The Flame War!

Off-Topic Discussions

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I'm surprised a certain admin who's name rhymes with Swiss Sambert hasn't locked this thread yet.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

kmal2t wrote:
I'm surprised a certain admin who's name rhymes with Swiss Sambert hasn't locked this thread yet.

Slams the above poster for suggesting that this thread be locked.

kmal2t wrote:
I'm surprised a certain admin who's name rhymes with Swiss Sambert hasn't locked this thread yet.

: starts cheese discussion to derail thread

Hmmm Swiss Camembert... Although Camembert is traditionally from the North of France, Normandy to be exact, although Brie is similar it is processed differently.

Swiss cheese is a medium hard cheese, the large the holes in the cheese the more pronounced the flavour.

Easy as bread sandwiches!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Disdainfully comments on the cheesiness of a few recent posts.

Lord Fyre wrote:
Disdainfully comments on the cheesiness of a few recent posts.

Accuses lord fyre of elitism and cheese snobbery.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Disdainfully comments on the cheesiness of a few recent posts.
Accuses lord fyre of elitism and cheese snobbery.

Accuses "The 8th Dwarf" of being too Gouda for American Cheese.

Grand Lodge

Old thread is old.

I like open flame.

Liberty's Edge

Fwish!!! *Sprays thread in foam*


You call this a flame war?

Shadow Lodge

No, I call this Your Mother!

Makes very logical sounding plea for laying down the flame war and listening to the strengths of eachothers opinions, slips into sentimental shoes of +1 goody-twoness, with mildly religious social justicey values falling all over the place....


Is interested in thread but tolerance for conflict over cheese discussions is too much, he just Camembert it! Switches to brony thread only to realize the thread's flames aee even hotter and higher...

All I'm going to say is that a burning California makes for a lovely Summer.

Dark Archive

Uses a flame thrower to bring down the whole darn house.

Pisses in the pool to add insult to injury.

TOZ wrote:
No, I call this Your Mother!

Did someone call for me?

Lord Fyre wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Disdainfully comments on the cheesiness of a few recent posts.
Accuses lord fyre of elitism and cheese snobbery.

Accuses "The 8th Dwarf" of being too Gouda for American Cheese.

Godwins thread makes comparison between American cheeses and Nazi Germany.

Liberty's Edge

Give the 8th Dwarf a name: Stinky or Crispy. Whichever he prefers.

Declares victory in thread.

Piggybacks victory.

So has this subject been resolved yet?

Smite undead!

Darktower Zhaorae wrote:
Smite undead!

:: Ignores feeble smite attempt ::

Asks Darktower Zhaorae if the plural of "Illumian" is "illuminati"?

Informs the Thread Necromancer that he does not have proper clearance for that information.

Oh I always wanted my own thread!

[Accuses other posters of putting words in his mouth. Begins to explain his point of view that contradicts everything he has posted previously.]

Ruick wrote:
[Accuses other posters of putting words in his mouth. Begins to explain his point of view that contradicts everything he has posted previously.]

You owe me $1.73 for copyright violations.


"Ahhhhh I am on fire."

Dark Archive

Explains that is impossible according to personal canons on fire.

Explains how copyrights perpetuate the idea of badwrongfun. Contines to violate Legion's copyright.

Time-locks the events of the last great flame war.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


"I am a Golden God. All must bow before me."

Liberty's Edge

*Throws GOLDEN GOD away*


Defies authority

Crushes dissent.

Accumulates slack

Fire IS canon. So I decree.

Aaaaahhhh! Keep it down out there you B@*&^%$

Offers opinion. Requires all and sundry to acknowledge my omniscience and kowtow.

spits up coke

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Duke of Disgorge wrote:
spits up coke

LOL. Yeah, that's the reply I usually get.



Flags all posts in thread, waits 37 seconds sees that posts are still there. Goes to moderators threads and begins flagging all their posts for slowly reacting to this crisis

1 person marked this as a favorite. mods are going to shut this thread down, because it's gotten completely out of hand. Seriously, they think this thread has actually gone too far.....


Liberty's Edge

Counting the second to the end...

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