
JoeElf's page

* Pathfinder Society GM. 331 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 17 Organized Play characters.


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Suppress Charms and Compulsions. In advance of the fight, a casting is good for a +4 morale bonus. Once there are victims of the charm/compulsion due to failed saves, the caster of this 2nd level spell will allow the would-be victim[s] to act normally, but the caster as to use a standard action [concentration] each round to maintain that freedom for the would-be victims.

Some basic feat should have been written thus:
You’re an expert with weapons that rely on your agility.

Prerequisite(s): Weapon Finesse.

Benefit: When using Weapon Finesse, you may also use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on your damage rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty doesn’t apply to either the attack rolls or the damage rolls.

Then you can get Dex-to-Damage on an elven curved blade or on both an elven leafblade and elven thornblade. Lots of options rather than just rapier or scimitar or applying slashing grace multiple times to multiple weapons that are piercing and slashing.

And adding Agile on a TWF build is just so expensive and inflexible for weapon choices in a game with so many types of DR. I'd rather spend this mythical feat and can now get the Dex to damage with a pair of saps for non-lethal fights, some light maces for bludgeoning, etc.

Unfortunately, this feat that I copied above is only available in Mythic Adventures as Weapon Finesse (Mythic).

Note that for TWF you will need each of these:
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Finesse (Mythic) [or your choice of one weapon as per Fencing Grace/Slashing Grace/Dervish Dance/Unchained Rogue levels 3-10 Finesse Training]
Double-Slice [which as-written works with a Strength bonus and not a Dex bonus despite having a Dex requirement]

Given the static damage modifiers that a two-handed martial can put out with just a good Strength and Power Attack [with their own options to take weapon focus/furious focus to improve To Hit], I don't think getting Dex to Damage on the finesse weapons is overpowered.

However, it is true that a character with a Strength of 7 really shouldn't be able to wear any armor and should have to take the penalties to hit and damage. There should basically be a minimum Strength of 10 required for martials [which my GM set as the minimum in our home game with a generous 25-point buy].

I would probably say take Flagbearer, get a Singing Steel [improve your action economy of starting a performance] longspear [I almost never hit anything, it just gives me Aid Another at reach {using Helpful Halfling trait for +4 total} and easier flanking], and attach a Banner of the Ancient Kings [so that 4 levels out of 5, your Inspire Courage is an added +1 and you get +4 to initiative and double the Flagbearer bonus with it].

I also like taking Versatile Performance with a Skill Focus feat spent, and maximizing the performance for Intimidate. Learn and cast Blistering Invective, and you've basically made all enemies Shaken if they are within 30' radius of you.

And get a lesser extend rod for casting Haste and/or Good Hope [though GH won't stack with Flagbearer if you went with that option]. Both are really strong spells at Bard level 7.

Headband of Charisma and Circlet of Persuasion are really strong items too, so you may have to give up either the Singing Steel weapon or the Banner, depending on your gp availability and investing in the typical items also [cloak/ring/armor].

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Our GM said to just ignore the text from Hero Lab, and we could play with those options, even though the supplemental sheets said nothing about them.

Part 3 spoiler:
The 2 extra Mythic feats are available for this game only, if you own Mythic Adventures.

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I have completed parts 1 & 2, and I have just 1 question as I prepare to play in part 3.

Part 3 spoiler:
Do we get the 2 extra feats for having 3 mythic tiers? In Hero Lab, the mythic feats all say "this selection is not available to Pathfinder Society characters," except for Dual Path. Even the option for Bonus Non-Mythic Feat is flagged with that text.

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The solution is to get to level 7, where you can use your swift action to study your target and then also have your standard and move actions or full attack action available.

In terms of core rules, bards have even worse action economy with their performances [move at 7th, swift at 13th], but those do buff the whole party as a tradeoff. Their buffs' action economy [like a slayer's] also improves only with leveling up.

If you need to move and also to study your target, you can get a quick runner's shirt for 1000gp for a once per day buff. "Once per day as a swift action, the wearer can take an additional move action to move and then immediately end his turn, losing any unspent actions. A character must wear this shirt continuously for 24 hours before he can activate this ability."

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Derklord wrote:
RoseCrown wrote:
The rapier sadly is not a light weapon - which is why you want this little gem.
Which doesn't do anything for TWF, because it's a general rule option, and neither "feat, spell, or special weapon ability".


If you have the TWF feat and the Effortless Lace on the offhand weapon, Hero Lab lets you use 2 rapiers or 2 longswords at the -2 step in the chart. And I have done it that way many times too in home games [since the Lace is banned in PFS]. My interpretation is that the magic item works with the TWF feat, since that's indeed a feat. {Note that Hero Lab does apply a benefit though even if you don't have the feat, which is incorrect from what you are saying [that I agree with]}.

Bard with Sound Striker archetype is exactly that.

The downside is that the sonic attacks are counting as a bardic performance, so you cannot also do Inspire Courage until you get the ability to have 2 performances running.


Thanks to you both, Gilfalas and Derklord.

Can I use a Rod of Reach with the Cleric domain abilities if the ability is labelled as Sp for Spell-like? Can the Cast Defensively option be used with the Cleric domain abilities if the ability is labelled as Sp for Spell-like?

My assumption is yes to both, since the detriment to the ability being Spell-Like is that it otherwise provokes.

On 50/50, I generally just grab a die and call "Even" [such that rolling the maximum number is always good] and about half the time it works ;)

For the basics of building a character [especially quick selection of spells and feats], I like the Strategy Guide.
https://paizo.com/products/btpy99sk/discuss?Pathfinder-Roleplaying-Game-Str ategy-Guide

I would recommend adding in a couple of things that aren't there though:
1. use Unchained if going with Rogue
2. get Raging Vitality if you are increasing your Con with rage [it seems to me that using 1 feat and sticking with core Barbarian is better than Unchained Barbarian]
3. get Fey Foundling if you can spare the feat at level 1
4. consider giving an extra feat, as there are so many things players may want characters to do that are gated behind other feats. For new players who aren't powergaming, this shouldn't set the bar too low for challenges.

For the simple failed fear save and his character being brave, just state the rules. Assuming the paladin doesn't have an archetype that traded this out, she gets immunity at level 3. "Aura of Courage (Su): At 3rd level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise)."

Knock the person to -1 hp or so [possibly via non-lethal damage to lessen the risk of a real accidental kill].
This renders them unconscious [unless an orc or a Raging Vitality barbarian].
Unconscious creatures are automatically considered willing [though they do still get their SR if any].
Now they automatically fail their Will save to the Charm Person that is cast.
Heal them to +0 hp or more.
Beat them on an opposed Charisma roll.

Mithral Agile Breastplate is treated as light armor to keep your Slayer/Ranger types of abilities. That's what I always use on my Dex-based martials. And you can surely have a gauntlet on that armor to provide flank. Then just keep with the bow; just be sure to use your last free action of your turn to include that you are focusing on the gauntlet.
https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/102021/can-i-threaten-adjacent-squa res-while-using-spiked-gauntlets-and-a-bow

After you get Snap Shot, you threaten adjacent squares, and can drop the gauntlet shenanigans.

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Level 7 is where it's at. You can start performing as a move action, you get access to Haste, Good Hope, and Dispel Magic, and you get another feat to boost either Inspire Courage [Extra Performance and then Master Performer], archery [Deadly Aim], spells, or knowledges. Get yourself a lesser rod of extend for 3000, and you can pre-cast the Good Hope and Haste, 1 or 2 times each, per day.

If you want to be decent at healing, make sure you have the Healing domain (though I like the Restoration subdomain even better for status removals). +50% to your cure spells at level 6 is nice. Also, you'll need a good Wisdom for bonus spells, and a good Charisma for channeling. Live with 10 Strength, Dex, and Intelligence. Get a headband of Wisdom for more spells, or Charisma for more channels, or Phylactery of Positive Channeling for increased channel dice. Add in a Ring of Protected Life to up your channel radius and Selective Channel feat deselection of opponents. Get a Rod of Reach too: very handy to be able to cast Heal or Breath of Life when you don't have the movement to get to the character hit by the Disintegrate or critted by a times 4 weapon in the hands of a large or huge creature.

For buffs, Bless, Guidance, Prayer, Protection from Evil can all be decent in the right places. Good Hope (for Milani worshipers) is awesome for a level 3 spell, as it affects To Hit, Damage, saves, skills, and ability checks. Blessing of Fervor is awesome for a level 4 spell. At early levels (or to save spell slots), use a Domain power (e.g. Touch of Good, Inspiring Word, Inspiring Command) and then move into flanking can also be good, or just doing Aid Another while also setting up flanking can be helpful. +4 to hit is nothing to sneeze at for an ally up against a tough AC monster, especially if it's the rogue who now also gets sneak damage from your flank. A longspear lets you do it from reach even.

And I recommend having index cards of the common buff spells and powers that you use, to hand out to the other players. When someone would have missed an attack otherwise, but you have Prayer and Good Hope up to make them connect, just remember that you're providing all the damage of that swing, in addition to the +3 damage that the spells directly provide. It's even more important when they would have been incapacitated or severely wounded by some status effect potentially inflicted on them, but the +3 to saves prevented your party mates' failure.

For other spells, status removal (Lesser Restoration and Remove Blindness/Deafness/Paralysis/Poison) and defeating undead are really helpful at the right time (Ghost Touch, Death Ward). Resist Energy and Protection From Energy [communal] are also handy depending on the opponents.

Good general advice on this topic:

PFS Legal Melee contingency kit
Source Melee Tactics Toolbox pg. 20
Price 150 gp; Weight 14 lbs.
Category Kits
This kit contains items necessary for a melee combatant to overcome the most common forms of damage resistance. The kit includes a cold iron morningstar, a silver sickle, two flasks of acid, two flasks of alchemist’s fire, and two flasks of holy water.

Add in:
* a sap or whip, so you don't have to take -4 to do nonlethal or provoke with unarmed attacks
* an adamantine weapon that you plan to use into higher levels, after enchanting it
* a masterwork bow [the best type that you're proficient in, generally composite longbow or orc hornbow] that you plan to use into higher levels, after enchanting it to +1 and adding Adaptive

A bag of holding or handy haversack only has so much capacity, and filling it with bulky reach weapons prevents you from filling it with gold :)

Have the cleric get a rod of Reach. Also a Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath with a scroll of Breath of Life and/or some First Aid Gloves are good.

I always just go with the PFS rules [at least for Infernal Healing], not the Horror rules.

Q: "Does casting evil spells cause an alignment infraction?"
A: "Casting an evil spell is not an alignment infraction in and of itself, though it may violate a character's code or tenets of faith. Commiting an evil act outside of casting a spell, such as using an evil spell to torment an innocent NPC, is an alignment infraction."

Horror Rules:
I don't have the exact quote, but essentially 2 castings takes the character from Good to Neutral, and 3 further castings takes one from Neutral to Evil.

Hero Lab correctly applies Skill Focus (Perform X) bonuses of +3 or +6 when calculating a bard's versatile performance.

Hero Lab applies the masterwork bonus for items to the performance skills totals when using a bard's versatile performance. This is incorrect according to some other posts, however, it isn't clear, and Paizo marked the thread as answered:
https://paizo.com/threads/rzs2jw28&page=2?Rules-Clarification-Bardic-Ve rsatile-Performance

Personally, I think the Hero Lab method makes more sense for the versatile performance with masterwork items than ignoring that bonus. It's just a +2, and doing a straight substitution is more clear (so if you have Strings +20 (with a masterwork item), you also have Diplomacy +20 (and not just a +18).

You should definitely report your issue on the fighter Versatile Training to the Lone Wolf forums. That function (from your description) is working backwards to how HL is working for the Versatile Performance for bards (where HL is more generous than a RAW reading).

Restoration Subdomain: Restorative Touch, vs. Horror Adventures: Fear conditions

https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains/paizo-domains/ healing-domain/restoration/

Restorative Touch cures:

List of Fear conditions from Horror Adventures:

Question 1:
Does Restorative Touch cure Spooked (the lowest of the lesser conditions)?

RAW, it cures Shaken (the level 2 lesser condition).

Question 2:
If an area causes the condition, for how long should either condition be cured by the cleric domain power? Would you have to be out of the area for the condition to be cured at all?

As someone noted earlier, the feat Coherent Rage lets you use Stealth while Raging.

Also, the Urban Barbarian and Urban Bloodrager both can elect bonuses to Dex while raging [unlike the normal rage that disallows most Dex skills] and it's called Controlled Rage or Controlled Bloodrage for a reason. "When using a controlled rage, an urban barbarian gains no bonus on Will saves, takes no penalties to AC, and can still use Intelligence-, Dexterity-, and Charisma-based skills."

Otherwise, you could get Sneak Attack while using Rage, by being invisible, flanking, or have the opponent flat-footed from losing initiative or being feinted, etc.


I'm 99% sure I am using the right password to log in, but it fails. And I also tried the recovery password via email option, but received no email (and I did check both email accounts that I could have used for signing up).

Think of it like Versatile Performance of a Bard. Mechanically, you just use the modifiers from one skill for another. How you flavor it is up to anything that fits. They are all at least Charisma-based skills in Coax Information, unlike some of the bard options.


Gary Bush wrote:
PFS(2) I believe is how it is listed.

Thanks to you and the group of respondents. Just FYI for anyone else searching this: the site shows SOLD OUT on all the games PFS(2). Great for Paizo!


I just searched the GenCon schedule for "PFS2" and for "PF2", and neither search turned up any results. Any advice for getting the new games to show up?

I grabbed some slots a week ago for some #10-xx games, so I have something to play.

The corners are correctly shown as threatened per the CRB FAQ.

"10-Foot Reach and Diagonals: I’m confused about reach and diagonals. I heard somewhere online that you don’t threaten the second diagonal with a 10-foot reach but that you somehow get an attack of opportunity when opponents move out of that square, but the Rules Reference Cards show that you do threaten the second diagonal. Which one is correct?
The cards are correct. As an exception to the way that diagonals normally work, a creature with 10 feet of reach threatens the second diagonal. These changes will be reflected in the next errata."

Note that this FAQ was a December 2014 post.

But my CRB PDF just downloaded from the Paizo site says this on pages 192-193:
Measuring Distance
"Diagonals: When measuring distance, the first diagonal counts as 1 square, the second counts as 2 squares, the third counts as 1, the fourth as 2, and so on."

And this on pages 214 about the area of a spell effect:
"You can count diagonally across a square, but remember that every second diagonal counts as 2 squares of distance."

In case anyone finds this later, I not only selected a level of Urban Bloodrager for my TWF rogue at level 6, I also added a level of it to my level 10 slayer archer when he got to 11th. Getting to rage to add dex and put the shield spell on a wand without worrying about UMD was just what I needed. I put a greensting scorpion in a familiar satchel too, and now I got the initiative bonus that I was seeking. I did retrain a feat into Combat Expertise and another into Gang Up [my reading of Dirty Fighting is that it only works for combat maneuvers, and gang up isn't a maneuver.]

I haven't actually played the rogue since the rebuild, but I did play the slayer last week, and I really like not having to worry about losing any extra rage hit points if I go unconscious since I am always just using +4 Dex in my rage [and not risking rage death with a tenuous Con bonus]. Since I am at the ACP limit of my attack roll when dex raging i my mithral chain shirt, I didn't bother with the dex belt.

Lhinir: male elf Unchained Rogue 5, Urban Bloodrager 1
Nathaniel Greenstone: male human Slayer 10, Urban Bloodrager 1

At some point, I may purchase a headband of charisma to get the rogue from a 9 charisma to an 11 to improve social skills and get some level 1 castings of some spells, but the slayer has a Cha of 7 and is almost retired from PFS, so for sure I will just be using wands for casting.

blahpers wrote:
Not by a strict reading, no. Against incorporeal undead, cure light wounds will still do half damage and still won't deliver precision damage such as sneak attack. Your mileage may certainly vary, though, as a lot of GMs extend the strict text to the more general principle that "positive energy affects incorporeal undead as though they were corporeal".

There was another thread in the last week [either in Advice or here in Rules] where CLW vs. incorporeal came up.

"When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 1d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +5). Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds. An undead creature can apply Spell Resistance, and can attempt a Will save to take half damage."

Since channel positive energy works as full vs. incorporeal undead, CLW does the full damage [if the save is failed].

Now the question is whether to apply the sneak attack damage. If the sneak attacker is under ghost touch or the incorporeal is under ghostbane dirge or the like, there is no question. But more generally, incorporeal creatures are not listed as being immune to flanking [unlike say an ooze], so the sneak attack damage would apply in my opinion.

Darc1396 wrote:
Or intimidate in general trying to help a face character (with almost no combat usefulness) have something to do in combat.

1. Be a Bard [either standard or an archetype that keeps Versatile Performance] with high Charisma [for at least 2 levels].

Put 1 rank each in Diplomacy and Intimidate to get through level 1, and never again.
2. Max out Perform Keyboard Instruments ranks every level.
[select Skill Focus, buy a cracked Pink and Green Sphere ioun stone, max ranks, headband of charisma, circlet of persuasion {over time}]
3. Select the Versatile Performance with Keyboard Instruments at bard level 2. Now your maxed out Perform Keyboard Instruments works on both Diplomacy and Intimidate.
4. At level 4, learn and use the spell Blistering Invective.
Now, enemies within 30 feet are all subject to the Demoralize with no save for 1 round and 1 round/5 points by which you exceed the DC. They get a reflex save against the recurring d6 of fire damage, but none against the demoralize or the d10 of fire damage in round 1.

My level 8 PFS bard has a 21 in Perform Keyboard Instruments, Diplomacy, and Intimidate. The average roll of 10 totals to 31. The DC for demoralize of 10 plus HD plus Wisdom is probably a total of 20-25 at this level. I've effectively given the shaken condition to all opponents for 2 or 3 rounds.

At level 7 you can also start your bardic performance as a move action so still be able to open with that spell (though I would recommend Haste or Good Hope [which increases skills another 2 points to aid the check], and Blistering Invective on round 2).

If you only have one opponent or are 2nd level, you don't need the spell. Just do the standard action demoralize via the Intimidate skill. Keep in mind that there is a size penalty though of -2 per step, so my halfling is taking -2 vs. medium creatures, and worse for large or huge creatures. Dirge of Doom at level 8 also applies shaken in an area with no save, but it takes your bardic rounds and prevents you from inspiring courage [unless you select a way to use 2 performances when you get to a higher level].

As for my Will saves, they look pretty decent for level 6.
Rogue 4 = +1
Wis 12 = +1
Ranger 1 = +0
Wizard 1 = +2
Cloak of Resistance = +1 [for now]
Will Save overall = +5 [for channeling and glitterdust]

Birthmark trait = +2 vs. charms and compulsions
Elf = +2 vs. enchantments

Total = +9 vs. [the most important saves of] charms and compulsions

I did in fact take Dodge instead of Two-Weapon Defense.
I took Improved Initiative after retraining out of the leafblade martial feat (to try to get more sneak attacks in the initial round of each combat).
For now, I put in a level of Ranger and a level of Wizard (Admixture [Evoker]). For now, I was looking at the advantage of the Ray of Frost possible in 4 different elements to get me a ranged touch attack for short range (complemented by a masterwork composite longbow for longer ranges).
I bought wands of Blend, Heightened Awareness, and Shield to go with the one of CLW that I had previously.
I bought the +1 adamantine elven leafblade, +2 dex belt, +1 ring of protection.

I just read up on Urban Bloodrager, and it does have some appeal, in replacing at least the Wizard level so I maintain my BAB and can increase Dex while in rage. I could still use all 4 of my wands between a level of this class and Ranger, but I don't get real access to invisibility. Fortunately, there's a rogue talent for that: The Whole Time. Quite an interesting mix of options.

Ferious Thune,

Ferious Thune wrote:

Two-Weapon Defense is likely not worth the feat. First of all, you could just take Dodge.
If you're worried about getting UMD high enough [for a wand of shield], there's the Cracked Vibrant Purple Prism Ioun Stone. Buy that for 2,000gp ...

Buy the Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 asap, as that helps all of your worrisome areas. To-hit, AC, and even damage.

I'd probably make at least one of the weapons magic, since you're already 6th level, and not having a magic weapon at that point is not great.

Don't try for a Mithral Breastplate... [good reasons]

I did look at Dodge vs. Two-Weapon Defense. What I really liked about TWD is that it's a shield bonus that works even when flat-footed, and can also boost Total Defense or Fighting Defensively (though with those additional penalties I'd be only about able to hit AC 10 to give a party mate Aid Another). But I think you may be correct overall; I should just take dodge and focus on getting a +4 shield bonus from the spell.

To get the shield spell, I can just keep my UMD allocated with max skill points [I do have the Intelligence on this character to do so] and use a wand myself. I will won't ever get a +19 UMD to make wand use automatic, but +6 at level 6 would serve me well for other low level wands [at least until I toss a 1 that day].

I definitely had the Belt of Dex on my level 6 theoretical build of this character. And that is something I sure plan to keep as I go forward with him.

I do love the mithral breastplate on all my other martial characters, but yes, on a thief, the max dex is incenting me to keep my mithral chain shirt. I had made my existing armor +1 about a year ago, and had just forgotten why. Thanks for the confirmation on that decision.

Slim Jim,
I was trying to say (sloppily now that I re-read it) that I played this character into 4th level mainly with scenarios. Then I played a module, so I would technically be 5th level from playing. I then ran a level of a module that was a 5-7 and put the credit on this guy. So, now I'm 6th level. But since I haven't ever played the levels 5 or 6, I have flexibility on those selections. In just looking at my build's statistics, I am re-considering my feats, talents, and items for 2 effective levels.

As for the ability statistics, I have already played the character at level 4, so I can't even re-distribute my +1 from that level, let alone all the rest [short of doing some retraining of level 4].

For the racial weapons for an elf, I found that issue after HeroLab was applying a penalty. The elf racial ability lets you treat the elven exotic weapons as martial; but as a straight rogue, I was still taking the non-proficiency penalty [since the rogue doesn't have martial weapon proficiency]. So, if I took a level in a full BAB class, I would certainly retrain that feat.

I have the Adventurer's Guide and loved the Elven Leafblade and Elven Thornblade. So, I decided to build a TWF rogue for PFS. I just entered level 4, then played a module chronicle sheet to apply to make me 5th and and have another module from being the GM on another adventure to make me 6th level. However, I am not happy with my AC, my attack (main hand +6 when TWF and piranha strike), though am OK with my damage (d4 + 10 + 3d6 sneak) with what I built up at 6th.

I have the following statistics:
level 4 Elf unchained rogue (CG, Desna) -> level 6 with 2 modules applied
S 10, D 18, C 14, I 14, W 12, Cha 9
15,468 gp on hand from 2 modules

martial weapon proficiency (elven leafblade)
piranha strike
[finesse from unchained]
weapon focus (elven leafblade)

warrior of old

main items currently:
+1 mithral chain shirt
+1 cloak of resistance
mw cold iron elven leafblade *2

I built my character up to level 6 (adding two-weapon defense and trap spotter for feat+talent, a +1 adamantine leafblade, and explored +2 dex belt, +1 mithral agile breastplate, +1 ring, +1 amulet), but my attack is pretty weak (as noted above).

I'd like to get invisibility, but I would need to cast it in advance by dipping an arcane class and using wands/scrolls. Alternatively, I could retrain my weapon feats to combat reflexes, dodge, and mobility to enter shadowdancer prestige class. Another option is to get The Whole Time talent and a wand of invisibility. Or get to 36 fame (when I am currently at just 19) and spend 20,000 gp on a ring.

I'd like to get a decent AC without hurting my attack. I'm thinking of taking a level of Ranger so I can: wear the mithral agile breastplate without hurting my to hit with ACP, cast lead blades/CLW/heightened awareness from wands, increase hp slightly, not hurt skills too much, retrain my leafblade proficiency into weapon focus for elven thornblade (since I would be an elven ranger and be proficient already then in both those weapons [elf treating elven weapons as martial and actually having martial weapons as a ranger]).

Any recommendations? Starting a new character as a TWF slayer or ranger seems a poor solution, since I am 6th level with 15,468 gp on hand to patch up some deficiencies.

Emerald Spire has its own Flip-Mats, one per level. Not sure about actual AP's.

I was the GM for this level just last night in a PFS game. It's a pretty easy level. There's a couple of things you can do with terrain to have some monsters escape and warn others, and of course a larger fight poses more risk to the players. If the PC's make the various checks for the traps and don't have escapees from the early fight, it's easy for them to pick off the separated groups of enemies.

From the chronicle sheet of the relevant level:
(masterwork club that cannot be enchanted; 150 gp, limit 1)

[I'm not bothering to spoiler it, since it's just effectively a masterwork club out of the CRB, and I removed any reference to where it drops.]

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HeroLab shows this:
50 [automatically] masterwork adamantine durable arrows = 3050 gp (61 gp each)
50 cold iron durable arrows = 100 gp (2 gp each)
50 alchemical silver durable arrows = 150 gp (3 gp each)
50 [automatically] masterwork mithral durable arrows = 12550 gp (251 gp each)

HL is calculating 3.75 lb per 50 mithral arrows, but I can't determine the rest of its math {making me doubt these results}.

50 masterwork cold iron durable arrows = 400 gp (8 gp each)
50 masterwork alchemical silver durable arrows = 450 gp (9 gp each)


Taking 20 takes 2 full minutes. That's metagamy to be searching some 10 foot area for 20 rounds. If you have no buffs running, and have already been hit by traps, and are in a suspicious area, then it could make sense.

Taking 10 takes 6 seconds, the same as the regular check. That should be the standard way of operating if you have a +15 or +20 modifier. A 25 or 30 perception total finds nearly every trap in PFS.

Lucy_Valentine wrote:

I have something similar happen playing a diviner wizard. We get ambushed, a surprise round happens, and I'm acting in it... but I still have no idea what we're up against, because the enemy are still concealed. I can't even usefully shout a warning because that's a feat.

Speaking = warning, and is a free action you can normally do out of turn (though not when you are surprised). If you beat their initiative, but fail the perception check, you are correct that you cannot speak the warning. But that isn't due to lacking a feat; that's due to failing the perception check. Unless I am missing something?

Good Hope = Heroism for the whole party, and it affects damage. I picked it on my bard at 7th, and i still cast it every fight now that we're level 13, and the campaign is starting over with new level 1's. So I made a cleric of Milani so I can get it at level 5. It's that awesome. Add Encouraging Spell as a feat to make it +3, and get a rod of Extend. Then also cast Moment of Greatness to take that +3 and make it a +6 for each party member once per fight.

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You're a full caster with a fixed spell list. Knowing that list is probably most important to helping you. I assume the rogue in your party already knows your list, so you won't be giving anything away by posting it here?

Also, another equivalent of Haste:
The bardic masterpiece of Blazing Rondo.

It saves the bard from casting a 3rd level spell of haste, but does take up bardic rounds and bardic action economy (move actions at 7th, swift at 13th). And gives out fatigue at the end...

Quote from the original post: "I don't know which interpretation Hero Lab uses."

In Hero Lab, I built a human with Int = 10, level 1 Ranger, level 1 Druid with the FCB in Skills on that Druid level. The character has 13 skill points in total to assign. I was, correctly, limited to 2 skill points on any skill. Adding a 3rd point turns the skill red and incurs an error message when saving. For example, "Perception: You may only have your hit dice in ranks in a skill."

Now that the site is back, and I am about to GM another scenario (#6-15) in 3 weeks, I tried getting into the Product Reviews to see what GM pointers there are to run the scenario well. Once again, trying to get to Page 2 of the reviews takes me instead to the Product Discussion (which is still true for #7-01).

When in the PRODUCT REVIEWS section for the PFS Scenario #7-01, clicking on Page 2, 3, 4, or 5 takes me into the PRODUCT DISCUSSION section, rather than the correct page of product review. This is happening to me in both MS Edge and in Google Chrome.

Pathfinder Society Scenario #7–01: Between the Lines (PFRPG) PDF
http://paizo.com/products/btpy9cu3/discuss?Pathfinder-Society-Scenario-7-01 -Between-the-Lines

There are 21 product reviews, but I can only see numbers 1-5 on Page 1. I am running this scenario on Wednesday, and am looking to see if other people have some good ideas.

When in the PRODUCT REVIEWS section for this scenario, clicking on Page 2, 3, 4, or 5 takes me into this PRODUCT DISCUSSION section. This is happening to me in both MS Edge and in Google Chrome.

For Mage Hand and unattended, this is from the Merriam-Webster website:
Definition of "unattended" =
"not attended : not watched or looked after : lacking a guard, escort, caretaker, etc. an unattended parking lot a fire left unattended unattended children unattended luggage"

To me, these all involve posession and overseeing things. So, you can Mage Hand inanimate objects like a plate, and the utensils and food on top also go.

However, if you have a creature on the plate, like a mouse, perhaps that isn't really unattended.

Further, if the mouse is intelligent, that makes an even better case that the plate is not unattended.

You should not really expect to be able to stand on a plate and use an at-will, free-all-day cantrip to replicate the effects of Levitate, a 2nd level spell, or Fly, a 3rd level spell.