Gordrenn Higgler's page

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what CR level would you recommend for a level 20 kineticist with 10 mythic tiers in a single player party no companions?

Is there any mythic options that could increase this damage ?

SiuoL wrote:
Resonating +1 [Mythic] only works on armor. Also what short of shield are you after, what kind of character? Tower shield for max defensive, heavy shield for bashing? Or buckler for against ambush?

Resonating isn't necessarily restricted to just armor, it lists no restrictions unlike Deflecting and Denying and there is other examples of armor abilities making no mention of shields but being capable of being added to one (Spell Resistance being one which makes no mention of shields but is on the list of being capable of being added to one).

What does everyone see as the best magic shield qualities and why ?

Currently checking out

Resonating +1 [Mythic]
Determination +30,000gp
Undead Controlling +49,000gp

Thank you

Is there a list of Occult rituals and which book they come from, I know Occult adventures has some (since it's where they were introduced) and I think there's at least one in Strange Aeons, I was wondering if there were anymore.

Hoping there's a ritual for keeping a building warm (permanently) for a remote location.

Since we now have an elemental school that matches each of the kineticist elements, could we potentially use those spells lists for the Kinetic Invocation feat?

Luthorne wrote:

It just says it has the hardness and hit points of a wall of force, so I presume it doesn't block planar travel, and since it's a supernatural ability rather than spell-like, it can't be dispelled, as noted here:

Core Rulebook wrote:
A supernatural ability's effect cannot be dispelled and is not subject to counterspells.

thank you

Will Aether Architect when used either on the material plane or ethereal plane block planar travel like a force effect (Wall of Force) or is it an inert material that has the durability of a Wall of Force spell ?

Can it be dispelled ?

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Is there a mappack or flipmap you think would be appropriate for use of the Throne card from a Deck of many things ?

What's so special about the Cestus ?

Aether Architect, 9th level kineticist talent from Psychic Anthology

Elemental Whispers talent with Ioun Wyrd (Sage Archetype)

Any good ?

Anyone use this talent yet ?

What did you make with it and did you add home rules to using it ?

I wouldn't have a problem

For use of the Vortex Dragon you shouldn't need to do anything to substitute the flame drake since both use fire

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For Aether created by Aether Architect, can it be dispelled or does it function like Wall of Force and have resistance to dispelling ?

Can aether objects be moved (with telekinetic haul using burn you'd have some good leeway)?

Can I use Aether Architect to repair a hole in a ship ? (if it's like wall of force I'd say no because it would be rooted to the location.)

Can I made siege engines such as ballista ?

Can I make a huge statue of Sarenae/(Liberty) and animate it with Aether Puppet to walk around

What's the top magic items for healing an unwilling/hostile character ?

Preferably items that renew themselves each day and not dependent on class (no spell-completion and spell-trigger items) and under 10,000gp

Alzrius wrote:

Booyah! We've passed the threshold for the occult class options stretch goal! The book will now include options for ALL of the current base classes!

...except NPC classes, because who cares about them?

So is this in addition to the Phantom Lover package or separate ?

Do any of the newer adventure paths have a main villain (including back history write-up) that's one of the occult classes ?

Any word on pathfinder tales covering any occult classes or more content like the new rituals for big effects ?

Would love to see fiction featuring an Occultist or how an author tackles featuring a Spiritualist using Golarion lore

What material is recommended for shields?

With a price range of 98,000gp what's the best buckler a kineticist would find useful?

Rods of Shadows functions as +2 light mace (Market:64,305gp, construction:32,305gp)

Rod of Steadfast Resolve functions as +2 light mace (Market:38,305gp, construction 19,305gp)

Rod of the Aboleth functions as +1 corrosive light mace (Market:29,000gp, construction 14,500gp)

Fiery Nimbus Rod functions as +1 flaming burst light mace (Market:22,305gp, construction:11,305gp)

most of the weapon-like rods don't seem to add the weapon price but some do (masterwork +300gp +5gp light mace)

Rod of Splendor (Market:30,000gp, construction:15,000gp)

I'd like to know what the cost would be to make a Rod of Splendor (Market:30,000gp, construction:15,000gp) function as a +1 adamantine light mace, would it be 3,000gp (adamantine) + 2,000gp (+1 enchantment)= 5,000gp + 25,000gp = 30,000gp ?

Could kinetic invocations be used to refill a staff?

Would someone be kind enough to give an example of using Kinetic Crafting with a Void/Aether kineticist and how converting talents for prerequisites for making magic items.

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Isabelle Lee wrote:
Jonas Seaborn wrote:
Would it be compatible with Omnikinesis for switching out talents ?
Personal opinion: I'd allow it as long as you had the feat. If you were accessing it via race or subtype, same applies, except that you couldn't go outside your element. This is based on the line in omnikinesis about meeting other prerequisites of the talents (i.e., having the feat or racial qualification).

Was about to ask this same question with different cases based on whether you got the feat by taking it or getting it by subtype but apparently already covered :-)

Thanks Isabelle Lee for the well worded response.

For Aether created by Aether Architect, can it be dispelled or does it function like Wall of Force and have resistance to dispelling ?

Can aether objects be moved (with telekinetic haul using burn you'd have some good leeway)?

Can I use Aether Architect to repair a hole in a ship ? (if it's like wall of force I'd say no because it would be rooted to the location.)

Can I made siege engines such as ballista ?

Can I make a huge statue of Sarenae/(Liberty) and animate it with Aether Puppet to walk around

If I have Upgradable on a legendary magic item and reaches the end of it's upgrade chain (Cloak of Protection +1 ending at +5 for example), is the upgradeable ability just useless after than ?

It seams like it would only be worth putting on weapons/armor and possibly a Ring of Protection +1-5 (to potentially upgrade to a Ring of Splendid Security)to max out the value of taking the trait as after a certain point it doesn't do anything unless you can add new magic item abilities to upgrade.

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What happens to a familiar's gear from a kineticist talent if it's unmanifested, does it keep it or just drop ?

Would the Sage (Familiar Archtype) be appropriate for the Elemental Whispers familiar ?

If the kineticist is high enough that the familiar would have Speak with Master would the kineticist have to vocalize any conversations or could it be internalized like telepathy (when unmanifested)

Does the familiar share the kineticist' senses when unmanifested (such as if the kineticist is blinded would the familiar be as well) ?

Would any spells that can be made permanent with permancency be used on a kineticist familiar ?

Is there any way for a kineticist to use the Scry of Familiar ability with just the first Elemental Whispers talent ?

How far north would Mantarin be from Icerift Castle in Mendev?

As a player how would you protect a personal demiplane ?

Class is restricted to official pathfinder material and you start with an artifact that gives (Sp) Permanency 1/day, what would you do with it ?

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Thoughts and opinions

Farm for remote locations on the Prime material plane anywhere without a gate or other noticeable manifestation

--- [Location]

x1 Permanent Demiplane with Bountiful trait

--- [Simulacrum] (assumed to be based off more advanced versions so as to at least retain basic creature abilities)

x1 Xill CR6
x1 Shaitan Genie CR7 (to create/maintain housing and guard duty)
x1+ Mercane CR5
x1 Succubus (Optional communication to Xill via Telepathic Bond and ability to Ethereal Jaunt at will/Also can periodically visit demiplane to maintain control over workers)

--- [Other residents]

x1+ Slaves/constructs/workers etc

---[Additional spells]

x1 Permanent Teleportation Circle
x1 Permanent Telepathic Bond

--- [Concept]

1. Workers/slaves collect food on demiplane (preferably into totes shaped to be inserted into Mercane secret chests for easy loading and unloading)
2. Mercane fill secret chests with collected food then sends secret chest to ethereal.
3. Xill uses Planewalk ability to move Mercane from demiplane to ethereal and then to the prime.
4. Mercane step on a Permanent Teleportation Circle that teleports to a storage room wherever.
5. Mercane calls and unloads secret chest in storage room.
6. Mercane uses Plane Shift to go back to Demiplane
7. Repeat sequence once per day.

--- [Notes]

*** Xill can be left on ethereal with Permanent Telepathic Bond to a simulacrum succubus or other creature that can Ethereal Jaunt at will on the prime to send and receive instructions to the demiplane.

*** Mercane could carry food themselves to increase amount transported, or not, if maintaining the illusion of power over the slaves is a concern.

*** If more is needed to be transported then multiple Mercane could share Plane Shifts for extra jumps back home

*** Location Mercane teleport to via Teleportation Circle could bring them to a secret room and they just use Dimension Door to final destination.

*** Final storage location could contain Crates of Preservation (Villain Codex) so a surplus could be maintained to less transports are needed.

*** Mercane can use Invisibility (self) if needed at different transport locations.

Which figurines from official material would gain the most benefit by gaining a simple mythic template to the creature created?

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As a player how would you protect a personal demiplane how would you do it?

Class is restricted to official pathfinder material and you start with an artifact that gives (Sp) Permanency 1/day

As a player how would you protect a personal demiplane how would you do it?

Class is restricted to official pathfinder material and you start with an artifact that gives (Sp) Permanency 1/day

Can Xill use their planeswalk power to enter a demiplane if they find it on the ethereal plane?

Zombie Boots wrote:

-- Locate, Find, Enter, Leave

Once you become ethereal you have already effectively left your Home Material world. You are just standing in a spot on the ethereal plane that happens to overlap with your homeworld.

You may travel the Ethereal and find a demi plane, and you may float into the demiplane occupying the same space it does. You are still an ethereal being (and thus still on the ethereal plane). You just happen to once again be at a location on the ethereal that overlaps that demi plane.

To enter said plane you need to stop being ethereal- either by ending the spell or waiting for the duration. Once the spell ends, you "enter" the demi plane.

You may leave the Demi plane by the same method you entered. Cast Ethereal then wander the Ethereal Plane and relocate your home world.

-- Force Effects
Once you are on a Demiplane, it functions more or less the same as the Material with an overlapping Ethereal. Unless it has some special traits, but those are case by case.

-- Settings and rules
This of course only applies to Pathfinder's basic game, Golarion, and most classic D&D worlds. If you are playing a DM's homebrew setting for instance you need to speak to him to figure out how it works.

With all the times these questions have been asked why couldn't a simple answer like this be posted before

Bring on the Nerf FAQ

Surprisingly Blood of the Elements didn't really cover appearance at all.

Lady-J wrote:
Damion Quickcinder wrote:
Lady-J wrote:
im not seeing many of thos abilities in element infused template
That one's from Advanced bestiary
a link to the one you are talking about would allow us to help you better as the one i linked is the only one i can find matching the name

Don't think a link can be provided, don't see it on the archives so probably hasn't been added yet and since it's from the campaign line it will never be added to the PRD

Which pathfinder tales would contain the highest character levels ?

When using a telekinetic or many throw blast with pushing infusion, what direction would targets be moved? Would it be away from the telekinetic or potentially based off the direction the thrown object came from?

If I throw a large object that takes multiple squares at a target behind two others that are not in a direct line blocking the primary target but would be potentially hit due to size of the thrown object how should this be resolved?

Can Amazing Initiative from being mythic be used to maintain concentration on a spell?

Instant pest control

Short range teleport and animated object
All vermin drop into the water including stowaways

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:

If you're high enough level and have money to burn you could use wish instead of plane shift.

wish wrote:
* Transport travelers. A wish can lift one creature per caster level from anywhere on any plane and place those creatures anywhere else on any plane regardless of local conditions. An unwilling target gets a Will save to negate the effect, and spell resistance (if any) applies.

A Gate spell would be cheaper

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Have you read any fiction that is from the perspective of commoners and how they deal with and react to powerful characters like wizards and highly skilled mercs?

Most stories focus on heroes and villains but not the common people.

Would like to create an intelligent magic ring with 2 0 level spells,Sift and Telekinetic Projectile.

For the base attack would I use caster level for HD and using construct progression? And highest ability score for the mod?

As for Sift would it just be an untrained Perception check using highest skill or Wisdom mod?

Would marvelous pigments be worth mentioning?

Does the relativity ability allow walking upside down along a ceiling?

If conductive were added to a Bow of Erastil and a mythic power used, would the blast be added to all enemies since it would count as a single shot?

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