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Organized Play Member. 100 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 18 Organized Play characters.
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In Book #1, the PC's learn that supplies are being sent down the Tamran highway to the Ironfang Legion soldiers who have cut-off the highway traffic and capturing everyone trying to use the road.
Not much has changed in Book #2.
As Book #3 begins: "Strategists in both Molthune and Nirmathas expect
the Legion to seize Tamran imminently, and the forest
marshal has already begun concentrating what forces he
can around the tiny city to deflect the expected invasion."
At the conclusion of Book #3: "In retaliation
for the embarrassment her forces endured, she (General Azaersi)
dispatches a small army to the east to burn Nirmathas’s
capital of Tamran, hoping the threat of retaliation will
prevent communities from allying with would-be saviors
in the future."
It would only partially protect the character. Since the damage is both fire and slashing, half of the damage is fire and the other half is slashing and the character would still need to make the save or take slashing damage.
Reshar wrote: Greetings, paizonians!
I've been reading Book 1 so far, and I loved it!
But there is something that pop up in Part 2...
Why the hemlock? I know it's intended as a symbol, but... Why a hemlock? What does it mean?
Can be a silly question, but I haven't figured out yet.
Thanks in advance for your ideas!
From Wikipedia:
"A hardy plant capable of living in a variety of environments, hemlock is widely naturalized in locations outside its native range."
This I think explains why Hemlock. I never thought to think on it when we came to it in my campaign. Had I known this about Hemlock, my players might have been more inclined to accept the Hemlock Banner. Instead, they came up with their own.
My players decided to capture the siege engines to use for themselves in defending Longshadow. I'm surprised this option wasn't thought of by the writers.
How about the Boarding Pike of Repelling?
Dwarftr wrote: Im glad we are getting all this new content before PF2 comes on board..... But i am not seeing very much stuff for the Ninja. Even the new Martial Arts Handbook had nothing.......
When can we get some archetypes here?
Ninja is an archetype of the rogue class. So, an archetype for an archetype? Nope, won't happen. You could always house rule allowing using another rogue archetype + ninja.

gorambrowncoat wrote: So I have a Kitsune character that took the fox shape racial trait. Meaning that I can choose to be a fox as per beast shape spell at will. This effectively makes me the sneak of the party.
I have a few questions about how barding would work in this case. I understand that I can make barding for my fox form by doubling the cost of an armor from the list of armors. As my dex is quite high I was thinking of just going for a simple padded barding for 1 etra AC and up to 8 dex bonus (though currently I am at 7).
Question 1:
My humanoid shaped armor melds into my body as I change shape to a form that does not support it. Would the reverse also be true if I had fox sized barding? As in would it meld into my body when I went to humanoid form? I would assume strictly RAW this would not be the case. Would there be any other reasonable way around having a party member put on my barding every time I change shape?
Question 2:
My character is a magus. She thus has proficiency in all martial weapons and also the ability to use her arcane pool to temporarily enchant any melee weapon she wields. Would it be possible to add armor spikes to animal barding to use it to attack with in fox shape instead of with my bite attack? This way I could at least enchant it with my arcane pool and have a magical attack in case of need for that (or later even iterative attacks).
Question 1: Investigating Kitsune, they are Humanoids. So anything you wear while in fox form would not meld into your humanoid form when you revert back to your normal humanoid form. So 3 options:
1) get Wild enhancement on a set of armor.
2) somehow get Mage Armor cast on you (though I realize this might not be your choice because of question 2)
3) buy Armiger's Panoply and have a party member put it on your fox body.
Question 2: Barding is armor so you can certainly add armor spikes to it. Note: If you use your arcane pool to enchant the spikes, this doesn't make the armor bonus increase. AND you can attack with the armor spikes and your bite attack, though at -5 to the bite, as a full attack action each round.
Grumpus wrote: I think room J12 is missing a staircase on the map. specifically the stairway that leads from J11 to J12. Bristle Billie has sealed the staircase from the first floor to the second floor room he is in by using his stone shape spell like ability. So therefore the map is correct as he has altered the floor and presumably removed the stone railing from the stairway from below.
Mrs Camelot wrote: So Darkness the spell is 20’, why can Ibzairiak cast it to 50’ radius? A Black Dragon's Darkness spell-like ability has a radius of 10' per age category. Young adult is the 5th age category so 50 ft radius.
Sergal Paladin wrote: For my next campaign, I agreed to be a brother to another player, and both of us are playing as the Trox. I chose to play as a hooded knight cavalier, but upon choosing a mount, I couldn't find a list of mounts huge sized or larger for the purpose of a starting mount. Does anyone have suggestions that I can list and consult my GM with? For simplicity, your 1st level feat could be Undersized Mount and you could have any large option. Or you could trade out a racial trait or a class feature for that feat with GM approval.
Otherwise, we would need to know where the campaign is going to take place to recommend something.

Erik Belmont wrote: Something that really confused me, which I hope someone can elaborate on is, the bestiary and the Nirmathi Plains section at the end of the book..? The whole idea behind Part 1 of the first book is to send everyone towards the Southern Fangwood, why would anyone be messing around with trying to get to the plains? Am I missing something obvious? The chart allows you as GM to have a chart of random encounters if your players decide they want to do something besides what happens in southern Fangwood. And really the only place for them to adventure in their level range in the 1st book is the southern Fangwood and Nesmian Plains.
PCs native to the Phaendar region know of existence of other villages, farms and communities in the Plains and desire to save/ check on them.
PCs may want to travel to Longshadow (indeed my PCs decided to do this at the end of the book. So I used the random encounter chart from book 1 and 3 for travel in the plains.)
PCs may not want to do certain things in the book such as clear out the Troglodyte caves. The chart can help you have different encounters in Fangwood as the Ironfang presence in the Plains may force denizens of the Plains into Fangwood.
slade867 wrote: Party just cleared the bottom part of the Troglodyte cave.
Found the Stone puzzle door and are now gonna focus like lasers on that.
No one speaks Aklo
No one speaks Dwarven.
No one speaks Gnome.
No one knows Linguistics.
The book is very sparse on details on what EXACTLY is in section L3. As one PC pointed out, they don't even know how many pictures are part of the combo lock.
How would you guys handle it? I don't want to lock them out of something they're so interested in, but they lack the resources to ever get in there barring some fiat.
Has anyone ever talked about the fact that the cave is dark 24/7? The refugees are going to need to be burning wood all day just to see. Seems like that would be an issue?
Does anyone have Knowledge (Planes)? I'd give them a knowledge check with a DC of 19 or 24 to identify what a Xiomorn is and what a simple biography of their life is. Thereby giving them the combination.
Or is there any spellcasters? Some spells could help.

RandomPlayer wrote: Can someone help explain how the Darkblight is supposed to work? On page 7 it states that Humanoids and Fey not associated with a plant have to experience long periods in the Darkblight to be effected, referencing 24 hours. This is all in the sidebar.
Then on page 9, in the description of over land travel in the Darkblight is states that you must save every ROUND and if you fail you are nauseated - hence you can only then move and take no other actions, How is any group of PCs going to be able to travel many miles and not all be fully infected and hence nauseated? That is the end of the campaign right there just based on the number of dice rolls required.
Sidebar on page 7 is for extended contact with infested plants. Page 9 describes what happens when a character ends their turn in areas of heavy underbrush (difficult terrain caused by plant life). So exclusive rulings really. One save for daily interactions in the Darkblight. Another save for when in combat and stopping in heavy underbrush.
The key phrasing in Sacrificial Boon is "you can sacrifice 1 hit point". And it boils down to: Is sacrificing a hit point considered taking damage? It can be healed back so maybe it is.
If this is for Society, you should expect shenanigans like this to not work all the time. If for a home game, ask for a ruling. But if I was your GM, I'd allow it in Society.

borensoren wrote: I'm getting ready to run this as my first attempt at GMing and my players have thrown me two huge curveballs in character creation. One of them wants to play a hermit that lives in Fangwood (so they'd have some amount of provisions handy) and the another (my wife) wants to play as a Ratfolk with a small group/family also living in the woods.
I'm not really sure how to avoid giving the refugees free shelter without just saying "your village was slaughtered and all your stockpiles were looted."
I have 2 thoughts on your situation:
1) Since this starts out as a festival, all of the ratfolk family should reasonably be in attendance. Have them be some of the npcs that the PCs free. And don't have them all grouped together, they should be spread out amongst the sites in the 4 major locations in Phaendar that the PCs could start out. It will kick up the tension a few notches for the player (your wife).
2) Have the Ironfang encounters H2 and H3 happen at the Hermits home and ratfolk community. You can use these earlier than scripted for the book and they should provide onus to make the PCs look for better, more secure shelter.
And as thenovalord has already pointed out, a small family group and a hermit will not have near enough the resources nor shelter to provide for 20 odd refugees.
This book should very much have the feel of the movie Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. Specifically when, in the movie, they have made shelter in the woods and then find themselves no longer safe in their woods.
Skarm wrote: ...shurikens and featherweight darts where are supposed to be kept?
Bandolier or belt pouch most likely.
PreacherJeremy wrote: Would a pony get a third hoof attack at 9th level, even though hooves are considered a secondary attack? Animal Companions only ever get what attacks are listed in their stat block. They never get additional attacks because their BAB goes over 5, 10, 15 etc...
So per their stat block at level 1, a pony gets 2 hoof attacks. Their level 4 improvement lists nothing for their attacks, so they only get 2 hoof attacks.

Sean Foster wrote: Umm..what is the stat block for the hobgoblin recruit?
It references the Bestiary p175 which shows > Hobgoblin 1st Ftr 11hp (d10+6).
A 2nd Hobgoblin lvl Ftr would have a further +d10+3 > 20hp.
Note: Does it get +1 hp for Favoured class.
A Hobgoblin Recruit has 17hp, and is the 1st monster appearing in the AP.
Ahh...if you go to the Paizo SRD the base Hobgoblin get max hp and +1 hp for favoured class. d10+6+1 = 17hp. Does Paizo now give all 1st lvl "classed" monsters max hp for its first class? Should all monsters have their 1st HD set at max...
Just search for hobgoblin in the PRD and first result takes you to Bestiary and ...
"Bestiary I" wrote:
Standing as tall as a human, this muscular, gray-skinned creature peers about with tiny, observant eyes.
XP 200
Hobgoblin fighter 1
LE Medium humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 17 (1d10+7)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword +4 (1d8+2/19–20)
Ranged longbow +3 (1d8/×3)
Str 15, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Toughness, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +5; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth
Languages Common, Goblin
Hit points from first class level are always max. Racial HD should grant average HP per HD.
William H wrote: ...
touch AC: 10 +8 Wis +12 Dex +14 Cha +3 savage barb dodge +1 dodge feat +1 dusty rose = 49
reg AC: same +6 natural armor (rage)
... yep I'm one touch AC to high, argh. Must have deleted something to save money and not updated :(
mantle of authority (50k) to ignore the age penalties
You are also missing the size penalty to AC from being size large.
Another chink in your "armor", Reduce Person counters and dispels Enlarge Person. No save on your part. Now since it is permanent, this wouldn't be gone forever possibly. And you are succeptible to all the spells like dispel magic, greater dispel magic, and disjunction. Which do not allow saves on your part. So whomever is creating these items for you and casting Permanency should be as high a caster as possible. And upping the caster level of an item increases its cost.
And speaking of magic items, what source is Mantle of Authority from?

William H wrote: Fluffy
CE human Unchained monk 1, Titan fighter 1, Antipaladin 2, Savage urban barbarian 16
Init: +14
AC: 56, touch 50, flat-footed 56 (all +14 vs target of smite)
HP: 245
Fort: +44, Ref: +42, Will: +39, (vs spells/supernatural abilities: Fort: +56, Ref: +54, Will: +51)
Defensive abilities: uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, evasion, freedom of movement, superstition, internal fortitude, strength surge (1/rage immediate action to add barb levels to CMD), eater of magic (1/rage reroll failed saves vs magic), flesh wound (1/rage fort save to reduce damage), ultimate clarity (1/rage see through darkness, blur, invisibility, etc); immune: sickened, nauseated (for at-will rage cycling).
Speed: 30ft, fly 60ft (good)
Melee: +5 Agile and Impact Gargantuan bastard sword; +42 to-hit, 209 Vital strike damage (and +54 to-hit, 211 damage vs target of smite).
Reach: 10ft
Offensive abilities: Surprise accuracy (already included above, swift action for +5 to-hit 1/rage), Greater elemental blood (fly speed, constant while raging), fueled by vengeance (recover uses of rage, constant while raging). Rage uses/day: 40
You really should breakdown how you are getting the high AC, attack, and save values.
I see a few flaws in your numbers that should be explained.
First off, you are counting on the Smite ability from the Antipaladin class. This only counts versus good aligned characters and you cannot assume said wizard 20 is good.
You have charisma to AC citing the Deific Obediance (Calistria) feat but Calistria only grants this boon to Exalted followers. And you have no way in your build to be granted this boon. I believe you would have to have 9 levels of the Exalted prestige class to get this boon.
And how are you getting a Dexterity of 28 and a Charisma of 32 before adding belt and headband items?

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taks wrote: I have some questions...
1) What is the "S" on the map for Kosseruk's encampment? Is this where the tunnel to the town from the ankheg leads?
2) What would be an appropriate use for the 20k GP they get from the mayor? I hinted that it's not for them directly, but that seems a bit... odd.
3) What should I do with all of the turns that get mooted by finishing previous entries? The biggest is the catapults (they killed the Nuckalevee). It just seems odd to say "alright, war has begun..." then wait for several turns before anything else. I was thinking they have smaller ones instead, or not as many, and they only inflict half the damage. Another option was to have a pair of regular hobgoblin troops march on the town.
1) You would be correct. S marks the spot from where the tunnel originates inside the camp.
2) It is up to the PCs on how to use this money. They could buy stuff for themselves, buy services (physical labor maybe), buy supplies (foodstuff, war stuff, building materials), or keep it or some of it as a retainer for their services. You can reward them for creative use of this money (increasing the town's defense) and penalize them for hording it. As the townsfolk could see the PCs as greedy and less caring and the town"s morale could falter, lowering the town's defense.
3) The town's defense still gets lowered in these turns without scripted scenes. Just because there isn't something special going on in a turn that doesn't mean that nothing is happening. Hordes of attackers are still pushing at the gates, assaulting the walls, and just being a general nuisance. These turns without special actions by the Legion are turns that the PCs can finish up previous turns' encounters or attempt to do something special themselves. See the Unorthodox Tactics sidebar on page 46. I believe the movie Kingdom of Heaven a classic example of a siege of a city by an army that would be equipped fairly typical of Golarion equivalent time frame.
There is the Blessed Book. Cost 12500 gold pieces:
This well-made tome is always of small size, typically no more than 12 inches tall, 8 inches wide, and 1 inch thick. All such books are durable, waterproof, bound with iron overlaid with silver, and locked.
A wizard can fill the 1,000 pages of a blessed book with spells without paying the material cost. This book is never found as randomly generated treasure with spells already inscribed in it.
Since the fungus was a primary food source of the Troglodytes along with fresh "meat" from topside, the Party should provide food as trade mostly. Maybe some magic items as well.
The gelatinous cube and the Dark Mantles should really be eliminated. The Dark Mantles attack anyone not an acolyte nor the Priestess. The Cube, well, its mindless. They might be able to coerce it to move to a different chamber though I suppose.
As for Stone Call, I would say that when the rocks created by the spell go away, all the bombs would be triggered at the same time in one huge explosion.
Colbonation wrote: Do you know if there's any documentation where this is noted? I haven't been able to find any myself. "Page 220 of Core Rulebook" wrote: Time of Day: A divine spellcaster chooses and prepares
spells ahead of time, but unlike a wizard, does not require
a period of rest to prepare spells. Instead, the character
chooses a particular time of day to pray and receive spells.
The time is usually associated
with some daily event. If
some event prevents a character from praying at the proper
time, she must do so as soon as possible. If the character
does not stop to pray for spells at the first opportunity, she
must wait until the next day to prepare spells.
Mrs Camelot wrote: How do we maintain wealth by level with only Novvi able to buy/sell goods? How do players purchase the big 6? As stated previously, the PCs or NPCs could take to crafting items. Of note though, only the Adepts from the NPCs would be able to take the feats for crafting magic items.
There is nothing stopping the PCs from making a run to Longshadow before they are meant to get there in book #3. This is indeed what my group of players decided to do between book #1 and #2. I did draw from the random encounter table for the Nesmian Plains from the back of Book #2. And threw in some extra encounters with the Hobgoblins chasing them through the plains and an ambush as they returned to Fangwood.
And, if you are using the Militia Rules, the PCs can have the Militia sell and buy for the PCs.
And as another suggestion, you could just have Novvi show up more frequently.
It does seem fishy. Since he has 2 scrolls of Fly, I would just say he hasn't memorized Fly today.
Fenrick Talon wrote: Also, what is the point of the trebuchets? Who would have dragged those into the forest, and for what? They would have been useless to attack the fort with all of the trees - there wouldn't have been any way to set them up and have a line of site. And you couldn't defend the fort with them... They were brought by the hobgoblins probably to use to defend this fort or to attack the other forts. But the druid killed the engineer assembling them. They could come in handy for the PCs in the next book.
Fenrick Talon wrote: I am prepping the Fort Trevalay part of Book 2. Aside from me disliking nearly everything about the design of this fort - Does anyone else see a problem with a 15,000 lb dragon PLUS a small pond of water not collapsing the tower? It just doesn't make any logical sense to me.
I'm considering having him take up residence in the large cave that is described in the ravine by the water. That seems far more suitable to a black dragon.
If you have the dragon in the large cave, then you displace the creature located there.
Also, the dragon has the druid remake part of the fort to hold the water and be more accommodating to himself. Why would a vain dragon restrict himself to a mere cave at the bottom of the gorge when he is the master of the fort?
Wonderstell wrote: I think it's meant to grant several bonuses vs Dragons, but it's a grammatical nightmare. It becomes clear what it was supposed to do if you compare it to the Racial Traits you trade out for Wyrmscourged.
Totally agree with you.
*Unless there is an errata on this alternate trait
Poor choice of wording and no punctuation blurs the meaning of the first part of this alternate trait. Comparing the Hatred racial trait that this replaces, and since it doesn't point out versus creature type (dragon), a dwarf would get a +1 bonus on every attack. Common sense would lead me to believe that this was only meant to be a bonus to attack dragons but it is missing that wording.
Second part calls out a +2 dodge bonus. Which a dwarf with this trait would get to AC and saving throws vs extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities of dragons.
First, Dragon Form is spell-like (SP) not SU.
Since the class feature specifically calls out Form of the Dragon, you are limited to your bloodline's dragon type.
But, since the Alien and Exotic spells are different than Form of the Dragon, your choice for those spells are not limited.

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The Ironfang Legion now has a new campaign of conquest to wage, not on behalf of soft human masters (Moltune), but to seize their own destiny and carve out a homeland for so-called “monsters.”
With her armies and a dwarven artifact, the leader of the Ironfang Legion is prepared to launch her campaign of lightning-quick assaults to carry her across Nirmathas, and eventually Molthune and Lastwall. She intends to carve out a homeland for the monsters humans fear, with Phaendar as the beating heart that will deliver her Nirmathi food, mines, and lumber. Her people need only land to settle and enslaved hands to raise their empire.
So if a band of heroes rises to the occasion:
At the beginning of the adventure, there is an uneasy truce between Molthune amd Nirmathis. Molthune has been concentrating on a siege of Kraggadon. As the danger posed by the Ironfang Legion increases, the PCs attempt to find allies from within the region. The PCs have the opportunity to from an alliance with the Fey, Nesmian Plains and Hollow Hills inhabitants, Chersando Rangers, dwarves of Kraggadon, and even Molthune. If the Ironfang Legion is defeated, this could lead to peace in the region. At least for a time.
If no heroes take on the Legion or if the heroes are defeated:
The Ironfang Legion has carved out its own kingdom and the rest of the region is shattered, scattered, and threatened by the Legion.
Worst case scenario:
The PCs could defeat the Legion but disaster still occurs. Or the PCs fail at the last moment. And the region "will be devastated by an impact unseen since Earthfall". Molthune, Nirmathis, Nesmian Plains, Hollow Hills, Fangwood Forest are destroyed. Kraggadon is buried or ruined. Ruin and destruction. "Monsters" loose everywhere in the region. Maybe the leaders of the Legion are still alive and so the area is now a kingdom for the Ironfang Region.
No. You would not get a +1 to saves for all wizard schools. You get a +1 to saves for all spells of the Universal School. And, doing a quick search, the list of spells of the Universal school includes:
Arcane Mark
Collaborative Thaumaturgy
Limited Wish
* search done on Archives of Nethys site
So really not worth it choosing the Universal School.
There is a scenario that has this type of hazard and the danger of fire sources. But I cannot remember which one.
This campaign will throw gobs and gobs of arcane stuff starting in book 3. Of the 2 choices you have offered, go Witch. Having a full arcane caster with 9th level spells should be a priority for facing the last book. Encourage someone to pick up a cleric cohort if Leadership feat is allowed or hire an npc cleric.
blahpers wrote: let them rise or fall on the strengths of their characters and their teamwork? This right here. I'm playing a wizard in a RoTRL campaign. We are about to start book 5. I cannot tell you how often I have frustrated enemy spellcasters by readying an action to counterspell. Not to mention throwing out Quickened Dispel Magic as well. Have Shield up? Gone. Fly or Overland Flight? Gone. Haste? Cast Slow- gone.
They are going to need high Knowledge (arcana) checks, high Spellcraft checks (to identify spells as they are cast), and a way to counter those arcane only spells the like of which haven't been seen for well over thousands of years. So looking at Warpriest and Skald spell lists, they should both have Dispel Magic and good Spellcraft skills.
Are you open to allowing the Leadership feat? A wizard, witch or even sorcerer cohort could save their bacon and cover the arcane hole in the party.

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Since using the militia system still appears to be somewhat confusing, I would like to go over what my group and I have done for setting up the militia to start.
Note, we have just set-up the militia and haven't started rolling for training and actions or phases. I have determined that the militia can be formed just at the end of book 1.
What you need: access to Land of Conflict book, militia sheet from the Ironfang Player's Guide, attribute scores of PCs and notable NPCs (this may mean stat'ing out some of them- Kining, Rhyna, Vane, and Jet), and knowledge of how many refugees your group has. And lastly, at least one player interested in managing the militia.
So... the steps are (have the militia sheet in front of you):
1) Start filling out the top of the militia sheet
Choose a name
Rank= 1
Max Rank= PC level - 1
Treasury= 10 gp
Max Treasury= Rank (1) x 10 gp = 10 gp
Training= 0
Notoriety= 0
Choose a Focus from Loyalty, Security, and Secrecy (see page 49 of Lands of Conflict)
2) Assign Officers from PCs (if desired) and/ or NPCs
Ambassador should ideally have a high Constitution or Charisma modifier
Marshal should ideally have a high Strength or Wisdom modifier
Spymaster should ideally have a high Dexterity or Intelligence modifier
Overseer should ideally have a decent Constitution or Charisma, a decent Strength or Wisdom, and a decent Dexterity or Intelligence
Commandant should have the highest level/ HD possible (at early stages this should ideally be Aubrin if she survived)
Strategist could be anyone really.
See Land of Conflicts pages 51-52 for more details.
*As a note, I have decided in my campaign that any PCs assigned to Officer positions need to be available, i.e. not adventuring away from the militia at the beginning of a week, to grant bonuses to organization checks, training, and the extra militia action.
3) Fill out the Officer part of the militia sheet.
Ambassador's best of Constitution or Charisma modifier is bonus to Loyalty
Marshal's best of Strength or Wisdom modifier is bonus to Security
Spymaster's best of Dexterity or Intelligence modifier is bonus to Secrecy
Commandant's level/ HD is the bonus to training.
Strategist grants an extra Militia action if one is chosen.
Overseer gives best of Constitution or Charisma modifier is bonus to Loyalty, best of Strength or Wisdom modifier is bonus to Security, and best of Dexterity or Intelligence modifier is bonus to Secrecy while the Militia teams take actions only.
4) Fill out Organization Check part of the sheet.
Whichever of Security, Secrecy, and Loyalty is the Focus, that one gets a 2 as its base score.
If an Overseer has been chosen or is available, the other 2 checks get a base score of 1. See Land of Conflicts pages 51-52 for details.
Fill in Bonuses from the Marshal, Ambassador, and Spymaster.
The other column is for situational, temporary, and other bonuses.
5) Choose teams and fill out team part of the militia sheet. Max number of teams at rank 1 is 2. Choices are Espionage, Intelligence, Military and Treasury teams. See Lands of Conflict pages 52-54.
Here is where you need to know how many refugees are available as team size and number of Officers matter. If you don't have enough people, you cannot have more teams.
Manager of a team is not really necessary as far as I can tell so far.
Bonus on this part comes from events and previous militia actions if applicable.
6) Fill out Militia Action part of the sheet.
Rank (1) + bonus for having a Strategist (1) so 2 militia actions.
Check-marked actions in this list do not require a team to accomplish. Team actions are limited to those listed in their descriptions.
7} The other parts of the militia sheet:
Events: At rank 1, and as the militia has just been formed, the percentage chance any event occurs is 10% (and will never be above 95%).
Active Events: here are recorded any events that are not resolved within the current week.
Allies and Boons: here is where you record what is granted to the players as the militia gains ranks.
Settlements: There really is no reason to list Misthome or wherever the refugees find themselves in Books 1 and 2. But Phaendar definitely should be listed. I would also list Fangwood Forest. Any place the militia operates should be listed here.
In conclusion, you should now be set-up to run the newly formed militia. The rules to run the militia starts on page 54 of the Lands of Conflict.
I do have a personal concern over Notoriety. It is a rather vague concept that will require DM interpretation. Which also messes with the chance for events happening.
Genoin wrote: What else can I do (or do differently) to improve my animal companion (mostly in the goal of it not falling off super hard later into the campaign)? Keep an oil of animate dead on hand for when it inevitably dies.
Cevah wrote:
So can I prepare the spell for crafting?
Nope. You can attempt to craft without the spell at an increased difficulty of +5 as avr mentioned. Or you could get another spell caster to provide the spell for you. Or you could use a scroll (or wand or stave) of Death Knell though you might need to use UMD.
A) The fighter only knows that their progress is impeded. So their options are to continuing their move but into another square, use their standard action to attempt a perception check to determine why they cannot continue, and use their standard action in another way. This could include using other skills, attacking blindly into that square (and all the ramifications involved), casting spells or using items. No surprise round. If the rogue has a readied action and since the fighter failed his perception check vs the rogue's stealth, the fighter is flat-footed and the rogue gets sneak attack. And if the fighter provokes, he is flatfooted as well. Unless stealth is broken somehow.
B) Yes the fighter could continue their move, and yes, they could attack the rogue.

Quote: If several different resistant creatures are subjected to such a spell, each checks its spell resistance separately. This part of the rule refers to each creature checking its spell resistance against the caster's check versus spell resistance. It does not say the caster must make a check versus each creature's spell resistance within the spell's area of affect.
A fireball targeted in the air is a sphere. there could be well over 40 targets in that area. Having to make that many separate caster checks would only slow the game down. Just for simplicity's sake, one caster check versus everyone's spell resistance is so much more manageable and quicker.
I'm running Ironfang and we just had a situation of fireball and 9 fey with SR. I've decided we are only going to do one caster check. My player had a low roll and failed to overcome all the feys' SR. (they all had the same SR)
It sucked for him but that's how it goes until higher levels where feats and higher casting attributes kick in and the chance of beating Spell Resistance is more of a given.
My suggestion is the wizard archetype Sword Binder.
Your arcane bond must be a sword and you gain proficiency with your arcane bonded sword. (not all swords of the same type as your bonded sword)
You can use the hand of the apprentice ability of the universalist school, but can use that ability only with your bound sword.
At 5th level, you can use your sword to deliver touch spells. Either as a melee touch or using the hand of the apprentice ability.
At 8th level, you get weapon damage along with delivering a touch spell.
At 10th, you get to use telekinesis with the bonded sword. Though I'd be very leery of that.
Choose a sword with a large threat range, and you could be chucking your sword, using intelligence to attack instead of dexterity. Put keen on it, and the chance to crit with those touch spells becomes glorious! You really only need a high Intelligence and a moderate Strength to pull this off. Strength still applies to damage and melee attacks.

1) I would say Arcane sight works through Arcane Eye. Relavent part of Arcane Eye:
Quote: It sees exactly as you would see if you were there. 2) No and yes. Arcane sight, based on the spell's description, does NOT say it ignores cover and isn't subject to the "lead, stone, etc" restrictions. what it says is:
Quote: You know the location and power of all magical auras within your sight So if your vision is blocked or the magic is hidden, the spell does not reveal all auras. Total concealment, total cover, using stealth, being behind a wall, being totally encased within another item, and just being plain old hidden blocks the arcane sight unless the magical emanations extend beyond whatever is stopping you from seeing. For example, a creature with circle of protection from evil is hiding behind a rock which is roughly 5 ft square. Because the magic has a 10 ft radius area of affect, you would see the magic "spilling" around the rock but not necessarily that the creature is holding a magic weapon or is about to drink a potion.
3) "does the act of casting a spell produce an aura before the spell is actually cast?"
The act of casting =/= before cast. An aura is produced when the spell starts to be cast. One can still use Spellcraft to determine what spell is being cast even if it is interrupted or the spell fails.
4) Gaseous form has interesting interaction with magic items and spells- they may become ineffective or moot. Arcane Sight will still allow you to see their auras.
Gray Warden wrote:
A problem with Wizard-based EK is that she'll need to buy lots of scrolls to learn new spells after leveling as EK, as she won't get new ones automatically.
I'm playing in a RotR campaign as a wizard, Books 4 and 5 will throw spellbooks around, so by then not gaining automatic spells per level won't be so painful. And other arcane items as well.

Banecrow wrote: Just wanting to figure out how burn damage works for a Kineticist when they have temporary HP from spells such as False Life or Death Knell. From my understanding by RAW you would loose these temporary HP first.
If you mean a Telekineticist with Force Ward, temp hit points from Force Ward are used first before any other source of temp hit points. Says so in the description of Force Ward.
Quote: You constantly surround yourself with a ward of force. You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your kineticist level. You always lose these temporary hit points first, even before other temporary hit points. If an attack deals less damage than you still have as temporary hit points from force ward, it still reduces those temporary hit points but otherwise counts as a miss for the purpose of abilities that trigger on a hit or a miss. And what happens if you have temp hit points and then take burn? You take the non-lethal damage and do not use the temp hit points.
Quote: For each point of burn she accepts, a kineticist takes 1 point of nonlethal damage per character level. This damage can’t be healed by any means other than getting a full night’s rest, which removes all burn and associated nonlethal damage
River of Sticks wrote:
So yes, the Muleback cords + Cloak of Elvenkind would be 4000 total.
I cannot find the proper section right now, but adding other abilities to wondrous items, rings and tattoos is calculated like this:
cost of the least expensive magic item + 1.5 times the cost of every other additional magic item upgrade added.
So muleback cords + cloak of elvenkind should be priced:
1000 + (1.5 x 2500) = 1000 + 3750 = 4750.
No matter which is the base magic item.
Rune wrote:
Fangs of War Part I wrote: The guide Aubrin (see “Trail of the Hunted”) knows much about the Chernasardo Rangers, having briefly served with the group.
...Aubrin trained briefly at Fort Nunder. She has yearned to be a Chernasado ranger most of her life, trained with them, served with them and then retired due to a career-ending injury. The second book tries to slightly downplay her relationship with the rangers to allow the PCs to discover things organically instead of just receiving an info-dump.
I did go back and look through Aubrin's write-up and I noticed I was wrong. Just couldn't remember under which topic I wrote that.
There is the Bardic Knowledge class feature of the Bard class. And there are other 3rd party classes that also give a similar class feature.
Fallendemon13 wrote:
Does this mean that the bonus to Will that Greater and Mighty give is also ignored? It doesn't seem fair if you lose ALL will saves from the ability, when the archetype specifically says it changes Bloodrage, not Greater and Mighty Bloodrage.
Yep, you get no morale bonus to Will saves ever as an Urban Bloodrager.
It balances out "takes no penalties to AC, and can still use Charisma-, Dexterity-, and Intelligence-based skills" part of the Controlled Bloodrage.
As to being unfair, the archetype doesn't need to specifically call out that it alters Greater and Mighty Bloodrage because each of those contain "when a bloodrager enters a bloodrage" in its description. Each of them are just extensions of the Bloodrage class ability so they are both affected by any change to Bloodrage.
Yeah, I forgot about spell-storing.