![]() Ferrin, Thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed MinionQuest! I had a blast running it both times. You and your son ... that means you were in the Friday game, right? I specifically remember your son shooting the enraged chimera with an arrow. Now that took bravery. Or a low INT score. :) Anyways, I too had an amazing Paizocon in no small part thanks to enthusiastic players like you and your son. Thanks for showing up and hopefully I'll see you again next year. Gary McBride
![]() Kobold Cleaver wrote: Thanks to Bill Webb and Gary McBride for two really one-of-a-kind games. It's really nice to get a session that completely represents its RPG's style, and these two GMs definitely pull that off for, respectively, Swords & Wizardry and Grimm. Oh, and thanks to the GM of the Thule game--name badges were small and I never caught your name, but it was a lot of fun to play a game in the making. Thanks for the kind words! They are greatly appreciated. Grimm is a fairly awesome little system. Such a shame that it is out of print and so hard to find these days. Gary McBride
![]() wakedown wrote:
Thanks for the feedback and the kind words! Glad you enjoyed the game. I'll definitely be back next year. Gary McBride
![]() Zero Effect, First, thanks for the praise. I'm glad you're enjoying "Way of the Wicked". Sounds like your PCs have already largely succeed at burning Balentyne. Now, they just need to mop up the heavies. As for handling the three remaining NPCs. Havelyn is in charge. He will never tolerate inaction or simply holding the fort. I agree with Frankly about this. The three drove off these murderous villains once. They have to hunt them down and end their reign of terror. Then Havelyn could send Donnagan to summon reinforcements. That's his line of thinking while Tacticus, his remaining troops and himself bravely hold Balentyne against an attack, the paladin is certain is coming. It is exactly this sort of desperation and impatience that could allow clever PCs to find advantage enough to slaughter these last do-gooders and finish their dread work here in Balentyne. War comes to Talingarde soon, or so it sounds... Gary McBride
![]() Thanks for all the interest guys! Wakedown, Don't worry about bringing extra coffee. I'll definitely have that taken care off for myself. Eight AM games do not happen without caffeine. To those that have a schedule conflict, I completely understand. After the con, I'll throw the results of the panel up on the message boards here. To those who are planning to attend, Take a moment before the con to think about this. Is there one adventure path that would completely rock world? And if so, what would it be? Try to describe it less than a hundred words. And remember, it cannot use Golarion-specific content. Bring that to the convention. I'd love to hear it. I can't promise we'll get to all of them if we have a large crowd. But I can promise we'll get to some of them. I am so looking forward to hearing your ideas and am stoked for this panel honestly above all others. Gary McBride
![]() At Paizocon, I'll be running a panel Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm in Evergreen G called "The View from the Fire Mountain". I'll be hosting that panel and we'll be doing all sorts of previews of "Way of the Wicked" Book Seven and "Throne of Night". In addition to talking about all our current projects, we'll be devoting a portion of that panel to talking about our future as yet undecided projects. We'll be previewing a couple of possible candidates for upcoming adventure paths, taking suggestions from the audiences and then holding a small straw vote on which path you would prefer. This sort of straight-from-the-fans data is very important to us. It represents a chance for you to have a real impact upon our future products. And of course we're not promising that any of those projects will be our next AP, but we are certain that at this panel we'll be listening. So be heard and get a glimpse from a the top of the Fire Mountain. I look forward to meeting you all. Gary McBride
![]() Axial, As a fan of Midnight (I own every book, even the DVD), I completely approve of using "Way of the Wicked" to transition into a Midnight-esque campaign. That would be a hell of a campaign setup. If you ever run this, I'd love to hear about the actual play. Gary McBride
![]() Andrea1, Spoiler:
First, I wouldn't call Bellinda a Mary Sue. I am definitely not living vicariously through a twenty something princess via my writing. Uh, no. Dude, that would be seriously creepy. Instead, Bellinda is the straightforward good guy to oppose the utter wickedness of the PCs. Almost every other major good guy NPC has his/her flaws. The commander of Balentyne is overwhelmed with melancholy and sorrow for his lost love. The dragons Antharia Regina and Erimanthus are standoffish and distant. The Church though ultimately well-meaning is riddled with zealotry, indifference and corruption. The paladin very likely gives into despair and become an anti-paladin if the PCs don't just kill him. Even Ara Mathra, though he weeps with grief, is unwilling to abandon his precious sacred flame to more directly help the people of Talingarde. Good guys all but all with their problems and failings. But not Bellinda. She is the shining "big-good" of the adventure path. I thought we needed at least one. However, if this does not sit well with you and you want her to be more complex, I think its fixable. When she flees Talingarde and spends three years away, right now the adventure path portrays her as spending that time constantly working towards her return. Instead, you could portray the princess as turning her back on her home. With her father dead and her title taken from her, the princess seeks at first to make another life far away from poor, doomed Talingarde. And then finally, she receives word of some atrocity your villains have done during their reign. Finally it is too much. Even the Princess can no longer stand by and do nothing. She's going back. She marshals what forces she can and begins the long journey home. Anyways, hope that helps.
Gary McBride
![]() That's actually a great idea to compile all these reports. They would make a great read put together. I've enjoyed reading them. Regardless, thanks for the reports, John. Gary McBride
![]() Taason, Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you've enjoyed the AP. I actually tightly followed the loot guidelines per level. I also added a bunch of hell-themed magical items in later books (written by Jason Buhlman) that could be added throughout the campaign if you so wanted. In my own campaign, I have occasionally used them as gifts directly from Asmodeus for sufficiently wicked deeds. You want to do this sparingly, but it makes a great way of saying "That was a masterpiece of villainy." Gary McBride
![]() I just got the off the phone with Kyle. I am helping to fund the "boom"! I am immensely looking forward to this pre-con spectacular event. Gary McBride
![]() Kobold Cleaver wrote: Wow, the Grimm game has transitioned to Pathfinder? Shizzle's getting serious. Hope I get in! XD Actually, no. The Grimm game is still using the Grimm system (no experience necessary, all material provided). I just failed to notice this error. I'll send a message to Sara to see that this is cleared up. Gary McBride
![]() Zantumal, As the guy running "MinionQuest II" I can assure you, all materials will be provided including pregenerated characters. Gary McBride
![]() Way of the Wicked -- Vengeance! Gary McBride
![]() Thanks for your interest in "Way of the Wicked". I'm back from vacation. I've ordered more prints. They are on the way. So, I think we can update "soon" to "very soon". Gary McBride
![]() Thanks everyone! Thanks for your support. We actually spent today laying out Book One. I'll think you'll be pleased. Gary McBride
![]() John, We're less than eight hundred away with five hours to go! We can definitely do this. Gary McBride
![]() Banesfinger, Wow! Thanks a lot for your support. It is greatly appreciated! Douglasiv, Everyone at the DIGITAL DELVER level and above will receive the PDF of the adventure for free. DELUXE EXPLORERS get the print version, the poster and the signed versions of the books as well for no additional money. Endzeitgeist,
Gary McBride
![]() You could roll Osirion, Katapesh and Qadira together and make it "The Lands of Fire" issue. That would be a topic that I'd be interested in contributing to. Gary McBride
![]() The last day of our Throne of Night Kickstarter has arrived! Pledge now or forever pay full retail! Fire Mountain Games, the critically acclaimed publisher of "Way of the Wicked" is raising money to publish their second adventure path and you can be a part of it! If we can make it less than another $2200, then everyone will receive an exclusive 32-page adventure written by myself available nowhere else. Pledge now and make it a reality as well as getting a substantial discount on the books themselves. Together we will build this Throne of Night. Gary McBride
![]() Banesfinger, 1) AoM is correct. Physical messengers are sent to the horn. 2) Dismissal, instead of actually banishing them, probably just rips them apart and still trapped at the Horn, they reform a month later just as if they had been killed. Having their true name amulets just means they'll do what you say instead of what they think is best for the defense of the Horn. 3) I would say the same effect that stops Plane Shift also stops them from using dispel magic in this way. Also, don't be afraid of making the magic of the Horn a little capricious and hard to figure it out. After all, its the magic of a decade old holy curse interacting with the lingering aura of a place of unspeakable evil. The fact that the magic sometimes "fights with itself" should come as no surprise and makes the magic seem ... well, a little more magical. Hope that helps,
![]() Odraude, Yes, indeed. The seventh book will be an optional series of sidequests, new art (will illustrate many NPCs who never got a picture), beautiful player handouts, background material and other bonus materials. Everything you need to expand "Way of the Wicked" into an even greater campaign. This was funded by the "Throne of Night" kickstarter going on right now! Gary McBride
![]() Way of the Wicked Book Seven is not a kickstarter exclusive. You will be able to buy it after. If we fund the exclusive adventure for "Throne of Night", it will be. Gary McBride
![]() PathfinderFan64, I would say that buying the books as they come out is helping out! Thanks for your support and your interest, regardless. Gary McBride
![]() Warrant, Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you're enjoying "Way of the Wicked" and if you do run, I'd love to hear about your game. Gary McBride
![]() John Stout, Thanks for taking the time to post a few kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed "Way of the Wicked". And of course, thank you for your support! Gary McBride
![]() Darwyn, Thanks for your support! We've within striking distance of $40K and unlocking the exclusive kickstarter adventure! Gary McBride
![]() Yes, there will be a free preview with the tentative title:"Battle Beneath the Earth." It will come out with Book One. Gary McBride
![]() Glad you like the hex map. Book One is almost finished now and the PDF will be released to kickstarter backers at the end of May when the kickstarter is over and the money has been received. Then it will go out to other venues shortly thereafter and be sent to the printer. Gary McBride
![]() Ezren: During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you! Gary McBride
![]() Zenlike, Greetings! My name is Gary McBride and I wrote "Way of the Wicked". Glad to hear you've decided to run the campaign. If you have any questions about the game, I'd be delighted to answer them as time permits. I'd also urge to post brief descriptions of your sessions. I love to read records of actual play. But regardless, thanks for choosing "Way of the Wicked" and I hope you and your friends have a great campaign. Have fun being the bad guy. Gary McBride
![]() This map is the first of several linked hex maps that will explore the Azathyr, a region in the underworld where our newest adventure path, "Throne of Night," will be set. Drawn in full color by our artist Michael Clarke, this is very close to what will appear in Book One: Dark Frontier. We are kickstarting this series of books right now. We're already funded and have cleared our first stretch goal. Gary McBride
![]() DaRaDu, I feel your pain and the restock will hit as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience and your kind words. Rather than commit to a date that I cannot control, I'll merely say that the restock is coming soon. I also want to you that when it happens, I'll be sure to post about it here. Gary McBride
![]() Endzeitgeist is quite correct. To expand a little, MinionQuest is three completely optional sidequests where instead of playing the bad guys ruthlessly conquering Talingarde you play their much put upon, unfairly treated underlings. MinionQuest is intended to be used as three one-shots that over the course of the campaign allow for humorous interludes as a change of pace to the usually serious tone of "Way of the Wicked". And yes, they've just been funded on Kickstarter and will come out sometime hopefully early next year. MinionQuest I was run at PaizoCon last year. MinionQuest II will premier this year. MinionQuest III -- who knows? Success in MinionQuest is mostly measured by not getting eaten by the PCs' pet ogre. Gary McBride
![]() Wow! Quite a defeat for team bad guy. Thanks for keeping up posting these! Gary McBride
![]() Oliver, As soon as we hit the stretch goal we'll be putting up all the details. Might even be tonight. Gary McBride
![]() Randomdonkey, Regarding Bergill Mott and Captain Mott, they could be related. One side of the family went bad while the other went legit. Could be a nice angle to play up in certain campaigns. But is this an intentional plot point? No. Gary McBride
![]() JMD031 wrote: Any idea when this will come off back order? I'll put in another order at the end of the month. That will hopefully clear out all the back orders a few weeks later. But if you want the books right now, they are available at DriveThruRPG and RPGNOW today. Gary McBride
![]() You all sense you are being watched. No, but seriously. Wow, three games at once! Impressive. Gary McBride
![]() Book Seven will consist of several parts... Yes, it will have three one one-shot adventures called "MinionQuest" intended to serve as humorous interludes in the adventure path. But it will also contain several full length side-quests and expansions to the main "Way of the Wicked" plotline. It will also consist of a large section of high-quality player handouts and all new art. In short, while completely optional, it is 100-pages designed to enhance your villainous campaign. Gary McBride
![]() We're half way through our kickstarter for Throne of Night and we're already funded and almost to our first stretch goal -- Book Seven of "Way of the Wicked". Support us to get this new book at a special preorder price of $20. Gary McBride
![]() Shadowborn wrote: Having just finished the writing for this project, I have to say I've quickly become a huge fan of the Way of the Wicked AP and can't wait to run it. If I can somehow manage to swing Paizocon this year, I may run the first part of Knot of Thorns with the AP iconics. Shadowborn, Thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you're enjoying "Way of the Wicked". If you do run "Knot" at PaizoCon, let me know and I'll provide some prize support. Gary McBride
![]() Snowheart, I totally let that question slip through my fingers. Elves do not play a major role in Way of the Wicked, its true. There are only 650 elves in Ghastenhall, for example, a city of more than 80,000. And I believe no major NPC is an elf. I personally always envisioned Talingarde being a predominantly human and dwarven land. A few civilized elves in Talingarde. Elves live in the Caer Bryr and the Savage North in small tribes. And elves doubtless live in the rest of the world in much more normal concentrations. But Talingarde is a very lawful good sort of place and I largely visualize elves as being predominantly chaotic good. They don't find the dominion of the House of Darius very welcoming. Really, its as simple as that. Gary McBride