Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The First World, Realm of the Fey (PFRPG)

4.60/5 (based on 7 ratings)
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The First World, Realm of the Fey (PFRPG)
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Grim Fairy Tales

Explore the First World, the legendary realm of the fey, where reality reinvents itself and strange creatures peddle stranger wares to the unwary. Learn about the godlike Eldest who rule this plane, and how to navigate their fairy courts. Delve for legendary treasures in locations too weird for mortal lands, study the lost origin of gnomes, and bargain with ageless adversaries in a realm where death is seen as a game. Whatever you do, don't blink—because nothing in the First World stays the same for long.

Inside this book, you'll find:

  • Detailed information on all the Eldest, including overviews of their strongholds and magical boons for their worshipers.
  • Dozens of bizarre fey adventure locations, from the legendary Witchmarket to the Chittering Tabernacle, with secret histories, maps of prominent cities, and more.
  • The new feysworn prestige class, allowing you to harness the power of the fairy lords.
  • New spells and magic items to help you survive the First World, as well as rules for spellcasting in the fey realm and bending the landscape itself to your will.
  • Six new fey monsters, including the skull-headed escorite and the technology-trashing bulabar, plus a new First World template and suggestions to help you create unique fey foes on the fly.

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The First World, Realm of the Fey is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be used in any fantasy world.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-909-7

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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Average product rating:

4.60/5 (based on 7 ratings)

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Not worth the cost


For the little you get it is simply not worth the cost. There is a lot of skimming over, but not a lot of detail for my taste. Playable fey races would have been nice.

If you only buy one Pathfinder product this year...

5/5 this one twice and give the extra to someone you really like.

This campaign setting guide does a fantastic job of describing the paradoxes of the First World. The descriptions of the Eldest manage to flesh them out as deities, while at the same time maintaining their maddening ambiguities and mystery. The locale descriptions are the same way--an "M.C. Escher meets Hieronymous Bosch" treasure trove of wild verbal imagery.

I've always liked the fey in Pathfinder, and this book only made me love them more.

And the artwork... wow, the artwork. Just. Wow. I wish there were poster prints available of some of the images inside.

Consider this a five woot! review.

Creativity in Spades


There's stuff in here that while reading it, I'd often look away and wonder how they managed to think up something so creative. This type of high fantasy world is wonderful and there's so much contained on the relatively small amount of pages on here. I've never written a review on anything on this site, but this compelled me to do so.

The only problem is getting the players there without seeming like I'm shoe-horning it in just because I wanna play around in the First World :P

So much awesome


The flavor in this book just oozes. It's really good. REALLY GOOD.

How the Fey Realm came to be, how it operates, locations, demigods that 'run the place', and a reason why gnomes left back in the day.

This is the first Campaign Setting book that I had trouble putting down when reading, it was so engrossing.

5 stars. Awesome.

Buy this now


Everything about this book is great. The high level background on the First World (time, magic, fey immortality, history) is comprehensive and surprisingly detailed given the limited space they had to work with. The section on the Eldest is fascinating and sets them apart from your ordinary demigods, plus the fey obedience boons are generally very strong, inventive, and thematic. The gazetteer of First World locations provides dozens of great ideas to develop your own adventure locations, and the Bestiary adds several interesting and creative new critters to serve as allies or adversaries.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hope the feysworn prestige class is not a divine caster focused one but something that anyone could take.

I don't remember anywhere that casting magic in the first world had any issues but it does say it will give rules for it.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

My guess is that the main "issue" with casting spells in the First World is that magic works better than it does in most other plances. For player characters, that means that the first few times they cast spells there, they let loose excess energy that they did not direct to any particular purpose.

It will be interesting to see whether this wild guess is anywhere near what is written.

Maybe all spells gain the emotion and thought components.

Dark Archive

Dragon78 wrote:
Maybe all spells gain the emotion and thought components.

I imagine it will be closer to the Primal Magic/Wild Magic rules presented on Inner Sea Magic and Unchained... probably a toned down variant.

In my opinion, the whole First World would be a Primal Magic zone.

Quite pleased with the release date, as that is the same day I need to give in two 2500 word essays and my research portolio on the Westbank. Being able to read this book will be a nice breather.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Wish they would have a prestige class that is the fey version of the dragon disciple.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

This is the week that they should start shipping;)

I hope we will get some previews.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
Wish they would have a prestige class that is the fey version of the dragon disciple.

Or celestial, demon, devil or undead version, for the celestial, abyssal, infernal and undead bloodlines. I love the idea of progressing or unlocking one's 'monster' heritage to become a creature of that type.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Set wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Wish they would have a prestige class that is the fey version of the dragon disciple.
Or celestial, demon, devil or undead version, for the celestial, abyssal, infernal and undead bloodlines. I love the idea of progressing or unlocking one's 'monster' heritage to become a creature of that type.

That's basically the idea of the 'corruptions' system.

Faerie Dragon corruption?

Actually... that would horrify members of many races. :]

Well it would be nice to have a dragon based corruption of some type.

Paizo Employee Developer

12 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
Wish they would have a prestige class that is the fey version of the dragon disciple.

For as many things as you'd like to see in the game that we can't possibly every deliver on, have you considered publishing your own versions of these concepts through the Pathfinder Compatibility License, either on your own or through a third-party publisher? I simply ask because every product thread contains tons of ideas you'd like to see, usually offered after the books have gone to print, and thus too late for us to include them, but I'm sure there'd be other fans interested in seeing your material see print, even if not in official Paizo material.

This is really off-topic, but you may consider checking out the Third-Party Publisher boards to see what opportunities there are for you.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote:
I've been waiting for this one for quite a while. ^_^

Fey, Sidhe and more Fey! I can't wait for the first world madness, gnome hints and Ladys/Lords of Capricious Answers! Here to hoping this will be an instant collectors item.

The Exchange

Mark Moreland wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Wish they would have a prestige class that is the fey version of the dragon disciple.

For as many things as you'd like to see in the game that we can't possibly every deliver on, have you considered publishing your own versions of these concepts through the Pathfinder Compatibility License, either on your own or through a third-party publisher? I simply ask because every product thread contains tons of ideas you'd like to see, usually offered after the books have gone to print, and thus too late for us to include them, but I'm sure there'd be other fans interested in seeing your material see print, even if not in official Paizo material.

This is really off-topic, but you may consider checking out the Third-Party Publisher boards to see what opportunities there are for you.

Mark, seeing some Fey archetypes and prestige classes would be great. Even if they are a handful, I feel like there is so much that can be explored when it comes to Fey. A great example would be the winter and summer knights (from Jim Butcher's Dresden Files). Also, an Infiltrator archetype for rogues or bards would be cool.

Will there be a few of those for us to explore?

Paizo Employee Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This book, like the three volumes of the Book of the Damned and Chronicle of the Righteous, contains one new prestige class and a handful of other rules elements (spells, feats, etc.). It is primarily a GM-facing book, however, and thus contains more setting material than new rules content.

Well we will be getting a player's companion next year that will be fey focused, so who knows;)

Wouldn't be surprised if a "Blood of the Fey" is coming at some point.

CBDunkerson wrote:

Faerie Dragon corruption?

Actually... that would horrify members of many races. :]

Hmpf. I know someone who was likely already spreading an earlier version of that one around. I don't understand it either, should be working on a protean corruption uplift instead.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Wish they would have a prestige class that is the fey version of the dragon disciple.

For as many things as you'd like to see in the game that we can't possibly every deliver on, have you considered publishing your own versions of these concepts through the Pathfinder Compatibility License, either on your own or through a third-party publisher? I simply ask because every product thread contains tons of ideas you'd like to see, usually offered after the books have gone to print, and thus too late for us to include them, but I'm sure there'd be other fans interested in seeing your material see print, even if not in official Paizo material.

This is really off-topic, but you may consider checking out the Third-Party Publisher boards to see what opportunities there are for you.

Or heck, tie it thematically to one of Paizo's APs from the last 5 years and submit it for the next Wayfinder... which will be a print edition handed out at the next PaizoCon.

I really hope this touches on the Ulfen children traded to the Fey of Frost's End that are mentioned way back 0.O

3 people marked this as a favorite.

They are given to a crazy child-like fairy princess who likes to have them as playmates/toys, at least until she breaks them;)

Also having a evil(or at least non-good) Peter Pan like fey that likes to take "lost" children to these crazy fairy creatures would be interesting.

Just a couple more days or so.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Geramies wrote:
Wouldn't be surprised if a "Blood of the Fey" is coming at some point.

How about "Legacy of the First World"? It is coming. May 2017.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I got my shipping notice. Can't wait for the new obediences! Looking forward to the Lantern King and Lost Prince in particular.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am glad we finally get to see what the Eldest look like.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
I am glad we finally get to see what the Eldest look like.

So am I, Dragon. Specially, I'm looking forward to seeing Shyka, Imbrex and Lost Prince.

Don't get me wrong, Linnorm lovers. I didn't include Ragadahn because we already have his illustration from Kingmaker, but I will confess he is only second to Shyka in my list of interests for this book.

Liberty's Edge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I look forward to having a look at the green mother. Because I'm wondering what the sexy eldest of seduction and carnivorous plants is going to look like and have more detailed lore explaining her style, personality, and realm. Chances are that people entering her realm either end up in her bed or in a plant belly. Generally the latter than the former.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Lantern King has my interest! Wonder what else he transforms?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ErisAcolyte-Chaos jester wrote:
I look forward to having a look at the green mother. Because I'm wondering what the sexy eldest of seduction and carnivorous plants is going to look like and have more detailed lore explaining her style, personality, and realm. Chances are that people entering her realm either end up in her bed or in a plant belly. Generally the latter than the former.

Wouldn't rule out the former being the latter.

DeciusNero wrote:
Lantern King has my interest! Wonder what else he transforms?

As he has no "permanent abode", I'm really curious about his stronghold.

Last I remember the green mother has art in the same AP volume with the article about the eldest and the first world.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Dragon78 wrote:
Last I remember the green mother has art in the same AP volume with the article about the eldest and the first world.

I do not believe this to be the case; although there is a picture of a green woman emerging from a Venus flytrap, no specific evidence links that art to the Green Mother, nor does it match her description in that article.

Of course... who knows? Maybe you're just three moves ahead. I won't rule it out. ^_^

Kalindlara wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Last I remember the green mother has art in the same AP volume with the article about the eldest and the first world.

I do not believe this to be the case; although there is a picture of a green woman emerging from a Venus flytrap, no specific evidence links that art to the Green Mother, nor does it match her description in that article.

Of course... who knows? Maybe you're just three moves ahead. I won't rule it out. ^_^

I though that was an early picture of the Alraune?

Silver Crusade Contributor

Eric Hinkle wrote:
I though that was an early picture of the Alraune?

I assumed something similar - a flytrap variant of the infamous flower maiden.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
ErisAcolyte-Chaos jester wrote:
Chances are that people entering her realm either end up in her bed or in a plant belly. Generally the latter than the former.

Both. They end up in a flowerbed.

One of the staff at Paizo said it was her but I can't remember who, it was a long time ago when the question was brought up. I am sure it's just a picture of her when she is angry and ready to fight, not her standard social form.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Having searched the messageboards and blogs, I can't find any record of this...

Dragon78 wrote:
One of the staff at Paizo said it was her but I can't remember who, it was a long time ago when the question was brought up. I am sure it's just a picture of her when she is angry and ready to fight, not her standard social form.

Are you thinking of this 2012 post by James Jacobs?

James Jacobs wrote:
Sincubus wrote:

To the people who want a humanoid-ooze or intelligent ooze try the Ghaunadan / Slithering Tracker and Omox/Alkilith all intelligent / ooze like creatures.

My question this time is: What is the name of the green lady growing from a venus fly trap which is drawn somewhere in a product I can't remember, is that the green mother, a new creature or a subspecies of Alraune or Dryad?

That green lady is one of the Eldest; in particular, it's the Green Mother.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Huh. Why didn't that show up when I searched the forums?

In any case, it'll be interesting to see if they keep that design (given that it doesn't match her written description at all).

Indeed... That no even close to her description. She is said to have green hair and not green skin.

I thought I saw that somewhere.

I am sure she can change her shape and/or use illusions;)

Creative Director, Starfinder Team

6 people marked this as a favorite.

That picture was originally intended to be the Green Mother, but I've never felt super beholden to the art in that article—I always see illustrations as an artist's attempt to convey and interpret a character, rather than something perfect and set in stone. Plus, with the Eldest, they can look like whatever they want, and likely change frequently for the heck of it. So for what it's worth: the new pictures in this fey book are more "accurate" in my mind than old ones!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I have the PDF if there are any questions. I'll try not to be spoilery.


Skeld sees all!

I'd love to know what kind of progression Feysworn gives- does it advance your old class, just casting, or something else?

QuidEst wrote:

Skeld sees all!

I'd love to know what kind of progression Feysworn gives- does it advance your old class, just casting, or something else?


The spell progression adveances your existing class (+1 existing class), but you have to skip progressing spells at level 1. It grants some neat Fey-related class abilities as well.


Dark Archive

Do they have art involving the iconics for chapter openeings?

Thanks! Looking forward to it.

Kevin Mack wrote:
Do they have art involving the iconics for chapter openeings?

There are a couple.


Dark Archive

Skeld, PDF Prophet wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Do they have art involving the iconics for chapter openeings?

There are a couple.


cool which ones?

Kevin Mack wrote:
Skeld, PDF Prophet wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Do they have art involving the iconics for chapter openeings?

There are a couple.


cool which ones?

One has Kyra nd Valeros. The other has the Investigator (I think that's him; it's kinda from a back angle).


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