The Angry Jack Cult

Off-Topic Discussions

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Hey, there's a big truck full of bird feed pulling up outside your lawn.

What the -? Guys, what do you want to do with a truck full of bird seed? And you may want to make some calls to find out what else that annoying tequila bird charged before I got the card back. If you'll excuse me I have a little revenge to work on. Er, do I get a room or something around here? I need somewhere to work.

lynora-Jill wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Hey, there's a big truck full of bird feed pulling up outside your lawn.
What the -? Guys, what do you want to do with a truck full of bird seed? And you may want to make some calls to find out what else that annoying tequila bird charged before I got the card back. If you'll excuse me I have a little revenge to work on. Er, do I get a room or something around here? I need somewhere to work.

I made some calls and I have it all straightened up. All Jacks have a room. May I ask what you have in mind?

Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Hey, there's a big truck full of bird feed pulling up outside your lawn.
What the -? Guys, what do you want to do with a truck full of bird seed? And you may want to make some calls to find out what else that annoying tequila bird charged before I got the card back. If you'll excuse me I have a little revenge to work on. Er, do I get a room or something around here? I need somewhere to work.
I made some calls and I have it all straightened up. All Jacks have a room. May I ask what you have in mind?

Just a small inconvenience. A little tequila of sobriety to let a certain bird know not to molest me again. I'm sure he'll appreciate a little practical joke.

lynora-Jill wrote:
Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Hey, there's a big truck full of bird feed pulling up outside your lawn.
What the -? Guys, what do you want to do with a truck full of bird seed? And you may want to make some calls to find out what else that annoying tequila bird charged before I got the card back. If you'll excuse me I have a little revenge to work on. Er, do I get a room or something around here? I need somewhere to work.
I made some calls and I have it all straightened up. All Jacks have a room. May I ask what you have in mind?
Just a small inconvenience. A little tequila of sobriety to let a certain bird know not to molest me again. I'm sure he'll appreciate a little practical joke.


Liberty's Edge

Where is the beer?


Hands a frothy tankard over to Un-Callous Jack

Acme Robot wrote:


Hands a frothy tankard over to Un-Callous Jack

Jacks? The Thieves went and kidnapped Margarinefrog. Given that some of your number were licking the frogs, I think you owe them one. Even if you don't, I'd appreciate a tiny little raid.

Well, we can always play toss-the-thief again.

Looks at the new volleyball net

ACME! Mojito me!

Man, how long is that raid gonna take? It's almost time for McGyver!


Coming right up sir!

Zips over with fresh mojito

Hey Malice, look what I got for our throwing device. *has peasant by scuff of neck* Why don't you use the net this time. You haven't had a try with it yet.

Sweet! What thread should I toss him to?

Stretches back peasant in net

Looks around

See this? That's what I'm on about! Bloody give away. Fascist golems ..

Malice Jack wrote:

Sweet! What thread should I toss him to?

Stretches back peasant in net

Send him to the Knights thread. I'd like to see him splat against the castle wall.

Don't talk to me of fascists, you bloody peasant! Spent many years of the best years of my life killing fascists...
Why don't you boys take him round back and introduce him to the Jack-o-pult, what-what?

Panama Jack wrote:

Don't talk to me of fascists, you bloody peasant! Spent many years of the best years of my life killing fascists...

Why don't you boys take him round back and introduce him to the Jack-o-pult, what-what?

HA! Fighting fascists! That's fighting your own you Colonialist pig!

How many peasants have you oppressed you bloody Saxon!

Struggles in Malice's grasp

Malice shakes his steely head

Now now, that's not nice. PJ is a good ol' guy. And you, you're a splat.

Launches the muddy peasant towards the knight's thread

Bbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Acme Robot wrote:


Coming right up sir!

Zips over with fresh mojito

Yo! Vodka and Orange Juice. With a straw.

Uh, BTW, are you solar powered?

Blood_Sample wrote:
Bbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

*&%$*&^$ mosquito! *Swats the annoying insect*

Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
Blood_Sample wrote:
Bbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
*&%$*&^$ mosquito! *Swats the annoying insect*

*makes way for the highest point in this thread and hides*

Sunny Godhead wrote:

Yo! Vodka and Orange Juice. With a straw.

Uh, BTW, are you solar powered?

Brings SunnyG a fresh drink with a long straw


I am powered by the atom! The energy of ... THE FUTURE!

A tinny horn fanfare sounds from somewhere on Acme Robot

Blood_Sample wrote:
Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
Blood_Sample wrote:
Bbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
*&%$*&^$ mosquito! *Swats the annoying insect*
*makes way for the highest point in this thread and hides*

I think we went over this already.

*Watches as gorilla wipe the mosquito out*

Friends you must be told the mega pop over at this thread Has done something horrible.

he...he...he made a protection from strippers spell...whats next banish booze...its an affront to all thats sinful I tell will unbalance the multiverse

Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:

Friends you must be told the mega pop over at this thread Has done something horrible.

he...he...he made a protection from strippers spell...whats next banish booze...its an affront to all thats sinful I tell will unbalance the multiverse

*Quietly thanks gods*

Acme Robot wrote:
Sunny Godhead wrote:

Yo! Vodka and Orange Juice. With a straw.

Uh, BTW, are you solar powered?

Brings SunnyG a fresh drink with a long straw


I am powered by the atom! The energy of ... THE FUTURE!

A tinny horn fanfare sounds from somewhere on Acme Robot

Well, I am essentially a fusion rewactor....

Uh, I have no hands, can you mix that for me?

The stainless steel clad robot dexterously mixes SunnyG's drink and holds the glass up to his mouth


Enjoy sir!

Acme Robot wrote:

The stainless steel clad robot dexterously mixes SunnyG's drink and holds the glass up to his mouth


Enjoy sir!

Thank you. If you ever need solar panels or rechargable solar cells, look me up. I'm in the sky.

*Takes a long sip from the straw* Ah.... Delicious.

The Tribble Lord's creating a new thread or something. Hopefully he won't accidentally blow it up, he might actually hurt somebody that way.

Kicks stray tribble on floor

He needs to get his greezy demonic @zz back on this thread and police up all these random tribbles! They're shedding all over the place and the fur gets stuck in Acme Robot's air intake!

Malice Jack wrote:

Kicks stray tribble on floor

He needs to get his greezy demonic @zz back on this thread and police up all these random tribbles! They're shedding all over the place and the fur gets stuck in Acme Robot's air intake!

You know, I can just, well, burn them for you. Got a magnifying glass?


Indeed sir. It is most tiresome to defur

Starts removing strands of tribble fur from the air intake grill bewteen his two skinny pipe legs.

Sunny Godhead wrote:

You know, I can just, well, burn them for you. Got a magnifying glass?


Unfortunately many crucial systems are placed right next to the intake grid. Utmost delicacy is required.

Acme Robot wrote:
Sunny Godhead wrote:

You know, I can just, well, burn them for you. Got a magnifying glass?


Unfortunately many crucial systems are placed right next to the intake grid. Utmost delicacy is required.

Better not. You serve an excellent screwdriver. Loosing you would be a loss to bartenders and their patron everywhere.


Thank you sir. Do you require a refresher?

Fine permanent tribble gate and leaves

Acme Robot wrote:


Thank you sir. Do you require a refresher?

Maybe later.

*wakes up from a warm milk induced nap* So what did I miss?

Hey guys, I finally finished setting up my room just the way I want it. *looks around* What's with all the tribbles?

The Exchange

Those are tribbles? Thank goodness, I thought the cats had hairballs.

Shakes big metalled fist at demon

Hey you! Get back here and seal up that gate you just opened!

Looks at his comrades

That guy is starting to piss me off. When I get pissed off things get bent into pretzels.

Starts cracking his metal knuckles

Dark Archive

Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:
Fine permanent tribble gate and leaves

If I reconnect this wire here, and then flip this switch here. *turns on the gate device and tribbles start flying into it.* Now the tribble gate is a tribble vacum. I knew my drone days would come in handy at some point.

Malice Jack smiles

Good. I hope Lord Blorcus chokes on his tribbles.

umm whats this..... Opens up 444 gates thought out the house...raids the basement and leaves

pops back in to say...I would have left strippers but no one seems to like strippers...mortals confuse me sometimes

arms on the ground, bottom in the air, tail wagging, barking at a tribble under a sofa

I say...seems like we have some unwanted visitors who have yet to meet the Jack Bouncer, what-what!

*wakes up due to a certain poodle barking* *walks around and notices tribbles everywhere* Where did all these tribbles come from?

Is Jove telling us it's time to have more fun with the net-shot, Righto?

Panama Jack wrote:
Is Jove telling us it's time to have more fun with the net-shot, Righto?

I think so. We'll give the rest of the cults a few tribbles to play with.

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