Pathfinder Tokens: Bestiaries (Foundry VTT)

5.00/5 (based on 28 ratings)

Our Price: $60.00

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Every creature, every variant, every portrait, tokenized and ready for use.

A truly comprehensive collection of portrait and token artwork for more than 1,200 creatures including their variants. This all-in-one package exclusive to Foundry VTT combines all of the artwork from the Pathfinder Bestiary, Bestiary 2, and Bestiary 3 for Pathfinder Second Edition into a single collection. Clockwork constructs, dangerous devils, deadly dragons, nightmarish niliths, ominous orcs, slithering serpentfolk, plaintive petitioners, and untamable undead—no creature goes unrepresented.

This unique, exclusive bundle includes:

  • Tokens for all 1207* creatures included in the Pathfinder Second Edition game system for Foundry VTT, including Tokens for previously unseen creatures such as petitioners, variants of the living rune, living graffiti, and imperial dragons!
  • High-resolution portrait art pieces for all of the creatures in the bestiaries.
  • Dozens of custom portraits unique to this collection, composited using images from Paizo's vast vault of artwork.
  • A blank copy of the token ring, so you can make tokens that match for your own homebrew creatures and your party! (webp format)

* - some creatures such as the spellcaster variants of Dragons share the same art.


Purchasing this product from the Paizo store will grant you an activation code which can be used through your Foundry VTT account page to activate the content for installation. Afterwards you will be able to install the “Pathfinder Token Pack: Bestiaries" module from the Foundry Virtual Tabletop setup screen.

After installing the module, it must be activated within a Game World. To do so:

    • Access the Settings Sidebar tab
    • Click "Manage Modules"
    • Locate the "Pathfinder Token Pack: Bestiaries" Module, enable it, and save module settings.

Once enabled, the Pathfinder Token Pack: Bestiary module maps portrait and token art to every creature in the compendium packs for all three bestiaries, and the tokens and portraits should be automatically displayed when you open either the compendium browser or the compendium packs directly.

Frequently Asked Questions

I Already Own The Bestiary PDFs, Is There A Discount?

Historically, we have offered discounts for Foundry Virtual Tabletop packages when the modules are conversions of existing Paizo works, such as adventure paths. However, as this token pack is an entirely new and stand-alone product, not a conversion of any single book or PDF, there is no original publication that we can use as the basis for a PDF discount.

It's important to remember that this product is not simply a Foundry VTT port of the Pathfinder Bestiary books. In fact, all of the rules content (including creature statistics) from every official Pathfinder source, including the bestiaries, is already included in the Pathfinder Second Edition Game System for Foundry VTT. This product offers token and portrait artwork for every single one of those creatures. The tokens included in this product are unique and have not been re-released, and we have also included many difficult-to-find or wholly custom pieces of art, making it a truly unique collection.

How Much Space Do I Need?

Thanks to the technological advancement that is webp image compression, we have been able to include the entire package at less than 300MB.

Where Did You Get The Art?

The overwhelming majority of creatures were easily sourced-- they were the art pieces included in the bestiaries originally. However, some creatures either did not have art included in the original bestiary books, were simply one-line descriptions offered as a variant of an existing creature, or were otherwise unavailable. For those pieces, we worked closely with Paizo Inc. to locate art for creatures from books outside the bestiaries, pieces from a variety of pawn boxes and battle cards, and even unused concept art. In some rare cases, such as the Petitioners or the Living Graffiti, we used source art from a variety of books to composite suitable images which would align with the creature descriptions while respecting the work of the original artists and submitted those for approval to Paizo's art team. We are very pleased to say that every single creature is represented.

What Creatures Does This Pack Include?

We've been asked about some of the most obscure creatures and whether we include art for them--the short answer is that if they are listed in the bestiaries, we have included art for them. However, for a complete list of what this pack includes:

[Creature Portraits and Tokens Included (By Name) - click to reveal]

  • Aapoph Serpentfolk
  • Aasimar Redeemer
  • Abandoned Zealot
  • Abrikandilu
  • Adachros
  • Adhukait
  • Adlet
  • Aghash
  • Ahuizotl
  • Air Wisp
  • Akata
  • Akizendri
  • Amalgamite
  • Giant Amoeba
  • Amoeba Swarm
  • Amphisbaena
  • Giant Anaconda
  • Android Infiltrator
  • Animated Broom
  • Animated Colossus
  • Animated Silverware Swarm
  • Giant Animated Statue
  • Animated Statue
  • Animated Trebuchet
  • Ankhrav
  • Ankou
  • Ankylosaurus
  • Annis Hag
  • Giant Ant
  • Aphorite Sharpshooter
  • Arboreal Reaper
  • Arboreal Regent
  • Army Ant Swarm
  • Assassin Vine
  • Astradaemon
  • Attic Whisperer
  • Augnagar
  • Augur
  • Aurumvorax
  • Azer
  • Giant Badger
  • Badger
  • Ball Python
  • Baobhan Sith
  • Baomal
  • Barghest
  • Basilisk
  • Bastion Archon
  • Giant Bat
  • Bauble Beast
  • Bebilith
  • Behir
  • Belker
  • Betobeto-san
  • Bison
  • Black Bear
  • Black Pudding
  • Blindheim
  • Blink Dog
  • Blizzardborn
  • Blood Painter
  • Blue-Ringed Octopus
  • Boar
  • Bog Mummy
  • Boggard Scout
  • Bone Prophet
  • Bone Ship
  • Bottlenose Dolphin
  • Brain Collector
  • Brainchild
  • Bralani
  • Brine Shark
  • Brownie
  • Bugbear Tormentor
  • Bulette
  • Bunyip
  • Buso Farmer
  • Bythos
  • Cacodaemon
  • Cactus Leshy
  • Petitioner (Dead Vault)
  • Cairn Linnorm
  • Cairn Wight
  • Calathgar
  • Caligni Creeper
  • Caligni Slayer
  • Camel
  • Carnivorous Blob
  • Catfolk Pouncer
  • Catoblepas
  • Catrina
  • Caulborn
  • Cave Bear
  • Cave Fisher
  • Cave Scorpion
  • Cavern Troll
  • Cecaelia Trapper
  • Centaur
  • Giant Centipede
  • Centipede Swarm
  • Ceustodaemon
  • Giant Chameleon
  • Changeling Exile
  • Chernobue
  • Chimera (Black Dragon)
  • Chimera (Blue Dragon)
  • Chimera (Green Dragon)
  • Chimera (Red Dragon)
  • Chimera (White Dragon)
  • Choker
  • Petitioner (Elysium)
  • Chouchin-obake
  • Chupacabra
  • Chyzaedu
  • Cinder Rat
  • Clacking Sea Skull Swarm
  • Clacking Skull Swarm
  • Clay Golem
  • Petitioner (Nirvana)
  • Cloaker
  • Clockwork Soldier
  • Clockwork Spy
  • Cloud Giant
  • Cobbleswarm
  • Giant Cockroach
  • Cockroach Swarm
  • Coil Spy
  • Common Eurypterid
  • Compsognathus
  • Consonite Choir
  • Cornugon
  • Corrupted Relic
  • Giant Crawling Hand
  • Crawling Hand
  • Crocodile
  • Cunning Fox
  • Great Cyclops
  • D'ziriak
  • Daeodon
  • Petitioner (Hell)
  • Dandasuka
  • Petitioner (Boneyard)
  • Deadly Mantis
  • Deep Gnome Scout
  • Deimavigga
  • Deinonychus
  • Deinosuchus
  • Demilich
  • Denizen of Leng
  • Derghodaemon
  • Dero Stalker
  • Dero Strangler
  • Destrachan
  • Dezullon
  • Dhampir Wizard
  • Dig-Widget
  • Dire Wolf
  • Djinni
  • Doppelganger
  • Doru
  • Black Dracolisk
  • Blue Dracolisk
  • Green Dracolisk
  • Red Dracolisk
  • White Dracolisk
  • Young Brine Dragon
  • Young Brine Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Cloud Dragon
  • Young Cloud Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Crystal Dragon
  • Young Crystal Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Forest Dragon
  • Adult Forest Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Forest Dragon
  • Young Forest Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Gold Dragon
  • Adult Gold Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Magma Dragon
  • Young Magma Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Sea Dragon
  • Adult Sea Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Sea Dragon
  • Ancient Sea Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Sea Dragon
  • Young Sea Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Silver Dragon
  • Ancient Silver Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Sky Dragon
  • Adult Sky Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Sky Dragon
  • Young Sky Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Sovereign Dragon
  • Adult Sovereign Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Sovereign Dragon
  • Young Sovereign Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Umbral Dragon
  • Young Umbral Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Underworld Dragon
  • Adult Underworld Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Underworld Dragon
  • Young Underworld Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Giant Dragonfly Nymph
  • Drainberry Bush
  • Drakauthix
  • Dramofir
  • Draugr
  • Dread Wraith
  • Petitioner (Dimension of Dreams)
  • Dretch
  • Drow Fighter
  • Drow Priestess
  • Drow Rogue
  • Dryad Queen
  • Dryad
  • Duende
  • Duergar Sharpshooter
  • Duergar Taskmaster
  • Duskwalker Ghost Hunter
  • Dvorovoi
  • Dweomercat
  • Eagle
  • Earth Wisp
  • Earthen Destrier
  • Efreeti
  • Elder Wyrmwraith
  • Petitioner (Heaven)
  • Electric Eel
  • Elemental Avalanche
  • Elemental Hurricane
  • Elemental Inferno
  • Elemental Tsunami
  • Elephant
  • Emperor Cobra
  • Bore Worm Swarm
  • Empress Bore Worm
  • Ice Worm Swarm
  • Lava Worm Swarm
  • Empress Lava Worm
  • Mage-Eater Worm Swarm
  • Empress Mage-Eater Worm
  • Necril Worm Swarm
  • Petitioner (Positive Energy Plane)
  • Esipil
  • Etioling Blightmage
  • Ettin
  • Eunemvro
  • Faceless Stalker
  • Fading Fox
  • Feathered Bear
  • Fen Mosquito Swarm
  • Feral Sea Skull Swarm
  • Feral Skull Swarm
  • Festrog
  • Fetchling Scout
  • Fire Giant
  • Fire Jellyfish Swarm
  • Fire Wisp
  • Firewyrm
  • Fjord Linnorm
  • Flame Drake
  • Flash Beetle
  • Flesh Golem
  • Flumph
  • Giant Flying Squirrel
  • Giant Flytrap
  • Flytrap Leshy
  • Fortune Eater
  • Giant Frilled Lizard
  • Giant Frog
  • Frost Drake
  • Frost Giant
  • Frost Troll
  • Fungus Leshy
  • Galvo
  • Gancanagh
  • Ganzi Martial Artist
  • Garuda
  • Giant Gecko
  • Gelatinous Cube
  • Gelugon
  • Ghonhatine
  • Ghoran Manipulator
  • Ghost Mage
  • Ghoul
  • Gibbering Mouther
  • Glabrezu
  • Glass Golem
  • Gliminal
  • Globster
  • Gnoll Cultist
  • Gnoll Hunter
  • Gnoll Sergeant
  • Goblin Dog
  • Goblin War Chanter
  • Gogiteth
  • Goliath Spider
  • Gorgon
  • Gorilla
  • Gourd Leshy
  • Granite Glyptodont
  • Gray Ooze
  • Great White Shark
  • Green Hag
  • Green Man
  • Grendel
  • Grikkitog
  • Grim Reaper
  • Grimstalker
  • Grindylow
  • Grippli Scout
  • Grizzly Bear
  • Grodair
  • Guard Dog
  • Guecubu
  • Gurgist Mauler
  • Guthallath
  • Gylou
  • Hadrinnex
  • Hadrosaurid
  • Hamatula
  • Hell Hound
  • Hellbound Attorney
  • Hellcat
  • Hellknight Cavalry Brigade
  • Hellwasp Swarm
  • Herexen
  • Giant Hermit Crab
  • Hermit Crab Swarm
  • Hesperid Queen
  • Hesperid
  • Hezrou
  • Hieracosphinx
  • Hill Giant
  • Giant Hippocampus
  • Hippocampus
  • Hippogriff
  • Hippopotamus
  • Hive Mother
  • Hobgoblin Soldier
  • Hodag
  • Hound Archon
  • Hound Of Tindalos
  • Huldra
  • Petitioner (Abaddon)
  • Hunting Spider
  • Hyaenodon
  • Hyakume
  • Hydra
  • Hyena
  • Ice Golem
  • Ice Linnorm
  • Icewyrm
  • Icicle Snake
  • Ifrit Pyrochemist
  • Imentesh
  • Incutilis
  • Intellect Devourer
  • Interlocutor
  • Invisible Stalker
  • Ioton
  • Irlgaunt
  • Irnakurse
  • Iron Golem
  • Isqulug
  • Ittan-momen
  • Janni
  • Giant Jellyfish
  • Jinkin
  • Jorogumo
  • Jotund Troll
  • Jungle Drake
  • Kangaroo
  • Kappa
  • Kasa-obake
  • Keketar
  • Kelpie
  • Khravgodon
  • Kimenhul
  • Kishi
  • Kitsune Trickster
  • Kobold Scout
  • Kodama
  • Kokogiak
  • Kolyarut
  • Korred
  • Kraken
  • Krooth
  • Kuchisake-Onna
  • Kurobozu
  • Kushtaka
  • Lamia Matriarch
  • Lamia
  • Lampad Queen
  • Lampad
  • Lantern Archon
  • Petitioner (Abyss)
  • Ledalusca
  • Giant Leech
  • Brood Leech Swarm
  • Lantern Archon (Gestalt)
  • Lemure
  • Leng Ghoul
  • Leng Spider
  • Leopard
  • Leprechaun
  • Lesser Death
  • Leucrotta
  • Leukodaemon
  • Leydroth
  • Lich
  • Lifeleecher Brawler
  • Lion
  • Living Boulder
  • Living Graffiti (Blood)
  • Living Graffiti (Chalk)
  • Living Graffiti (Ink)
  • Living Graffiti (Oil)
  • Living Landslide
  • Living Rune (Arcane)
  • Living Rune (Divine)
  • Living Rune (Occult)
  • Living Rune (Primal)
  • Living Waterfall
  • Living Whirlwind
  • Living Wildfire
  • Lizardfolk Defender
  • Lizardfolk Scout
  • Locathah Hunter
  • Love Siktempora
  • Lovelorn
  • Giant Maggot
  • Maharaja
  • Mandragora
  • Manta Ray
  • Giant Mantis
  • Marid
  • Marsh Giant
  • Mastodon
  • Medusa
  • Megalania
  • Megalictis
  • Megalodon
  • Meladaemon
  • Merfolk Wavecaller
  • Mezlan
  • Mimic
  • Mitflit
  • Mithral Golem
  • Mohrg
  • Mokele-mbembe
  • Giant Monitor Lizard
  • Monkey Swarm
  • Monkey
  • Moon Hag
  • Moose
  • Giant Moray Eel
  • Morrigna
  • Mu Spore
  • Mudwretch
  • Mukradi
  • Petitioner (Shadow Plane)
  • Myceloid
  • Dark Naga
  • Guardian Naga
  • Lunar Naga
  • Spirit Naga
  • Nagaji Soldier
  • Naiad Queen
  • Naiad
  • Namorrodor
  • Naunet
  • Necrophidius
  • Nemhaith
  • Neothelid
  • Nereid
  • Nessian Warhound
  • Night Hag
  • Greater Nightmare
  • Nikaramsa
  • Nilith
  • Nixie
  • Norn
  • Nosferatu Overlord
  • Nosferatu Thrall
  • Nosoi
  • Nuckelavee
  • Nucol
  • Nuglub
  • Nyogoth
  • Ochre Jelly
  • Giant Octopus
  • Ofalth
  • Ogre Warrior
  • Onidoshi
  • Giant Opossum
  • Orc Brute
  • Orca
  • Oread Guard
  • Ostiarius
  • Ostovite
  • Osyluth
  • Ouroboros
  • Ovinnik
  • Owb
  • Owlbear
  • Pachycephalosaurus
  • Pairaka
  • Giant Pangolin
  • Peluda
  • Penanggalan
  • Phantom Beast
  • Phantom Knight
  • Piranha Swarm
  • Piscodaemon
  • Pit Fiend
  • Plague Giant
  • Planetar
  • Petitioner (Plane of Air)
  • Petitioner (Plane of Earth)
  • Petitioner (Plane of Fire)
  • Petitioner (Plane of Water)
  • Polar Bear
  • Popobawa
  • Poracha
  • Giant Porcupine
  • Procyal
  • Pteranodon
  • Pufferfish
  • Pugwampi
  • Purrodaemon
  • Quatoid
  • Quelaunt
  • Quetz Couatl
  • Quetzalcoatlus
  • Quoppopak
  • Raja Rakshasa
  • Raktavarna
  • Giant Rat
  • Rat Snake Swarm
  • Rat Swarm
  • Raven Swarm
  • Raven
  • Red Fox
  • Reef Octopus
  • Reefclaw
  • Petitioner (Material Plane)
  • Rhinoceros
  • Rhu-chalik
  • Riding Dog
  • Riding Pony
  • Ringhorn Ram
  • Roiling Incant
  • Roper
  • Rosethorn Ram
  • Rusalka
  • Rust Monster
  • Samsaran Anchorite
  • Sand Sentry
  • Sandpoint Devil
  • Sarglagon
  • Sasquatch
  • Satyr
  • Scalescribe
  • Scarecrow
  • Sceaduinar
  • Scorpion Swarm
  • Sea Devil Scout
  • Sea Drake
  • Sea Hag
  • Sea Serpent
  • Sea Snake
  • Giant Seahorse
  • Seaweed Leshy
  • Sepid
  • Severed Head
  • Sewer Ooze
  • Shabti Redeemer
  • Shadow Giant
  • Shadow
  • Shae
  • Shaitan
  • Shambler Troop
  • Shambler
  • Petitioner (Maelstrom)
  • Shaukeen
  • Shemhazian
  • Shining Child
  • Shoal Linnorm
  • Shocker Lizard
  • Shoggoth
  • Shoggti
  • Shuln
  • Silvanshee
  • Gluttonyspawn
  • Lustspawn
  • Wrathspawn
  • Skaveling
  • Skeletal Horse
  • Skeleton Guard
  • Skeleton Infantry
  • Skrik Nettle
  • Skulk
  • Skulltaker
  • Skum
  • Slime Mold
  • Slithering Pit
  • Giant Slug
  • Slurk
  • Smilodon
  • Snapping Flytrap
  • Giant Snapping Turtle
  • Snapping Turtle
  • Sod Hound
  • Solar
  • Sorcerous Sea Skull Swarm
  • Sorcerous Skull Swarm
  • Soul Eater
  • Soulbound Doll (Chaotic Evil)
  • Soulbound Doll (Chaotic Good)
  • Soulbound Doll (Lawful Evil)
  • Soulbound Doll (Lawful Good)
  • Soulbound Doll (Neutral Evil)
  • Soulbound Doll (True Neutral)
  • Spear Frog
  • Specter
  • Spider Swarm
  • Spiny Eurypterid
  • Spiral Centurion
  • Sportlebore Swarm
  • Spriggan Bully
  • Spriggan Warlord
  • Giant Squid
  • Squirming Swill
  • Squirrel Swarm
  • Giant Stag Beetle
  • Star Archon
  • Stegosaurus
  • Stheno Harpist
  • Stone Golem
  • Stone Lion Cub
  • Stone Mauler
  • Storm Hag
  • Storm Lord
  • Street Skelm
  • Sturzstromer
  • Sunflower Leshy
  • Sylph Sneak
  • Taiga Linnorm
  • Giant Tarantula
  • Tarn Linnorm
  • Tattoo Guardian
  • Tatzlwyrm
  • Tendriculos
  • Tengu Sneak
  • Terotricus
  • Terra-cotta Garrison
  • Terra-cotta Soldier
  • Terror Bird
  • Terror Shrike
  • Petitioner (Ethereal Plane)
  • Three-toed Sloth
  • Thulgant
  • Giant Tick
  • Tick Swarm
  • Tidal Master
  • Tiddalik
  • Tiefling Adept
  • Tiger
  • Tikbalang
  • Titan Centipede
  • Danava Titan
  • Elysian Titan
  • Hekatonkheires Titan
  • Thanatotic Titan
  • Giant Toad
  • Tolokand
  • Tooth Fairy Swarm
  • Tor Linnorm
  • Toshigami
  • Totenmaske
  • Trailgaunt
  • Triceratops
  • Trilobite Swarm
  • Trilobite
  • Troll King
  • Troll
  • Trollhound
  • Two-Headed Troll
  • Tylosaurus
  • Tyrannosaurus Skeleton
  • Tyrannosaurus
  • Tzitzimitl
  • Umasi
  • Umonlee
  • Unicorn
  • Petitioner (Axis)
  • Unseen Servant
  • Petitioner (Astral Plane)
  • Uthul
  • Vampire Bat Swarm
  • Vampire Spawn Rogue
  • Vampire Squid
  • Vanara Disciple
  • Vaspercham
  • Veiled Master
  • Velociraptor
  • Veranallia
  • Verdurous Ooze
  • Vine Leshy
  • Violet Fungus
  • Giant Viper
  • Viper Swarm
  • Viper Vine
  • Viper
  • Vishkanya Infiltrator
  • Voidworm
  • Vrolikai
  • Vrykolakas Master
  • Vrykolakas Spawn
  • Vulpinal
  • Giant Vulture
  • War Horse
  • War Pony
  • Warg
  • Warsworn
  • Giant Wasp
  • Wasp Swarm
  • Water Orm
  • Water Wisp
  • Wayang Whisperblade
  • Weasel
  • Wemmuth
  • Wererat
  • Weretiger
  • Werewolf
  • Giant Whiptail Centipede
  • Wihsaak
  • Will-o'-Wisp
  • Winter Hag
  • Winter Wolf
  • Witchfire
  • Wizard Sponge (Underwater)
  • Wizard Sponge (Crypt)
  • Wizard Sponge (Fey Domain)
  • Wizard Sponge (Fiendish Temple)
  • Wizard Sponge (Toxic Lair)
  • Wizard Sponge
  • Wolf
  • Wolliped
  • Giant Wolverine
  • Wolverine
  • Wood Giant
  • Wood Golem
  • Wooly Rhinoceros
  • Azure Worm
  • Crimson Worm
  • Frost Worm
  • Purple Worm
  • Wraith
  • Wyrmwraith
  • Ximtal
  • Xulgath Warrior
  • Fire Yai
  • Ice Yai
  • Yellow Musk Brute
  • Yellow Musk Creeper
  • Yeth Hound
  • Yzobu
  • Zelekhut
  • Zephyr Hawk
  • Zetogeki
  • Zombie Brute
  • Plague Zombie
  • Zombie Shambler
  • Sulfur Zombie
  • Void Zombie
  • Zuishin
  • Zyss Serpentfolk
  • Adamantine Golem
  • Alchemical Golem
  • Alghollthu Master
  • Anancus
  • Angazhani
  • Angheuvore Flesh-gnawer
  • Animate Dream
  • Animated Armor
  • Animated Furnace
  • Aolaz
  • Arbiter
  • Arboreal Archive
  • Arboreal Warden
  • Astral Deva
  • Athach
  • Awakened Tree
  • Axiomite
  • Azarketi Explorer
  • Azuretzi
  • Babau
  • Balisse
  • Balor
  • Banshee
  • Barbazu
  • Basidirond
  • Baykok
  • Behemoth Hippopotamus
  • Blodeuwedd
  • Blood Hag
  • Bloodseeker
  • Bodak
  • Bog Strider
  • Boggard Swampseer
  • Boggard Warrior
  • Brimorak
  • Bugbear Thug
  • Caligni Caller
  • Caligni Dancer
  • Calikang
  • Carrion Golem
  • Cassisian
  • Cauthooj
  • Cave Giant
  • Choral
  • Chuul
  • City Guard Squadron
  • Clockwork Dragon
  • Clockwork Mage
  • Cockatrice
  • Coral Capuchin
  • Giant Crab
  • Crag Linnorm
  • Crossroads Guardian
  • Culdewen
  • Deep Gnome Rockwarden
  • Deep Gnome Warrior
  • Dero Magister
  • Desert Drake
  • Desert Giant
  • Devourer
  • Divine Warden Of Nethys
  • Domovoi
  • Doprillu
  • Draconal (Black)
  • Draconal (Green)
  • Draconal (Red)
  • Draconal (White)
  • Draconal (Yellow)
  • Adult Black Dragon
  • Adult Black Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Black Dragon
  • Ancient Black Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Brass Dragon
  • Adult Brass Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Brass Dragon
  • Ancient Brass Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Brine Dragon
  • Ancient Brine Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Bronze Dragon
  • Ancient Bronze Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Copper Dragon
  • Adult Copper Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Copper Dragon
  • Ancient Copper Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Crystal Dragon
  • Adult Crystal Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Forest Dragon
  • Ancient Forest Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Gold Dragon
  • Ancient Gold Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Gold Dragon
  • Young Gold Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Green Dragon
  • Ancient Green Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Magma Dragon
  • Adult Magma Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Magma Dragon
  • Ancient Magma Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Red Dragon
  • Ancient Red Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Sky Dragon
  • Ancient Sky Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Sovereign Dragon
  • Ancient Sovereign Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Dragon Turtle
  • Adult Umbral Dragon
  • Adult Umbral Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Umbral Dragon
  • Ancient Umbral Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Underworld Dragon
  • Ancient Underworld Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult White Dragon
  • Adult White Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Giant Dragonfly
  • Draxie
  • Dream Spider
  • Drider
  • Duergar Bombardier
  • Dullahan
  • Dybbuk
  • Giant Eagle
  • Einherji
  • Elananx
  • Elder Sphinx
  • Empress Ice Worm
  • Empress Necril Worm
  • Erinys
  • Esobok
  • Ether Spider
  • Evangelist
  • Flaming Skull
  • Giant Fly
  • Fossil Golem
  • Froghemoth
  • Fuath
  • Gargoyle
  • Gathlain Wanderer
  • Ghaele
  • Ghast
  • Ghost Commoner
  • Gimmerling
  • Girtablilu Seer
  • Girtablilu Sentry
  • Goblin Commando
  • Goblin Pyro
  • Goblin Warrior
  • Gosreg
  • Griffon
  • Grig
  • Grimple
  • Grioth Cultist
  • Grioth Scout
  • Grothlut
  • Gug
  • Haniver
  • Harmona
  • Harpy Skeleton
  • Harpy
  • Hatred Siktempora
  • Hobgoblin Archer
  • Hobgoblin General
  • Horned Archon
  • House Drake
  • Iguanodon
  • Jabberwock
  • Japalisura
  • Jyoti
  • Kapoacinth
  • Kirin
  • Black Kobold Dragon Mage
  • Blue Kobold Dragon Mage
  • Green Kobold Dragon Mage
  • Red Kobold Dragon Mage
  • White Kobold Dragon Mage
  • Kobold Warrior
  • Kovintus Geomancer
  • Krampus
  • Leaf Leshy
  • Levaloch
  • Lillend
  • Living Thunderclap
  • Lurker In Light
  • Lyrakien
  • Maftet Guardian
  • Magma Scorpion
  • Mammoth
  • Manticore Paaridar
  • Manticore
  • Marilith
  • Marrmora
  • Marut
  • Megaprimatus
  • Megatherium
  • Melixie
  • Melody On The Wind
  • Air Mephit
  • Dust Mephit
  • Earth Mephit
  • Fire Mephit
  • Ice Mephit
  • Ooze Mephit
  • Steam Mephit
  • Water Mephit
  • Merfolk Warrior
  • Mi-Go
  • Millindemalion
  • Minotaur
  • Misery Siktempora
  • Mist Stalker
  • Mobogo
  • Moonflower
  • Morlock
  • Giant Mosquito
  • Mothman
  • Mummy Guardian
  • Mummy Pharaoh
  • Munagola
  • Nalfeshnee
  • Nightgaunt
  • Nightmarchers
  • Nightmare
  • Nosferatu Malefactor
  • Nyktera
  • Ogre Boss
  • Ogre Glutton
  • Ogre Spider
  • Olethrodaemon
  • Omox
  • Orc Warchief
  • Orc Warrior
  • Otyugh
  • Pakalchi
  • Palace Skelm
  • Peri
  • Peryton
  • Phistophilus
  • Pixie
  • Platecarpus
  • Pleroma
  • Poltergeist
  • Pukwudgie
  • Quickling
  • Quintessivore
  • Radiant Warden
  • Rancorous Priesthood
  • Ratfolk Grenadier
  • Revenant
  • Riding Horse
  • Roc
  • Rokurokubi
  • Rune Giant
  • Sacristan
  • Salamander
  • Giant Scorpion
  • Scythe Tree
  • Sea Devil Brute
  • Seething Spirit
  • Shadow Drake
  • Greater Shadow
  • Shantak
  • Shikigami
  • Shrine Skelm
  • Shulsaga
  • Envyspawn
  • Greedspawn
  • Pridespawn
  • Slothspawn
  • Skeletal Champion
  • Skeletal Giant
  • Skeletal Hulk
  • Skinstitch
  • Skull Peeler
  • Giant Skunk
  • Skunk
  • Giant Solifugid
  • Soul Skelm
  • Soulbound Doll (Chaotic Neutral)
  • Soulbound Doll (Lawful Neutral)
  • Soulbound Doll (Neutral Good)
  • Sphinx
  • Spinosaurus
  • Sprite
  • Stingray
  • Stone Giant
  • Stone Lion
  • Storm Giant
  • Striding Fire
  • Strix Kinmate
  • Stygira
  • Succubus
  • Suli Dune Dancer
  • Taiga Giant
  • Thanadaemon
  • Theletos
  • Thrasfyr
  • Thunderbird
  • Tidehawk
  • Tomb Giant
  • Tooth Fairy
  • Triton
  • Triumph Siktempora
  • Trumpet Archon
  • Tupilaq
  • Undine Hydromancer
  • Urdefhan Warrior
  • Valkyrie
  • Vampire Count
  • Vampire Mastermind
  • Vampiric Mist
  • Vanth
  • Vexgit
  • Vilderavn
  • Vrock
  • Vrykolakas Ancient
  • Web Lurker
  • Wendigo
  • Werebear
  • Wereboar
  • Werecrocodile
  • Wight
  • Witchwyrd
  • Worm That Walks Cultist
  • Wyrwood Sneak
  • Xill
  • Xorn
  • Xulgath Leader
  • Xulgath Skulker
  • Yamaraj
  • Yellow Musk Thrall
  • Yeti
  • Yithian
  • Zaramuun
  • Zebub
  • Zombie Dragon
  • Greater Barghest
  • Black Scorpion
  • Brontosaurus
  • Caligni Stalker
  • Caligni Vanguard
  • Carbuncle
  • Cyclops
  • Cythnigot
  • Young Black Dragon
  • Young Black Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Blue Dragon
  • Adult Blue Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Blue Dragon
  • Ancient Blue Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Blue Dragon
  • Young Blue Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Brass Dragon
  • Young Brass Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Brine Dragon
  • Adult Brine Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Bronze Dragon
  • Adult Bronze Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Bronze Dragon
  • Young Bronze Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Cloud Dragon
  • Ancient Cloud Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient Crystal Dragon
  • Ancient Crystal Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Green Dragon
  • Adult Green Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Green Dragon
  • Young Green Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Red Dragon
  • Adult Red Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Red Dragon
  • Young Red Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Adult Silver Dragon
  • Adult Silver Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Ancient White Dragon
  • Ancient White Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young White Dragon
  • Young White Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Duneshaker Solifugid
  • Ember Fox
  • Eremite
  • Faerie Dragon
  • Filth Fire
  • Graveknight
  • Homunculus
  • Imp
  • Invidiak
  • Kongamato
  • Legion Archon
  • Lerritan
  • Lizardfolk Stargazer
  • Mix Couatl
  • Monadic Deva
  • Movanic Deva
  • Munavri Spellblade
  • Nabasu
  • Narwhal
  • Owb Prophet
  • Pegasus
  • Phoenix
  • Quasit
  • Ravener Husk
  • Ravener
  • Redcap
  • Remorhaz
  • River Drake
  • Sabosan
  • Sard
  • Sea Devil Baron
  • Shield Archon
  • Spark Bat
  • Sumbreiva
  • Swordkeeper
  • Treerazer
  • Twigjack
  • Urdefhan Tormentor
  • Werebat
  • Wyvern
  • Xiuh Couatl
  • Water Yai
  • Zombie Hulk
  • Adult Cloud Dragon
  • Adult Cloud Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Copper Dragon
  • Young Copper Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Young Silver Dragon
  • Young Silver Dragon (Spellcaster)
  • Elasmosaurus
  • Simurgh
  • Zomok

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
FVTT2102-1 FVTT2102-2 FVTT2102-3 FVTT2102-4
FVTT2102-5 FVTT2102-6 FVTT2102-7 FVTT2102-8

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Fulfilled immediately.

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See Also:

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5.00/5 (based on 28 ratings)

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A visal great upgrade to my Foundry and PF2 experience


Normally I would not be so keen to spend this type of money "just" for fancy tokens, but the quality is absolutely there, and they even altered some of the artwork to fit certain monster variants. That kind of work is just amazing and sets a darn high level of quality that other products and VTTs might struggle to match.

If it was just "tokenizing every piece of artwork in the Bestiaries", I might be less impressed, but as you can see in the description, they worked hard to illustrate as many monsters and variants as possible. And it really shows.

Though this should not be surprising, after all, after buying the Beginners Box earlier, their level of production is just stellar, and I hope that the tokens sell well. Arguably they might still be an excellent resource for GMs that do not play Pathfinder 2.
Frankly, if I was still just a GM that played offline, access to those high-quality assets and tokens might be worth it, to create my own handouts and pawns.

Their pricing is really in that point where I could justify the expense despite having a lot of tokens (since I have been running online for a fair number of years).

S Class Tokens


Amazing work it'd be a value at twice the price.

Incredible value


At under 5 cents per token. Installation was painless (just register key, add module to your foundry and toggle it on). A lot of the tokens "pop" out of the circles, which looks really nice on the table. Check out the Elder Wyrmwraith for a really nice effect.

What wasn't immediately obvious from the description is that not just does it add a really shiny token with a consistent art style to every bestiary creature -. it also adds a high-resolution portrait to every creature you can pop out as a handout for players. Can't wait to drop these on my players.

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Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Drew585 wrote:

From my vantage point at least, this product is currently marketed as "you get all the token art for pathfinder in foundry". I fully intend for my group to use only Orc-based non-OGL monsters from the new bestiaries when they come out.

I mean this has always been a misconception since it's only the Bestiary monsters, and not any AP monsters, no Book of the Dead or Dark Archive monsters, it's always been just the three Bestiaries, and it still will be.

I would assume that since this product likely contains ogl content, that Paizo will stop selling this in its current form just like the current rulebooks once the new ones come out. This is understandable.

They're not going to stop selling this, nor are they going to stop selling OGL rulebooks. The PDFs of the original CRB, Bestiary, APG and GMG will still be available, and all the OGL rulebooks that aren't those will continue to get reprinted.


For myself, and I suspect for many others, it will be a hard pill if purchasing this token pack becomes obsolete. Paizo would have another $60 dollars of my money right to help pay for development, if Paizo can state intent to honer this purchase for the updated bestiaries. $60 dollars is asking users to nearly double the total cost to add the token packs on top of their pdf collection of the same content. I do believe that is justified, but only once.

The token pack won't become obsolete.

Right now the decision is buy what may be a doomed product, or have no token art in foundry for pf2 until long after all the new bestiaries are available.

You realize you can add your own token art right? And the monsters that are still in both the Monster Core and the token pack will still have tokens.

Director of Marketing

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cori Marie wrote:
Drew585 wrote:

From my vantage point at least, this product is currently marketed as "you get all the token art for pathfinder in foundry". I fully intend for my group to use only Orc-based non-OGL monsters from the new bestiaries when they come out.

I mean this has always been a misconception since it's only the Bestiary monsters, and not any AP monsters, no Book of the Dead or Dark Archive monsters, it's always been just the three Bestiaries, and it still will be.

I would assume that since this product likely contains ogl content, that Paizo will stop selling this in its current form just like the current rulebooks once the new ones come out. This is understandable.

They're not going to stop selling this, nor are they going to stop selling OGL rulebooks. The PDFs of the original CRB, Bestiary, APG and GMG will still be available, and all the OGL rulebooks that aren't those will continue to get reprinted.


For myself, and I suspect for many others, it will be a hard pill if purchasing this token pack becomes obsolete. Paizo would have another $60 dollars of my money right to help pay for development, if Paizo can state intent to honer this purchase for the updated bestiaries. $60 dollars is asking users to nearly double the total cost to add the token packs on top of their pdf collection of the same content. I do believe that is justified, but only once.

The token pack won't become obsolete.

Right now the decision is buy what may be a doomed product, or have no token art in foundry for pf2 until long after all the new bestiaries are available.

You realize you can add your own token art right? And the monsters that are still in both the Monster Core and the token pack will still have tokens.

Yes. Thank you.

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
Drew585 wrote:

From my vantage point at least, this product is currently marketed as "you get all the token art for pathfinder in foundry". I fully intend for my group to use only Orc-based non-OGL monsters from the new bestiaries when they come out.

I mean this has always been a misconception since it's only the Bestiary monsters, and not any AP monsters, no Book of the Dead or Dark Archive monsters, it's always been just the three Bestiaries, and it still will be.

I would assume that since this product likely contains ogl content, that Paizo will stop selling this in its current form just like the current rulebooks once the new ones come out. This is understandable.

They're not going to stop selling this, nor are they going to stop selling OGL rulebooks. The PDFs of the original CRB, Bestiary, APG and GMG will still be available, and all the OGL rulebooks that aren't those will continue to get reprinted.


For myself, and I suspect for many others, it will be a hard pill if purchasing this token pack becomes obsolete. Paizo would have another $60 dollars of my money right to help pay for development, if Paizo can state intent to honer this purchase for the updated bestiaries. $60 dollars is asking users to nearly double the total cost to add the token packs on top of their pdf collection of the same content. I do believe that is justified, but only once.

The token pack won't become obsolete.

Right now the decision is buy what may be a doomed product, or have no token art in foundry for pf2 until long after all the new bestiaries are available.

You realize you can add your own token art right? And the monsters that are still in both the Monster Core and the token pack will still have tokens.

Yes. Thank you.

On my comment about the marketing, I recognize I worded it poorly and make an edit. From my vantage point, its currently marketed as giving you all the token art for all the monsters from the "main" monster books not including adventure path special monsters which would come when purchasing foundryvtt licenses for adventure paths.

I am aware that I can add tokens myself. To quote a much earlier post from you:

"$60 for all the monsters in all the Bestiaries is an absolute steal too. Just an immense time savings and great production value for that price."

I absolutely fully agree with you. The biggest value is the saved time. I can find usable pretty artwork on interwebs for every monster and make my own tokens for free. $60 dollars is a good price because of the time savings.

I also understand that for the monsters that receive only statblock, name, or formatting updates, the current tokens would still be appropriate. This begs questions however.

When monsters receive mechanical updates, will they be double listed in the foundryvtt pf2e system module? If so, would the current token pack automatically apply the relevant tokens to both entries?

When monsters receive mechanical updates, will they overwrite the existing monster entries with updated versions? If so would those inherit the tokens from bestiary 1,2,3 pack automatically?

If one way or another, the tokens in this pack that remain relevant are automatically assigned to the new stat blocks wherever possible, that would go a long way towards alleviating my concerns.

What I would find unacceptable is if after buying this token pack, I drag a statblock from new monster core compendium to my VTT with blank artwork, even tho that monster had artwork in the old bestiary 1,2,3 pack. I know I would have the files on my computer and can attach them myself, but again, the value of buying the token art is time savings.

While not ideal, I could accept if in order to access new art for genuinely new monsters in the new books, that required an additional purchase of just that new content. Maybe the "monster core 1 foundryvtt token pack" has a discounted version for ppl who own this bestiary 1,2,3 pack. Then continue that discount for monster core 2 and 3.

I understand that a lot is going on right now at Paizo and this will take some time to figure out how to proceed. I will continue waiting for more information. I would bet that many potential buyers of this are going to be sitting and waiting with me.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drew585 wrote:

When monsters receive mechanical updates, will they be double listed in the foundryvtt pf2e system module? If so, would the current token pack automatically apply the relevant tokens to both entries?

When monsters receive mechanical updates, will they overwrite the existing monster entries with updated versions? If so would those inherit the tokens from bestiary 1,2,3 pack automatically?
I understand that a lot is going on right now at Paizo and this will take some time to figure out how to proceed.

If you look at the top of the page, you'll notice that this is a Foundry Virtual Tabletop product, not a Paizo product.

In the blog post it says, "Purchasing this product from the Paizo store will grant you an activation code which can be used through your Foundry VTT account page to activate the content for installation. "

All your questions about how this works on Foundry are questions for the coding team at Foundry. This is not a Paizo product, and Paizo staff aren't making those decisions. It's a 3rd-party product, created and sold by an entirely different company.

You'll need to express your concerns to the people who are making and selling this product.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

And the Foundry team have said repeatedly that they don't currently know the extent of the Remaster changes and can't actively plan for that until they do. Have patience.

If we get a new "token pack" I hope that we at least get some kind of sale price or so...

Silver Crusade

If the art is reused I can see that being a case, but if it’s not I don’t see why you would, the same as if they released a Bestairy 4, 5, and 6 token pack.

That all said I don’t know if they’ve stated anywhere how the art for Monster Core is being handled.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

In fact it's been explicitly stated that they don't know how it's being handled. The book is not available for partners to even glimpse at yet, so they don't know what they have to work with. Have patience.

Director of Marketing

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks Cori Marie.

We know players want more tokens and we will work on a way to make them available to you as soon as we can, in partnership with Foundry VTT. There will be new creatures (dragons!) in the Monster Core, which will release in March of 2024, so I don't expect any updates until then.

Thanks for playing Pathfinder!

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Personally I have huge faith in the hard working and dedicated team behind the Pathfinder Foundry products. I have no doubt that they will do whatever is required once they know the extent of changes/new monsters/etc.

If you purchase this package, does it give you the pictures in image files that you can open in other applications or is this only able to be viewed in a vtt?

Yeah, well.. that covers the portrait images for the beasts, now how about you put the portrait images in the box that they belong in, and give us the top-down tokens?

Djeriko wrote:
If you purchase this package, does it give you the pictures in image files that you can open in other applications or is this only able to be viewed in a vtt?

I'm pretty sure you need Foundry VTT to download the package. But once you have, the images are all on your computer as .webps for use whereever. I've even done some Photoshop edits for homebrew or weird variant creatures.

I would love a Lost Omens pack for Foundry!

Hey everyone! I am new to Foundry and just bought this pack.
I wanted to use the images (tokens) for 5E but I am having issues. The only images when in the 5E game that show are the ones that are mapped to the SRD monsters, nothing else shows in the compendium page. How do I search and use the images themselves (minus the stat block and mapping) from directly in the Foundry VTT when the bestiary pack is enabled?
Thanks for any help.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
MadElk32 wrote:

Hey everyone! I am new to Foundry and just bought this pack.

I wanted to use the images (tokens) for 5E but I am having issues. The only images when in the 5E game that show are the ones that are mapped to the SRD monsters, nothing else shows in the compendium page. How do I search and use the images themselves (minus the stat block and mapping) from directly in the Foundry VTT when the bestiary pack is enabled?
Thanks for any help.

If the module is installed (doesn't even have to be enabled), the token art resides in your foundry modules folder. For example, mine is here (your location will vary based on where you installed Foundry and set your data folder): C:\foundry\FoundryData\Data\modules\pf2e-tokens-bestiaries

Inside Foundry itself, when picking the art for a token/actor, you'll browse to a path like that inside foundry, then pick the image you want. The art is all images so you pick them the way you'd pick art for any actor.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Will those be automatically updated with the Remaster?

Does this get updated with additional monsters after they get released? Seems like not since rage of elements' monsters aren't listed.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This only contains what is in Bestiary 1, 2, and 3.

Just here to voice that this is amazing and eagerly awaiting for the next one to drop.

I just bought it, pretty neat 1200+ tokens.

Now don't get me wrong, how much $60 is to you depends on the region in the world, what kind of work you do, your experience, and a whole lot of luck. But...

Looking as you already spent $60 on Foundry VTT and got the whole PF2e rules system for free with it, spending another $60 on getting all the monsters illustrated and tokenized in style X isn't that unreasonable. Especially when normally people pay $100s for the stuff Paizo gives away for free via their SRD. Unless you bought the bulk of your collection of Paizo PDFs via Humble Bundle (like I did)...

I expect to do a ton of these manually anyway because I want tokens for editions/products that are no longer mainstream or supported. Looking at what my time is worth, that $60 is very little compared to the time I'll spend making these. Can and will I setup a more efficient workflow, probably, but that also takes time to design, test, run and QA. Not to mention getting all the resources organized and then in a workable/deployable format. People who can do this in a weekend generally get an hourly wage that's multiples of this product...

Paizo is getting their license fees (as they provide all the artwork, I suspect that this is not insignificant).
Foundry is getting their cut (keys).
The people working on this get their hourly wage (generally upfront).
IF anything is left after that, that is profit for whomever runs this project. But generally working in the RPG business doesn't earn you the big bucks. A common joke in the gaming business is that if you want to make some money in this business, you better start with a LOT of money. That has a kernel of truth to it!

And the funny thing here is, I'm not currently running Pathfinder, we're currently playing a 5e campaign and this has a file that maps some of the monsters to 5e equivalents. After figuring out how to make which product/artstyle leading, it works great for 5e!

Can you do a LOT of this yourself? Absolutely! But you would only do it yourself if you don't value your time.

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Love this package, but I'd like to know if there are any plans to update it for compatibility with Monster Core, and if there are, will the update be free for existing owners or a paid add-on?

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Haven't seen any information posted yet about this, but will the Token Pack be updated with mapping for the new Monster Core book?

I have not bought this yet. Do you think it worth getting now or should I wait until we know more about monster core?

Is this module getting updated from remaster? Or are they launching another one? I don't know what's the usual Paizo moves in regards to that.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
MsProudmoore wrote:
Is this module getting updated from remaster? Or are they launching another one? I don't know what's the usual Paizo moves in regards to that.

1: It's the first product of it kinds from Foundry, so there's no "usual moves". Remaster is considered a big errata pass from Paizo, so we could maybe think they could treat it like that... BUT we have seen multiple 3rd party treat it differently. Demiplane, AoN, and the PF2 FoundryVTT volunteers all have different takes on how to manage it... And the team working on that product is another "entity" separated from these 3. So hard to say.

2: Which bring us to: It's not a Paizo product. :P It was made by a small team directly from FoundryVTT.
3: Nobody have said anything about it. Last comment we had was "We are thinking about what we will do.", and it was some time ago.

Thye could do different things:
- They could do a new product. That would be the "ideal" for compatibility reason. People using old monsters, or prefering the old designs could just ignore the new product. This also pay for the extra work that would be needed to be put in. BUT, the Foundry people have surprised us more than once with way lower prices (or lack thereof) than expected. Also, this keeps things simple, one is linked to OGL, the other isn't. But being mostly pictures, I think it's not that relevant.
- They could update that one and keep the removed monsters, and just update and add the changed/new ones. This is very tricky, and they would also need to make a decision about renamed ones... they could also leave the old arts when there's supdated art, but one would need to set it manually if they prefer it.
- They could update that one and remove everything removed, and update everything so that it fit the new monster core. That would STILL mix up OGL and ORC because they would need to keep most of the Bestiary 2 and 3 stuff... and as mentioned above, I'm not sure that's even NEEDED. So that's very unlikely.

Elfteiroh wrote:
MsProudmoore wrote:
Is this module getting updated from remaster? Or are they launching another one? I don't know what's the usual Paizo moves in regards to that.

1: It's the first product of it kinds from Foundry, so there's no "usual moves". Remaster is considered a big errata pass from Paizo, so we could maybe think they could treat it like that... BUT we have seen multiple 3rd party treat it differently. Demiplane, AoN, and the PF2 FoundryVTT volunteers all have different takes on how to manage it... And the team working on that product is another "entity" separated from these 3. So hard to say.

2: Which bring us to: It's not a Paizo product. :P It was made by a small team directly from FoundryVTT.
3: Nobody have said anything about it. Last comment we had was "We are thinking about what we will do.", and it was some time ago.

Thye could do different things:
- They could do a new product. That would be the "ideal" for compatibility reason. People using old monsters, or prefering the old designs could just ignore the new product. This also pay for the extra work that would be needed to be put in. BUT, the Foundry people have surprised us more than once with way lower prices (or lack thereof) than expected. Also, this keeps things simple, one is linked to OGL, the other isn't. But being mostly pictures, I think it's not that relevant.
- They could update that one and keep the removed monsters, and just update and add the changed/new ones. This is very tricky, and they would also need to make a decision about renamed ones... they could also leave the old arts when there's supdated art, but one would need to set it manually if they prefer it.
- They could update that one and remove everything removed, and update everything so that it fit the new monster core. That would STILL mix up OGL and ORC because they would need to keep most of the Bestiary 2 and 3 stuff... and as mentioned above, I'm not sure that's even NEEDED. So that's very unlikely.

Thank you so much! That was very very helpful. ♥

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

For all asking about the remaster and Monster Core - This pack is mainly artwork as the Foundry system has all the creatures in the compendium. This module just links the artwork to the existing tokens in Foundry.

So, it is really dependent on how foundry and the PF2E foundry team update the system.

Foundry maps by ID and not name, and Monster Core creatures have different IDs than their counterparts of the same name in the Bestiaries. So if they decided to add Monster Core creatures to this pack they not only wouldn’t have to remove anything, but it’d make no sense to.

That being said we have no idea if they’re gonna add them here or make and sell a second product for MC yet.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There is a module in the works that maps the Bestiary Token pack art to the Monster Core entries that match, but there will still be some that are new or weren't in the initial bestiaries.

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

5 people marked this as a favorite.

So, now that Foundry's 12.319 release notes have dropped, I can announce that there will in fact be a brand new official Monster Core Token Pack releasing shortly after the official release of Foundry v12, and that it will not only include all of the art from the Monster Core book, it will fully support v12's new Dynamic Token Engine core feature (which you can read all about at, if you haven't already), allowing you to apply all kinds of neat condition-related effects to your tokens automatically, without the use of any additional modules!

(This is not strictly related to the existing Bestiary token pack, which will continue to be the definitive token collection for all three pre-Remaster Bestiaries, but since people have been asking about Monster Core support for Foundry here, it seemed like the right place to share the news.)

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So that will be like the first "possibility" that I presented in my previous post: a completely new product. Interesting. Make sense considering the fancy new stuff about the dynamic token effects.

And as it will only cover one book, the price should be lower than this one.

Andrew White wrote:

So, now that Foundry's 12.319 release notes have dropped, I can announce that there will in fact be a brand new official Monster Core Token Pack releasing shortly after the official release of Foundry v12, and that it will not only include all of the art from the Monster Core book, it will fully support v12's new Dynamic Token Engine core feature (which you can read all about at, if you haven't already), allowing you to apply all kinds of neat condition-related effects to your tokens automatically, without the use of any additional modules!

(This is not strictly related to the existing Bestiary token pack, which will continue to be the definitive token collection for all three pre-Remaster Bestiaries, but since people have been asking about Monster Core support for Foundry here, it seemed like the right place to share the news.)

will the prior token pack recieve the same treatment?

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Hm. Looks like I need to update my Foundry app. And probably most of my packages.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Note that as of right now, FoundryVTT 12 is NOT released yet, it's still all in testing phase, and the PF2 system is NOT updated to be compatible.

(This is a general warning for everyone, because I have seen people accidentaly updating too early to in-development versions multiple times in the past. If you need to jump through hoops to update to a version, it's probably a test version.)

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Well, I think I'm still on Foundry 10.something so... :-)

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You definitely want to get off of Foundry 10, 11 has been out for nearly a year, and you're missing lots of PF2 updates if you're not on 11. (Including Rage of Elements and all the Remaster updates)

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Good news! There has been an update to the module that extended the mapping to Monster Core creatures. It doesn't add any new art, so creatures that don't have an equivalent in the Bestiaries (or creatures like Archons or the Purple/Cave Worm that have changed significantly) aren't mapped, but it should at least help with switching to Monster Core versions of monsters

Of course, it just had to come out not long after I finished prepping my next adventure, doesn't it...

3Doubloons wrote:

Good news! There has been an update to the module that extended the mapping to Monster Core creatures. It doesn't add any new art, so creatures that don't have an equivalent in the Bestiaries (or creatures like Archons or the Purple/Cave Worm that have changed significantly) aren't mapped, but it should at least help with switching to Monster Core versions of monsters

** spoiler omitted **

Yeah same. I was like "I can't wait and it will probably take a while for paizo. Guess I scan the Monster Core for every new artwork and create tokens myself. And also implement it into new creatures I want to use on foundry."

And then shortly after I finished the mapping happened.

It's very welcome that they did that mapping and update!

I know it'd be a lot of work but I'd be really down for more token packs like this for mapping for different books as a collection. Something that combines previous books such as *Guns and Gears*, *Secrets of Magic* and *Dark Archives* would be wonderful.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Could someone clarify for me if there will be a completely brand new version of token art sold to match Monster Core, or if the "new" pack discussed earlier was just alluding to the updated mappings of this pack? I'm a new GM and new user of Foundry. I only intend to use Monster core and newer (post remaster) stat blocks. Just wondering if I should buy this or keep waiting for a new token pack.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Separate pack

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Cori Marie wrote:
Separate pack

Do we have a release date yet? I'm starting my campaign in August.

Do we know if the new monster core book will be added to this pack or if a new pack will be created?

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
PlayerKillingDice wrote:
Do we know if the new monster core book will be added to this pack or if a new pack will be created?

New pack, announced just above in this thread.

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