Zoomackulas's Council of Thieves Discussion Arena

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Unknown Reptilian
Zoomackulas Eichendar wrote:
It seems I need to not read rules at 4 in the morning! I totally flip flopped the meaning so you all are correct! Since the Skeletons are almost gone we'll just keep things how they are unless someone really objects, nobody took any real damage though! I'll adjust a little if need be when I post in the game!

It's no problem, I was just wondering. Also, I'm sorry for only posting a sentence or two but there's just not much else to write about in combat.

Unknown Reptilian

I'm still willing to continue the game but it probably needs more activity from everyone to keep it interesting.


Still around too.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Yep I'm still here... mostly... :?

Liberty's Edge

flash_cxxi wrote:
Yep I'm still here... mostly... :?

I've been posting. I try to check the boards at least once a day. Sometimes more, sometimes less. :P

Unknown Reptilian

Woohoo, I'm on vacation ! As for most (some ?) of you I presume, I'll be away and I probably wont able to post anything until the 4th of january.

Happy holidays !

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Sometimes) Gamer/Writer/Husband

Bumping this out of the archives so we have a discussion area again.

Liberty's Edge

Good idea.

Sorry about my character being so rude lately. He's a little disgruntled that his spell was disrupted. :P

Unknown Reptilian
stardust wrote:

Good idea.

Sorry about my character being so rude lately. He's a little disgruntled that his spell was disrupted. :P

And sorry for disrupting it ... Za'unda is just a mean 'survivor' type, he doesn't understand much of intrigue and diplomacy.

Liberty's Edge

Mithrael shall see if he can remedy that with some education once we get to wherever Janiven is leading us.

Liberty's Edge

So, is the game basically dead then?

Haven't heard from anyone in almost 2 weeks. :( I don't mind terribly, its just that I would like to know so I can direct my energy elsewhere if needed. :)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

stardust wrote:

So, is the game basically dead then?

Haven't heard from anyone in almost 2 weeks. :( I don't mind terribly, its just that I would like to know so I can direct my energy elsewhere if needed. :)

I'm guessing yes. :(

Oh well, on to the next PbP to came my way...

Unknown Reptilian

Checks pulse ... yep it's dead. RIP

m human 1

How far did you guys get? I'm looking into running this one.

Liberty's Edge

We didn't even make it to the safety of the Abandoned Temple of Aroden. :(

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