Hythlodeus |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I had a little time to kill today, so I did the Sihedron Circle if anybody is interested

Mr. Grogg |
I've been looking for a map of Sandpoint showing the exact location of the Catacombs of wrath and the smuggler's tunnels. I found one that had the right idea but had the Catacombs in the wrong spot. (And since the location matters in later chapters, that was a problem.) No others seem to exist.
So finally, I decided to just make one.
The catacombs are placed pretty much exactly spot-on as far as I can tell. The location of the tunnels is much more vaguely described in the book, so I took a best guess as to what made sense. As far as I can tell, the tunnels shown on my map shouldn't lead to any major conflicts with the written material. (I'm using the Anniversary Edition, if it matters. I assume the placement is the same in the original edition, but who knows?)
My players have taken over the Catacombs as a home base. One of them has the Profession(Cartographer) skill as well as Dungeoneering. I've given them the map and said that it is assumed he'll update the map as his skills improve, so far as long as he's with the party, if you decide to dig through the surface somewhere, he'll make a DC25 Cartographer skill check. (It's hard making maps underground.) If he makes it, the map is spot-on. If he fails, the breach through the surface is actually a number of meters away from the expected spot equal to how many he failed by, in a randomly chosen direction. Once he leaves the party or dies, his current Cartographer skill score will be written on the map and that is the score they'll use from then on.
Anyway, I hope somebody finds it useful: Here you go.

Callum |

That map's great, Mr. Grogg - thanks! It doesn't quite match the description of the tunnels given in Burnt Offerings, where it says that the "westerly passageway winds for 50 feet before turning north for another 100 feet" - but I think it's actually impossible to make everything that's said in the Anniversary Edition line up. To get the sinkhole in Sins of the Saviors to give access to the eastern steps in the Cathedral of Wrath, you'd need to have the Catacombs about 30 feet west and 20 feet north of where you have them (which would put the spiral stairs that lead up out of the Catacombs in an "alley" further to the west) - but then the tunnel from under the Glassworks would have to head northwest to start off with, before veering northeast!
Then there's the issue of how far underground the Catacombs are. The spiral stairs that lead up have "30 feet of rock between the top of the stairs and the surface" - and the map shows at least 25 feet of spiral stairs, and then 25 feet more of steps down (in five flights) to get the the floor level of the Cathedral of Wrath. Yet the sinkhole is only "15 feet deep", and seemingly opens onto the upper floor of the Cathedral. (The tunnel that leads out from the Glassworks basement presumably slopes downwards a fair bit.)
Personally, I think it's a shame that those spiral stairs leading up don't later give access to the Catcombs (in Sins of the Saviors), as they are designed to do that, and are the highest point of the Catacombs. In my game, I think I'll have the sinkhole lead into these stairs - the earth tremor having opened up a crack into which the rubble previously blocking the stairs has fallen.

Mr. Grogg |
I'm glad you like it!
To get the sinkhole in Sins of the Saviors to give access to the eastern steps in the Cathedral of Wrath, you'd need to have the Catacombs about 30 feet west and 20 feet north of where you have them (which would put the spiral stairs that lead up out of the Catacombs in an "alley" further to the west) - but then the tunnel from under the Glassworks would have to head northwest to start off with, before veering northeast!
The Runewell needs to be under the north wall of the garrison in order to cause that wall to collapse. The access through the Cathedral of Wrath is a narrow walkway, which I took to mean that the northern wall of the Cathedral hadn't collapsed and that there is a space there between the rubble and the wall. The access isn't described as "direct access", so I believe it means that the access provided is simply to the door of the Cathedral and the hallways beyond, under the assumption that the spiral stairs down are the only likely destination for a party going there.
The tunnels, especially the "50' west and then 100' north" were problematic, but I also figured the exactitude of placement wasn't nearly as critical.
Regarding the depth, I figured the Cathedral had a much higher ceiling than the rest of the Catacombs. This not only fixes the depth problem, but also allows the Cathedral to look more impressive and also gives Elyrium a lot more room to fly around in. It also makes the collapse of the ceiling and the garrison wall above make more sense.
In my campaign, the players immediately dug upwards at the stairs. The mapmaker failed his Cartographer check by a little bit and collapsed an unmarked building. I decided it was a poor old couple's hovel, and the old man basically extorted 350gp out of the PCs to help him pay for a new home. He handily didn't tell them that it had been an abandoned building that he and his wife had been squatting in. (I did erase a Greed point from the character who most quickly agreed to the payment, though - I'm not a total dgm.) :)

Callum |

The Runewell needs to be under the north wall of the garrison in order to cause that wall to collapse.
Moving the Catacombs a bit to the north and west places the Runewell right under the centre of the sinkhole, in prime position to make the north wall of the Garrison collapse.
The access through the Cathedral of Wrath is a narrow walkway, which I took to mean that the northern wall of the Cathedral hadn't collapsed and that there is a space there between the rubble and the wall. The access isn't described as "direct access", so I believe it means that the access provided is simply to the door of the Cathedral and the hallways beyond, under the assumption that the spiral stairs down are the only likely destination for a party going there.
Yes, I agree. The opening out of the sinkhole "along its northwest side at the deepest point" gives into "a short flight of stairs down and a 5-foot-wide passageway beyond". I take this to refer to the eastern steps down from the upper floor of the Cathedral of Wrath, as "All that remains [of the Cathedral] is a narrow passage that runs along the northeastern wall." (The only other explanation is that these are some other, previously unmentioned, stairs somewhere above the Cathedral but beneath the streets of Sandpoint, which seems very unlikely.)
The tunnels, especially the "50' west and then 100' north" were problematic, but I also figured the exactitude of placement wasn't nearly as critical.
I think you're quite right. As I said, it isn't really possible to make it all match up as described, and this part is the least important and easiest to adjust.
Regarding the depth, I figured the Cathedral had a much higher ceiling than the rest of the Catacombs. This not only fixes the depth problem, but also allows the Cathedral to look more impressive and also gives Elyrium a lot more room to fly around in. It also makes the collapse of the ceiling and the garrison wall above make more sense.
I can see that the Cathedral's ceiling might be somewhat higher than the rest of the Catacombs, but I don't see how this quite fixes the depth problem, nor how the PCs are supposed to get from the opening in the sinkhole's side into the Cathedral in this case. If the opening doesn't lead more-or-less directly onto the Cathedral's steps, then there would have to be some other, naturally-occuring passageway that spirals down around through the earth before eventually arriving at the steps.
In my campaign, the players immediately dug upwards at the stairs. The mapmaker failed his Cartographer check by a little bit and collapsed an unmarked building. I decided it was a poor old couple's hovel, and the old man basically extorted 350gp out of the PCs to help him pay for a new home. He handily didn't tell them that it had been an abandoned building that he and his wife had been squatting in. (I did erase a Greed point from the character who most quickly agreed to the payment, though - I'm not a total dgm.) :)
Hah! Excellent!

Shoba |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, I'm currently running Rise of the Runelords, and I made myself some maps, I'd like to share with the rest of you:
[Graul Homestead]
[Fort Rannick Level 1]
[Fort Rannick Level 2]

Urath DM |

So, I'm currently running Rise of the Runelords, and I made myself some maps, I'd like to share with the rest of you:
[Graul Homestead]
[Fort Rannick Level 1]
[Fort Rannick Level 2]
Ooh, very nice. I like the lighting effect on the Graul Homestead.
Also, png overlays for locations with traps can make VTT use feel more alive. Very nice.

Shoba |

Thanks. I made some more in the meantime:
[Skulls Crossing: Western Caves]
[Skulls Crossing: Skull's Watch]

Fumarole |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

My party recently started Rise of the Runelords and this thread has been an absolute goldmine for me. Thanks to everyone that has contributed material; there are too many to thank individually but please know that your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Yossarian |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Pinnacle of Avarice - alarm response map
When the players finally reach the Pinnacle of Avarice the majority of the inhabitants respond to alarms when the PCs are spotted. I made a map to help keep track of this, with the locations of the various enemies, their speed and response times. The grey background mobs don't respond to alarms.

Zebbie |

Pinnacle of Avarice - alarm response map
When the players finally reach the Pinnacle of Avarice the majority of the inhabitants respond to alarms when the PCs are spotted. I made a map to help keep track of this, with the locations of the various enemies, their speed and response times. The grey background mobs don't respond to alarms.
Good stuff, thanks for sharing. Not a lot Spires stuff out there. Always appreciate when they do.

Yossarian |

Okay, that is just too cool. My pc's just hit X1 and took out the Wardens of Wind there last session. The Avarice response map will help me keep it straight. Though, in my run through, the occupants of the pinnacle will be responding much faster. :)
The big 'add' for me is the rune giant + friends + Khalib and his various summoned monsters. Initially I thought Khalib was a bit badly done, but when you factor in Greater Planar Binding and his augmented summoning feat he get interesting. I have him already having Planar Bound a Marilith, spending two rounds casting quickened Shield, Cat's Grace and Stoneskin, then summoning an Elder Elemental with the augmented summoning feat. Then he moves to defend.
I've also foreshadowed Khalib a bit with my PCs and they're worried about him. i've changed his spells slightly, mostly to give my PCs a bit of practice with what they'll face with Karzoug by having him pick a few similar spells- my PCs are not that smart about fight prep and i'm hoping to train them to buff a bit smarter. I hope they do some planning before Karzoug or they're going to get toasted.
My PCs are currently just about at the base of the Pinnacle of Avarice. Easy mode is over!

Yossarian |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

On the same topic, here's my written description for my PCs seeing the Pinnacle of Avarice fairly close for the first time. I felt the AP missed a good written description of Karzoug's tower, and it deserves one. My party's cleric has been using Control Weather to create blizzards to give them cover whilst approaching the tower, so there's plenty of snow clouds about:
"You begin your climb, not far now to the highest tower. You catch fleeting glimpses of the colossal spire above between breaks in the falling snow. Behind, a dizzying 3,000 feet below you, the roofs and domes of Xin Shalast fill the mountain valley, poking up through fast flowing clouds.
(Customise this text to fit your PCs) The steps are each 3 feet high and icy. The tallest three of you have some difficulty, but Dagrim easily has the strength to lift himself and assist Deluna. Lem hops up the stones lightly, pausing occasionally to wait for the rest to catch up.
The steepest part yet, then you round a ridge. In front of you stands an extraordinary structure. Its scale nearly impossible to judge, but it must be close to 2,000 feet tall. Ice gleams from ledges and details, sparkling in the sharp sun above the clouds.
Whilst you can’t yet see its base, where it emerges above the ridge line you see many thin vertical stone columns, interwoven with an increasingly complex mesh of stonework. Vast runes worked into this speak of wealth, power and control.
You see a staircase winds around within this, an endless corkscrew, gradually disappearing within the stone lattice around it.
At the tower’s top: a circular structure of shining gold. In the gaps through the clouds the thin air is crystal clear: you can make out intricate details engraved into large ornate curving forms, wrapped around the golden sphere like the fingers of a hand cradling an orb.
As you gaze upon this remarkable sight, you all become aware of a low hum, so low only the vibration in your feet and guts tell you of its presence. As the thrum rises and falls the golden glow around the tower’s distant pinnacle oscillates with it. Perhaps it’s only the effect of the thin air on the light, or perhaps powerful magical fields are at play."
A long time ago I went trekking in the Himalaya. I'll never forget the sense of being above the clouds looking down. It's a bizarre thing to see cloud layers below you. I'm putting a emphasis on making my PCs feel 'on the roof of the world' as they assault the Pinnacle .

Peet |
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I recently started running a new RotRL campaign and I had the fight in the square spill over into Maver Kesk's jewelry shop (#5 on the Sandpoint Map).
I made two maps:
Version with doors and room numbers
Version with no doors or room numbers
I'll post a key for what the numbers represent later on tonight.

Peet |

Maver Kesk's Jewelry Shop:
Version with doors and room numbers
Room Key:
1: Showroom. This is where Maver Kesk shows off his wares. When the shop is closed the display cases will be empty, and even when open most of the wares here are lower-priced items, mostly made of silver. His more expensive stuff is usually custom-made.
The windows are small and barred. They are big enough to let light in but do not open.
The chairs in front of the fireplace are for when a customer wishes to describe something that they would like made, and they can discuss it by the fire. In the winter he keeps a teapot on the fire here. In the summer this fireplace is usually not lit.
The showroom is usually staffed by Maver Kesk's wife or his son. Maver is generally busy actually making the jewelry in room 2.
2: Workshop. This is where Maver Kesk and his son and his journeyman work on making jewelry. The three closets have strong doors reinforced with iron and are essentially safes for the supplies needed for jewelcraft, which can be expensive. When the showroom is closed the displays are kept in the northwest closet.
The furnace on the west wall is used for smelting gold and silver and other metals used for jewelry. A stack of firewood is usually kept under the main table and along the south wall.
As with the showroom, the windows are small and barred.
3: Lounge This area is used mainly by Maver Kesk's guards when off duty or taking meals. There is a cast iron pot-bellied stove in the northwest corner.
The stairs here go up to the second floor. Underneath the stairs there is a door with stairs going down to a small root cellar (with the same dimensions as this room).
4: Guard's Bedroom This room is used as a barracks for the guards. All the guards are entitled to sleep here, but some of them use their salary to maintain their own residence elsewhere in town, so several of the beds will look unused.
5: Bedroom This room is used as a bedchamber by Jansen Urik, a journeyman employed by Maver as an assistant, and Leona Harsby, the maid. Neither is especially thrilled about sharing a room with someone else, hence the curtain partway through the room for privacy.
6: Parlour This room is used for leisure by the Kesk family and also to entertain visitors.
7: Dining Room The room where the Kesk family takes their meals. The table here normally seats six but can fit eight, and when entertaining the Kesks add an extra smaller table to the end that can seat another four.
8: Kitchen Where the maid does the cooking for the Kesk's family meals. Next to the oven by the south wall there is a trap door in the ceiling that leads to the attic. The north wall is lined with shelves and water barrels (not shown) are often lined up against the south wall.
In the southeast corner there is usually a large washtub (not shown). The washtub is also used for taking baths (since the hot water is taken from a cauldron on the fire) and a curtain can be set up for privacy.
9: Master Bedroom Where Maver Kesk and his wife sleep.
10: Bedroom where Maver's son Tarn sleeps.
11: Bedroom where Maver's young daughter Elena sleeps.
12: Lavatory There is a chamber pot and washbasin here.
13: Attic used to store various items, few of any real worth. When I ran the adventure, one of the goblins had broken a hole in the roof (on the west side, near the south wall) in order to climb out and hurl things on the people below.

mousmous |

My group was interested in the library itself, and ran a line of research towards it as well as Thassilon and Karzoug. I thought I'd share what I put together. I don't claim that the DCs or all of the info is correct, but my group liked it:
DC20: This was once known as the Therassic Library, and was maintained by a cult-like group of wizard-monks that worshipped some mystical being called the Peacock Spirit.
DC30: No books are found where the Therassic Order talks about itself, but they do show up in a book on the history of the Peacock Spirit and it's followers: It seems the wizard-monks were once the preeminent researchers of magic, credited with defining the seven schools of magic, but at some point they were uninvited from the table, somehow, and became more chroniclers of magic and knowledge.
DC40: Therassic monks were noted for becoming resentful of others who wielded magic, and this was epitomized by their most sacred artifact: The Anathema Archive, which could call up any spell the holder of the archive knew, as well as a number of spells from early in Thasillon's history, also sacred to the order. But using the Archive took a toll on the user, and once used, the Archive could not be opened for another 24 hours by any means. It was their ultimate bitten thumb towards magic wielders of the day; to have an instant repository of knowledge available, but limit it's use and hurt the user.
DC50: There was speculation among a very few scholars of the day, that the rise of Virtues and their perversion into Sin magic coincided with the Therassic Order losing favor to a test ground for magical creation, called Runeforge. Some think that the Therassic Order secretly worked for millennia to twist and destroy magic as punishment for losing their status as wardens of the schools of magic, and also secretly developed an eighth school of magic, which they kept hidden so that the Runelords would not see their demise when it came to pass.

GustavoMalek |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

After a long time, I decided to organize my notes about the campaign's loot and items and make a spreadsheet with various information that I think are useful, such as where each item was found, what is its value, its sales value, weight, etc.
Warning: SPOILERS in the link.
Rise of the Runelords Loot List Google Spreadsheet
Currently (07/20/2017) I only put the loot of the Burnt Offerings chapter, but I will add the other chapters in the sequence in the same file.

![]() |
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@mousmous - I'm doing something similar with my players. In our next session, the PCs will spend some time in Kaer Maga between the end of Hook Mountain Massacre and the beginning of Fortress of the Stone Giants. To give them a chance to uncover a little more about ancient Thassilon and what might be ahead of them, I am planning to give them a chance to research in the Therassic Spire using the library combat rules in Ultimate Intrigue. Here is how I have it set up currently, although I might adjust it a bit before we play.
The monks demand a donation of books as the price of admission for research (minimum 2, may not be a book purchased in Kaer Maga, buys two weeks access). Any spellbook found during the adventure will do, but if those are too valuable, the PCs have also picked up some random books along the way, including the following volumes I added to the random loot the PCs found at Graul Farm (taken from the excellent table of random book titles and descriptions in "I Loot the Bag of Holding," by Raging Swan Press):
- "Fightin’ McGee’s Fightin’ Handbook" contains several useful unarmed combat techniques.
- "The Comprehensive Guide to Rocks" is a boring read for the most part; the last bit discusses unearthly ores and their properties.
- "Mongob’s Confectionary Guide".
- "To Serve Halflings", displaying a meat cleaver on its cover, contains pictographs demonstrating various ways to prepare halflings in stews and as other meal centrepieces.
The Therassic Spire library provides researchers with a +4 on Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (local) checks for research relating to ancient Thassilon.
CR 13
DC/Complexity 38 (difficult)
KP 39
Languages Common, Giant, Thassilonian, Varisian
Research Thresholds
DC 33: Nobody knows how old the structure of Kaer Maga really is, who built it, or why. Its current inhabitants believe that the city has been continuously inhabited by humans and humanoids since the days of ancient Thassilon before Earthfall.
DC 23: Information about the Thassilonian schools of magic, sins, virtues.
Thassilonian Magic (taken from the appendix in the Anniversary Edition): While the concept of wizard specializations along the classically recognized schools of magic certainly dates back to the time of Azlant—and perhaps beyond, into the dim recesses of time before humanity rose to prominence—it was the runelords of Thassilon who explored school specialization to its full extreme.
Focusing their research on the discovery that each school of magic was opposed by two specific opposition schools, the runelords developed methods of further enhancing their mastery over their chosen arcane specialties. Essentially, they defined these seven schools as much by what they couldn’t do as by what they could. By excising “impurities” introduced by fixed oppositional schools, they traded arcane versatility for greater strength in their chosen fields. (I will then give them a handout with the chart from the Appendix.)
DC 15: About 20 years ago, several Thassilonian swords that were in private collections were stolen. It is not clear from this source whether they were ever recovered.
DC 5: You locate *A Small Part of the Band* (a memoir that will let my players run an abbreviated version of the The Seven Swords of Sin, set a generation before our RotRL campaign, using a set of new characters created for that purpose - all are halflings or gnomes, 8th level, with two levels of bard, because three of the players are young teens and they enjoy a gimmick).
DC 0: For as long as anyone can remember, stone giant tribes of the Storval Plateau have avoided a Thassilonian ruin known as the Vale of the Black Tower as taboo. Recent accounts from wandering tribes of Varisians suggest that someone has taken up residence there within the last few years. This book includes a hand-drawn map showing roughly where on the Storval Plains the valley is located.

Latrecis |
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Side note: I didn't notice until one of my players pointed it out, but Mammy's picture is NSFW. Which just adds to the disturbing factor.
My first reaction: Really? I never noticed that. I should go look.
Then I made my Will saving throw. I don't really need to see or even think about a NSFW picture of Mammy Graul. There are some things you can't un-see. Or un-know.

GustavoMalek |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yossarian |
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Eye of Avarice - Isometric battle map
My PCs are a session or two away from the Eye of Avarice. The Eye has a lot of verticality so I made an isometric map, which is printed out large size and used with minis. I changed the layout a bit, mostly so the rune giant could get around, so it's not identical to the map in the book.

GustavoMalek |

Yossarian wrote:And this time a working linkEye of Avarice - Isometric battle map
This is amazing, Yossarian. Very useful.

![]() |

Yossarian wrote:And this time a working linkEye of Avarice - Isometric battle map
This is terrific - thanks!

Adjoint |

Sorry to necro an old post, but I can't get these links to download anymore. The site just keeps saying sorry. Does anyone have the catacombs of wrath somewhere I can download?

Yossarian |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Eye of Avarice - Isometric battle map - Full colour pdf
Seems like people like the isometric map, so I've made a full colour version. If you can find a colour printer large enough (or stitch together multiple pages) it can be used as a print-out battle mat - the map is vector so scales to any size.
View Eye of Avarice - Isometric battle map - Full colour pdf
And a png if you don't like pdf...
View Eye of Avarice - Isometric battle map - Full colour png

JDragon_ITTS |

Pinnacle of Avarice - alarm response map
When the players finally reach the Pinnacle of Avarice the majority of the inhabitants respond to alarms when the PCs are spotted. I made a map to help keep track of this, with the locations of the various enemies, their speed and response times. The grey background mobs don't respond to alarms.
First, thanks for the document it looks to be a great help.
Second, what are the Alarms that are mentioned in the book? I don't recall any details on an alarm other than multiple mentions of if and how long creatures wait to respond.
Is the "alarm" just the sound of combat and then word of mouth or something else?

Yossarian |

Yossarian wrote:Pinnacle of Avarice - alarm response map
When the players finally reach the Pinnacle of Avarice the majority of the inhabitants respond to alarms when the PCs are spotted. I made a map to help keep track of this, with the locations of the various enemies, their speed and response times. The grey background mobs don't respond to alarms.
First, thanks for the document it looks to be a great help.
Second, what are the Alarms that are mentioned in the book? I don't recall any details on an alarm other than multiple mentions of if and how long creatures wait to respond.
Is the "alarm" just the sound of combat and then word of mouth or something else?
Hi, there's not a literal bell alarm but to quote the AP, under the 'Pinnacle Resources' section:
"Once a fight begins, word spreads fast. If the PCs don't handle their fights quickly and decisively, they swiftly find themselves being overwhelmed by lamias, giants and worse"
along with...
"Although there's no wandering monster chart for the Pinnacle, the sound of combat here quickly attracts the attention of those who dwell within. How long it takes creatures in neighbouring rooms to respond to combat and join in is mostly just a factor of their speed - as a result, fights here should have a tendency to spiral out of control fast, as more and more reinforcements arrive.... Overall, exploration of this complex shouldn't feel like a dungeon crawl as much as a long, drawn out battle that spans multiple rooms and opponents."
Then it details how quickly the various creatures respond to 'the alarm'.
I had this work as the sound of fighting travelling pretty far through the halls. Plus I had Khalib cast a few Alarm spells and similar. Viorian is close to the entrance and will notice PCs very soon. I also gave fairly easy perception DCs for my PCs to hear the enemies approaching. Giants running through corridors towards you in plate armour is pretty loud!

GustavoMalek |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, it's finally complete.
Below is the link to a google spreadsheet containing all the loot inventory of the Adventure Path Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition (all six chapters).
It lists all of the items (properly priced) indicated as treasures, equipment and gear carried by opposing NPCs and allies that may fall during the adventure (or be confronted by the PCs).
The list also tells the origin of each item, specifically mentioning each encounter. It also informs the weight of each item (in pounds and kilograms), so the GM can know exactly if the PCs can easily carry those 34 Doglicers and the gargantuan helmet.
It also highlighs the coins and the magic items, So the GM can find them at a glance.
You can make a copy of the spreadsheet for your Google account and edit it any way you whant (by adding columns, changing the names of items, adding items, etc.).
Well, enough talk. Here's the link.
WARNING: SPOILERS in the link below.

Bellona |

Pinnacle of Avarice - alarm response map
When the players finally reach the Pinnacle of Avarice the majority of the inhabitants respond to alarms when the PCs are spotted. I made a map to help keep track of this, with the locations of the various enemies, their speed and response times. The grey background mobs don't respond to alarms.
Somehow, I missed commenting on this map when you first posted it, but thank you for putting it together. I'm looking forward to using it when my two groups get that far.
A couple of questions/comments:
Why do the X-1 and one of the X-13 inhabitants have a red strike-through line?
It might be helpful to include the scale, particularly if the map is the only one that a GM is using to run that section.
The "5 round delay" notation: is that meant to represent five rounds before they leave their rooms in order to find the combat, or five rounds before they arrive at X-1 (or X-2)?

Bellona |

Well, it's finally complete.
Below is the link to a google spreadsheet containing all the loot inventory of the Adventure Path Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition (all six chapters).
It lists all of the items (properly priced) indicated as treasures, equipment and gear carried by opposing NPCs and allies that may fall during the adventure (or be confronted by the PCs).
The list also tells the origin of each item, specifically mentioning each encounter. It also informs the weight of each item (in pounds and kilograms), so the GM can know exactly if the PCs can easily carry those 34 Doglicers and the gargantuan helmet.
It also highlighs the coins and the magic items, So the GM can find them at a glance.
You can make a copy of the spreadsheet for your Google account and edit it any way you whant (by adding columns, changing the names of items, adding items, etc.).
Well, enough talk. Here's the link.
WARNING: SPOILERS in the link below.
Excellent work! Thank you for such fantastic attention to detail. It will certainly make my GM'ing life much easier! :)

Yossarian |

Somehow, I missed commenting on this map when you first posted it, but thank you for putting it together. I'm looking forward to using it when my two groups get that far.
A couple of questions/comments:
Why do the X-1 and one of the X-13 inhabitants have a red strike-through line?
It might be helpful to include the scale, particularly if the map is the only one that a GM is using to run that section.
The "5 round delay" notation: is that meant to represent five rounds before they leave their rooms in order to find the combat, or five rounds before they arrive at X-1 (or X-2)?
The red lines i've removed - I was using them to record my PC's progress and accidentally updated the shared file!
The size of the squares is from the main map - so its 10ft, which is pretty large and hard to handle, but there you go. It has to be giant sized.
The 5 round delay is from the book as written (p346 anniversary edition) - 'Viorian spends most of her time in area X3, patiently awaiting the will of her master. She and her three giant guardians remain here unless an alarm persists for 5 rounds, at which point they move to provide aid'.

GustavoMalek |

Two questions: Any way we can get a copy of this because that's a big list to print, and if so, is there a way to either filter or sort out without destroying the list? Either way, this list is still extremely handy!
Yes, for both the questions.
I recommend you to make a copy of the file before you edit it (File Menu > Make a copy).
To print only a few rows, select the rows you want to print, then go to Menu File > Print, and select the selected cells in the dropdown menu in the right.

GustavoMalek |

Latrecis |

mousmous |

Inspired by the isometric map of Yossarin, I decided to a 3D model the map of the Eye of Avarice in order to verify the layout and measures of the battlefield as described in the adventure.
That's really great work. Makes me wish this would get done before publishing... it shows that the stairs up to the Soul Lens and to the two observation platforms are a bit steep. I'm planning on building this for my group, and I will definitely use your stellar work as a guide. Thank you for doing this!

Yossarian |

Inspired by the isometric map of Yossarin, I decided to a 3D model the map of the Eye of Avarice in order to verify the layout and measures of the battlefield as described in the adventure.
That's dedication! It's great to see the whole space. It makes it much easier to visualise the battle. It's really hard to picture the place based on the 2d map, simple because of all the verticality.
Yours looks as per the book. I confess I simplified my map just a little for usability purposes. But its fundamentally the same space, distances, heights and so on.