Joshua Blazej RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 9 aka Zynete |

Aura moderate evocation; CL 6th
Slot hands; Price 14,000 gp; Weight –
Infused with the power of the wind these gloves allow their wearer to direct the surrounding air with incredible force. They grant a +2 bonus on bull rush attempts and as a standard action, the wearer can perform ranged bull rush from up to 55 feet away. This uses the same rules as a normal bull rush except for every 10 feet the CMB check receives a cumulative –2 penalty and wearer cannot move with the target.
By channeling ki, a monk can increse the power of the wind created dramatically. The wearer as a standard action can spend one point from his ki pool to cause a blast of air traveling at 50 mph in a 60-foot line. He then makes a ranged bull rush against every creature in the area. This wind puts out any small, unprotected flames, like torches, within the line and even has a 50% chance to put out small flames that are protected, like the flame in a lantern.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, gust of wind; Skill Craft (cloth weaving) Cost 7,000 gp

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Congratulations on making it into RPG Superstar 2009!
I'd have to agree with Clark that this is probably the best item I've read so far. The concept is simple, even obvious when you think about it, but most of the best ideas seem like they should have been obvious in hindsight. Bravo for hitting on it.
The gloves are useful all the time, and you can power up for beefier surges of power too. I think Wolf used just the right word when he called it a cinematic effect - I can totally see it in my mind in use. I like also that you used the existing rules with the Pathfinder twist rather than making up a new subsytem. It might have been helpful to reference the page number (329) for Table 13-10: Wind Effects so that the reader has a quick pointer to what a "50 mph wind" does.
My only puzzlement was that 55 feet seems like a bit of a strange distance for the ranged effect to work, but that's no biggie.
Summary: Great! I'm about halfway through the items and this is the best so far. Dynamic, fun, useful, and the cost seems about right. Excellent work.

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This is a good one right there. Besides what has been said by my fellow judges, I want to add that bestowing ranged capability to the monk is a very good design choice. This class lacks terribly at that field and adding this item already helps a lot.
This is the first item I instantly liked and I hope many like it follow.
Blasting away swarms. Check.
Using terrain to the advantage. Check.
Looking super cool while doing all this. Check.
These Gloves have very useful abilities that are balanced just right. They use up the ki pool or stack –2 penalty upon –2 penalty…all at the right price.
Neat formatting too.
After reviewing all other items:
I’d say this is definitely within my personal Top 8 for this round (and likely even better). Keep up the Superstar work!

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SWEET - someone else out there in Paizoland is a fan of Airbending!
This is near-perfect execution of a complex & cool idea, and it adds a much needed Shoryuken! precedent to Pathfinder monks. The only way this might be better is if it punched through buildings, set kindling on fire and flung opponents around like ragdolls.
Although, come to think of it, I suppose it DOES fling opponents around like ragdolls - the bull-rushed opponents are, I suppose, all pushed toward the end of the 60' line. With enough Strength, a high CMB and a good roll against weak, low-level opponents ... well, this item lets a man dream.
Dream about Force-Shoving a group of low-level NPCs into the side of a building - and out the other side.
Anyway, point being: truly outstanding work, and I look forward to seeing a whole lot more as Superstar! continues!

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Very nice. I worked on a ring with similar powers, but not for monks. And using the ki pool mechanic to activate greater powers (and making that greater power an area-effect ranged bull rush instead of just a standard gust of wind) is a elegant design choice. Monks need a little wuxia now and again, and this fits the bill perfectly. I can't say anything that the other judges haven't already. Superb work!
Though like Jason, I'm curious about the 55-ft. range. Why not 60 feet? Congratulations on joining the ranks of RPG Superstar!

Fern Herold RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Demiurge 1138 |

Jacob Manley RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 aka eotbeholder |

Though like Jason, I'm curious about the 55-ft. range. Why not 60 feet?
If I had to guess I'd say he was basing the range off of Close spell range at CL 6 (25 ft + 5x6/2 ft). To which I'd respond - it's not a spell, it's a wondrous item, so don't let the standard effects limit what works best for the item.
But that's just nitpicking. These things are twelve gallons of awesome in a ten gallon hat. Using the ki pool to limit the uses per day was a stroke of genius, and as others have said, you've got a cool cinematic feel going on (like the fight between Flying Snow and Moon in Hero) backed up by a legitimate need in the rules for more ranged monk fu.
Many props, and I look forward to seeing your work in future rounds.

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Very cool item, I love the 'visual' of the character pushing with his hand and causing a distant foe to be knocked back.
Once you are able to respond to individual feedback (not now, obviously), I'd be curious as to where the 55 ft. range came from. Gust of Wind is a 60 ft. range and 55 ft. doesn't seem to fit with Close or Medium Range at CL 6 (which would be 40 ft. or 160 ft.).
Nitpick - A spellcheck would have caught that spelling of 'increase' you had there. It's a pain in the butt, because, if you're anything like me, you'll spellcheck, and then change a sentence because of something that occured to you later, and forget to re-spellcheck...

R D Ramsey Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Clouds Without Water |

Vladislav Rashkovski RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 aka Clandestine |

Ingenious design, interesting effects and effort to fill a rather undeveloped niche (monk's ranged attacks)? What's not to like! These Gloves would fit right into an asian martial arts blockbuster, or a heroic anime.
I love this entry, and would gladly add the Gloves to any monk for an extra edge in hand-to-hand combat.

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Eric Morton RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo |
As I type this, I've read the first sixteen entries. Of those, this one is my favorite. Nice cinematic touch. Nice use of mechanics. Nice unique niche. Good call on a ranged monk buff.
Since it's my favorite item so far, I'll also be a bit harsher on this one: it could use a flashier name. Something a character in an anime would shout at his opponent in the process of activating his Cool Signature Move(tm).

Charles Evans 25 |
The genre of films which several other posters have been raving about on this thread has completely passed me by, leaving me distinctly nonplussed as to what all the fuss is about.
I'm not clear why the gloves give you +2 on all bull rush attempts and not just ranged ones you make with them.
I'm not even sure if D&D monks should have ranged attacks and that their role oughtn't to be melee orientated.
However you seem to have tuned into something that a lot of posters on this thread like/want, Blazej, and these show more flare than some of the other items I have been reading through and/or the undercosted should-be-minor-artifacts.
Congratulations on making the top 32, and try to find some more of this inspiration for the next round.

Straybow |

The wearer as a standard action can spend one point from his ki pool to cause a blast of air traveling at 50 mph in a 60-foot line. He then makes a ranged bull rush against every creature in the area.
Just a note: 50mph wind is only a 6.4 psf force, about 75lb on a typical human. That would be like a child trying to bull rush an adult. 70mph is 12.8 psf, which might be enough to bull rush a medium creature.

Mark Thomas RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 aka Mark Thomas 66 |

Zynete wrote:The wearer as a standard action can spend one point from his ki pool to cause a blast of air traveling at 50 mph in a 60-foot line. He then makes a ranged bull rush against every creature in the area.Just a note: 50mph wind is only a 6.4 psf force, about 75lb on a typical human. That would be like a child trying to bull rush an adult. 70mph is 12.8 psf, which might be enough to bull rush a medium creature.
Physics meet magic, KABOOM!!
the universe exploded.

Tensor |

Straybow wrote:Zynete wrote:The wearer as a standard action can spend one point from his ki pool to cause a blast of air traveling at 50 mph in a 60-foot line. He then makes a ranged bull rush against every creature in the area.Just a note: 50mph wind is only a 6.4 psf force, about 75lb on a typical human. That would be like a child trying to bull rush an adult. 70mph is 12.8 psf, which might be enough to bull rush a medium creature.Physics meet magic, KABOOM!!
the universe exploded.
Just imagine holding your hand out the window of a car going 50mph.

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I like these a lot. The one thing that reads a bit weird to me is that the greater power says it makes a 50mph wind, but the standard use doesn't say how strong the wind is. When I was reading, the mph reference made me wonder how strong the standard version was in comparison. Considering that you're not using the wind effects information for your effect, I'd suggest dropping the 50mph reference entirely, and just describe the effect as a powerful blast of wind. This also avoids any real life physics arguments that anyone might want to raise.

Carl Flaherty RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 aka Lord Fyre |

The writing isn't very good, but the item is simple, fun, and mentions the CMB mechanic, which makes it a Pathfinder magic item.
Well done. Halfway through the list and I think it's one of the most compelling designs so far.
IMHO, the writing of this item is quite good.