Txoro of Barsaive |

Given the background I wrote, put me down as one of the kaer dwellers even though I've got a bit of previous ED experience.
Actually with your being an young Obsidiman, you can't really have been from this Kaer, it's just opening, and there isn't a liferock in that Kaer...You can be from a Kaer that had opened previously, but not this one, there won't be any Obsidimen from this Kaer.

Solonchak |

Solonchak wrote:OK, no worries. I'll 'team up' with one of the other explorers as I don't see him as the type to be off on his own.So far it's just us I think.. So we can at least know each other.
Cool! So, other than 'a Human Scout and an Obsidiman Weaponsmith walk into a bar...', any thoughts on how/where/why we met? As a scout I imagine you as much more at home out of doors, whereas I am pretty much wet behind the ears in the exploration stakes, with no real 'skills' in that area. Some possible scenarios might be:
- you find me wandering lost and offer to guide me to the nearest town. En route we discover the kaer entrance
- I come across you after a nasty fight and tend to your wounds. While we are resting up the kaer entrance is revealed.
- I need a map so I can find my way to point X; you've made a nice one and try to sell it to me
- your dagger has become blunted after a fight with an Ork scorcher and you are looking for someone to sharpen it; or possibly sell you something a bit bigger...
Nor sure how those last 2 might lead to us stumbling across the kaer, but any other (better!) ideas you have, I'm all ears ;)

Hadley Scrimrot |

OK, Okay, O...K...Rimmuh..
So who has what for books. I need to keep track of where I'm at with experience.
My shards and 3e Player's Companion got shipped today...so I'll be able to deal with knacks and talent crises when we get started I hope.
I have the 3e Player's guide and GM's guide. The latter hasn't even been cracked yet.

Txoro of Barsaive |

Check out the Barsaivian Tales thread. Don't post yet, just read, I'm setting up the background info.

Txoro of Barsaive |

Garrett wrote:Solonchak wrote:OK, no worries. I'll 'team up' with one of the other explorers as I don't see him as the type to be off on his own.So far it's just us I think.. So we can at least know each other.Cool! So, other than 'a Human Scout and an Obsidiman Weaponsmith walk into a bar...', any thoughts on how/where/why we met? As a scout I imagine you as much more at home out of doors, whereas I am pretty much wet behind the ears in the exploration stakes, with no real 'skills' in that area. Some possible scenarios might be:
- you find me wandering lost and offer to guide me to the nearest town. En route we discover the kaer entrance
- I come across you after a nasty fight and tend to your wounds. While we are resting up the kaer entrance is revealed.
- I need a map so I can find my way to point X; you've made a nice one and try to sell it to me
- your dagger has become blunted after a fight with an Ork scorcher and you are looking for someone to sharpen it; or possibly sell you something a bit bigger...
Nor sure how those last 2 might lead to us stumbling across the kaer, but any other (better!) ideas you have, I'm all ears ;)
No, no, you were dispatched from another place, the Kaer will have been opened for awhile when the game starts.

Txoro of Barsaive |

Sounding Off!
I've seen the thread.. my bad if I should have started, I thought we were waiting for the starting gun.. Just let me know.
I'm fuzzy with my background, but once I start doing some journaling I'm sure I'll fill it in as I go. I usually do.
Nono, don't start posting yet, I'm just laying everything out...I want to know who's actually playing, I'm happy I have 6 players, 9 players would kinda ROCK!

Hadley Scrimrot |

OK So by Tuesday I'd like to see characters in profiles, then you can post on the new discussion thread to let me know you're ready, I will begin posting on Wednesday hopefully. (At this point it's looking like 6 players, not bad still)
I plan to enter my information this evening. This odd thing called 'work' is standing in my way, but I hope to dispatch it soon!

Txoro of Barsaive |

Txoro of Barsaive wrote:OK So by Tuesday I'd like to see characters in profiles, then you can post on the new discussion thread to let me know you're ready, I will begin posting on Wednesday hopefully. (At this point it's looking like 6 players, not bad still)I plan to enter my information this evening. This odd thing called 'work' is standing in my way, but I hope to dispatch it soon!
I fully understand! I have work x2..plus twin boys/wife etc... (And 3 games to run...just concluded our Paranoia game, all my players disappeared over the holidays...well not all, still had 2...drat!)

Txoro of Barsaive |

You don't need Knowledge: Metallurgy/Weaponsmith lore, since those both fall under the Half magic rules. Change all references of your Kaer, to Citadel...weird still for Obsidimen, since almost all Obsidimen returned to their liferocks. We'll say that it was a small village that built their Citadel around your liferock, thus allowing your liferock to still "birth" new obsidimen during the scourge. Come up with a name for your Liferock and the Citadel.

Solonchak |

Heh, so you *did* notice my little 'quirk'. It should help explain the low DEX stat.
Thanks for reading, and making allowances for, my off-track background - got a bit carried away before I'd realised the thing about liferocks. I'll think up some names and edit as appropriate.
I was never very up on half-magic, but I'll read that section of the book. I'll also take a couple of other knowledge skills in place of the ones I don't need.
Looking forward to seeing what you've got in store for us ;)

Txoro of Barsaive |

Heh, so you *did* notice my little 'quirk'. It should help explain the low DEX stat.
Thanks for reading, and making allowances for, my off-track background - got a bit carried away before I'd realised the thing about liferocks. I'll think up some names and edit as appropriate.
I was never very up on half-magic, but I'll read that section of the book. I'll also take a couple of other knowledge skills in place of the ones I don't need.
Looking forward to seeing what you've got in store for us ;)
Check the weaponsmith discipline page it has the information on what your Weaponsmith half-magic is good for.
Also increase your Karma step one to make up for the lass of the hand, should prove an interesting element for weaponsmithing, I assume you have the shield strapped to that arm then? [normally your high STR would negate the Shield penalty, but with no hand I'll leave the penalty in place.]

Txoro of Barsaive |

A note on names:
The names you have as an adult in Earthdawn, are the names you have actually chosen for yourself during your naming ritual. You give up your birthname during the ritual, and choose one, it could be a nickname you grew up with, and for adepts would usually evoke more power than a normal name.
For Example, I had an elf named "The Crimson Archer". When your legend grows, your name doesn't change, in fact, by changing your name you can actually lose everything about you, like being reborn.

Solonchak |

Check the weaponsmith discipline page it has the information on what your Weaponsmith half-magic is good for.
Also increase your Karma step one to make up for the lass of the hand, should prove an interesting element for weaponsmithing, I assume you have the shield strapped to that arm then? [normally your high STR would negate the Shield penalty, but with no hand I'll leave the penalty in place.]
Thanks for the Karma bump.
Actually - *forgets own background* - it's not his left hand that's missing, it's his right (the one that was injured in the fight). So basically he's having to learn everything with his 'wrong' hand, which naturally makes things very awkward. That's partly why I gave him a lower DEX, and it makes his artisan skill particularly difficult to use as it requires fine manipulation. But that's that practice (and experience) are for!
Edit: profile updated

Txoro of Barsaive |

Excellent, no worries Prashat, just work yourself into the Narration on the Game Thread.
All active players, Switch the the New Game discussion thread please.
Inactive recruits, please finish your characters if you intend to play.