The World Outside of Sasserine

Play-by-Post Discussion

Sovereign Court

For characters still working on their background, here are the Golarian-to-Trelania country conversions:

Andoran=The Southlands: South of Sasserine, west of Palajia, the rugged terrain of the Southlands is rich with natural resources and fiercely independent of its neighbors. Dominated by barbarian tribes, the Southlands has long protected those oppressed by other nations, particularly Palajia. Pockets of civilization exist, often marrying the sensibilities of Orc or Human tribes that such communities absorb with the seafaring traditions of former Palajian citizens.

Cheliax=Palajia: The Palajian Empire is a vast coastal kingdom to the east with unfulfilled designs on the port of Sasserine. Sasserine was once a distant outpost of the empire, but centuries of lax enforcement and pirate-ravaged seas ultimately lost them control of their prize(Sasserine has since reverted to self-rule and opened up trading routes with Borsch and the Southlands). Slavery is common in Palajia, as is open worship of devils by the aristocracy.

Osirion=The Skree Wastes: Skree was once the most fertile and prosperous nation of the civilized world. Now, it is a swampy wasteland, cursed with a living death along with all those who lived under the reign of its last and greatest king, Voltang the Northman. The living share an uneasy peace with the undead in Skree, avoiding those areas that have been claimed by malignant undead and relying on the protection of Voltang, cursed as a lich since the fall of his empire, to keep the mindless undead at bay.

Qadira=Clockwork Oasis: Founded by the Gnome wizard Widnipper Nackle in the vast deserts east of Palajia, the Clockwork Oasis is a city-nation on thousands of mechanical legs, protected from the harsh climate and desert raiders by engineering innovations and powerful magic. It is a technological marvel made possible by the union of Gnome and Kobold craftsmen, long enemies elsewhere in the world but united by Palajian oppression, and the labor of intelligent constructs who tirelessly operate the walking city.

Taldor=Borsch: When Skree was a vibrant Empire, Borsch was already in decline. A thousand years later, the small, wealthy state to the west of Skree is not so much a nation as a collection of cutthroats, thieves and pirates living under a mass delusion of nobility. The last noble Borsch bloodlines died centuries ago, but their mansions and noble names live on, purchased by pirate captains seeking a decadent retirements, won in Scuttlecove card games by unsavory assassins and rogues, or simply stolen by charlatans claiming to be long-lost descendents. Despite questionable pedigrees, the current lords and ladies of Borsch play their roles with applomb, and a thriving economy has grown around the deception.

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