Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer's Armory 2 (PFRPG)

3.40/5 (based on 10 ratings)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer's Armory 2 (PFRPG)
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Armed for Adventure

Following in the tradition of the most popular Pathfinder Player Companion of all time, Adventurer's Armory 2 is a comprehensive guide to equipment of all sorts. Containing a wide array of new adventuring gear, alchemical items, armor, clothing options, magic items,poisons, tools, traps, and weapons to outfit any character, this guide is a welcome addition to any armory. Whether you're looking to gain the edge in combat or fit in to a social situation, Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer's Armory 2 has you covered!

Inside this book you'll find:

  • New feats, spells, and skill tricks to allow any adventurer to get the most out of the equipment they already own.
  • Armor and weapon modifications, allowing smiths or skilled adventurers to customize equipment on the fly to meet specific needs.
  • New construct familiars known as poppets—stuffed or wicker dolls crafted to carry out simple tasks at their masters' bidding.

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-945-5

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

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Yay! More Weapons!


I don´t know what kind of Pathfinder game the writers play...


...but it´s not the one i wanna play.

I first read "Adventurer´s Armory" and then this book. The first one is superior in every single way.

-The Spider-Silk Bodysuit is very useful if you are a drow with high dex and not enough money for bracers of armor.
-The Dwarven war shield is nice if you always wanted to play a dwarf with two shields.
-The Drow Razor is great for sneak attacks and criticals.
-The Sanpkhang is a poison-users weapon of choice.
-Gnome Piston Maul & Gnome Ripsaw Glaive are both fun and useful.
-The Orc Hornbow is very powerful, but it´s an exotic weapon for everyone without orc-blood.
-The tools and kits are good as are the poisons.
-The six spells are all very flavorful and useful.
-The Alchemical Wares.
-Concoctions are fun, especially if you drink too many.

-The traits are all much too specialized.
20 out of the 25 new weapons are bad.
-The Ladder, Lantern, Lamp, Mirror and Pole Equipment tricks are very special and far away from the usefulness of the Heavy Blade Scabbard and Shield tricks from AA.
-The new Clothing, magic items and Alchemical Equipment tricks are of very limited use or costly.
-The Equipment from Abroad items are underwhelming.

-Equipment Packages are clearly overpowered for 1st level characters. For instance, the "Holy Warrior Package" is worth 1245 gold pieces - more than a 2nd level player character has!
-Armor Modifications give very minor special boni but impose larger penalties.
-The Butchering Axe is way overpowered, i wouldn´t allow it in my games.
-The Weapon modifications are very pricy, give minor boni and often may need a feat to use.
-The nine feats are all bad.
-Out of the 18 Adventuring Gear items, 17 are very special and one is overpowered (Spring loaded scroll case).
-Nalinivati´s kiss got cut from the book but is still listed on the interior back cover.
-Poppets, while being a nice idea, are too cheap and easy to construct, their capabilities are held too vague. Their whole existence undermines the craft construct feat and would change the way manual labor is done on Golarion significantly. This is not well thought out.

To me 21 of 30 pages are useless, 9 are interesting.
While i am used to the fact that most of the Player Companions have 50% good and 50% bad content, this one is weaker than most.

Repackaging and Bloating


Following the recent trend of compiling, repackaging, and nerfing of material from other books this product also adds a lot more unnecessary and very niche gear to further contribute to Pathfinder bloat. This is compounded further with the fact that every interesting item features a drawback and Feat tax to avoid said drawback. The only standout items in this book are the Equipment Packages and the Poppets, but these aren't really enough to justify the cost and further game bloat.

Needed to be more adventurous


For the most part this is a very solid book. The equipment packages are a great idea for players who want to get started fast without hunting through pages of items for the prices of cheap equipment (and are a good value to boot), I want one of those waifu body pillows for the Butchering Axe, the Poppets are a great idea as cheap, easy-to-build, handy constructs, and I absolutely adore the new equipment tricks. There are also a number of reprinted items, but at least there's enough new material that it doesn't feel as egregious as when the Adventurer's Guide did it.

However, a bunch of the stuff seems like it was toned down or otherwise weakened in the interest of playing it safe. The biggest examples of this are probably the Armor/Weapon Modifications that were included. The basic idea is great, giving some customization options to players who want to add new effects or shiny bells to their equipment, but the system needed more room to grow and display what it could do rather than two pages overall. Most of the armor modifications aren't worth the price for the modification because the effects seem almost nerfed by committee, like the modification which dazzles a creature once per day if they fail a (admittedly good) DC, or the one which has a chance of sickening a creature if they happen to be using power attack and their mother just called last night and complained about how much better their brother is doing as a monster in The Dragon's Crypt, and have they met any nice goblin girls yet? The weapon modifications are a bit better off, but most of the modifications are miniscule bonuses that could have been boiled down to some additions to the Weapon Design Rules (from Weapon Master's Handbook) and a note on how to attach those additions to already existing weapons. As much as I'd want those rules to be expanded and refined into something really worthwhile, they're most likely just going to be forgotten as a bunch of weak non-magical weapon "enchantments".

It just feels... too toned down, in a way that's kind of hard to voice properly. Like the entire book was restrained, or the writers couldn't make a bunch of cool weird items for one reason or another. The first book had the feeling of being a treasure box of items that made your mind spin with the possibilities for each one. This one feels like a store shelf, where everything's been placed out for display in a very specific way, and you're just browsing for something that you want.

tl;dr Not the best book, but it's still fairly solid and has some good ideas and new tricks.

Reprints and Niche Gear


1) The direction of the artwork.
2) Equipment tricks
3) Niche Gear
4) Reprints of previous gear.

1) Equipment packages

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Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Alchemaic wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Braniac wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Can we get stats on socks and underwear please?
And pants while you're at it. Some decent, magical pants. And a pants slot to put them in.
Pants? great idea. Make them slotless..
You can't have slotless pants, otherwise they're just pants-shaped cloth. No way to put your legs through them.

Purple Dragon Games actually has a PDF called Magic Pants. There's also a More Magic Pants available, but I think that one has never been posted to Paizo's store.

Shadow Lodge

GM Rednal wrote:
Still hopin' this includes a dual Amulet of Mighty Fists/Natural Armor in it. XD I'm genuinely surprised that such an item apparently hasn't been published before.

I'm surprised they have not done something similar with the Headband of Wis/Cha and the Phylactery of Channeling. When PF decided they wanted to make sure Sorcerers had both a Cloak of Resistance and Headband of Cha (used to be a Cloak), they literally just swapped that issue over to the Cleric.

I don't need magic pants when I have a holy avenger and celestial full plate.

DM Beckett wrote:
GM Rednal wrote:
Still hopin' this includes a dual Amulet of Mighty Fists/Natural Armor in it. XD I'm genuinely surprised that such an item apparently hasn't been published before.
I'm surprised they have not done something similar with the Headband of Wis/Cha and the Phylactery of Channeling. When PF decided they wanted to make sure Sorcerers had both a Cloak of Resistance and Headband of Cha (used to be a Cloak), they literally just swapped that issue over to the Cleric.

As I said in my post early on about AoMF/AoNA – it doesn't make sense that some characters power-spike when using Automatic Bonus Progression.

Unarmed Brawlers are worse than Cestus Brawlers because Cestus Brawlers get to pay less for a weapon while maintaining the slot for AoNA.

When is this coming out? It's a week into June, and there's still no release date!

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Shamus Nicholson wrote:
When is this coming out? It's a week into June, and there's still no release date!

According to this thread, the street date is June 28th.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Shamus Nicholson wrote:
When is this coming out? It's a week into June, and there's still no release date!

Coming off a major convention and with a thousand other things to do, product updates may have slipped through the cracks.

In cases like this, I recommend keeping an eye on the appropriate month's equivalent of this thread. ^_^

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The Description wrote:
New feats, spells, and skill tricks to allow any adventurer to get the most out of the equipment they already own.

Nice, nice, the weapon tricks were always cool, although they're really underused and it seems like they've taken a back seat to the Weapon/Armor tricks.

The Description wrote:
Armor and weapon modifications, allowing smiths or skilled adventurers to customize equipment on the fly to meet specific needs.

This I can get behind. That's the kind of thing I was hoping for when Armor Master's Handbook was published considering the weapon design rules that were introduced previously. I'm just hoping this isn't as janky/questionably balanced as those rules.

The Description wrote:
New construct familiars known as poppets—stuffed or wicker dolls crafted to carry out simple tasks at their masters' bidding.

That, uh, sounds like a single section of the book. Why is what sound like a single section of the book taking up an entire bullet point?

Edit: Actually, I mixed up the formatting of the Adventurer's Armory and Magical Marketplace. Which does help explain it a bit, since the original book was 20-ish pages of straight items, and then 10 pages of miscellaneous options (which is where the Poppets would fit in I assume).

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
I don't need magic pants when I have a holy avenger and celestial full plate.

Who needs a holy avenger and celestial full plate if you have MAGIC PANTS?

Sheesh. Priorities, people.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
DeathQuaker wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
I don't need magic pants when I have a holy avenger and celestial full plate.

Who needs a holy avenger and celestial full plate if you have MAGIC PANTS?

Sheesh. Priorities, people.


You guys are all missing the big picture here. Hear me out.

Magic. Onesies.

*still prefer holy avenger and celestial full plate*

Shadow Lodge

David knott 242 wrote:
Shamus Nicholson wrote:
When is this coming out? It's a week into June, and there's still no release date!

According to this thread, the street date is June 28th.

Woot! Droppin' on my Birthday! Paizo again delivers one of my most anticipated books right when I want it the most.

Now all I have to hope for is that this is a bunch of new and cool weapons and armor rather than a compilation of stuff from previous books. *crosses fingers*

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday doc the grey:)

So...Tuesday you think?

Liberty's Edge

I am Excited and salivating at the mouth. MORE ITEMS. MORE OPTIONS, and most importantly MORE CUTE MINIONS TO FAWN OVER.

that last one might be less important than the rest but...

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Thomas Seitz wrote:
So...Tuesday you think?

According to the June monthly shipping thread, shipping starts Wednesday.

Wednesday now, well it is only a couple of days difference.

It's barely a day now.

Paizo Employee Developer

Poppets will make great table accessories for those of us who like carrying stuffed familiars.

I imagine the site outtakes will mean fewer spoilers this time around...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
deuxhero wrote:
Hopefully, there is finally something to replace 3.5's twilight property.


Paizo Employee Developer

I want a finessable chain weapon that does bludgeoning damage! I need my finessable meteor hammer!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Weapons in this book:
Battle ladder, gnome; Boarding axe; Boarding gaff; Butchering axe; Cat-o’-nine-tails; Chain-hammer; Cutlass; Dorn-dergar, dwarven; Dueling dagger; Fauchard; Flask thrower; Flying talon; Hornbow, orc; Katar, tri-bladed; Lantern staff; Piston maul, gnome; Razor, drow; Ripsaw glaive, gnome; Sanpkhang; Sickle-sword; Spiral rapier; Stormshaft javelin; Switchscythe; War-shield, dwarven; Waveblade

Armo and shields:
Reinforced tunic; Spider-silk bodysuit; Varisian dancing scarves; Chain coat; Erutaki coat; Alkenstar ; ; Snarlshield, steel; Snarlshield, wooden; War-shield, dwarven:

Silver Crusade

Zaister wrote:

Weapons in this book:

Battle ladder, gnome; Boarding axe; Boarding gaff; Butchering axe; Cat-o’-nine-tails; Chain-hammer; Cutlass; Dorn-dergar, dwarven; Dueling dagger; Fauchard; Flask thrower; Flying talon; Hornbow, orc; Katar, tri-bladed; Lantern staff; Piston maul, gnome; Razor, drow; Ripsaw glaive, gnome; Sanpkhang; Sickle-sword; Spiral rapier; Stormshaft javelin; Switchscythe; War-shield, dwarven; Waveblade



Zaister wrote:

Armo and shields:

Reinforced tunic; Spider-silk bodysuit; Varisian dancing scarves; Chain coat; Erutaki coat; Alkenstar ; ; Snarlshield, steel; Snarlshield, wooden; War-shield, dwarven:

Erutaki! Yay!

... what's the spider silk bodysuit like?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The spider-silk bodysuit is a form-fitting(!) drow light armor with a +3 armor bonus, and if you're a drow you can treat its max dex binus as two higher

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
... what's the spider silk bodysuit like?

Clingy. ^_^

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

New feats:
Armor Adept (Combat); Craft Poppet (Item Creation); Creative Armorsmith (Combat); Creative Weaponsmith (Combat); Darting Viper (Combat); Dorn-Dergar Master (Combat); Hook Fighter (Combat); Improvisational Healer; Modification Master (Combat); Modification Trainer (Combat); Modifier Weapon Proficiency (Combat); Popper Familiar; Tool Optimizer; Weapon Adept (Combat).

Also new equipment tricks for: instruments, ladders, lanterns, mirrors, poles, smokesticks, tanglefoot bags, and thundestones.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hmm, certainly sounds intriguing. Hope my own copy ships in the not-too-distant future...

Zaister wrote:

New feats:

Armor Adept (Combat); Craft Poppet (Item Creation); Creative Armorsmith (Combat); Creative Weaponsmith (Combat); Darting Viper (Combat); Dorn-Dergar Master (Combat); Hook Fighter (Combat); Improvisational Healer; Modification Master (Combat); Modification Trainer (Combat); Modifier Weapon Proficiency (Combat); Popper Familiar; Tool Optimizer; Weapon Adept (Combat).

Also new equipment tricks for: instruments, ladders, lanterns, mirrors, poles, smokesticks, tanglefoot bags, and thundestones.

Anything useful for the dreaded vigilante El Kabong?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The instrument tricks are: attention grabber, goad animal, jaw-dropping distraction, play to the crowd, and ruffian's riff. The last one indeed lets you use your instrument as a weapon.

Shadow Lodge

Zaister wrote:

Weapons in this book:

Battle ladder, gnome; Boarding axe; Boarding gaff; Butchering axe; Cat-o’-nine-tails; Chain-hammer; Cutlass; Dorn-dergar, dwarven; Dueling dagger; Fauchard; Flask thrower; Flying talon; Hornbow, orc; Katar, tri-bladed; Lantern staff; Piston maul, gnome; Razor, drow; Ripsaw glaive, gnome; Sanpkhang; Sickle-sword; Spiral rapier; Stormshaft javelin; Switchscythe; War-shield, dwarven; Waveblade

Armo and shields:
Reinforced tunic; Spider-silk bodysuit; Varisian dancing scarves; Chain coat; Erutaki coat; Alkenstar ; ; Snarlshield, steel; Snarlshield, wooden; War-shield, dwarven:

Is this all the new weapons we're seeing here? As it stands the bulk of this is reprinted from Pirates of Golarion, Dwarves of Golarion, and Gnomes of Golarion. Now don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see some of those older weapons compiled in a new book but I'm kind of hoping we'll get more new weaponry than reprints.

Shadow Lodge

Dragon78 wrote:
Happy birthday doc the grey:)

Thanks man! Hopefully this will hit my inbox today. I'm trying to right my sleep schedule and would love to learn what a butchery axe is supposed to be like. Have a few characters that might benefit from it should it half of what I hope it is.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hmm, looking it over,

Boarding axe, Boarding gaff, cat-o-nine-tails, cutlass - from Pirates of the Inner Sea (sold out)

Battle Ladder, Piston Maul, Ripsaw Glaive, Flask Thrower - Gnomes of Golarion (sold out, 3.5?)

Dorn-derger - Dwarves of Golarion (sold out, 3.5?)

katar tri - Pathfinder Campaign setting (3.5)

Fauchard - Classic Horrors Revisited (3.5)

Butchering Axe, Chain-hammer, Dueling dagger, Flying Talon, Orc Hornbow, Lantern Staff, Drow Razor, Sanpkhang, Sickle-sword, Spiral Rapier, Stormshaft Javelin, Switchscythe*, Dwarven War Shield, Wavebalde - NEW

So 11 reprints** (and with the racial names attached that means that particular race treats them as Martial weapons I believe now), and 17 new.

*the Switchscythe has been mentioned before but I do not believe it's ever actually been statted up.

**Are Dwarves and Gnomes of Golarion 3.5 products or Pathfinder?

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
**Are Dwarves and Gnomes of Golarion 3.5 products or Pathfinder?

Dwarves of Golarion and Gnomes of Golarion were both Pathfinder; you can see the player's companion line that was 3.5 here, and the Pathfinder ones here. Dwarves of Golarion was definitely one of the earlier player's companions for the Pathfinder RPG, but it was definitely for the Pathfinder RPG.

Silver Crusade


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Of the books you mentioned, only the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting is 3.5. The rest are Pathfinder, albeit early Pathfinder. ^_^

The waveblade was originally printed in Pathfinder Adventure Path #9 as the "bich'hwa", alongside the tri-bladed katar, while the flying talon was originally printed in Crown of the Kobold King. All three were reprinted in the aforementioned 3.5 Campaign Setting. The switchscythe and stormshaft javelin (originally "shrillshaft javelin") were originally featured in Gnomes of Golarion - they're simply the ones that didn't get "gnome" added to their names.

Silver Crusade

Awww, poor Bich'wha.

And just went and checked and while Switchscythe had a writeup it didn't appear in the weapons table, so yay that we're finally getting it!

Is it too much to hope that poppets might be available at first level?

Paizo Employee Rule and Lore Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Archmage Variel wrote:
Is it too much to hope that poppets might be available at first level?

Not at all. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Lantern Staff ??? can someone fill me in on that one ?

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Zaister wrote:
The spider-silk bodysuit is a form-fitting(!) drow light armor with a +3 armor bonus, and if you're a drow you can treat its max dex bonus as two higher

This is clearly in need of houseruling. Obviously, succubi, tieflings descended from succubi, and potentially vampires and dhampir should also receive this benefit as well as drow. Perhaps nymphs as well. This will clearly require meticulous deliberation. Clearly.

Can someone please provide some information on the butchering axe and Orc hornbow? I'm especially curious about the axe -- isn't 'butchering' something any axe can do provided you hit the target?

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:

Awww, poor Bich'wha.

And just went and checked and while Switchscythe had a writeup it didn't appear in the weapons table, so yay that we're finally getting it!

I think the switchscythe did get stats somewhere but I'm still a bit disappointed. I was worried we were going to get some reprints but I thought it was going to be gear from more recent fare like Melee Tactics Toolbox, RTT, and the like. I mean, Dwarves & Gnomes were old when the original AA dropped and they didn't make the cut then so I'm surprised to see them now.

That said, the other new stuff does sound interesting and I'm excited to see what an Orc Hornbow and a Butchering Axe are like, I'm just sad that we are getting a lot of reprints from sources so old a lot of us forgot they were a thing. Maybe they'll get some mechanics updates that might make them more enticing than before or something?

Does anyone know if we're getting any new special materials in this book? Or alchemical items?

Shadow Lodge

Eric Hinkle wrote:
Can someone please provide some information on the butchering axe and Orc hornbow? I'm especially curious about the axe -- isn't 'butchering' something any axe can do provided you hit the target?

Lol you're reading my mind man. I'm down for some more Orc weapon love and butchery axe sounds like some fun barbarian/slayer shenanigans assuming it's not just a meh new bow or just a battleaxe or something.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Eric Hinkle wrote:
Can someone please provide some information on the butchering axe and Orc hornbow? I'm especially curious about the axe -- isn't 'butchering' something any axe can do provided you hit the target?

It ain't that simple. You also need to be a certified Butcher and be in a really butchery state of mind. Only then is the butchering butcherable enough.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, I can't wait for this to start shipping out to more folks. ^_^

Silver Crusade

doc the grey wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Awww, poor Bich'wha.

And just went and checked and while Switchscythe had a writeup it didn't appear in the weapons table, so yay that we're finally getting it!

I think the switchscythe did get stats somewhere but I'm still a bit disappointed. I was worried we were going to get some reprints but I thought it was going to be gear from more recent fare like Melee Tactics Toolbox, RTT, and the like. I mean, Dwarves & Gnomes were old when the original AA dropped and they didn't make the cut then so I'm surprised to see them now.

That said, the other new stuff does sound interesting and I'm excited to see what an Orc Hornbow and a Butchering Axe are like, I'm just sad that we are getting a lot of reprints from sources so old a lot of us forgot they were a thing. Maybe they'll get some mechanics updates that might make them more enticing than before or something?

Does anyone know if we're getting any new special materials in this book? Or alchemical items?

Um, I'm pretty sure drawing from old/souls out sources was the entire point. Reprints from the much more recent Toolboxes would seem odd.

*checks dates*

... and Dwarves and Gnomes we'rent even a year old when the first one came out.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
doc the grey wrote:
I was worried we were going to get some reprints but I thought it was going to be gear from more recent fare like Melee Tactics Toolbox, RTT, and the like. I mean, Dwarves & Gnomes were old when the original AA dropped and they didn't make the cut then so I'm surprised to see them now.

Personally, I lean a bit more the other way. I'd definitely prefer no reprints, but if there are reprints, bring back some of the really old stuff. People buying this are more likely to have already bought the newer stuff, so reprinting items from there is a waste. If nothing else, items from the old Campaign Setting might make their way back into PFS this way.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
Can someone please provide some information on the butchering axe and Orc hornbow? I'm especially curious about the axe -- isn't 'butchering' something any axe can do provided you hit the target?
It ain't that simple. You also need to be a certified Butcher and be in a really butchery state of mind. Only then is the butchering butcherable enough.

Consider playing a medium who channels the Butcher legendary spirit, and using the Warmachine mini The Butcher Of Khardov for your character. And, of course, taking ranks in Profession (butcher).

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