Sean Bean heads cast for HBO's A Game of Thrones


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Liberty's Edge

MannyGoblin wrote:
Huh. So they did have a few archers.

Not that it mattered much.

Liberty's Edge


Subtitle for the episode: Now we have no more budget until next season.

That ballista was not as effective as I thought it was going to be. I guess it makes some sense. The test shot only had to punch through the bone. Drogon still had his armored scales to take the impact.

Still, I bet there will be more in the official battle for King's Landing.

Hitting a stationary target is one thing, hitting a moving target in the middle of a chaotic battle where your side is being routed is another things entirely.

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Bronn was ice cold though. Made his morale check. Jamie needed to learn how to run away.

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Give that man any f***ing castle he wants, now. Hell, give him two.

Jaime will probably be captured and talked into turning by Tyrion.

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MannyGoblin wrote:
Bronn was ice cold though. Made his morale check. Jamie needed to learn how to run away.

Sure, but have we ever seen Bronn be anything but ice cold? I mean, he looked a little emotional when all his gold spilled, but he kept on going.

Dark Archive

I had a joy overload the first time she said 'Drakaris.'

Gosh, I love dragons in this show. Ditto the giants.

Scarab Sages

Arya totally owned one of the seven kingdom's premiere tourney fighters and arguably one of the baddest asses ronining around the countryside. And the quiver on LFs lip afterward when she gave him the nobody face? Priceless.

This episode, while definitely not pushing plot as fast as other weeks, was amazing. Also, this was the short one at the 47ish minute mark. And they still managed to put in an awesome battle between the early kindlings of an aunt-nephew hookup (and dammit we were cut to blacked on her what's more important speech) and Sansa realizing her family has been utterly ruined by this series.

Scarab Sages

Oh, and fun reminder of Season 1, when Nymeria got chased off. The Arya and the boy were searching for jewel's from Raegar's encrusted breastplate, as the late prince drowned in the waters of the Trident near the end of Robert's Rebellion. Such a sad way to see a brother of a (future) queen, in the case of Raegar, meet his ends.

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Part of LF's lip quiver is how obviously his attempt to befriend Bran failed. He gave this priceless artifact to the potential "Lord of Winterfell" and the guy gave it away to his little sister... who also looks like she might have been able to kill one of the best fighters in Westeros.

He had a moment of realizing how little control he is when it comes to these "children".

Sovereign Court

In the moment, I thought we were about to see a double killshot. Bronn releases the scorpion as the dragon breathes on him. Then, neither really happened. I guess we can look forward to a possible reunion with Tyrion. Bronn seriously deserves 3 or 4 castles.

Dark Archive

Spoilers, for those who haven't seen it yet.

After last episodes one-two punch of Cersei dominating the game, it's nice to see the scorpion not succeed in taking out one of Dany's biggest assets in it's first appearance.

On the other hand, her gold sure did get out of there fast, and it's a trifle convenient that the army decided to send the gold ahead, unguarded, despite the heavily-laden gold-wagons logistically probably moving at half their speed, just so it could be conveniently not there for when they got ambushed...

The ornery part of me wants to hear, "Yeah, the gold we so cleverly sent ahead of our army got stolen by highwaymen, and now we got nothing for the Iron Bank." To which Cersei, being Cersei, would reply by killing the Iron Bank representative, because she doesn't handle disappointment (or smug bill-collectors) well.

In other news, I wonder if Bran already knows all about Littlefinger's past shenanigans, and is just playing dumb because there's no tactical reason to kill him just yet (at least, not while they could still his Vale resources)?

I really wondered for a moment if Arya was going to have another 'it's not you' moment and just leave Winterfell, without reconnecting with Sansa (and Bran), and go back to her mission of checking names off her list. I kind of prefer the direction she chose, simply because it's a good step to re-humanizing her. The more she rejects Arya and just is the faceless nameless killer, the less sympathetic she seems. Then again, she did maintain a certain distance and look of regret even during the reunion (indeed, the only time she really looked happy in Winterfell was fighting Brienne!).

And Arya's 'needle' can parry Brienne's enormous sword without snapping like a twig (or her arm similarly failing). Whatever. I don't even care. :)

I suspect the Iron Bank rep will slip away with his gold 'Debt paid, future investments unlikely'

Set wrote:

Spoilers, for those who haven't seen it yet.

** spoiler omitted **

You have to know how to use a foil well for that. You can't actually expect the weapon to completely stop the huge sword you just slow it down and misdirect enough so you can get out of the way. Its a little like Tai chi.

Dark Archive

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Set wrote:

Spoilers, for those who haven't seen it yet.

** spoiler omitted **

You have to know how to use a foil well for that. You can't actually expect the weapon to completely stop the huge sword you just slow it down and misdirect enough so you can get out of the way. Its a little like Tai chi.

Yup, and that's what I would have preferred to see.

If Arya was consistently angling the hits so that the big sword is sliding past, using her tiny blade to deflect the force of the blow past her, that would have been a teensy bit more plausible. (And she did do that a few times, causing Brienne to sort of stumble past her, caught up in the momentum of her swing.)

Instead, she sometimes seemed to be just holding it up at a 90 degree angle to the incoming blow and somehow causing all the force of that blow to magically go away, which, whatever.

I'm just here to watch Drogon burn stuff, at this point.

It's a song of fire and ice, I'm ready for some fire and ice. :)

Durgons ftw. I Have to say tyrion was reading my mind. His comments on Jamie charging the dragon.

Dark Archive

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Durgons ftw. I Have to say tyrion was reading my mind. His comments on Jamie charging the dragon.

And we almost kinda/sorta had a 'meeting' between Jamie and Dany.

Dany, "You killed my father!"
Jamie, "And?"
Dany, "Thanks for that."

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Yeah I suppose Jamie has came a long way but I still remember him as the guy who pushed a kid out a tower window. So was really expecting (hoping for?) fiery doom

Paizo Employee Developer

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Set wrote:

Spoilers, for those who haven't seen it yet.

** spoiler omitted **

re: Bran:

Bran did spit Littlefinger's words right back at him, didn't he? I believe he said "Chaos is a ladder" to Sansa a while back. Bran seems to be weirding a lot of people out by casually referring to things he has no way of having heard or seen, and that one did get a reaction out of Littlefinger.

As far as Bran was concerned, I was most upset that he and Meera seem like they aren't going to get together like I (and Meera, apparently) had shipped. Oh well. They're all going to die in the end anyway, so who cares, right?

Bran is The Three Eyed Raven so whatever was there with Meera is now gone. Meera's role is pretty much done now.

Set wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Set wrote:

Spoilers, for those who haven't seen it yet.

** spoiler omitted **

You have to know how to use a foil well for that. You can't actually expect the weapon to completely stop the huge sword you just slow it down and misdirect enough so you can get out of the way. Its a little like Tai chi.

Yup, and that's what I would have preferred to see.

If Arya was consistently angling the hits so that the big sword is sliding past, using her tiny blade to deflect the force of the blow past her, that would have been a teensy bit more plausible. (And she did do that a few times, causing Brienne to sort of stumble past her, caught up in the momentum of her swing.)

Instead, she sometimes seemed to be just holding it up at a 90 degree angle to the incoming blow and somehow causing all the force of that blow to magically go away, which, whatever.

I'm just here to watch Drogon burn stuff, at this point.

It's a song of fire and ice, I'm ready for some fire and ice. :)

On the one hand, I kind of agree. I would have like to see her use it "properly" more,; on the other hand, I can't really expect more than a passable swordfight with 20 year old with no martial arts training.

Also, agree 100% about being here to see some fire and ice.

MannyGoblin wrote:
I suspect the Iron Bank rep will slip away with his gold 'Debt paid, future investments unlikely'

I think we're going to see Cersei borrow more money and hire an army of mercenaries.

Though I think it would have been wiser for her to leave the existing debt unpaid. It makes Westeros "too big to fail" from the bank's perspective.

While I'm thinking about GoT economics: don't burn the supply wagons, Dany! You're winning the battle, why destroy the loot?

Dark Archive

Matthew Downie wrote:
While I'm thinking about GoT economics: don't burn the supply wagons, Dany! You're winning the battle, why destroy the loot?

Yeah, but armies of Unsullied and Dothraki (and their horses) have never needed to eat or drink (or any other supplies, notice the lack of packs full of supplies on those Unsullied) before, so why should she start worrying about logistics now? :)

MannyGoblin wrote:
Bran is The Three Eyed Raven so whatever was there with Meera is now gone. Meera's role is pretty much done now.

He might have seen ahead (or just deduced, based on past events, like her brother or Hodor's fates) that she'd be safer the hell away from him, and been encouraging her to be anywhere but at his side.

eh...with Dorne done I guess the character I am most annoyed at the show handling is Bran.


Yes. I'm that excited that Bronn got a whole bunch of screen time. Yes, I'm also exicted that he showed more care for his bag of gold than he did the entire Lannister army getting Dracyrsed alive.

Also, something really bad is going to happen to LF. I can feel it.

Set wrote:
Yeah, but armies of Unsullied and Dothraki (and their horses) have never needed to eat or drink (or any other supplies, notice the lack of packs full of supplies on those Unsullied) before, so why should she start worrying about logistics now? :)

Just about plausible with the Dothraki. The Mongol hordes used to travel with plenty of spare mares. If they ran out of food, there was always horse milk and horse blood.

Sovereign Court

Bran's transition is interesting. I don't really think he cares anymore about individuals, family or foe. He is now the three eyed raven.

Cersei is going to hire the second sons and that's not going to work out for her in the end.

Scarab Sages

Ok, the Second Sons stuff confused me. Wasn't that Daario and Bald Guy (TM)'s merc company that pretty much rules Slaver's Bay now? Yeah GoT wiki confirms that it was Daario's merc band, who Dany left in charge back in 4 seasons of boredom land. So maybe we see Daario again?

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Dorathaki near Tyrion who said 'Your people can't fight' Needs to get offed. You try fighting while your armor fuses with your skin.

Set wrote:

MannyGoblin wrote:
Bran is The Three Eyed Raven so whatever was there with Meera is now gone. Meera's role is pretty much done now.

He might have seen ahead (or just deduced, based on past events, like her brother or Hodor's fates) that she'd be safer the hell away from him, and been encouraging her to be anywhere but at his side.

I'm with Pan. Bran's connection with all of the world's events and the flow of history separates him from those around him. I think part of it is that Bran underwent the transition too quickly, he went from 12 y/o boy to ancient being who knows all of history in under a year. Who knows how long the previous 3-eyed raven had for his transition, plus the old man had hundreds of years to adapt to complete knowledge.

When Bran looks at the people around him, he views them exactly like he would as if he were in a vision, except that he interacts with them to some degree. He's no longer a member of the world of the individuals in his physical presence, but a part of something much bigger and more important. Bran doesn't care about the safety of an individual; he's concerned with the survival of entire species.

edit: Cersei didn't mention the Second Sons, she talked of hiring the Golden Company.

edit 2: Rewatching right now. I like the construction of the loot train fight scene. Theon says "Where did she go?" giving us a strong indication she'd be in the next scene, but then they cut to a decent length conversation between Jaime and Bronn, just long enough to help let the line fade before the battle starts and Dany shows back up. It's nice crafting of the scenes.

Sovereign Court

Irontruth wrote:
Set wrote:

edit: Cersei didn't mention the Second Sons, she talked of hiring the Golden Company.

My bad I thought she and the iron banker talked about Second Sons.

MannyGoblin wrote:
Bran is The Three Eyed Raven so whatever was there with Meera is now gone. Meera's role is pretty much done now.

we still need her so that her father can confirm, that she's Jon Snow's sister

Hythlodeus wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:
Bran is The Three Eyed Raven so whatever was there with Meera is now gone. Meera's role is pretty much done now.
we still need her so that her father can confirm, that she's Jon Snow's sister

All seeing Bran can do that, can't he?

In the books the Three Eyed Raven isn't nearly so powerful. I think he can observe events through the weirwoods, but not like...everywhere. So Howland Reed is need in the books where he probably isn't in the show.

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Look at what's going on in Winterfell. There's a gathering of Starks.

Once Jon returns, we'll have:
Jon - Warrior (and reluctant leader)
Sansa - Diplomat (and schemer by necessity)
Arya - Assassin (and deceptively deadly)
Bran - Mystic (and creepy as hell)

Collectively, they're a classical adventuring group.

Scarab Sages

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Skeld wrote:

Look at what's going on in Winterfell. There's a gathering of Starks.

Once Jon returns, we'll have:
Jon - Warrior (and reluctant leader)
Sansa - Diplomat (and schemer by necessity)
Arya - Assassin (and deceptively deadly)
Bran - Mystic (and creepy as hell)

Collectively, they're a classical adventuring group.

Jon - Gotta love the 8CHA face of the party. Man's only ever failed one saving throw (vs Ygritte's charm spell, pre- Iron Will which was taken after the seige of Castle Black), and has gotten to where he's at on his WIS and CON alone.

Sansa - Backup face and under the table deal maker. She's the gnome who converses in Sylvan to the elven barkeep to negotiate quest details while Jon is reluctantly listening to the farmer whine about wyverns in the woods.

Arya - Every group needs a murderhobo to roll those intimidate checks constantly, including against party members. She's just glad they added those DEX to damage feats in a few seasons ago.

Bran - He's gotta be a WIS or INT based caster, bc that guy has less CHA than Jon. Though he really doesn't fit the typical mystic archetype, as he doesn't play "mysterious" as much as he does the PC of someone who just finished philosophy 101 and is going through an existentialism phase.

Mark Moreland wrote:

re: Bran:
Bran did spit Littlefinger's words right back at him, didn't he? I believe he said "Chaos is a ladder" to Sansa a while back. Bran seems to be weirding a lot of people out by casually referring to things he has no way of having heard or seen, and that one did get a reaction out of Littlefinger.

As far as Bran was concerned, I was most upset that he and Meera seem like they aren't going to get together like I (and Meera, apparently) had shipped. Oh well. They're all going to die in the end anyway, so who cares, right?

Bran, Littlefinger, and Chaos:
Except Baelish didn't monologue that bit of villainy at Sansa, but to Varys, when they both were totally alone in the throne room at King's Landing. Sansa is pretty clearly out from under his control and openly disliking him, Jon choke-threatened him in the Crypt, Bran somehow knows of that private conversation with Varys (if not more) and easily sees through his threat/ally powerplay, and now Arya turns up as a very capable finesse fighter. Just how many hints does a GM have to drop on Baelish's player before saying "F*ck it" and dropping the waiting anvil of death on him?!

Baelish will stay put though, because he is still thinking he is the smartest bro in the room. He claims he fights every battle all the time in his mind, and that it will save him. Except it won't. He keeps finding ways to escape his death from all the way back in season 1, and has still completely failed to learn the lesson.

Maybe it's cliched and closes the circle too easily, but I expect he's gonna get stabbed by the very dagger with which he tried to have Bran murdered. And I expect Bran has already foresaw it, which is why he gave it to Arya. Pride goeth and all that, and Littlefinger, it's a long way down off The Ladder.

Edit: OK, maybe I'm wrong about Baelish's fate. But he is such a smarmy smug thinks-he-knows-it-all *sshole, always underestimating people especially women. I think I hate him more than Euron or Ramsay.

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Littlefinger: I will predict everything that could possibly happen and lay out all possible...

Bran has come back from the dead

Littlefinger: G#%$%+it it

And he's omnicient

Littlefinger: well @(*#@$

Sovereign Court

I actually adore Euron and I generally hate bad guys. But he is having so much fun, giving zero f***s and being funny to boot.

archmagi1 wrote:
Jon - Gotta love the 8CHA face of the party.

Why do you think Jon has low Cha? He was made leader of the Night's Watch at a ridiculously young age. Later he was acclaimed King of the North despite lacking any legitimate claim and having exhibited some pretty poor battle tactics. High charisma is really the only explanation.

Hama wrote:
I actually adore Euron and I generally hate bad guys.

It is weird, isn't it, that he's kind of likeable? He's probably as vicious as Joffrey and Ramsay were, but they were entirely hateful.

I think it's that he's more open about being Chaotic Evil, while they were putting on a handsome-prince act in order to marry Sansa.

Nobody likes a hypocrite.

Dark Archive

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Euron seems to be living up to the 'Iron Code' of take what you want, and anyone not strong enough to keep something you are trying to take from them doesn't deserve it anyway. Regardless of whether it's a sane or likable code, he's totally living it, which, as steeped as this show is in treacherous creeps who aren't living up to their code, makes him seem 'noble' somehow (in the same way that Ned Stark lived up to his code, even if it proved terribly ill-suited to keeping him alive in the snakepit that was King's Landing, and seemed kind of noble, if foolish and naïve, when he walked up to Cersei and told her what he knew and that he was going to blab, sealing his fate...).

The elder Greyjoy, Theon and Yara's dad, on the other hand, blathered on about Theon not paying 'the iron price' for every article of clothing he wore, taking it to an absurdist level that he himself didn't live up to, since he sat around and ate food from fishermen he hadn't murdered with his own hands. (Since that's how he was judging Theon, for not taking everything he ate, wore, etc. by force, making him, IMO, an enormous hypocrite, as well as a terrible dad.)

Euron's a terrible person, but he seems honest, which is at least refreshing.

I'm still gonna cheer if Yara murders him in glorious comeuppance. :)

Scarab Sages

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Matthew Downie wrote:
archmagi1 wrote:
Jon - Gotta love the 8CHA face of the party.
Why do you think Jon has low Cha? He was made leader of the Night's Watch at a ridiculously young age. Later he was acclaimed King of the North despite lacking any legitimate claim and having exhibited some pretty poor battle tactics. High charisma is really the only explanation.

Because he is the stereotype reluctant leader trope. He struggles through speeches and conversations. He carries himself mopily. Everything he *does* screams low CHA high WIS.

He gets promotions in the Night's Watch from 1) his prowess in battle vs the wights, 2) his experience dealing with wildlings, and 3) a successful media campaign put on by mental stats only Sam Tarly. And later he gets MDK'd because his CHA can't keep the restless troops in line when his WIS makes decisions with foresight.

He gets appointed KOTN by right of conquest. Prior to ascension, the wildling army is with him out of 1) trust in his prowess, and 2) life-debt. The Northmen are with him because 1) Davos and 2) a few lucky speeches rallying the right Lords. The Vale is with him because of Sansa looking too much like Cat.

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archmagi1 wrote:
Matthew Downie wrote:
archmagi1 wrote:
Jon - Gotta love the 8CHA face of the party.
Why do you think Jon has low Cha? He was made leader of the Night's Watch at a ridiculously young age. Later he was acclaimed King of the North despite lacking any legitimate claim and having exhibited some pretty poor battle tactics. High charisma is really the only explanation.

Because he is the stereotype reluctant leader trope. He struggles through speeches and conversations. He carries himself mopily. Everything he *does* screams low CHA high WIS.

He gets promotions in the Night's Watch from 1) his prowess in battle vs the wights, 2) his experience dealing with wildlings, and 3) a successful media campaign put on by mental stats only Sam Tarly. And later he gets MDK'd because his CHA can't keep the restless troops in line when his WIS makes decisions with foresight.

He gets appointed KOTN by right of conquest. Prior to ascension, the wildling army is with him out of 1) trust in his prowess, and 2) life-debt. The Northmen are with him because 1) Davos and 2) a few lucky speeches rallying the right Lords Lady Lyanna Mormont is a boss. The Vale is with him because of Sansa looking too much like Cat.

I helped you out there.

archmagi1 wrote:

And later he gets MDK'd because his CHA can't keep the restless troops in line when his WIS makes decisions with foresight.

If he was that wise, he'd have passed his Sense Motive check and not got murdered. He probably wouldn't have a charged an army single-handed either.

Sovereign Court

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Littlefinger: I will predict everything that could possibly happen and lay out all possible...

Bran has come back from the dead

Littlefinger: G!!!%$it it

And he's omnicient

Littlefinger: well @(*#@$

Honestly, he did predict everything up until recently. Who can see dragons, worgs, and wights coming? I think that makes his scene with Sansa so great because we get to see what littlefinger does when all his predictions turn pear shaped. Though my guess is we are waiting for Jon's return so they can simply kill littlefinger off despite being the most compelling villain of the series, even more so than cersei.

Out of context threat is kind of a big theme in the series.

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Pan wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Littlefinger: I will predict everything that could possibly happen and lay out all possible...

Bran has come back from the dead

Littlefinger: G!!!%$it it

And he's omnicient

Littlefinger: well @(*#@$

Honestly, he did predict everything up until recently. Who can see dragons, worgs, and wights coming? I think that makes his scene with Sansa so great because we get to see what littlefinger does when all his predictions turn pear shaped. Though my guess is we are waiting for Jon's return so they can simply kill littlefinger off despite being the most compelling villain of the series, even more so than cersei.

I still think he lives to next season. He's not really doing anything lately that compares to his villainy of the early seasons.

As I've said I think he solves your problem with Cersei being dead. When the white walkers attack, LF is dumb/ambitious enough to throw people under the proverbial bus in order to advance his position. He'll be the season 8 "human villain".

Plus he still has to survive long enough to become the mayor of Baltimore.

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