely—the Red Mantis would fully mobilize to bring the full strength of their entire organization down to oppose the PCs. And since we've already statted up Achaekek and he's CR 30... he's unlikely to get less powerful once we get the chance to stat him up again using Mythic Adventures. AKA: were I to present this plotline for publication, it would be for a very high level mythic party.