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Rise of the Runelords

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

So far, the PCs are:

Wes, a human ranger
Elsa, a human sorcerer
Boris, a human paladin
Chrome, a human summoner
Grom, a dwarf cleric (of Nethys)/fighter

We're most of the way through Burnt Offerings right now -- they just killed Ripnugget this afternoon. Everybody's third level. Only three players, but two of 'em are running a pair of characters (Wes & Elsa, and Chrome & Grom).

Another player might be joining soon, but I don't know what he'll be playing. Inquisitor? Monk? Who knows?

Sovereign Court

Our party of oddities:

Tok Greenbottle - Halfling Rogue and proclaimer of Loki
Trulls Rohk - Human Paladin Greatsword Wielder of craziness
Minder Horkensteen - Half-Elf Cleric Negative Channeler of Nightmares and Magic
??? - Deaf Gnome Oracle of Life and resident peeping tom

Thus far it's been...interesting haha

Grand Lodge

Our party (now at lv. 5)

Mink, Halfling Ranger with archery focus, travels w/ a merchant caravan as a scout/bodyguard and joins the adventure at Sandpoint. Has a bear-dog as her animal companion, named Puppy.

Chevaliah "Liah" Tesarani, Human Druid, 14-year-old daughter of the Sheriff and Madame Teserani, wields a scythe.

Bastargle Frothinthimble, Gnome Summoner, and Clicky, his giant yellow crab Eidolon. He shows up in Sandpoint to do magic tricks at the festival and gets more than he bargained for.

Zanna Sklar-Quah, Shoanti Monk. Devotee of "Auroch Style" fisticuffs and master of improvised weaponry. Her favorite is Chomp-Chomp, a bear-trap that she has painted eyes on to.

Thalgo Bal-bor, Dwarf Cleric, follower of Erastil. On an adventure to learn about the world. Terrified of water. His animal companion is a giant moose named Ugly that is mangy and scarred, and appears randomly in mysterious places.

Our tank has proven to be Clicky, and occasionally Zanna. We've also devised the most ridiculous solutions to D&D puzzles I've ever seen, and will apparently try to recruit almost any NPC to our cause. (We just defeated Malfeshnekor with only Zanna and Clicky taking damage.)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Freya - Dwarf Female barbarian, obsessed with her Earthshaker, smashing things and drinking. Bribes bards to tell the stories of her own awesomeness, though she does have something to back it up. Easily the most temperamental of the group (and the main force behind freeing the pit fiend at the Stonewrought Dam).

Meredith - Female Half-elf (and the half sister of the sorcerer in the group) Cleric/Mage/Mystic Theurge of Sarenrae. Used to be a dedicated pacifist, but long term exposure to Freya has given her a taste for battle.

Andarius - Male Human Sorcerer (and minor noble) of the Draconic heritage (mother had an incident with a polymorphed dragon. The mother is also the mother of Meredith, though Andarius has yet to realize this - minor setback when Longtooth killed his mother in the raid of Sandpoint).

Jenny the Hairdresser - So nicknamed by Freya, as no one can pronounce the real name. Male Elf druid, only recently joined the group, so has yet to integrate fully.

Vanyen - Female Half Elf monk, from the Far East, Order of Wu. So far the only one who has managed to impress Freya, and feature in Freya's (bribed) bard stories.

Horatio - Male Human Rogue. Well known for his larcenous ways, sneak attacking things, and generally getting in over his head by attacking lone opponents who he cannot flank. Quite possibly the person in the group who has spent the most time on his back, nearly dying.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

My group, currently in the process of kicking ass and taking names in the fabled Xin-Shalast:

Dairhe Faulilj, elf druid 14. He's got a wolf. The wolf bites things.

Sir Gelrick of Magnimar, human paladin 14. An appointed representative of the church of Abadar, originally tasked with tracking down and arresting a dwarven criminal named Rufus (the player's former PC), but after the dwarf's murder at the hands of the Skinsaw Man, fell in with his former adventuring companions to combat a greater evil.

Jearis Tarlangaval, elf scout 7/wizard 7. A tremendously greedy elf from the distant Mordant Spire. The scout levels are a remnant of the campaign starting with 3.5 rules.

Michiell "Dawn" Grellson, human cleric of Sarenrae 6/cavalier 1/radiant servant of Sarenrae 7. A sardonic priest of the sun god, with a tendency to run off his mouth at anything he perceives as evil. The tragedy of it is that he is supposed to be the diplomat.

Skrym, human barbarian 14. A Shoanti warrior of the Axe Clan, who went to perform his rites of adulthood during the campaign. Not overly intelligent, but actually conscious of the fact.

We'll see if they're a match for Karzoug the Claimer...

Let's see:

Quai, LG human (osirian) Monk 7
Ivtholt, N human (shoanti of the skull tribe) Cleric of the Ancestor Spirits 7
Hoerbe, LG gnome Paladin of Shelyn 7
Kalea, CN half-elven Rogue 6
Droglor, CN dwarven Fighter 6
Aldarion, N elven Conjurer 6

We´re currently in the middle of book #3 btw.

Two cheliaxan Wizards (brothers), both died in Thistletop (giant crab and Nalfeshnekor).
A varisian sorcerer, died somewhere in Burnt Offerings (not sure exactly where).
A human paladin from Magnimar, died by the claws of the giant crab in Thistletop.

All in all we had four character deaths in Burnt Offerings, one in The Skinsaw Murders (faceless stalkers sneak attacked him to death) the character was resurrected), and so far none in Hook Mountain Massacre....

Our Group, now in Hook Mountain Massacre... :)

Gnome from Whistledown, Sorseror NG 7 CR 6

Human Vudrani LG, from Vudra, Aristocrat 1, Wizard 6 CR 5
Party thinker and Diplomat :)

Elf F CG from Celwynvian, Ranger 6, CR 5, Wolf Companion, Archer Longbow
This player, she usually watches and nits..

Halfelf F CN From Magnimar, Rogue 3 Fighter 4, CR 6 Crosbow
Party thinker and leader :) Real detective She..

Human Shoanti CN Moon Clan, Fighter 7, CR 6 Greatsword
Human shield and hack and slash man...

and Sometimes, Human Druid NE, Raven Companion, from near Darkmoon Vale... But he rarely show up the group...

They stumbled their way through the First module, then started to get organized in number 2, with the Wizard becomming a real thinker and Diplomat. He wears expensive silks and a Turbin when not out and about on the road. Wich was awesome when we were in Magnimar dealing with Magistrates and getting into fancy Inns :) He really likes the one level of Aristocrat. He came to Sandpoint to See the Swallwotail Festival and to visit the Sage...

The Rogue is becomming a real Detective and leading the party along really well. She is always looking for clues and trying to figure everything out. Looking for tracks in the mud in the riverbank by the sawmill, checking each room out looking for hidden things... She came up to Sandpoint for the Swallowtail festival to pay homage to the Goddess of Luck...

The Fighter just bashes things, but is very commical. He took the sinspan and skinned its head and wore it like a hat. Raw and dripping. While in the Dungeon. So I gave him a skin rotting disease that he had to seek clerical help for... He went around for a while with this wierd red rash all over his head and face... Scaring the townsfolk. The people in Sandpoint think of them as heroes, and have deputized them, except for him. He is like their bodyguard who dosnt bathe, and they dont quite trust... He skewerd 3 goblins on a spear and left them in a wall. And Drinks hagfish and maks the saves... 18 con. He puts the uncivilized in Barbarian... He left the Shoanti tribes and went to Riddleport seeking something different. There he went into the pits and became a fighter before wandering down with some other people to Sandpoint for the Swallowtail festival of Desna...

The Elf came into town with Shalelu Andosana and was introduced to the Party after the Goblin Raid.

The Gnome showed up at the Inn after they Returned from the Raid on the Goblins hideout before the Skinsawman showed up...

Liberty's Edge

Well I'm running a PbP game, using Fastasy Craft.

Alden Smith: Angelic Stern Fighter Priest 2 of Iomedea. Think Angel winged assamir paladin. Alden's an son of a blacksmith with a few dark events in his past. Otherwise a moral, upright follower of the Inheritor.

Argan Dain: Fire Brave Ogre Gladiator Assassin 2. Think Ogre Mage, although he's a swordsman, not a caster. Also, I've drawn a distinction between the Ogre player species and the scary monsters. Argan's an exile from his family back in Absalom because he kept interfering rather then simply observing. Follower of Cayden Cailean.

Divia Mal: Owl Nation Elf-Blooded Stern Gladiator Captain 2. Think Grey Half-elf Marshall with a cohort. Cohort is a small child shaped construct named Anne providing social skill backup. Another from Absalom, a tough street kid whose her adoptive family were killed in an arson.

Eloise Cartwright: Striking Aristocrat Courtier 2. Taldoran noble who ran away from it all when she was stood up at the alter by her arranged fiancée. Social monster, handy with a falcatta, and lethal with a threaten action in combat.

Haldar Thorson: Savage Barbarian Scout 2. Beserker from the land of the Linnorm Kings. With pet wolf.

Shyla the Silver Gaze: Devilish Heritage Svelt Female Corsair Sage 2. Think Tiefling. Angry former Korvosian noble. Her heritage was revealed when she was a teenager, she wound up as a pirate. Plays lipservice to the Pirate Queen.

Teodoros Magos: Savvy Adept Mage 2. Servant of Iomedae. Think Cleric. Bookish student from Absalom, sent to investigate weird rumors in Varissia. Picked up a warhound as a familiar in the opening encounters of Burnt Offerings.

Weoxgyld son of Weoxhrothsten, son of Weoxhroth: Lightning Heritage Jotunkin Adept Captain 2. Think small storm giant with ties to the first world. Out of his fathers' hall, exploring the world with his faithful middle aged ex-pirate manservant.

Liberty's Edge

Funny I haven't posted my party in this thread yet.

My PCs are currently mid-3rd level:

Wyndham: Chelish Human CE Face/Stealth Rogue. He had some history with the human villains before the campaign started and decided the risk was too high so opted to be in the right place to play the public role of "hero". He decided to use the other more overtly good players as a screen behind which he can conduct his private business. Doesn't steal from the PCs but has lied to them, especially by omission. He is involved with Shayliss Vinder, on the sly.

Amonon: Elven Cleric of Sarenrae. Up close melee-range healer type. He was in Sandpoint as an emissary of Sarenrae and is interested in a certain local Rangeress.

Arcainen Valdemar: Chelish Human Elemental (water) Sorceror. Scion of the local Valdemar noble family who in my campaign got their start from a great-grandfather who was shipwrecked on a reef and small island and was rescued by a nereid. They fell in love but eventually he had to leave so as to raise their child in human society. The nereid gave him a parting gift of riches gathered from sunken vessels with which they started their shipbuilding business. Arcainen is a bit of a stereotypical arrogant rich kid.

Richard: Chelish Human Sword and Board Fighter. He was born into a Chelaxian noble family and was trained in a formal fighting academy but he had a falling out with his parents. He took his dog, gear and the clothes on his back and left them behind, landing in Sandpoint. He is courting Amieko but is not doing a great job of it so far.

Jerrick: Shoanti Human Cleric of Erastil, who manifests as his Elk Totem. He started as a bit of a cleric-savant (he started with some clericly powers, a few of which he can control, most of which he couldn't) who was on an extension of his totem quest, trying to figure out why he couldn't make it as a warrior or as a hunter. At this point, he has fully realized his quest when he discovered a prehistoric cave savred to Erastil that was full of primitive cave drawings of an elk-headed man teaching the skills of civilization to ancient people. He is a very low Constitution bow-specialist and more of a buffer-type cleric who tries to avoid hand to hand combat.

Jal: Varisian Human Ranger. Early on, he was given a boar spear and later found a ranseur so has decided to be a pole-arm specialist ranger. (I made a set of feats that mimic 2WF feats but morphed into using the secondary attacks on a polearm, like the hook, spike or blade). He left his home near Turtleback Ferry, worked as a mercenary, looking for enough experience to join the Black Arrows as a peer. He escorted a priest from somewhere up north to the cathedral dedication and decided to stick around a couple of days.

Abinscole: Culturally Chelish Halfling Bard. Grew up in Magnimar in a family of free halflings but earned his way as an entertainer. He has an interest in history and the ruins that dot the countryside and is something of an amateur archaeologist. He also has made contact with all the local halflings and is trying to position him as a leader of that subcommunity. He is learning Thassilonian under Brodert Quink's tutelage. He has flirted a bit with a young halfling woman who works at the Rusty Dragon.

My turn.

My Rise of the Runelords Party is as follows:

Falathar – Elven bard and aspiring Pathfinder, Falathar recently came to Magnimar to research Thassilonian ruins in the hopes that he might find something of interest to the Pathfinder Society and be named a Full Pathfinder Chronicler. Upon hearing that the nearby community of Sandpoint had an interesting lighthouse similar (in his mind) to the one that his ship passed by on the way to Magnimar from Absalom (The Lady’s Light), he decided to travel there and became involved in the subsequent events.

Erlig – Human Ulfen exile from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, Erlig discovered a talent that would have named him one of the White Witches that his people fight a never ending hot/cold war against. Erlig was the sole survivor, at least mentally, from an attack upon a White Witch outpost that had encroached onto the lands of his former lord. His companions were feebleminded from the spells of the witches that only Erlig resisted. Erlig vaguely remembers a witch appearing before him and leaving a book, a spell book before she vanished again. He hid the book and left the lands of his former lord, reaching the domain of White Astrid who took pity on Erlig and acquainted him with a friend of hers, Skeleg, the Ulfen Pathfinder who was travelling to Magnimar. Skeleg took Erlig onto his ship and allowed him passage for work performed.

Samson – Human Paladin of Iomedae, Samson has grown up in the great city of Monuments and is a devout follower of Iomedae. Upon hearing of the dedication of the cathedral in Sandpoint, Samson decided to attend the accompanying festival.

Strabomenos – Human Cleric of Calistria from Riddleport, Strabomenos is a member of Shorafa’s temple and has come to the Sandpoint area in search of Orik Vancaskerkin for a murder committed in Riddleport. As an aside, Strabo also is hoping to establish a temple to Calistria in either Sandpoint or Magnimar or both and has been dutifully visiting the local cat houses and houses of ill repute in both locales.

BronPak Battlehorn – Dwarven Fighter, member of the Sandpoint militia and son of a local Carpenter, BronPak takes his new role as temporary deputy under-sheriff of Sandpoint very seriously.

Cameo (Kizzy to his Varisian family members) – Human Varisian Sorcerer and great grandson of Niska Mvashti, is a ner-do-well of whom his great grandmother despairs of ever amounting to anything.

Rain – Half elven Ranger and daughter of Jakardros a Black Arrow in Fort Rannick, Rain aspires to be as good as her father and is interested in reacquainting her father with his adopted daughter, her half sister, Shalelu.

Parlay – Shonanti Hawk clan Warrior, Parlay’s clan occasionally trades with the Varisian community in the lowlands. Parlay was in Sandpoint to trade his furs and venison to the local trader and fellow Shoanti, Garridan Viskalai of the White Deer Inn.

Agrent – Shoanti shaman (rogue/druid), Agrent is a member of the Spire clan. After spending much time with the Sun Clan as an honorary brother, he has come to Sandpoint at the behest of his shaman mentor to learn the ways of the non Shoanti. In Sandpoint he met Niska Mvashti who he has decided is a holy woman and shaman herself and asked her if she would consider training him in her ways.

Yes, that is right, I have 9 players – and though we have for the most part completed the first installment of The Rise of the Runelords, James Jacobs' very fine Burnt Offerings, they are still just second level. Though with a couple of small sidequests some are about to become third level.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Ulfen) Barbarian
Elf Rogue
Dwarf Druid
Human Barbarian (yes, another)
And one more TBA.

The Exchange

We finally started Runelords on Tuesday (3/8) using Pathfinder RPG rules. We have a party of 7 PCs and so far so good.

Aamon Vosh - Human Cleric of the Old Ones (Void and Chaos Domains)
Korisel Spireson - Shoanti (Human) Monk
Constantinos Tsirtsirkis - Cheliaxian (Human) Cavalier - Cockatrice
Adolphus "Matt" Trymantis - Elf Wizard
Wilhelm Trueblood - Half Elf Bard (going to multiclass w/rogue)
Anisa Iraclido - Human Witch
Dagrora Alekin - Dwarf Fighter

Should be a good group. I worry just a little about their ability to heal since their Cleric is a negative channeler, but the Witch took the heal hex so that will help some, at least early on. The rest of the bases seem to be covered, as you would expect in a large part. :)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

We have just finished two sessions in RotRL (PFRP), the party consists of the following:

Horgar Nalgal, a Male Dwarven Fighter from the Five Kingdoms. He is planning to become a Stalwart Defender. He started as a mercenary who came to the region working as a guard for merchants who were bringing in supplies for the new cathedral.
Delynda Sunspring, a Female Kelishite Cleric of Sarenrae from Absalom. Her goal is to take up the Dawnflower Dervish prestige class. She was sent here by her temple to assist with the dedication of Sarenrae's shrine in the cathedral.
Parthos, a Male Kelishite Monk from Absalom. As a gesture of goodwill, and to experience more of the world, he was sent by his monastery to assist with the construction of the new cathedral.
Izzie Nightsgale, Female Half-Elf Summoner. She grew up in the region, not knowing her Elven father.
Michael Black, a Male Half-Elf Oracle from Brevoy. He is on a life journey to discover more about himself.

I had my players use the 20-point build as I was looking for slightly more heroic characters than normal, but I still want them to have a challenge. So far, they have completed up to the end of part two and will enter the Glassworks next session.

Dark Archive

Going to start my RotRL campaign tomorrow Friday the 13th!!!

The group is using a 15 point buy and fast xp track.

1.ZANDAKAR BAJADEK Human Wizard(Fire elementalist)
2.BESNIK Halfling Cleric of Desna
3.DARIS Human trip fighter
5.ZAIHO Human Monk
6.Might possibly a 6th.

We started RotRL today, with the following party of five:

Vashedi, a male Shoanti fighter (two-handed weapon archetype), and
Razok, his twin brother, ranger (two-weapon style)
Andreï Podiker, male Varisian alchemist (surgeon), son of Sandpoint's herbalist and poisoner-in-chief
Frarnak, male Shoanti totemic druid
Viorel, male Varisian witch (hedge witch archetype)

All three Shoanti are part of the Shriikiri-Quah.

20-pts build or 4d6-drop-lowest, player's choice. Everyone chose the points buy, except the ranger who was a bit lucky with his rolls.

My campaign journal can be found here.

Ellyjobelle Sanitar Sparklegem, female gnome synthesist summoner. She is a worshiper of Desna, and as such, stopped in Sandpoint for the Swallowtail Festival. She has been traveling searching for clues about the giants who destroyed her village.

Morikov Graves, male tiefling fighter. Has lived in Sandpoint for a few years, and is courting Ameiko Kaijitsu. The depth of this relationship has yet to be revealed.

Anica Tol'Nivar, female tiefling witch. Adopted by a rich Korvosan family, she recently set out to travel the world. After a near death experience at the hands of goblins, she has decided that adventuring probably isn't for her. No longer with the group.

Vanhite, male half-elf magus. Son of a Magnimarian librarian, went to Sandpoint's Swallowtail Festival on holiday. Has an academic interest in Thalosian history, and ancient history in general. Hides his half-elven nature by wearing a wide-brimmed hat when in public.

Mari, female Varisian rogue. Helped fend off the goblins during the raid on Sandpoint. Last seen following Aldern Foxglove to the Rusty Dragon for drinks. Her motives, and much about her, is unknown. Replaced Anica Tol'nivar (the player decided she didn't like the witch class).

A fifth character will be joining, but is as of yet uncreated. There is a possibility of a sixth joining as well. Character generation is 5d6, drop the 2 lowest, and reroll anything below 10.

Dark Archive

Current group which just completed "Burnt Offerings":

Bennock...Catfolk(adjusted for no ECL)...Ranger4


Illdian...Trumpet Archon...Archon4 (Savage Species)

Cyphus...Sorcerer (arcana bloodline)...Human

one more to be added as soon as he figured out his PC's concept

Running my first AP and we are just about to finish up Burnt Offerings.

My group is rolling with:

Human Samurai/monk(2/2)
Halfling Thief/Ranger(2/2)
Dwarven Cleric of Torag(4)

The human is a cousin of Amieko who has had an immediate family disgrace. He is now trying to come to grips with that (he is an alcoholic) and right the wrongs of the past gaining favor with his ancestors. In that process unlocking the powers of his ancestral blade.

The Halfling is a "local guide" and hunter/trapper for hire. He is a basket case of personalities and has 4 different disguises, some of which turn on and off different character traits making him meek or vengful depending on who his is. So far only two of the four have shown up.

Lastly the Dwarf. His an axe swinging ale drinking machine. He is a pragmatic fellow on the search to futher define his loose following of Torag. As he further explores his faith he comtemplates starting his own off shoot basing this off his pramatic approach to life.


Our campaign journal is here.

We used the 20-point build method.

Halfred (male human [Ulfen] barbarian): Son of an exiled Ulfen wine merchant originally from Kalsgaard, he grew up in Magnimar. No head for business, but has the blood of the berserker. In Sandpoint to deliver a shipment of wine for the Swallowtail Festival.

Lady Charrone (female human [Chelish] paladin of Iomedae): Daughter of the Duke of Kintargo in Cheliax, her family does not approve of the diabolical leanings of the Empire, but pays the appropriate lip service to protect the people of the duchy. Charrone was briefly a Hellknight assigned to Korvosa, but resigned her commission when she couldn't reconcile her morality with her orders. Her wanderings have brought her to Sandpoint.

Brother Declan (male human [Taldan] cleric of Sarenrae): Grew up in a thorpe near Galduria that was burned to the ground by goblins when he was a young child, killing his parents. He was found by a party of adventurers not long thereafter and was handed over to the Church of Sarenrae in Magnamar, and was raised by priests. In Sandpoint for the Swallowtail Festival.

Larissa (female human [Taldan] rogue [sniper archetype]): Daughter of successful shopkeepers, her restless nature led her to run away at a young age, and she grew up on the mean streets of Magnimar. Left Magnimar after getting caught committing a petty crime, but escaped from the guards, and ran north to Sandpoint.

McGregor (male human [Taldan] wizard [universalist]): A scholar of ancient history, McGregor came to Sandpoint intrigued by renowned scholar Brodert Quint's theories on the magic of ancient Thassilon.

Ted Winters (male human [Chelish] wizard [transmuter]): Son of a proud but struggling struggling Korvosan merchant, Ted longs for the good life his family has only been able to provide a taste of. Unable to afford a prestigious college of magic in Korvosa or Magnimar, or even the upstart academy in Galduria, Ted became one of the first students of Cryptic College in Riddleport, a new school started by two Cyphermages just three years ago. On leave due to being unable to afford this semester's tuition, he came to Sandpoint ostensibly for the Swallowtail Festival, but really to try to make some money.

The characters are currently at 3rd level (about halfway to 4th), and have (mostly) defeated the Thistletop goblins, but haven't yet ventured into the dungeons.

Our RotR war band.

1.Straf Dommerstrom: Human Inquisitor of Gorum. The undisputed leader of the group.

2. Brand Raseri: Human Cross-Blooded (Aberration/Orc) Sorcerer. A big, violent, fearless man.

3. Bragdi Styrkeoksvard: Half-orc Two-weapon warrior Fighter. Wields two axe-swords. Butchers what he fights. Only 16 years old. Very immature and a braggart, but fearless in battle and thinks no one can beat him.

4. Skanna: Half-orc Martial Artist Monk. Rips foes apart with Boar Style and knocks them to the ground with powerful shin kicks and stomps on them. Her and Bradgi work together like a butchering machine.

5. Royce: Human Cleric of Gorum. Run out of Cheliax by followers of Asmodeus. A powerful healer that keeps the group able to fight.

6. Fair'rah Svarturdorn: Half-elf/Half-Shoanti Archer Ranger. Raised amongst the barbaric people that the first four are from by an elven mother that embraced the barbaric ways of the tribe centuries ago. Her arrows bring death like no other in the group.

Karzoug picked the wrong group to challenge. The entire group follows Gorum. They live by the barbaric code. They look forward to warring and consider death a preferable end. They take few prisoners save to interrogate and usually exterminate their enemies to the last enemy be they giants, ogres, orcs, or their children or their women.

Grand Lodge

Emeril Cleric of Desna starts RotRL as an Acolyte in the Sandpoint Cathedral. He is a son of a Sailor. And the only Sandpoint native in the party. As a result, he is the defacto leader of the heroes.

Eleisa is a Half Drow Elf Fighter from near Riddleport. To says that she has issues would be an understatement. However, these issues makes her a fierce fighter. She came to Sandpoint as a guard with a Merchant from Riddleport.

Nirga is an Elf Rogue from Crying Leaf. She is surly and mysterious. She has been trying to ignore the annoying hanger on by the name Aldern Foxglove that seems to be fawning for her attention. Nirga slipped into town when she heard that the festival would be well attended with the hopes of gathering several fat loose purses.

Fedra is curious yet somewhat naive Halfling Sorceress from Korvosa. She traveled to Sandpoint with her uncle to attend the Swallowtail festival. Her uncle was very upset with her decision to stay and aid the heroes. But this was exactly the adventure Fedra was hoping to find.

So this party has found great success with a little help from a strange Elf girl named Shalelu so far. But as grim as things have been, they are about to get much grimmer.



Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Finally started this today after months and months of planning.

Galfin, CN human Varisian rogue. Sandpoint local. Galfin is pretty much your dictionary definition of sociopathic. Orphaned at two years old when his father abandoned him (mother died in childbirth), he gained an interest in languages growing up and now teaches at the Turandarok Academy. His great-grandfather is a half-celestial who joined the Black Arrows a decade or so ago. His grandfather was an aasimar who joined the Sczarni. Complicated family history.

Valjun, CN gnome alchemist. Sandpoint local. Along with his brother Huvic, Valjun runs a print shop in Sandpoint. While there was significant suspicion that he caused the Sandpoint Fire with an alchemical accident, he was cleared. He is an anarchist and after one session is already antagonising Titus Scarnetti.

Ren, CN human Varisian oracle. Sandpoint local. Orphaned when his mother died in childbirth (parallel design, they swear...) and his father died in a fire only weeks later, Ren has had a rough life growing up. Almost blind, he has been subject to some pretty bad luck. Things looked like they were starting to work out--and then the Sandpoint Fire took away his only family--Ezakien and Nualia Tobyn.

Steel, CN human Taldan fighter. The bastard son of an Aldori Swordlord, Steel is a human mountain, come to Sandpoint to deliver the bad news to one of its residents that his brother--and Steel's former master--has fallen in battle. Caught up in the goblin attack.

Grozni, N gnome summoner. (Joining in session 2.) Grozni's eidolon Lord Kelvin is a clockwork knight from somewhere in Brigh's realm in the First World. Lord Kelvin has been trying to teach Grozni about his connection to the First World, and Grozni is in Sandpoint in an effort to search for Thassilonian ruins up and down the Lost Coast.

Dark Archive

cynarion wrote:

Finally started this today after months and months of planning.

Galfin, CN human Varisian rogue. Sandpoint local. Galfin is pretty much your dictionary definition of sociopathic. Orphaned at two years old when his father abandoned him (mother died in childbirth), he gained an interest in languages growing up and now teaches at the Turandarok Academy. His great-grandfather is a half-celestial who joined the Black Arrows a decade or so ago. His grandfather was an aasimar who joined the Sczarni. Complicated family history.

Valjun, CN gnome alchemist. Sandpoint local. Along with his brother Huvic, Valjun runs a print shop in Sandpoint. While there was significant suspicion that he caused the Sandpoint Fire with an alchemical accident, he was cleared. He is an anarchist and after one session is already antagonising Titus Scarnetti.

Ren, CN human Varisian oracle. Sandpoint local. Orphaned when his mother died in childbirth (parallel design, they swear...) and his father died in a fire only weeks later, Ren has had a rough life growing up. Almost blind, he has been subject to some pretty bad luck. Things looked like they were starting to work out--and then the Sandpoint Fire took away his only family--Ezakien and Nualia Tobyn.

Steel, CN human Taldan fighter. The bastard son of an Aldori Swordlord, Steel is a human mountain, come to Sandpoint to deliver the bad news to one of its residents that his brother--and Steel's former master--has fallen in battle. Caught up in the goblin attack.

Grozni, N gnome summoner. (Joining in session 2.) Grozni's eidolon Lord Kelvin is a clockwork knight from somewhere in Brigh's realm in the First World. Lord Kelvin has been trying to teach Grozni about his connection to the First World, and Grozni is in Sandpoint in an effort to search for Thassilonian ruins up and down the Lost Coast.

Thats a lot of chaos and neutrality.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
bigkilla wrote:
cynarion wrote:

Finally started this today after months and months of planning.

Galfin, CN human Varisian rogue...

Valjun, CN gnome alchemist...

Ren, CN human Varisian oracle...

Steel, CN human Taldan fighter...

Grozni, N gnome summoner...

Thats a lot of chaos and neutrality.

It sure is! There were a few incidents in the first session where their alignment really had an effect:

  • When Steel won the final of the boxing contest by knockout within less than twenty seconds, he baited the crowd, asking them if there was anyone worthy of challenging him.
  • When Valjun used flare and prestidigitation on Titus Scarnetti's horse in an attempt to unseat the nobleman as he was riding by. (Titus managed to just hang on to the reins, but everyone got a laugh.)
  • When Galfin's response to the newly-widowed Amele Barret's breakdown was not to comfort the lady with two small children who had just lost their father, but instead to declare he was going to be selfless by not asking for a reward.
  • When Valjun used enlarge person and disguise self to disguise himself as a human and post a handwritten note on the Cathedral door in the wee hours of the morning, calling Titus Scarnetti out for the arson of the other local grain mills, and denouncing him as in league with whatever forces organised the goblin raid on Sandpoint. (Little does he know that in this game, he is actually right.)

It's going to make for an interesting journey!

Lantern Lodge

I'm having a group that have just begun the assault of Thistletop in Burnt Offerings. I were using Pathfinder rules and a 15- points build. They´re hoping to get through the whole AP with these characters, but I must say that I'm doubtful... :P
Here they are:

Imperia, a strikingly cold chelaxian Cleric (Undead Lord), lvl 2 CE.
Makmuk, an enormous half-orc Fighter, lvl 2 NN.
Jal, a blessed aasimar Paladin (Hospitaler), lvl 2 LG.
Zandu, the calm Varisian Monk, lvl 2 NN

So far they have been doing great, except for the cleric maybe who got himself jailed, fired, reported for sexual abuse and almost killed during a single game session (Which is quite ironic if you look at his alignment)... x)
There have been some unexcpected situations that has made Burnt Offerings particularly interesting for me, like that the Makmuk would have a crush on Shalelu or that Imperia´s constantly bloodlust hindered them from getting important plot information. I don´t see these things as problems though, they feels more like unique details that have spiced up our campaign and made them more outstanding and memorable than the "original" path... :)

Dark Archive

Lambsteak wrote:

I'm having a group that have just begun the assault of Thistletop in Burnt Offerings. I were using Pathfinder rules and a 15- points build. They´re hoping to get through the whole AP with these characters, but I must say that I'm doubtful... :P

Here they are:

Imperia, a strikingly cold chelaxian Cleric (Undead Lord), lvl 2 CE.
Makmuk, an enormous half-orc Fighter, lvl 2 NN.
Jal, a blessed aasimar Paladin (Hospitaler), lvl 2 LG.
Zandu, the calm Varisian Monk, lvl 2 NN

So far they have been doing great, except for the cleric maybe who got himself jailed, fired, reported for sexual abuse and almost killed during a single game session (Which is quite ironic if you look at his alignment)... x)
There have been some unexcpected situations that has made Burnt Offerings particularly interesting for me, like that the Makmuk would have a crush on Shalelu or that Imperia´s constantly bloodlust hindered them from getting important plot information. I don´t see these things as problems though, they feels more like unique details that have spiced up our campaign and made them more outstanding and memorable than the "original" path... :)

I'd be interested to hear how the LG Paladin gets along with the CE Undead lord, must be good times.

Starting a RotRL game on the boards here.

Our group is currently -

Hezekiah Aumvar, 18, a chubby student of the fallen Thassilonian empire. The third child of a wealthy Varisian merchant out of Magnimar, he was shipped off to study at Turandarok Academy in Sandpoint. A NG 1st level human wizard (Thassilonian transmuter), he hopes to make a great discovery regarding Thassilon. He purchased a small house in Sandpoint a few years ago, and spends time with Brodert Quink, his friend in knowledge Satinder Hawkes, Toban at the Pixie's kitten, and Xander when he's performing at Cyrdak's theater.

Toban Ragemont, 25, is a bouncer at the Pixie's kitten, and part-time member of the Sandpoint watch. He is a CG 1st level human two-handed weapon fighter, who has studied the nodachi under his friend Tsuto Kaijitsu. He helped Satinder out of a bind with some toughs, and became friends with Xander and Hez when they come by the Pixie's kitten with Satinder. Never as smart as Hez or Satinder, and never as comfortable with the ladies as Xander, he always looked up to them.

Alexander Edwin LaCroix, 21, is a famous actor out of Magnimar. Tired of playing action heroes, he has become an activist, doing what the heroes he's always portrays do in their stories. He's a CN half-elf of Chelaxian decent, 1st level Bard. As an actor from an acting family, he grew up wealthy in Magnimar, becoming associated with Hez as another lad of the upper-middle crust. Both "popular", yet both not quite ever accepted, Hez for his weight, Xander for his heritage, they were fast friends. When a spot of bother over Lord Mayor of Magnimar Haldmeer Grobaras's daughter, and whether or not their dating was "consensual", it was Satinder who got Xander off. He wishes he was as skilled at the "hero-ing" as Toban, rather than the stage stunts and choreographed fights he's so famous for.

Satinder Hawkes, 26, is a forensic detective out of Magnimar. A staunchly non-religious man with his own demons, he was transferred to Sandpoint after clearing a local actor of false charges against the mayor's daughter. He fell right in with the friends at the Pixie's kitten. He is a LN 1st level human alchemist (mindchemist/ vivisectionist). Where Hez looks at the grand picture, and the sweeping histories, Satinder looks at the details, the pieces, the minutia. He loves chemistry, and although he is no warrior, he finds great love in strenuous physical discipline.

We also have a late-joiner, Jarek Prath, who will be playing a 1st level human ninja. Still developing his character and back story.

On Tuesday, when I begin running this campaign, my group will consist of:

Dack Helvin: Shoanti Barbarian
This guy is just plain weird. He's the Vanilla Barb, but spouts utter rubbish and truly believes everything he says is the truth. He also wanted to wear Sunglasses which I disallowed as well, the closest thing I see to these are stained glass panels shaped like glasses. Good luck seeing out of them! I might be nice and allow it though. :p

Hannah: Witch with Spider (named Jezebel) Familiar
This woman lives in a cave next to the Graveyard on the outskirts of Sandpoint. She helps out with the Towns events and is a Harrower.

Jack Whitinghall: Sword and Shield Fighter
The guy playing this nerfed his character because he's new to playing, so I've suggested what he puts his additional points into (he took all of his points down when he didn't need to for the 20 point buy). His concept is a Sell Sword/Mercenary who can join the adventurers whenever he's able to attend the session.

Tristan: Bladebound Magus
Has a hatred for all Goblins (they murdered his parents), is a young Elf with the appearance of a 15 year old boy and has a knack for using magic. Was taken in by the Sheriff a few years back and now has a place to stay and people to love him once more.

Brik Wahl: Cleric with the Healing and Travel Domains
Random drunk Cleric who follows his own ideals, but heavily follows Cayden Cailean. He's a bit mental, incredibly obsessively compulsive with his healing and likes to sleep a lot, when he's not being rude and obnoxious, demanding alcohol. He'll be used by me as a GMPC for when the fourth character isn't being used.

Stats for Brik are here:
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Level: 1 - 7 Channels

HP: 14
AC: 26

Str: 13
Dex: 7
Con: 14
Wis: 16
Int: 7
Cha: 18

Feats: Toughness, Selective Channeling
3. Shield Proficiency
5. Shield Focus
7. Extra Channel
9. Fleet
11. Extra Channel
13. Fleet
15. Extra Channel
17. Extra Channel

+1 HP Per Level

+1 Full Plate +9 AC, 50lb's
+1 Tower Shield +4 AC, 45lb's

ACP: -12


Defender of the Society - +1 AC
Accelerated Drinker


+1 Ring of Protection
+1 Amulet of Natural Armour

Racial Trait: Heart of the Wilderness

At Level 5 - 7 channels

HP: 60
AC: 28 (Dex up by 1 and Shield Focus)

GP = Nothing. This guy is in debt and on the run, getting drunk whenever the opportunity arises.

Swaying Movement (Not so Sp): Brik Wahl will always move side to side during and out of combat.
Narcolepsy: Brik Wahl will randomly fall asleep at any moment.

Before Combat: Brik Wahl attempts to jump in his armour, shouting "Do I owe you money? NO?! THEN BOOZE, WANT MORE!"
During Combat: Drinks Ale every round, barely staying conscious, waiting for somebody to take damage so he can obsessively, compulsively heal them.

Special: Will sometimes run at opponents, screaming "WEEEEEEE!!!" out of excitement if he's hyper or "MOOOOOOOOOOOORE!!!" if he senses Alcohol on them.

Before Healing: Brik shouts "CHANNEL 1!" - This goes up when his Channel Dice increase.

Given him the spells; Detect Magic, Read Magic, Virtue, Compel Hostility, Cure Light Wounds and Cure Light Wounds (Domain).

He doesn't need Create Water as he'll be drunk and dehydrated ALL OF THE TIME. I guess that could have been the thing that made him stupid in the first place, though I dunno how to determine how well he can speak with an intelligence of 7, so I'm thinking I'll just go with he slurs his words all of the time and does everything without thinking.

His base speed stays the same due to the Travel Domain and will go up to 40 feet when he gets fleet (twice) later on.

Should be fun as he's drunk, stupid and obnoxious. I'd think most people would hate hate him, especially as he's going to be fairly rude, only caring about drink, butting in on any opportunity. So, I guess this guy will be a good distraction where enemies should focus their attention on him. His AC should hopefully keep him alive, too. An unkillable helper would be fun. :p

Silver Crusade

With the impending arrival of the RotRL anniversary edition, I've been looking for a way to run this once again for my players. Thanks to Wayfinder #7, the means to do so was laid before me.

I'm folding aspects of the Way of the Wicked AP into this one, with the idea that the PCs were chosen due to a connection each has to a particular sin.

I wish that I had the means to record the looks on my players faces when the announcement. The very idea that they could be evil (something I usually don't allow) and run through this made them all just giddy with glee. We spent our game night developing the characters they would use for this.

Here's what they came up with:

Wrath: Male human death knight, think Fuhrer King Bradley from FMA: Brotherhood meets Ulquiorra from Bleach; convicted of sedition;

Lust: Male human fighter (plans on taking levels of rogue), finds pleasure in inflicting pain on others; convicted of murder;

Pride: Male vanara unarmed fighter (plans on taking levels of monk), thrives on competition and believes in his own superiority; convicted of dueling unto death;

Envy: Male aasimar spell-less ranger, a serial killer who seeks to regain his own lost innocence by taking it from children; convicted of kidnapping;

Gluttony: Male asterion barbarian, fueled by an insatiable hunger to defeat and consume his enemies (believed to come from his orcish side); convicted of murder;

Greed: Male blight druid; convicted of heresy; the player has chosen not to reveal his race to the other players but as I am the DM he did tell me....


Greed's player is a bleachling gnome that is based on none other than David the Gnome; The idea is that when David and his wife, Lisa, went away to die (per the final episode), they had contracted the Bleaching. Lisa succumbed; David did not. Confused by his current state, he went back to his village to try and figure things out. Big mistake, as our gnome was attacked by his former friends and family. He struck back, grabbing the one weapon he could get his hands on (a shovel). His first kill (Harold, his own son) resulted in him perceiving the bright red hue of the blood that was spilled. It also resulted in him losing what tenuous grasp he had left on his sanity, as he began to crave more of this new brightness. The destruction of his village did little to sate this need and so he left it behind, intent on gathering all the brightness that he can for himself. The player has a strong dislike of gnomes, which was apparently brought on by the World of David the Gnome television series. This character (he's calling him Bosley for the moment) is very cathartic for him.

The final sin, Sloth, goes to Aliandara, my NPC, a Thassilonian specialist wizard (guess what kind?) that is also a Primalist, she is the result of the Hermean breeding program; as a result, she is highly intelligent, but her laziness got her thrown off the island; convicted of Consorting with the Dark Powers (she brought about a primal event while casting a spell).

Magnimar is the location of the prison and the Knot of Thorns, which means they'll be escaping from the Hells. After their escape, test and training, they'll be sent to Sandpoint, arriving just in time for the Swallowtail Festival...

Their advancement will follow the slow track, with the intent being that I can weave in as much as I can from WotW into RotRL. I'm looking forward to seeing how this works out (I understand that some of the sin connections are tenuous, but I'm hoping that they'll develop more as the campaign progresses.


Very cool. I am glad to see you finding some use of my material (both my Wayfinder article and my books). This sounds like an awesome campaign setup and I would love to hear about its progress.

Please be sure to post a journal either on these boards or provide a link!

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Silver Crusade


I've been following your AP (I own all of the PDFs released so far), so I was already planning to run that one since I first heard about it. You've done quality work with that.

Folding portions of WotW into RotRL to turn it into an evil campaign just made sense to me, especially in light of the suggestions you presented in the article. My players are looking forward to this with the same amount of fervor that reserved for the Skull and Shackles AP (where I've also relaxed my 'no evil alignment' restriction).

As far as posting a journal goes, I'll see what I can do. My players know that I'm a regular on these forums and that I've posted their antics before, so I don't think it'll be a problem.

I am really looking forward to running this path. This will be my initial foray in a Pathfinder campaign as a DM. I want to read through it first and I have 4-6 players that may ended up involved (finger's crossed)...I can't wait til they ship it out. I've DMed 3.5e plenty and have played a few characters in Pathfinder. Here I am waiting (patiently?) for a great campaign.

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:
I am really looking forward to running this path. This will be my initial foray in a Pathfinder campaign as a DM. I want to read through it first and I have 4-6 players that may ended up involved (finger's crossed)...I can't wait til they ship it out. I've DMed 3.5e plenty and have played a few characters in Pathfinder. Here I am waiting (patiently?) for a great campaign.

I just checked my e-mail and seen that they shipped it out today.....come on 4-8 business days

Sovereign Court

Strange, I could have sworn posting in this thread before ...

Here we are. We have a motley crew, and the group dynamics changed a lot on the way.

(We will be starting Fortess of the Stone Giants soon ...)

We have Esrin al-Jaldin, priestess of Sarenrae + her Jali husband-cohort
We have sir Felix spellless ranger + "The Cat" Griffon cohort
We have Khamsin, a sylph (for convenience-secretly a weakened Djinn prince on the run)
We have "The Witcher" as based on my custom class available somewhere on this fine site - based on the novels and videogames.
We have "Tree" a warforged druid.
We have "Psycho" (can't remember the name tonight) elfling rogue with a mad mask.
and ... "Nameless Elf wizard" due to join us soon.

We also had at some point :
Wulfgar the Wizard - due to turn Eldritch knight - turned main villain after player's departure
Carmina the Cute small fey - pixie
"what's his name" changeling rogue

Motley Crew, anyone ?

Just started this a couple of weeks ago, this is actually my groups first pathfinder game. We're not all too far into it, waiting for the anniversary edition.

Here's our four man party

Thaddeus Torvan Human(Taldan), Fighter(Weapon Master)
A former nobleman, exiled from Taldor; Thaddeus traveled to Varisia looking for fame and fortune. He encountered Vegas on his Travels, both having similar goals, they stuck together.

Vegas Lockheart Tiefling(Rakshasa), Bard
Compulsive gambler and alcoholic, Vegas was kicked out of his traveling circus after the carnies found out about his fiendish heritage. Thaddeus serves as his body guard when he gets into tough situations.

Firian Cronos Elf(Forlorn), Rogue
Growing up in Riddleport was tough for Firian, he never knew his father and his mother was murdered by some gang members only a few years ago. Looking for vengeance, Firian tracked his mothers murderers to Sandpoint, they're believed to working with the Scarnzi. But vengeance has to wait as the goblin threat is growing.

Elnathan Alverwood Aasimar, Inquisitor
Deity: Unknown
Back story: Unknown

Ready? begin AP this Sunday. Thus far, I've been informed of having 1) human oracle (healer) 2)human oracle (shape changer?) 3) human barbarian 4) Dwarven rogue 5) ?.....seems to be a run on course with a day and change left til start time....all is subject to change...:)

We just started -- we're two sessions in. Note that we're still playing 3.5 because a couple of group members are, hmm, reluctant to change rule sets.

Port -- CN male half-orc barbarian. Port is in need of ready cash due to an enormous bar tab he ran up with Hestia ab Wyrda, proprietress of the Tipsy Grig: the best little gin joint in Kaer Maga. Alas, Hestia fell on hard times and sold his debt to the Sczarni, who are now trying to collect.

Londo Rumdiddy -- CG male halfling rogue. A young, nervous worshipper of Cayden Cailean, Londo was sent by Arnando Rolf (High Publican of the Publican House in Riddleport) to find his bravery out in the world.

Micah -- NG male half-elf ranger. A devout worshipper of Sarenrae and an enthusiastic (if ham-fisted) wooer of women, Micah hails from Crystalhurst in Nirmathas. Interestingly, he bears a startling resemblance to Tsuto Kaijitsu.

Zova -- LN female half-elf druid. Zova's mother fell for a strapping Shoanti lad of the Shriikirri-Quah. After her parents' untimely death in a landslide, she was raised by a Varisian weaver who had also married into the tribe. But eventually Zova packed up her bladed scarf and left to find her own way.

Jubrayl -- NG male human cleric of Sarenrae. A gentle, pious youth who grew up travelling with a Varisian caravan. Enjoys woodworking.

Juron Nissedottir -- CN female half elf warlock. Hailing from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, Juron hopes eventually to slay a linnorm and take her place as a queen of the people who rejected her as a child. Though this Aldern Foxglove fellow is certainly pressing his suit pretty hard...

Liberty's Edge

From my Burnt Offerings game:

Elika CN Female Varisian Witch 4 – A childhood friend of Ameiko and Nualia who’s caravan often stopped in Sandpoint. Adopted sister of Haugck.

Sila Albus LE Male Half-Elf(Chaliaxian) Oracle of the Dark Tapestry 3 – Escaping Nidal Silas is a conflicted young man. Killed while crossing the Thistletop bridge.

Zothram Korlau LN Male Aasimer(Cheliaxian) Cavalier of the Lion 1/Armor Master 3 – A Young Hellknight of the Order of the Nail and ward of Lictor Severs “Boneclaw” DiViri.

Feynriel “Feyed” Da’Lathalin NG Male Elf Bladebound 4 – Hailing from Cry Leaf, in search of goblins who stole from the elves.

Petronicus “Pete” Leroung CG Male Cheliaxian Investigator 4 – Both his parents murdered by the Chopper, he was raised by Sheriff Belor.

Stradd NE Male Half-Elf(Varisian) Cutpurse 2 – Works for the Sczarni of Sandpoint who treat him as a full bloodied Varisian. Killed by a Vargouille in the Catacombs.

Haugck CG Male Half-Orc(Shoanti) Drunken Brute 4 – Working as one of Gorvi’s boys, he was raised by Varisians after his parents were killed for their love. Adopted brother of Elika.

Colinculo Lightstep LG Male Halfling Cleric of Erastil 4 – Tends to the outlying farmsteads along the lost coast.

Alexandaru “Alex” N Male Varisian Summoner3/Charlatan 1 – Sent by Riddleport’s crime bosses to re-open the Sandpoint Glassworks smugglers tunnels.

Astra CN Female Cheliaxian Inquistor of Calistra 2 -- Sent from the temple in Riddleport to capture a rapist/murderer of sacred prostitutes name Tsuto Kajitsu.

Hayate Kashi LN Male Tian-Min Cavalier of the Shield 4 – Amieko’s cousin (on her mother’s side) from Magnimar who travels to Sandpoint after hearing about goblin attacks.

Miles Nine CN Male Kitsune (Tian-Min) Bard 3 – Sent by merchants to rescue their horse that was stolen by Thistletop goblins. Never seen an Elf up close. Eaten by Malfeshnekor.

Kiara NG Female Elf Cleric of Sarenrae 3 – Kidnapped by goblins while traveling the thistlewood and forced to babysit their babies.

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:
Ready? begin AP this Sunday. Thus far, I've been informed of having 1) human oracle (healer) 2)human oracle (shape changer?) 3) human barbarian 4) Dwarven rogue 5) ?.....seems to be a run on course with a day and change left til start time....all is subject to change...:)

we started the campaign last sunday and it went well. We only got as far as finding the body missing in the cemetary. They leveled up to 2nd though, so everyone was happy. We have:

Male human Oracle (life)
Male human Oracle (battle)
Male human rogue (knife master)
Male dwarven rogue
Male dwarven fighter/magus

So far we've got

Female half-elf ranger (wild stalker), archery focused

Male human or halfling (not decided yet) cleric (deity undecided)

??? race unknown magus

4th character. Has not begun character creation yet, or spoken to me of what sort of concept he's going for.

Alright, as an update the characters are up and running. In case you couldn't tell, I'm looking forward to Skinsaw Murders' PC-specific haunt, and to Runeforge's "favoured sin" feature.

Grall Skullcrusher, Male CG Half-Orc Magus 1 (lives up to his orcish nature. Definitely the "wratful haunt" for this one. His favoured sin so far is Wrath.)

Genevie Pennyfeather, Female NG Elf Wizard (Evoker) 1 (Just being an evoker alone is pretty much enough to qualify her to be the "burning haunt" focus. Her favoured sin so far is Envy)

Artemede Swift, Female CG Half-Elf Ranger (Wild Shadow) 1 (Already "getting busy" with Aldern Foxglove. His upcoming ghoulification will be rather interesting to watch, not to mention that I've already got the "Obsessed Haunt" candidate for Skinsaw Murders. Her favoured sin so far is Lust.)

Edwin Klassen, Male LN Human Cleric of Asmodeus 1 (planned to drift towards LG and get adopted into Sarenrae's faith over the course of the campaign, thus not losing gameplay power just for the sake of story. He was the toughest to decide a haunt for, but I think I'm going for the "insane haunt" as my choice. He has shown no real sign of either sin or virtue of any kind yet.)

Liberty's Edge

Stereofm wrote:

Strange, I could have sworn posting in this thread before ...

Here we are. We have a motley crew, and the group dynamics changed a lot on the way.

(We will be starting Fortess of the Stone Giants soon ...)

We have Esrin al-Jaldin, priestess of Sarenrae + her Jali husband-cohort

Who happens to be a Cavalier ;-)

We have sir Felix spellless ranger + "The Cat" Griffon cohort

The Cat is actually my PC's Animal Companion. Sir Felix is also a Paladin of Erastil and has a cohort : Sir Godefro (Halfling Paladin of Erastil) who guides him on the holy path of selfless service to Old Deadeye.

I guess Sir Felix's Urgathoa-worshipping wife is counted as one of his followers.

We have Khamsin, a sylph (for convenience-secretly a weakened Djinn prince on the run)

Also a Bard who recently went for the Dervish archetype, thus depriving the group of his Inspire Courage ability :-(

We have "The Witcher" as based on my custom class available somewhere on this fine site - based on the novels and videogames.

Played by 2 players in succession. I feel that the class is a bit underarchieving (especially because of its MAD-ness), but both players were not powergamers, so it's ok (at least for the moment)

We have "Tree" a warforged druid.

And its delightful pet Dire Wolf "Friend"

We have "Psycho" (can't remember the name tonight) elfling rogue with a mad mask.

The name is Binyon Longfoot, he has a terrifyingly varied extended family including a few sczarny and I am not sure the mask can be blamed for the whole of his maniac behaviour (though he is far less psychotic than a certain Rogue/Inquisitor from Galt in our Serpent Skull campaign). I just realized that the psycho's player in RotRL is the GM of Serpent Skull where the psycho's player is our GM for RotRL. And they encourage each other I swear (under the guise of allowing the player to fully portray his character). This is starting to sound really disturbing

and ... "Nameless Elf wizard" due to join us soon.

I will believe it when I see it


We also had at some point :

Wulfgar the Wizard - due to turn Eldritch knight - turned main villain after player's departure
Carmina the Cute small fey - pixie
"what's his name" changeling rogue

Motley Crew, anyone ?

And numerous to boot. We beat the bad guys by not leaving enough space on the mat to put their minis.

  • Asar Galad Feanor Peredhel (of Kyonin): NG Male Half-Elf Fighter (Two-Handed)

  • Alistair Arrione, the Beggar Prince (of Korvosa): CN Male Human (Chelaxian) Rogue (Rake)

  • Khana, the Runaway Princess (of Qadira): CG Female Human (Keleshite) Sorceress (Djinni Bloodline)

  • Varus, the Sword-Sworn (of Mendev): LG Male Human (Chelaxian) Paladin of Iomedae

We're nearing the end of Hook Mountain Massacre with the following group:

Human Samurai - melee specialist, switches between sword + board and two-handed fighting depending on the need for tanking vs striking.
Goblin Paladin - archer, secondary healer.
Human Monk - mobile striker and battlefield control (via grappling)
Half-Elf Oracle (Heavens) - divine support and a bit of blasting, primary healer.
Halfling Witch (Elements) - arcane utility + blasting crowd control.

The samurai (and horse companion) and monk form a robust front line (supported by Shield Other cast by the paladin and oracle). The paladin will send his mount (a wolf-like shaggy dog) forward to attack or will remain mounted for added mobility if need be. The witch and oracle tend to take to the skies if the melee situation becomes untenable. The witch tends to focus on blasting and summoning in combat, throwing out the odd hex if she wants to save spells. The oracle casts divine buffs, does direct damage with her mysteries (interstellar void and spray of shooting stars) and battlefield control via color spray + awesome display (lowers opponents effective HD for purposes of illusion (pattern) spells).

Just had our second session, so about 10 hours into the game and just finished up with the glassworks.

Group consists of:

Glinkle - Male Gnome Illusionist Pacifist Sorcerer
Scruffy Slingblade - Male Tripping Fighter (Guess how he talks...)
DaForrest - Male Human(Shoanti) Barbarian and Apprentice Blacksmith
Farren - Male Human(Ulfan) Cleric of Sarenrae

Campaign's gonna start next week and at last the party stands, though most still have no names..

Gwynn - Human (Galt) Ranger - Fled from Galt, making a living in the Sandpoint Region as a guide.

Iridian - Half-Elf (Varisian) Inquisitor of Desna -

-- - Human (??) Bard - Seeking Thassilonian Lore and a chance to reenact it on stage.

-- - Daemon-Spawn Tiefling (??) Magus - Stole his father's sword and fled to Varisia.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

Played first session last week. They made it through part II of book 1. Everyone but the Wizard dropped below zero at least once, but no permanent deaths. Lack of heals may be an issue, we'll see after our next session.

Aasimar Fire Elemantalist Wizard
Catfolk Poisoner Rogue
Human Two Weapon Master Fighter
Elf Hexcrafter Magus

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

We started last month. The group has the following:

Human Kelishite Magus (On the run, trying to "lie low" in Sandpoint)

1/2 Elf Druid Part 1 (Wants to switch off to Ranger and be party tank with his lizardy animal companion)

1/2 Elf Druid Part 2 (Wants to specialize in the more magical side of Druiddom)Together part 1 and part 2 have a schtick that sounds like the "Bad Idea Bears"

Human Tian-Min disillusioned Monk (Gonna be fighter soon, somehow the path of the Monk didn't provide the enlightenment he sought)

Human (Taldan?) Priest of Razimir (Knows that everything can be had for a price)

Human (well mostly) Witch of Irrisen (81st in line to throne, or maybe 126th. He lost track. Embarrasses his kin by not being evil enough)

Human Varisian Hillbilly Drunken Master (He's got a cure for what ails ye)

With this many characters they ought to steam-roll the encounters. In reality the answer is "not really".

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

We are now at the start of book 4:

Human Wizard
Human Fighter (disarm build)
Dwarf Ranger (archer)
Human Paladin of Iomedae
Half-Elf Mystic Theurge of Desna

My group of three players for RotR...

Cloud the catfolk monk (martial artist)
Cassandra the aasimar oracle (seer)
and Alexis the aasimar sorceress (celestial bloodline).

They've just finished up to the Caves of Wrath. The fight with Erylium was nasty, but they've dealt with everything else thus far in pretty good fashion. Only trouble besides the quasit has been my incredibly high rolls against them.

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