fryguy1013's page

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Phaedre wrote:
Would it be possible to get a version of this that's just the tokens (i.e. not the integrated stat blocks)? I'd pay this much just to have the tokens usable on Roll20, don't care about using the built in stat blocks though.

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but you need to ask Roll20 if they can make a token pack, not Paizo to provide a token pack for Roll20. This product was created by the people that work for FoundryVTT for their virtual tabletop.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The Burning Chandelier Trap is just completely insane for a 15th level hazard, and impossible to deal with as a 13th level party. Not sure how it made it into the book as-is. I feel like it needs an errata.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I've fixed this myself. If you right click the link to the stuck PDF, paste the link into a new browser tab and replace downloadDigitalAsset with repersonalizeDigitalAsset before hitting enter, it will seem to regenerate the link and start working again. YMMV.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Last night I was trying to get PFS 3-02 and 3-03 and those were getting their downloads stuck in limbo of the "Personalizing... Click link again in 60 seconds to download" and in frustration I tried another PDF and ended up with the 22-byte zip files. The second issue seems to be fixed as I can download other PDFs, but the original issue of not being able to download PFS 3-02 and 3-03 remains.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Michael Sayre wrote:
Jester David wrote:

Given Paizo is purposely locking their PDFs (which is a deliberate choice with InDesign that some other publishers do and some do not) I'd assume they don't want you going into legally obtained PDFs and pulling out maps and art for monster & PC tokens.

Really, I'm surprised more companies haven't taken advantage of the rush in VTT to release token packs and/ or art packs. Paizo could easily sell versions of their maps optimized for VTTs.

We do!

Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, PDF to Foundry package

We've been working on making more maps and tokens available through VTT for over a year now. We just don't sell them directly since we typically make the assets available to the individual VTT companies so they can make sure they're compatible with their systems and sell them directly through their storefronts. We're a small company and VTTs aren't all standardized yet, so it's more efficient to provide our licensors with the packages and let them pre-optimize them to the platforms they're the experts on.

What Roll20/Fanatasy Grounds have and what Foundry VTT has are completely different. In the former cases, the adventure/system assets (in full quality) are given to the virtual tabletop creators and they are reformatted and remixed and then sold and redistributed in the virtual tabletop marketplace, likely with Paizo getting a cut (my guess). In FoundryVTT's case, the PDF importer is a fan-made module and uses the publicly purchasable PDFs that the creator buys with no support from Paizo itself, and the quality of the output of the module is limited by what's in the PDF without making significant changes that would require redistributing portions of the adventure that are not under the OGL/CUP and therefore violating copyright. The user of that system needs to buy the PDF and use the software that was created to import into Foundry VTT.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I feel like there's a bunch of XP missing from chapter 3 as well. I had to give my players about 150 XP to get to level 5 at the appropriate time, about 50 XP to get to level 6 at the appropriate time, and in chapter 3 it looks like there's only 500 XP in the book for it, meaning I'll have to give a bonus 500 XP. There seems to be a bit over 1000 XP in the upper catacombs before the markers indicate level 8 encounters so it doesn't look like one author intended to go partway into the catacombs at 6. Maybe I'll need to make a sidequest to make this level feel not short.