Using Bleeding Touch (Death Domain Power) in a Grapple

Rules Questions

So I'm working on a grappling cleric of Pharasma, and I was hoping to get people into clinches and then use the standard action for auto damage to use Bleeding Touch on them. You don't have to cast anything, or prepare it in any way and it's a melee touch to use, so it's easier to do than stabbing someone (which is allowed) but the rules make no specific ruling on melee touches. Mind you this is a society character so I need a pretty by-the-rules ruling on this.

Thanks guys!

We don't use grappling much, mainly because it's horrid, but I have to wonder if this technique will work at all. That ability is a Spell-Like Ability. Can it even be used in a grapple? Would that fall under the "Cast a Spell" option for grappling? It certainly wouldn't be "standard action for auto damage."

I can't see why not. It's easier to do than stabbing someone, and you can do that for free. You can't disrupt spell-like abilities and armor doesn't disrupt them--so I can't see why you'd roll a fail check like you would for a spell. But then it's not specifically on the list, so I don't really know for sure.

The Exchange

A grappled creature is restrained by a creature, trap, or effect. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. A grappled character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level), or lose the spell. Grappled creatures cannot make attacks of opportunity.

A grappled creature cannot use Stealth to hide from the creature grappling it, even if a special ability, such as hide in plain sight, would normally allow it to do so. If a grappled creature becomes invisible, through a spell or other ability, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus on its CMD to avoid being grappled, but receives no other benefit.

Grimcleaver wrote:
I can't see why not.

Your answer, then, would be, as GeneticDrift quoted, because the rules tell you that that's how it works.

Your assumption about this issue is predicated upon the idea that casting a spell-like ability is inherently easier and quicker than casting a spell or using a weapon to stab someone. That isn't necessarily the case (in fact, just the opposite is supported in the rules).

If, however, you don't feel this is fair because it destroys your entire build, the simple solution is to talk to your DM. If he doesn't consider it an overpowered use of your ability, he might just let you do it anyway, or change it to Supernatural, rather than Spell-like. *shrug*

GeneticDrift wrote:

...A grappled character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level), or lose the spell. Grappled creatures cannot make attacks of opportunity.

Ah awesome! Thank you. I must have read right over that. There we go then.

Brogue The Rogue wrote:
If, however, you don't feel this is fair because it destroys your entire build...

Nah, man. Totally the opposite. I really just wanted a ruling from the books either way. Your first post was more of the flavor "I don't use grapple in my group because I don't like it and I have no idea how the mechanic works...but whatever it does it isn't what you think it does". That got me coming back with my explanation of why I thought it seemed reasonable. That's all that was. Now I've got a ruling, which is going to save me some embarrassment at the table.

So hey, thanks guys. I'll keep tinkering with him and see what I can come up with.

Brogue The Rogue wrote:
Your assumption about this issue is predicated upon the idea that casting a spell-like ability is inherently easier and quicker than casting a spell or using a weapon to stab someone. That isn't necessarily the case (in fact, just the opposite is supported in the rules).

Not to beat the horse to death--but what I meant by melee touch attacks being easier than standard attacks wasn't some philosophical opinion about the nature of magic in Golarion--it was simple math. Melee touch attacks ignore armor, standard attacks don't therefore to hit with a melee touch the number you have to roll is lower, and therefore easier to make. That's all I meant. So if you could do something harder for free I thought maybe you could do this too. But you can't. No big deal.

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