Digital Mystic |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Been a while since I posted anything new. I have been wanting to see some maps of major sandpoint buildings that ARENT part of the main adventure line. I think they are very useful for side adventures. I decided I had some spare time recently and figured I should be the change I want to see so... here is my latest effort. The Sandpoint Theatre!
Balcony Floor with 1st floor blurred..
Balcony Floor with 1st unblurred..
Balcony Floor alone as an overlay.
I am, as always, open to advice or input.

Zebbie |

Been a while since I posted anything new. I have been wanting to see some maps of major sandpoint buildings that ARENT part of the main adventure line. I think they are very useful for side adventures. I decided I had some spare time recently and figured I should be the change I want to see so... here is my latest effort. The Sandpoint Theatre!
Great job, and thanks for taking the time to create and share these. I wish I was better at maps as I would lend a hand. So many gifted mappers have helped my game more then I can express thanks for.
Does any one have a map of Sandpoint for Chapter 5, with a opening to Lamashtu's Shrine below?

Zebbie |

That is a very interesting idea there Zebbie... where is that opening supposed to be again? I might have a map I can adapt for it....
Sounds great. While my current group has completed this section, I felt like it was a area that a map could have been useful and kind of neat to show the group at the time.
As per the location, it states "a sinkhole suddenly yawned in the middle of Tower Street,just north of the Garrison. A few guards were injured and the sinkhole swallowed a chunk of the Garrison's
north wall, but fortunately, the cells in the north side were all vacant."
Further goes to describe: "The sinkhole itself stabilized at a width of 3o feet, reaching the diameter of the street and consuming a portion of the Garrison wall to the south-several basement jail cells hang open in the sloping southern wall of the sinkhole. The sinkhole is 15 feet deep. A successful DC 12 Perception check is required to see a narrow opening along its northwest side at the deepest point, which seems to be a tunnel leading underground. Clambering down the steep slopes of the sinkhole requires a successful DC 15 Climb check, unless the route from the exposed jail cells is used. That is the route the first group of guards took into the hole-it's only a DC 10 Climb check there." Pg 239 ROTRL AE

GustavoMalek |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Does any one have a map of Sandpoint for Chapter 5, with a opening to Lamashtu's Shrine below?
I did not create a special map for these encounters. Since I'm using a VTT, when I've played the Chapter 4 when the giants attacked Sandpoint I resized the city map to use in the scale of the heroes (5ft). It was a huge map (264x390 squares), but doing so I did not need to worry more about having a map for each encounter and they could occur freely where PCs were. Thus, in Chap. 5 I just put a hole in the Tower Street, just north of the garrison.

Zebbie |

Here we go Zebbie! As it turns out this one was quick and easy.
Excellent! I had forgotten, until shortly after I had posted that you had a great Garrison map already created. So happy to have your skills in this community. Looks perfect!
Also thanks GustovaMalek, was a great suggestion on how to handle it. I had done something like that in my game as well. During the second raid on Sandpoint a huge map of the city was the only way to go.

Digital Mystic |
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Ok here is something else. I take no credit for this work. The vast majority of everything that is awesome about this map is work done by Hero339 from Deviant Art. He made some other amazing maps for RotRL which are listed above. This map, however, was not designed for this AP. I did some minor adaptation to place it on the waterfront and place a road to the side of it... so that it might serve as a useable map for the Fatman's Feedbag! I post it here with his approval for everyone to use, and of course take no credit. All the important work was his.
Here is my slightly altered map.
Here is the downstairs with the dog fighting pit.
Next I am working on Savah's Armory.

Digital Mystic |

Maelwynn |
Hey folks!
Loving the posts and the maps. My group has slowly worked our way up to the final chapter of ROTR over almost 3 years, but we're only 4 parts from the end.
We've been using your amazing maps and other resources to make our campaign brilliant, and now that we're almost at the end, we're running short of maps. I can make some for the encounters that are left (but they'll be terrible as i've not got any real skill in that department), so i'm wondering if any of the brilliant map makers are working on maps for some of the encounters towards the end of chapter six?
Specifically, i'm looking for Roll20 compatible maps for
- Krak Naratha
- The Giant Encampment
- The Abominable Dome
- The Tangle
- The Hidden Path
- Invaders from Leng
If anyone's got anything at all (even half finished) for those encounters, if you could post it up as we're going to be using them in the next couple of weeks.

Digital Mystic |

Sorry Maelwynn, not sure I will have time to take care of those for you in time.
But, I am not empty handed entirely. Here is something I slapped together for my game later today.
Smuggler Grotto North of Sandpoint at the end of the cave from the Glassworks Basement. I think Mr. T will escape to here for a dramatic beach front fight with the PCs. Perhaps there will be some extra Gobos lying in wait to help the Longshanks. Who knows?

GustavoMalek |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

For chapter 3, here is an Order of the Black Arrow Insignia Handout
And for chapter 5, here is the Handout 5-1 (Scribbler's Rhyme) divided in the five stanzas in Thassilonian and in Portuguese:
Handout 5-1: The Scribbler's Rhyme - 1st Stanza - Thassilonian
Handout 5-1: The Scribbler's Rhyme - 1st Stanza - Portuguese
Handout 5-1: The Scribbler's Rhyme - 2nd Stanza - Thassilonian
Handout 5-1: The Scribbler's Rhyme - 2nd Stanza - Portuguese
Handout 5-1: The Scribbler's Rhyme - 3rd Stanza - Thassilonian
Handout 5-1: The Scribbler's Rhyme - 3rd Stanza - Portuguese
Handout 5-1: The Scribbler's Rhyme - 4th Stanza - Thassilonian
Handout 5-1: The Scribbler's Rhyme - 4th Stanza - Portuguese
Handout 5-1: The Scribbler's Rime - 5th Stanza - Thassilonian
Handout 5-1: The Scribbler's Rime - 5th Stanza - Portuguese

GustavoMalek |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Those are some gorgeous handouts, Gustavo!
Thanks, Landon.
I remembered that I have some more handouts that may be useful for portuguese speakers. The translation into Portuguese was made by me, including some names, which may displease some who may prefer the original version in English.
Chapter 1 - Burnt Offerings:
Handout 1-1 - Tsuto's Letter in Minkaian.
Handout 1-1 - Tsuto's Letter translated into portuguese.
Handout 2-1 - Tsuto's Journal.
Chapter 2 - The Skinsaw Murders:
Handout 2-1 - Foxglove's obsession parchment: LUST.
Handout 2-1 - Foxglove's obsession parchment: ENVY.
Handout 2-1 - Foxglove's obsession parchment: WRATH.
Handout 2-2 - Foxglove's note to Mortwell, Hask and Tabe.
Handout 2-3 - Foxglove's obsession parchment: LUST.
Handout 2-3 - Foxglove's obsession parchment: ENVY.
Handout 2-3 - Foxglove's obsession parchment: WRATH.
Handout 2-4 - Foxglove's obsession parchment: LUST.
Handout 2-4 - Foxglove's obsession parchment: ENVY.
Handout 2-4 - Foxglove's obsession parchment: WRATH.
Handout 2-5 - Xanesha's letter to Aldern Foxglove.
Handout 2-6 - Deed to Foxglove Manor.
Handout 2-7 - Lucrecia's letter to Xanesha.
Chapter 3 - The Hook Mountain Massacre:
Handout 3-2 - Mokmurian's letter to Barl Breakbones in Giant.
Handout 3-2 - Mokmurian's letter to Barl Breakbones translated to portuguese.
Chapter 4 - Fortress of Giant Stone:
Handout 4-1 - Writ of Entrance and Access to the Library in Thassilonian.
Handout 4-1 - Writ of Entrance and Access to the Library translated to portuguese.
Handout 4-2 - Mokmurian's map of the Lost Coast region of Varisia with notes in Giant.
Handout 4-2 - Mokmurian's map of the Lost Coast region of Varisia with notes translated to portuguese.

Peet |
9 people marked this as a favorite. |

Reworked floor plans for Fort Rannick
From the illustration the fort looks like a plausible medieval structure. However, the floor plans don't do it justice, and in some ways seem downright nonsensical.
The biggest issue with the layout of the fort is the lack of supporting walls. The second floor of the fort is a round tower with a thick stone wall. But on the first floor, underneath these walls, there is... nothing. A few of the thin wooden walls of the first floor cross over the spots where the stone walls would lie. A back of envelope calculation I made for the mass of the walls of the round tower on the second level (with the smaller bell tower) came in at approximately 10,000 tons.
Even if the beams of the ceiling were capable of supporting this weight (and I do not believe they could), a couple of fireball spells would knock out enough walls that the whole thing should collapse.
The basic rule of castles, and of stone structures in general, is that the stone walls must reach down to the foundations of the building. Even with modern construction this is true. Something has to support the weight. Certain effects can be achieved with arches and other such structures, but these things will be obvious within the floor plans, and none are present in the published map of Fort Rannick.
The second issue is that the maps do not reflect the vertical height of the tower as shown in the illustration of the fort. For the illustration to be accurate, the tower should be 4 or 5 stories tall, not 2.
A third issue is that the facilities within the fort are not sufficient to house the members of the black arrows that are garrisoned there. Though there were supposedly 50 or so members of the order, the "barracks" shows only eight beds. Even if these are bunk beds that still only houses a fraction of what is necessary. Likewise the mess hall looks like it could host maybe 15-20 people at most.
I decided to re-do the layout of the fort in order to address these issues.
Some notes on the new layout:
Ground Floor
The ground level consists of the tower and a bailey surrounded by walls. The outer walls are solid at this level for structural integrity. Entrance is through the main gate to the south. Enemies in this area are exposed to archery fire from the towers and walls above. To access the keep they must pass through a tunnel going through the base of the bell tower. The tunnel is a suitable size for humans but ogres and other giants would find it cramped. A portcullis at either end of the tunnel bars entry and potentially traps enemies in the space between them. Once past the the second portcullis you are in the inner bailey and a stairway curls around the side of the wall of the keep up to the entrance.
Within the first floor are rooms B18, B21, B22, and B27, as described in the adventure. The pantry (B27) includes a trap door in the ceiling (not shown) that leads to the kitchen. There is also a wine cellar; the door to this was smashed open by the ogres and the cellar has been cleaned out. Spilt wine and broken glass litter the floor, and the stairway leads down to the prison below where Lucretia has taken up residence. Furthermore there is a cold storage room for keeping perishables; thanks to a permanent version of an endure elements spell the room is kept at only a couple degrees above freezing. However, like the pantry the room has been cleaned out.
This level is built on bedrock so the floors will be stone.
Second Floor
This floor includes the kitchen (B26) which has 3 ovens and a long narrow prep area. The trapdoor in the floor leads to the pantry below. The mess hall (B25) is large and able to seat 48 people at once. The ceiling is open to the third level; the stairway at the west end of the room leads up to a balcony overlooking most of the room. Note: put the encounter that was originally in the Tribunal (B31) here; this is the only room in the place that has a high enough ceiling to have that encounter.
"Quarters" indicates living space for the kitchen staff. This is a job for young new recruits and is also a "punishment" duty. The stairs in this room lead down to the ground floor. The adjacent guardroom has winches for raising and lowering the portcullises as well as a pair of murder holes in the floor to allow guards to attack enemies trapped in the passage below. The fireplace can be used to boil oil which can then be poured out on enemies in the passage below.
The outer wall is pierced by two arrow slits on either side of the gate (these appear in the illustration). Archers manning these slits climb down from the upper part of the wall by rope ladder.
For this level and above the floors will be wooden planks supported by rafters going from one stone wall to the other.
Third Floor
The main gate to the keep is on this level. After climbing the stairs, an ogre would have to make a tight squeeze to the left to get at the main doors; the angle is such that it would be impossible to bring a battering ram to bear against the gate. Even if the gate is breached, a second gate lies beyond it, and anyone in the passage could be fired on through arrowslits by guards in the armory. After that gate another similar short passage can be fired on from both sides, and doors on the sides can be opened to allow defenders to flank an ogre attacking the third pair of doors.
The main double doors open into the upper level of the mess hall; this is a balcony that overlooks the hall. A dining area for officers is to the east and the stairs to the west lead down to the main part of the mess. A walkway allows access to the arrowslit facing south, but the arrowslit to the southwest never faces and enemy and is only used to let light into the room.
B19 is an armory (as described in the adventure) and the eastern part of the armory is the round bell tower which has a door allowing access to the top of the outer wall, as well as stairs up to the fourth floor. The Guardroom across from the armory is a secondary room that is used as a stopover spot for rangers on their way out to go on patrol or on their way back, and would normally have some hot food and beverages available when the mess is not in use.
Note the small gallery opposite the stairs in the inner bailey. If the inner bailey was penetrated, archers could use the gallery to shoot at enemies trying to ascend the staircase. The round towers on the outer wall have trapdoors in the ceiling that allow access to the roof (not shown).
Fourth Floor
Access to this floor is via stairs in the bell tower (B34), which continue up to the fifth floor. The barracks (B24) has 14 triple bunk beds, enough to house 42 people. The infirmary is as described in the adventure.
The chapel (B29) is as described in the module, except that I added an extra altar. The north section is dedicated to Erastil, while the western section is dedicated to Iomedae (my party had an Iomedaean paladin so I wanted to give him something to get mad about). When the Iomedaean section is in use, the Erastil section is closed off with a curtain, and vice versa. The pews can be arranged to face in either direction. The small trap doors in the floors are murder holes that can be used to attack intruders in the entrance hallway below.
The tops of the outer towers light could have had light ballistae but they would have been destroyed by the ogres by the time the players arrive.
Fifth Floor
This floor houses the commander and any important guests the order might have; officers of the order might use the other bedrooms when they are not required for visitors. Encounters are as listed in the adventure. The tower stairs lead up to the bell tower above and the roof of the keep.

Frozen Treats |

I'm in the same boat as Maelwynn. Three years of campaigning, and they're just now starting Chapter 6. I've found great maps for Vekker's cabin & environs, the Pinnacle of Avarice, Lair of the Hidden Beast, Heptaric Locus, and the Eye of Avarice ... but nothing for all of the other locations in Xin Shalast.
Anyone working on these, or have anything even half finished?
Just wanted to thank this wonderful community again - these maps have really improved the playing experience for my party over the years! Very grateful.

Digital Mystic |

Well I started looking at things for these maps you are asking for. First up I looked at Krag Naratha, and noticed something kind of surprising to me. This map would be HUUUUUGE. Every square on that map is a 10ft square... not 5. The scale of this place is just totally off the charts. I would recommend just using an open ground battle map for that. Perhaps one of the flip mats, or just any flat open battle map you can find.
Ill take a look at the Giant encampment next.

Digital Mystic |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ok so no maps today, but I have been hard at work building some handouts for the Catacombs of Wrath. I worked up a Thassilonian Font (available HERE ) which I used to produce several pages of the Prayerbook of Lamashtu . I also made a Translated version . The last page of each is, naturally just a joke. Not sure if I will leave it in for my guys or not. I also wrote up a a book that fills in some back story on Malfeshnekor.
Full disclosure, all of this is not original to me. I did some minor fleshing out of work done by a Reddit user named IAMASTOCKBROKER . Most of the credit goes to him without a doubt.

TwoWolves |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ok so no maps today, but I have been hard at work building some handouts for the Catacombs of Wrath. I worked up a Thassilonian Font (available HERE ) which I used to produce several pages of the Prayerbook of Lamashtu . I also made a Translated version . The last page of each is, naturally just a joke. Not sure if I will leave it in for my guys or not. I also wrote up a a book that fills in some back story on Malfeshnekor.
Full disclosure, all of this is not original to me. I did some minor fleshing out of work done by a Reddit user named IAMASTOCKBROKER . Most of the credit goes to him without a doubt.
Trogdor? Seriously? LoL

HellFire442 |
I just switched from tabletop to Roll20 due to players moving about the country (now spread across 3 time zones...) I loved the maps here before, but this is just amazing now.
Between taking snapshots of the pdf, the handouts here, and all the maps this is quickly becoming an awesome campaign (we didn't even use maps and tokens before hand...).
I do have a question though. For those of you who have played RotRL in Roll20, what did you use for tokens of named NPCs and BBEGs? I have many tokens... but not sure about populating Sandpoint and more.

Urath DM |

Token Resources:
Devin Night has made his first 20 token packs free. Search for "Devin Night" on Roll20, and you will find a variety there. These free tokens are his earlier works, and are not quite correctly scaled (visually) for what you might expect. For example, goblins look the same size as Medium creatures. The packs do include things like some animals, camp scenes, bodies, as well as characters and a few townsfolk (not enough to give everyone in Sandpoint a unique token, though).
On his site, he has a couple of free token packs with Pathfinder characters. These were made on commission for paying customers who have agreed to make them available to the public. Gogmurt, Koruvus, Ameiko, Shalelu, and more are there.
His kickstarter included a good number of basic monsters.
Many of the other packs are probably available through Roll20's marketplace. I prefer to buy direct from Devin Night's site, so I can use them in multiple places.
You could also choose to pick up some of the Pathfidner Paper Minis here on Paizo's site. There is a Sandpoint townsfolk set in addition to the sets for each part of the AP. You could extract the images and with a little cropping make full-face tokens out of them for your own use.

langen |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
I did a search but didn't see anything: If any of your players wish to go see "The Harpy's Curse", I built a plot summary for the play.
Lamashtu: Goddess of Beasts and Madness
Gozreh: God of Nature
Alanna: Avisera's mother
Corvaine: Avisera's suitor
Venrus: Avisera's older brother
Vaenne: Harpy
Selaya: Corvaine's sister
Pelene: cleric of Gozreh
Morthalus was a fisherman who lived on Elsvein, one of the islands of the Iresfall quays, northeast of Magnimar. He struggles with the nature of the divine, and creates a destiny for his children through his own actions because he refuses to accept his fate.
Act 1 Scene 1:
Lamashtu and Gozreh argue about the nature of storms, Lamashtu claiming them as agents of chaos and Gozreh as a relationship between air and water
Act 1 Scene 2:
While piloting his small fishing boat a storm rolls in unexpectedly, and Morthalus overcorrects, ending up crashing on the sunken rocks that have formed a reef around Iresfall. He explains his plight to Gozreh and begs for aid.
Morthalus is saved by Vaenne, a harpy who seems well adapted to storms such as this, and brought to a smaller island, away from his home.
Act 1 Scene 3:
Alanna visits Pelene, a cleric of Gozreh and pleads with Gozreh to release her husband to her safely, promising to stay faithful to the God.
Act 1 Scene 4:
Vaenne tempts Morthalus into praying to Lamashtu, her goddess. When he relents, Vaenne provides a boat with which Morthalus is able to escape the island and returns home. Alanna thanks Gozreh.
Act 1 Scene 5:
Morthalus and Alanna, older, speak about their son Venrus and daughter Avisera. Morthalus notes the strange circumstances of his children's births. Venrus was born with a club foot and fingers on his left hand fused together. Avisera was born covered in soft downy feathers, which fell out as she grew older. Pelene contrasts her own experiences with her children, Corvaine and Selaya, but is unable to convince Morthalus and Alanna that anything is wrong
Act 2 Scene 1:
Avisera visits Pelene and Selaya to ask for Gozreh's blessing on her father, who seems to have become less successful at fishing. She sees Corvaine as more than a child for the first time.
Act 2 Scene 2:
Venrus and Corvaine make a bet about who is the better fisherman. They each bet a date with the other's sister. Both assume they have the favor of Gozreh, but Corvaine is the winner. He wins the opportunity to court Avisera.
Act 2 Scene 3:
Venrus is upset about being defeated by Corvaine, and speaks with his parents about Gozreh. Alanna reminds Venrus that one cannot rely on the divine alone for the outcome of events.
Act 2 Scene 4
Corvaine and Avisera take a walk on the beach, and are interrupted by a strange woman, who brings Avisera terrible news that she will become a harpy on her 20th birthday. Avisera denies this as the ramblings of an old woman.
Act 2 Scene 4:
Avisera speaks with her mother Alanna and her friend Selaya about what the old woman said. Both women try to convince Avisera to ask for Pelene's aid, but she refuses.
Act 2 Scene 5:
Avisera decides to run away with Corvaine and asks him to take her away.
Act 3 Scene 1:
Corvaine and Avisera flee Elsvein, only to find themselves stranded in the Varisian Gulf.
Act 3 Scene 2:
Fearing the worst, Pelene asks Gozreh for guidance, and is sent a vision of her child adrift in the Varisian Gulf. She pleads with Morthalus to go save the young adults.
Act 3 Scene 3:
Morthalus and Venrus leave Alanna to seek out Corvaine and Avisera
Act 3 Scene 4:
Corvaine and Avisera are on the brink of dying of thirst. Avisera pleads with a nameless power to save her love, Corvaine.
Act 3 Scene 5:
Vaenne arrives while Avisera is sleeping, and entreats with Corvaine. Corvaine pledges himself to Lamashtu in order to save Avisera.
Act 4 Scene 1:
Erastil pleads with Gozreh to allow Morthalus to save his daughter.
Act 4 Scene 2:
Morthalus and Venrus see Vaenne, Corvaine and Avisera, the latter beginning to change but unable to see it in themselves.
Act 4 Scene 3:
Morthalus pleads with Corvaine to get them to return to Elsvein, Venrus gets into Corvaine's boat to try to force them. Corvaine ends up killing Venrus.
Act 4 Scene 4:
Corvaine and Avisera reach the shore, and see themselves anew, their love ripped away due to the changes in their forms.
Act 5 Scene 1:
Avisera accepts her position among the harpies, and kills Corvaine to pass a trial of coming of age.
Act 5 Scene 2:
Morthalus returns broken hearted to Elsvein, and explains what happened to Alanna.
Act 5 Scene 3:
Erastil admonishes Gozreh for allowing such terrible things to happen.

Urath DM |

Hmm, I have the Paizo RotRL Pawn Collection PDF that I printed for my use. I might take those and make named NPC and vilian images with a round border.. Would I be violating a copywrite or anything if it was uploaded here?
I am not a lawyer, but since posting them anywhere to share would be re-distributing altered artwork that you do not own the copyright to.. yes, that would be a violation.

Digital Mystic |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

So it looks like Hero339 released more of his amazing maps on Deviant Art . If any of you guys have accounts over there you should drop him a quick note saying how much you appreciate what he has done. I know I will. So without further ado... here they are.
Hambley Farm 1st Floor and Barn Night
hambley farm 1st Floor and Barn Day
It looks like he added a second entrance to the basement in case you want the necromancer to escape to harry the players later. Nice Touch!

![]() |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I just put together a Google Doc of Aldern Foxglove's letters. In my game, all of the aliases are killing, so some say "The Hurter" or "The Skinsaw Man"
I'm trying to fool the players into thinking that Aldern is being coerced by the other two.

Zhyth |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

I've been running Rise of the Runelords for the last while now, and my players are just about to get to Xin-Shalast. This community has been such a massive boon to me, what with all of the beautiful maps and handouts created by you wonderful people, that it really surprised me when I realized that nobody had taken it upon themselves to create any new maps for the Xin-Shalast areas (excluding the ones that were already given maps in the books, of course!)
Because of this, I decided to take it upon myself to use my terribly mediocre image editing skills to create maps for a variety of the named locations in Xin-Shalast. Taking some inspiration from ideas presented in the Spires of Xin-Shalast thread, I came up with some reasonable maps for the areas I decided to include in my game.
So, without further ado, I present my humble collection of s+&&ty maps (all using 70 pixel squares, as is standard for Roll20):
- Krak Naratha, 40x60
- Giant Encampment, 40x40
- Abominable Dome, 50x50
- Spolarium, 30x40
- Temple of the Sihedron, 30x30
- Shahlaria, 50x40
As I said, they're not pretty, but I whipped them up in around an hour each, and I'm decently satisfied with the results. Hopefully they'll prove even a little bit as useful to the people here as your works have for me :)

The Only Sheet |

I just discovered this thread... what a treasure trove for our RotRL game, which I started DMing for my kids!!
May I inquire if there is a site which contains *all* the links presented here, maintained to the latest versions of images/handouts/etc?
As far as I know, posts on this forum can't be edited (updated) after a short period of time...

Chubby1968 |

May I inquire if there is a site which contains *all* the links presented here, maintained to the latest versions of images/handouts/etc?
Not as far as I know. As long as I've followed the work in this thread, there has been an update of the general status every now and then, which contains all (or most?) of the maps. Last post of this kind was back at page 22.
The template for that post is kept and updated over at pastebin.

Kanosint |
What i've been working on is a crazy-long supplement that details all the villages and points of interest on the SW Varisia map I made. Something that few will use, but I like having that area explorable for my PCs. I'm half way through but it's immense. I don't want to release it til its in as good a shape as my sandpoint guide, so it will be a while. The Alba Lilia document gives an idea of it.The basic idea is to stage an epic battle whilst the players assault Karzoug, with the players responsible for convincing various races to support their cause. Think the Battle of Five Armies at the end of The Hobbit.
Hey Yossarian,
Just curious if you're still with us. I loved (and made good use of) your lovingly crafted materials, as I am an old-school DM who enjoys Hexcrawls and Dungeoncrawls (of the megadungeon variety), and I've always been interested in the area around Sandpoint & Magnimar, so wonderful for exploring.
So if nothing else, consider this post one of encouragement and anticipation. That map you made just cries out "Explore me!" :)

Hythlodeus |

I'm currently crafting/collecting/customizing the maps and handouts for Skinsaw Murders and wonder if anyone ever made a handout out of Justice Ironbriar's journal. Nothing shows up on Google and even in this thread I can't find anything. Yet the document is the link between Ironbriar and Xanesha and therefore seems important to me...
So, just out of curiosity, am I the first GM to attempt to create that journal as a handout?

Razcar |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm currently crafting/collecting/customizing the maps and handouts for Skinsaw Murders and wonder if anyone ever made a handout out of Justice Ironbriar's journal. Nothing shows up on Google and even in this thread I can't find anything. Yet the document is the link between Ironbriar and Xanesha and therefore seems important to me...
So, just out of curiosity, am I the first GM to attempt to create that journal as a handout?
There's a great piece of writing somewhere here on the boards with extracts from the journal. Unfortunately I cannot remember who authored and posted it, but I did copy and use it as a handout for our campaign, with some modifications. (The 'Skinsaw' we played was expanded and modified, in some parts quite much. For example, I added The Golemworks Incident, and the villain of that adventure had on Xanesha's order constructed the Scarecrow from parts of an old childhood friend of the PC's from Sandpoint. When he attacked the group the head was mumbling "heeelp meee...please..." *cue evil DM's laughter*.)
Anyhow, I will include the text below. Again, this was not written by me but someone else (except, as said, a couple additions pertaining our campaign).
9 Calistril 4707
We took a gnome named Cartor Vishellan tonight. The irony amuses me no end; not three days ago, I stood in my judicial robes and awarded Vishellan a settlement of almost seventeen thousand gold, and tonight I stretch his face across the boards to join the others of my collection. I wondered, when I first dreamed of the death of Vishellan, whether this was some sort of rebuke from Father Skinsaw, but in my prayers I have come to see that it was not. Vishellan’s victory in the courts caused great disruption and suffering among his opponents – his death now will stir those waters further, and perhaps only Norgorber himself knows what chaos will be unleashed. I am once again in awe of the grandeur of my great lord’s vision, his shaping of the world, and humbled indeed to be his instrument. As ever, we have to stay careful and vigilant. The Lord of the Twisting Tomorrow does not look fondly on the reckless.
14 Calistril 4707
My faithfulness has at last been rewarded: Father Skinsaw has sent me a messenger in the flesh, rather than in my visions! And oh, how lovely she is! Her name is Xanesha, and she is as beautiful as she is faithful.
She came to me in my judicial chambers, seeming to know already my role within the Sacred Work. This is the first time in all my years since coming from Vyre that someone has uncovered my true calling. In the privacy of my chambers, she revealed Norgorber’s symbol to me, and explained that she had been sent by the Father to give our work a greater focus. She will teach us new rites, and we will better serve our god by these new dedications. She told she already has a well established cover identity in the city, as the niece of the old senile fool Toboror Hiedmark, whom she has somehow ensnared.
I can think of nothing but the glory that she brings us... nothing, that is, but she herself. It was all too easy to believe her when she said she came from Norgorber, for “divine” is the only word that captures her beauty. Before she left, she favored me with a smile – do I dare hope that my heavenly rewards might extend as far as to include her heart?
27 Pharast 4707
Father Skinsaw’s plans are broad indeed, for my beloved (oh, how I thrill at being able to call her so!) has given us much to do; we now claim a new soul for Norgorber’s glory every week, and the list my love provides runs long – and ambitiously high. The new rites we must perform in his service lengthen the ceremony as well, but the “Sihedron rune” has a certain aesthetic appeal that I find strangely compelling; I am grateful to Xanesha for revealing it to me.
18 Desnus 4707
It can only be that I have won my Xanesha’s heart, for today she revealed her true nature to me. Perhaps others would be disgusted by her curious shape, find it horrifying or even revolting, but not I; I find every aspect of her compelling, her scales glittering in the moonlight. What matter physicality, when she literally glows with the divine?
22 Erastus 4707
Oh, how I wish I did not have to write these words! Though he had served me long and well, Philus revealed himself a traitor when he burst into my rooms at the sawmill and demanded that I – that the Brothers of the Seven – cut ties with the Divine Xanesha. He claimed that she is not a messenger from Father Skinsaw, that she had turned our work to her own purposes; he even went so far as to claim she had twisted my will with some enchantment! He dared to utter that her ways was not ours, that the murders she directed us to commit now were indescreet, rash and strangely focused on greedy victims.
My love was right; I had no choice but to kill him. I wept when she explained it to me, for Philus had been not only a friend for many years, but also a selfless servant of Norgorber, giving all he had to us. He was a competent assassin as well, but the divine truth in her words was undeniable. At Xenasha’s insistence, we did not even perform the Sihedron rites upon him. He died without the new sign of Norgorber’s favor. The Sacred Work is above all other matters.
4 Arodus 4707
I still sorrow for Philus’ death, so tonight Xanesha took me hunting with her and the faceless stalkers that service her. She savours manflesh, as does her servants, and who am I to question the Divine? I am still in awe at her power: the speed with which she fought, her grace as she flew, the skill and fury with which she struck. I know these are the workings of her spells – some are even ones I can call upon myself – but somehow, they seem greater when she performs them.
The only sour note in our evening together was when we returned.
I dislike the Clocktower and, for that matter, all of the Shade; the area is a festering filth, and my love does not deserve to nest in such squalor. That she meets with that piece of filth Liescu , mage of those Szcarni outlaws The Gallowed, is truly beneath her. It is good that she has an additional identity in the respectable part of the city as Sharissa, but I wish that would have been enough for her. She tells me that she has grand designs, and that I should not trouble my mortal mind trying to fathom Father Skinsaw's plans. But yet it troubles me, that I do not know of all her dealings and affairs. I know that she writes letters and communicates magically with other cells of Norgorber around Varisa, as she has told me, yet I wished that she would let me know more of her plans.
17 Arodus 4707
A complication today, but perhaps also a possibility. Foxglove’s heir, that idiot fop Aldern, seems to have killed his wife in a fit of jealousy, and has come to the Brothers for aid. I dislike the boy and have little taste for the extra work that dealing with the matter will entail, but the Foxglove family still has resources, financial and otherwise, that the Brothers could make use of. And after all, his great uncle Vorel was a good friend of mine and a valuable member of the Seven. After discussing the matter with Xanesha, I have decided that we will take on Aldern’s... difficulty. He should be more than malleable enough to be useful in the long term. We will drain his resources and see where the desperation leads him.
25 Rova 4707
In an odd twist of fate was my bastard son Tsuto delivered to me, in my role as Justice. I have plenty of these bastards spread over Varisa since my time as a travelling lawman, and I have been keeping some under my eye as they grew. This one is a fool though, allying himself with that fanatic Nualia that my dear Xanesha insisted we would help. Lamasthu is truly an abhorrible goddess, uncouth and filthy. I cannot accept that one of my own blood would lie with a priestess of that foul demon. Nevertheless, with Nualia having been defeated by some upstart gang of peasants from Sandpoint (which seems to trouble the Queen of my Heart) Tsuto is now being sent here as a prisoner of the City. I will file the paperwork to sentence him to Fort Rannick and the Black Arrows for 10 years of hard labor, but will instead free him and send him to my Love as protection and as an assistant.
10 Neth 4707
We have lost contact with Andretti. My investigations tells me it was that meddling band of adventurers from Sandpoint again. So we have lost our supply of the paralyzing poison, the Blue Winnis, that we have so successfully used in our abductions all these years. What adds to this matter is that the same poison has just surfaced on the black market here in Magnimar, for any common street ruffian to buy - although at exuberant prices. My sources tell me there is a new gang in town, who might behind all of this. Led by a Riddleport assassin who calls herself Arenra and her lover, some woman wizard. They are now the sole sellers of the Blue Winnis poison. They have named themselves the Widows and curiously enough only accept women as applicants. Oh these humans with their cute little games, how they never cease to amuse me.
18 Neth 4707
There’s trouble among the ranks again. It seems Philus’ lies have spread and festered among my Skinsaw men. I had to give four of my faithful to Xanesha’s appetites. Xanesha tells me she wishes to sacrifice the Lord-Mayor. I was at first very dubious - he is well protected - but she tried to convince me of the great shaping of the future his sacrifice would bring. When I protested she grew quite testy and said that it was simply The Father’s will, as plain and true as the moonless night. I will pray for guidance.
5 Kuthona 4707
The plans for the abduction of the LordMayor are proceeding well, but there are so many moving parts, and we will only get one chance. This must be planned and executed with the utmost precision.Then again, I have not been a Bishop of Norgorber all these years for naught. He will make such a splendid sacrifice. I will see this through - because it is the will of the Father. Xanesha has been thinking to seize the Mayor during a masquerade held at her unwitting pawn Torobor's manor. That may work. We would need a diversion though.
20 Abadius 4708
My Love has has had a servant constructed, a monster made of many parts. Just recently she had the last piece delivered from Sandpoint. She tells me it will help us reach our goal. She calls it the “Scarecrow”, and that if I would find the need, I could borrow it.
18 Pharast 4708
Ah, that fool Aldern! Somehow he drew the attention of those busybodies from Sandpoint and they sought him out at the Manor! He has served us well, the poison he extracted from those infested rats in the house has been a very useful substitute for Andretti’s lost poison. We have also extracted a disease from the fungus in Vorel’s manor that turn men into ghouls. We have sold that fungus to the Red Mantis for a great profit. Anyhow, if Aldern was not careful it could spell trouble... I will have to make arrangements at the Foxglove townhouse, to assure that nothing connects to the Brothers, and place my followers on alert here...
27 Pharast 4708
That band of adventurers from Sandpoint are here, and have visited me. They are asking for aid in finding the “Star-murderer”. Oh, the irony! I will confer with my dear Xanesha tonight as to how we can best make use of these young fools. Maybe they can provide unwitting aid in the imminent abduction of the LordMayor. As ever, The Dark Father provides when his faithful are in need.

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I've started the battle for Sandpoint, and I've run into a slight snag. Teraktinus is headed for the Old Light to grab the stone. I haven't found a single map of the Old Light as it seems that's where they're likely to run into him. Does anyone have any Old Light maps they would be able to share?
It's just the ruined exterior of a tower. He'll be walking around the outside. Put a rough circle on the map and call it a day.

slayer_of_gellcor |

It's just the ruined exterior of a tower. He'll be walking around the outside. Put a rough circle on the map and call it a day.
...sure. We can always do that. Ultimately, you can always just draw shapes on a map and call it a day. But as someone who's visually inspired, having a map that actually looks like the place where the characters actually are helps to maintain the suspension of disbelief.

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I'm not saying it should be a sloppy circle. Put in as much detail to make it look like the ruins of a stone tower as you want. But it's not something that requires a pre-printed map.
Heck, when I ran this battle, I just blew up the town map of Sandpoint, used pushpins to represent where different people/groups were, and only threw down a battle mat when they came into close contact with enemies. And then, I was mostly just tossing rectangles on the map to represent buildings.

Hythlodeus |

I'm not saying it should be a sloppy circle. Put in as much detail to make it look like the ruins of a stone tower as you want. But it's not something that requires a pre-printed map.
Heck, when I ran this battle, I just blew up the town map of Sandpoint, used pushpins to represent where different people/groups were, and only threw down a battle mat when they came into close contact with enemies. And then, I was mostly just tossing rectangles on the map to represent buildings.
give me five minutes, I'll see what I can come up with
Edit: alright, it took me a while to find a host for the picture. so here it is now.
Keep in mind, I don't have the book nearby, so, if I remember correctly: round ancient tower near cliffs?
that's certainly not the best I can do, but with the limited time I gave myself, call it a first draft:
Old Light Version 1
if you need changes, I happily try and give my best to change it

slayer_of_gellcor |

give me five minutes, I'll see what I can come up with
Edit: alright, it took me a while to find a host for the picture. so here it is now.
Keep in mind, I don't have the book nearby, so, if I remember correctly: round ancient tower near cliffs?
that's certainly not the best I can do, but with the limited time I gave myself, call it a first draft:
Old Light Version 1
if you need changes, I happily try and give my best to change it
This is awesome! Thank you!

Hythlodeus |

Hythlodeus wrote:I'm currently crafting/collecting/customizing the maps and handouts for Skinsaw Murders and wonder if anyone ever made a handout out of Justice Ironbriar's journal. Nothing shows up on Google and even in this thread I can't find anything. Yet the document is the link between Ironbriar and Xanesha and therefore seems important to me...
So, just out of curiosity, am I the first GM to attempt to create that journal as a handout?There's a great piece of writing somewhere here on the boards with extracts from the journal. Unfortunately I cannot remember who authored and posted it, but I did copy and use it as a handout for our campaign, with some modifications. (The 'Skinsaw' we played was expanded and modified, in some parts quite much. For example, I added The Golemworks Incident, and the villain of that adventure had on Xanesha's order constructed the Scarecrow from parts of an old childhood friend of the PC's from Sandpoint. When he attacked the group the head was mumbling "heeelp meee...please..." *cue evil DM's laughter*.)
Anyhow, I will include the text below. Again, this was not written by me but someone else (except, as said, a couple additions pertaining our campaign).
** spoiler omitted **...
thank you. I'll have to change the dates and customize it for my group obviously, but it's a very good starting point

slayer_of_gellcor |

Digital: That was my initial plan, (using the map you posted, as a matter of fact. ) however they spent several rounds dealing with the Giants at the front gate. Additionally, my group is much more focused on the dragon than they are on Mr. T. Additionally, they spent a lot of time studying the Old Light early on, and I had them find the stone. They don't know yet that that's what the Giants are there for, but they posted Brodert Quink at the Old Light as he was assisting with the research into what it does. I have a feeling they're going to spend a lot of time tangling with Longtooth, and Mr. T is going to end up killing Brodert and running off with the stone. So a showdown at the Old Light is very possible.

Zebbie |

while we're at it: I plan to make a few maps for my homebrew AP this week anyway, so if anyone needs something specific, there is a high chance I can add that to the list
I am trying to go off the script a bit myself, and would love a map of the non sunken Paradise if your so inclined.

Hythlodeus |

Hythlodeus wrote:while we're at it: I plan to make a few maps for my homebrew AP this week anyway, so if anyone needs something specific, there is a high chance I can add that to the listI am trying to go off the script a bit myself, and would love a map of the non sunken Paradise if your so inclined.
working on it. it might make some time, seems I have to build the barge from scratch and have to look for casino related mapping elements. but so far the progress is good