Congrats to Christine Schneider!

RPG Superstar™ 2008 General Discussion

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I hope that you're looking forward to a long career of patiently clearing up for us all the little errata that even the best of editors lets slip through...
And congratulations.
Looking forward to seeing you in print on the shelves of my local games store.

Hip hip hurrah! I'd like to thank all the competitors, I've enjoyed most of the submissions. Still, I enjoyed Christine's the most and am glad she won.


Well done! Can't wait to see "Clash of the Kingslayers" in print. :D

*passes out the homemade Oreo cookies in celebration*

Is it January 2009 yet?

And which edition will this new S1 (Superstar) series begin with???

Double huzzah!

Congratulations, Christine!

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Congratulations, Christine!!

Will Clash of the Kingslayers be 3.5 or 4th ed?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 7

Good job Christine! I will admit I didn't like the Anvil very much, but you really impressed me in the later rounds (I've been voting for you since Villians). I may not have left the top 32, but you really deserved this!

And I'll see everyone for next year's superstar. Because I'm going to do better next time.

Congratulations, Christine.

This contest, the contestants, judges and message board contributors have injected the gaming community with some good gamin' juice! I've been inspired by the ideas on this board over the last several weeks.

Awesome job, Paizo.
(*leans back, basks in glow of a well-run and influential contest*)

When does the next Superstar contest begin?

Hurray! Congratulations, again, Christine!

Takasi wrote:

Is it January 2009 yet?

And which edition will this new S1 (Superstar) series begin with???

And we have no idea. I will say that since her module was submitted for 3.5 OGL that it's a pretty good bet we'll release it as such regardless of our edition decisions. That said, we still don't have the GSL or the rules so we can't really make a decision.

This is Christine's moment, though. Let's shy away from the edition discussion and continue to congratulate her! I can't wait to run my group through this module.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka JoelF847

Christine, great job! I'll be pre-ordering as soon as I get home from work.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6 aka Core

Yup, grats to Ms Schneider. You have been my favorite in last several rounds and I'm glad to see you won. I look forward to the finished product. If you need a play-tester feel free to look up up anytime.


Christine, you ROCK!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

And we have no idea. I will say that since her module was submitted for 3.5 OGL that it's a pretty good bet we'll release it as such regardless of our edition decisions. That said, we still don't have the GSL or the rules so we can't really make a decision.

This is Christine's moment, though. Let's shy away from the edition discussion and continue to congratulate her! I can't wait to run my group through this module.

Huzzah for 3.5 After all, if it was a 4.x module we'd have to say "It sounded better in the original edition."*

*poking fun at the line 'it soudned better in the original German' -source unknown.

Well, we know for a fact that Shakespeare sounds better in the original Klingon.


Way to go. Looking forward to seeing this module when it sees print. I especially cannot wait to see the artwork!

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well done Congrats!!! Looking forward to your module.

Steve Greer wrote:
Way to go. Looking forward to seeing this module when it sees print. I especially cannot wait to see the artwork!

I want to see this dwarven monastery transformer kaiju done WAR style. PLEASE!?!?!?!?!

Congrats Christine,

I have to say your entries snuck up on me. I wish I could say I was on your bandwagon the whole time, but really it was your last two submissions that made me sit back and marvel... When I read Dwarven Valkyries you had me.

Good luck with your new career and may you bring joy to the rest of us for years to come.

Thank you,

Bryan Blumklotz
AKA Saracenus

Excellent job Christine! You have been my favorite for several rounds now, great to see you coming out on top. I must say kudos to all who participated and to Paizo for coming up with a great contest. A lot of great concepts came out of this one from every level of the competition. I was deeply impressed.

Sovereign Court aka Robert G. McCreary

Congratulations, Christine!

I had you pegged as the competition to beat in Round 2 when I saw Carnamach. And you only got better in the following rounds.

Congratulations again, you definitely deserve it. I can't wait to see Clash of the Kingslayers in its full and final form!

I don't know if you usually frequent English language chatrooms, but if you drop in on Lilith's one at DMTools in the next few days, I'm sure that any of the regular Paizo messageboarder's would be very pleased to see you.

Congratulations Christine - I doubt very few of us could say that we didn't see this coming. ;-)

So, three cheers to you from the cheerleader for the "Purple Prince of Prague" (Thanks, Jason, for that awesome title!):

Hip Hip, Hooray!
Hip Hip, Hooray!
Hip Hip, HOORAY!

Also, it absolutely rocks that your adventure already has cover art (with what I presume is intended to be a Dwarven Valkyrie).

Even though I was confused by some aspects of your submission - I noticed that at least one other person was confused by the same issues surrounding the exiled prince and his dream-distilled clones - I'm actually pretty confident that what you will produce will knock our collective socks off so I'm pretty sure that I'll pick up a copy when it hits the shelves.



Any way you can fit a sled race into "Clash of the Kingslayers"? That was my favorite entry, although Carnamach was pretty dang cool, too...

Congratulations Christine, Europa rule!

I've been living in Germany for seven months now, and I'm´impressed by how much adult people like traditional games in this country.

You'll have to Google every other sentence you come up with in English to check if it is proper, maybe, but you might end up being translated back to German one day, too.

Viel Glück,


Excellent work.

Matrissa the Enchantress wrote:
Also, it absolutely rocks that your adventure already has cover art (with what I presume is intended to be a Dwarven Valkyrie).

It's a mockup. :-)

Congradulations, Christine. I look foreward to your module.

Scarab Sages

Bravo, Christine! Well done! I look forward to the actual module!

Dark Archive Contributor, RPG Superstar aka Leandra Christine Schneider

Thank you very much!

It has been a wonderful experience for me to participate in such a breathtaking event and I'm utterly flattered by your support.
I'm sure I would not have been able to have the endurance to continue writing/rewriting without your comments and encouragement. During the entire competition I often wondered about the marvelous ideas and concepts everyone had and I feel honoured to be a part of this creative awesomeness!

If someone asks me if I was "discovered" during this contest I will have to decline. I think the contest pretty much shaped me and my writing. I wouldn't have been able to increase the quality of my English without Mr. Mona's help and the examples my fellow competitors set. To tell the truth, Carnamach was probably the longest text I ever wrote if you discount school and boring science texts (of course I've been reading much, but thats not exactly the same ;-) ).

I'm sure many fantastic designers (published and unpublished ones) are frequenting the paizo boards and I'll certainly look forward to buying their adventures/sourcebooks/or whole campaings(Mr. BOOMER) as soon as they are available.

Thank you paizo, and all paizo people :-)

PS: Tomorrow, after my family and friends stopped besieging my home (they are throwing a party behind my back :P ) I will be at the chatroom (I guess tomorrow at 12 your time). See you then!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 aka Aotrscommander

Superlative job Christine, and very well deserved!

I've taken Eric's advice and pre-ordered it already...

I shall be awaiting with anticipation.

(I 'spose I ought to find a way to work around to getting a 10th level party ready for next year, hadn't I?)


As for the rest of you year (well, later this year) THIS TIME I shall be ready and you shall all feel my unstoppable and implacable wrath -, no wait, sorry...Force of habit don'tch yer know...I mean be astounded at my elite creative skills! Or something.

Yeah, I need to work on that...

The Exchange

Tito P. Leati wrote:
but you might end up being translated back to German one day, too.

I'd buy this in an instant to put it next to my english copy of CotK.

Congrats, Christine, you deserve this title (and this opportunity).

Congradulations Christine.

You won me over in the villain round and now I find that I am looking forward to seeing the final print version of this adventure.

Bravo all around.

Dark Archive Contributor

Congrats Christine!

I hope this leads to a long and storied working relationship between you and Paizo. ^_^

Dark Archive

Kampai !!

Christine gets the contract and the title of RPG Superstar, and I'm thrilled to tears for her. My Jan 09 budget now has one item on it!

That said, I think we readers all came out as winners!

And, I am looking forward to the next RPG Superstar.

Extremely well done, Christine. Congratulations.

Liberty's Edge


Go Christine! Congrats!!

Contributor , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8


Raises keyboard in salute!

Congrats Christine!!! Well deserved. Your entries have been excellent. I look forward to your module. The Pathfinder Chronicles are about to get even better once your collosal animated monastary starts getting its rage on.

Enjoy your party!


P.S. And congrats to her fellow competitors who made the contest a success.

Glückwunsch ! Verdammt, das hat einen aber auf die Folter gespannt, alle 15 Minuten das Forum abzurufen.... und das mit gedrückten Daumen !

ahem (I know this is an english board, folks )

Congratulations - been looking forward to you winning ever since your crazy theocracy submission, and any hopes than raised were more then exceeded. Consider yourself put on a pedestal as far as fantastic creativity is concerned...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Congrats Christine! Well deserved.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


Christine, I knew you'd make it. I can't wait to read the final piece. To have it in my hand and flip through the pages.

The Dietzenbacher.

Scarab Sages



The Lords of the Boards proclaim Thursday, 2/21/2008 to be Christine Schneider Day, starting at 3pm (on 2/20) Paizo Time, Midnight (on 2/21)Christine Time.

Get your avatars ready and let the festivities begin!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Happy Christine Schneider Day!

Congratulations, Christine, I can't wait to run your adventure!

The Exchange

Roll out the red carpet for Christine!

Takasi wrote:
The Lords of the Boards proclaim Thursday, 2/21/2008 to be Christine Schneider Day, starting at 3pm (on 2/20) Paizo Time, Midnight (on 2/21)Christine Time.

So let it be written...So let it be done!

Happy Christine Schneider Day! Woo-hoo! *passes out more cookies and beer*

das machine is nicht fer gefingerpoken und mittengrabben.

...dang, look at me, I'm hot!

Congrats Christine!

*steals a cookie*

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 aka Sheyd

Definite congratulations are in order Christine. You earned this with consistent quality submissions and there is no doubt we are as much winners as you are in that we get to enjoy your adventure. Great Work!

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