Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 5 (OGL)

4.20/5 (based on 14 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 5 (OGL)
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Beyond the veil!

Creatures strange beyond imagining and more terrifying than any nightmare lurk in the dark corners of the world and the weird realms beyond. Within this book, you'll find hundreds of monsters for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Face off against devils and dragons, deep ones and brain moles, robots and gremlins, and myriad other menaces! Yet not every creature needs to be an enemy, as whimsical liminal sprites, helpful moon dogs, and regal seilenoi all stand ready to aid you on your quests—if you prove yourself worthy.

Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 is the fifth indispensable volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into a new era.

Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 includes:

  • More than 300 different monsters.
  • New player-friendly races like caligni dark folk, deep one hybrids, plant-bodied ghorans, and simian orang-pendaks.
  • Psychic creatures both benevolent and terrifying, from the enigmatic anunnaki and faceless astomoi to the howling caller in darkness and insidious, alien grays.
  • New familiars, animal companions, and other allies, such as clockwork familiars, red pandas, and many-legged wollipeds.
  • New templates to help you get more life out of classic monsters.
  • Appendices to help you find the right monster, including lists by Challenge Rating, monster type, and habitat.
  • Expanded universal monster rules to simplify combat.
  • Challenges for every adventure and every level of play.
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-792-5

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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Average product rating:

4.20/5 (based on 14 ratings)

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My Favourite So Far


Don't have really anymore to add beyond that, love all the eldritch and occult flavor being pumped in ^w^

The weakest of the bunch


On the one hand, there are a good couple of gems and some very inspired entries throughout this book and, in truth, two stars is somewhat unfair, especially for the PDF. But, personally, I feel they're warranted, as this book seems to signal a shift in Pathfinder's direction, and one that I'm not happy about in the least.

First off, while Occult Adventures is readily available for consultation online in the SRD, I did not like to see a sizable number of monsters using rules from that book. It's one thing to have spells or feats from, say, Advanced Player's Guide or Mythic Adventures, as those are books that complement the game as a whole and present options for all classes, whereas Occult Adventures is a very specific niche that not all players will want to incorporate in their campaigns.

Secondly, I did not like the muddled product identity Paizo is showcasing here, with monsters such as the Android, Gray (Roswell), Reptoid (Reptilian) and Robot. Even the Annunaki seems more at home as the antagonist of, say, a Legion of Super-Heroes comic book. It's one thing to want to provide the tools for varied and diverse fantasy campaigns - in which constructs, space aberrations and even clockwork creatures can easily work without sticking out like sore thumbs - but quite another one to insert borderline hard-SF or contemporary conspiracy theorist creatures on a lark. Expedition to the Barrier Peaks this is not, and let's endeavor to keep it that way, please.

Thirdly, snake-bodied weasels with boar tusks? Serpentine bulls? Shark-headed sea serpents? Wolf-headed sea serpents? A chinchilla with a bat wing on the tip of its tail? An octopus with three shark heads? Really? Unless you have an absolutely amazing hook or a compelling campaign seed, why bother putting out this silly, uninspired dross? You can do much better than this, Paizo.

Monsters Galore


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

I like Bestiary 5 a great deal. On an initial look-through before reading it more thoroughly, there were numerous monsters that drew my attention, that made me want to know more about them, and screamed to be included in one of my games sometime down the road. There's a wide variety of monsters present, with every type represented and the spread between them being fairly even. Ooze is a monster type that is often under-represented, but there are quite a few new oozes in this book. Along with that there are lots of magical beasts, constructs, undead, vermin, fey, and so on. In addition, there are several mythic monsters, and Bestiary 5 is the first hardcover book to contain monsters using the occult rules from Occult Adventures. The monsters cover a wide variety of challenge ratings as well, from 1/6 to 24. The bulk of the creatures are in the low- to mid-CR range, but there are also a sizeable number of high-CR monsters as well.

Grim Reapers, Deep Ones, and Greys Oh My!


I have always loved Bestiaries and Paizo has yet to disappoint in department. Now with a 5th hardcover bestiary they continue with quality and variety. I will list the good and the bad of this fine product.
The Good
-Dragons, 5 great new true dragons, along with a variety of "lesser" dragons such as jungle drake, rope dragon, vishap, and awesome shen.
-Fey, a variety of ranging from low to high CR such as the house spirits and the glaistag.
-Giants, we finally get the Firbolg, been waiting to see this one for a long time.
-New 0HD races like the Astomi, Caligni, and Reptoid.
-Aliens such as greys and the Anunnaki.
-Elementals such as aether, the wysps and the awesome anemos.
-Interesting oozes such as animate hair, apallie, and living mirage.
-New clestials and aeons.
-Creatures from mythology.
-Old school monster such as moon dogs, muckdwellers, brain moles, and thought eaters.
-Some interesting undead like bone ship and death coach.

The Bad
-Some minor design issues.
-Some art issues.
-The Sahkil, another evil outsider group, could have used this space for Oni, Azura, or Rakshasa.
-Continued use of the mythic rules that to me should be a completely optional rule.

3 STARS?????


I can't agree with the below rating of 3 stars. (Read Below) This is on-par with any other bestiary piazo has produced. Although i cant speak of quality due to just buying a pdf, this bestiary has the best range of monster selection in my opinion. It adds some technology driven ideas, unique story driven monsters and my favorite: A BoneShip, literally the pcs can fight an undead ship!!!! The complaint of no new monster over CR25 is a lazy lie, using templates the Esoteric Dragons can be over CR25 with other CR20+ monsters utilizing templates provided can increase above CR25. This book contains ideas for familiars, companions, and constructs for many classes and pairs amazingly well with content from the Occult Adventures. I Love this book, and pathfinder in general due to the wealth of information it has for both a PC and a DM. Cant wait for more!!!

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I got a question.

I know the PDF will be available Wednesday, but when on Wednesday? Like Tuesday night at Midnight Wednesday, or like in the morning on Wednesday? I only ask cause I want to get this as soon as possible.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Smilodon and by extension, all tigers are constantly being buffed beyond their actual power. Compare the stats for a tiger to a bear, and for a dire tiger to a dire bear. Despite the bear being larger, stronger and, according to Russian circus fights circa 1900, the clear cut winner, in nearly every statistic, the tiger outstrips the bear in Paizo's estimation.

The ape goes the other way. Chimpanzees (small sized) should have a 19 Str, and gorillas (which should be Medium sized) around 21. The dire ape, a large sized gorilla at 25 works out nicely. That puts Gargantuan megaprimatus around 33 Str, which is right on par with a T-rex, and seems appropriate.

Ah, well I'm at Eastern time, so I guess I'll have to wait till the next morning (I mean I love Pathfinder, but not enough to stay up till 3am to get it.)

Thanks for the info Jaxom.

CrinosG wrote:

I got a question.

I know the PDF will be available Wednesday, but when on Wednesday? Like Tuesday night at Midnight Wednesday, or like in the morning on Wednesday? I only ask cause I want to get this as soon as possible.

It depends on where you live. It's available Tuesday night at midnight in Redmond, Washington where Paizo is located, so 3am EST, 2am CST, 1am MST, 12am PST, etc.

What type of bear are you talking about that was used to fight tigers?

Dragon78 wrote:

What type of bear are you talking about that was used to fight tigers?

Presumably the Eurasian Brown Bear.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was going to make a post about the Apkallu's water subtype, since it seemed so strange. But then I did a bit of digging, and whoa! The Rito people from Wind Waker being descended from Zoras makes so much more sense now!

Nightterror wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
There are more factors than just realism in monster design. Sometimes you need a CR 9 cat.

Did you even read the Smilodon entry? Its a CR 8 cat. Not 9.

And with that logic... Sometimes you need a CR 15 Ape or a CR 20 Dog.

There's certainly nothing wrong with that logic in a game design sense. And, as you mentioned, it does mean that a CR 15 ape of a CR 20 dog might be a thing. It isn't yet, as far as I know, but the game does allow for the concept to exist. It's a game, not a Real Life simulator.

Less than a day left.

Silver Crusade Contributor

I kind of wish we could get the 3.0 Kaiju template back, but it's not Open Content.

I am glad they made Kaiju unique creatures instead of a template, though I wish they added at least one new one in this book.

Now i'm kinda happy, I wasn't so lucky to earn a quick copy, tomorrow I can discover Bestiary 5, while many on here already know every little detail :-p

Glad that after weeks of begging for details there can be some discovery and our long national nightmare is almost over. This book cannot be released too soon.

A book rushed, is never worth the price.

Best they take their time and get it right.

Kalindlara wrote:
I kind of wish we could get the 3.0 Kaiju template back, but it's not Open Content.

I thought that was the owners of dragon magazine?

Silver Crusade Contributor

Oliver Veyrac wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
I kind of wish we could get the 3.0 Kaiju template back, but it's not Open Content.
I thought that was the owners of dragon magazine?

A: No, they were merely producing it under license. None of their Dragon content is still theirs, to the best of my knowledge.

B: The kaiju template is from Dragon #289, which predates Paizo's production of Dragon Magazine in any case.

Imbicatus wrote:
Besides, it's not like King Kong was just a Megaprimatus. He was a Giant, Advanced, Megaprimatus.

King Kong isn't colossal, IMO he isn't even gargantuan.

Luthorne wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
Luthorne wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

Great list and thanks for posting it. But what are the Cursed King and the Crone Queen?

Well, the crone queen is a reprint from part six of Reign of Winter (you can see it here). The Bestiary 5 version has considerably less detail, but they're still formed from the frozen remains of Baba Yaga's daughters, which surprised me...I thought they would have filed that angle off.

The cursed king is a mummy with an animal's head in appearance, created by pharaohs as punishment for disloyalty, torturing and decapitating them, then sewing on an animal's head and binding their souls to their bodies, creating creatures of only slightly above animal intellect that exist in eternal, unliving agony as mockeries of the ambition that led them to subvert the pharaoh's authority.

Thanks for the response. I wondered if the Crone Queen was some sort of high-powered hag, though I figured the Cursed King for an undead by the name.

ErisAcolyte-Chaos jester wrote:
Some gods have more preferred forms while others, like besmara, cayden, and idomedae, have still got mortal bodies they can sort of return with(though some are a bit glowier than others).

One of these things is not like the others; Besmara is actually a primeval water/storm spirit who is just dressing like a pirate currently, last time I checked.

What is this list?

The Daily Bestiary posted it, and it has some creaturs on it that aren't in the final project, I think I share it with you guys.

Pronghorn and Oryx? Gravity Ooze?

This is another interesting list of art-order

Seems like the Narwhal was going to get the artwork, why didn't it worked out?

Awesome! I remember talkingabout the Oryx as being the Lion killer, it really said that!

After seeing this information, I just love to see the entire list, and all failed artwork, all cut monsters and all art descriptions and creatures descriptions! Too bad I can't :-(


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nightterror wrote:

What is this list?

The Daily Bestiary posted it, and it has some creaturs on it that aren't in the final project, I think I share it with you guys.

Pronghorn and Oryx? Gravity Ooze?

This is another interesting list of art-order

Seems like the Narwhal was going to get the artwork, why didn't it worked out?

Awesome! I remember talkingabout the Oryx as being the Lion killer, it really said that!

Nothing fancy; the narwhal art was super goofy, so we went with big blue.

After an artist really turns in super goofy artwork, do they continue to make art for Pathfinder/Paizo afterwards? Or do they get "fired" Lol

And the others? Did they get banned from the book because their artwork was not really cool? (Talking about the Herd Animals and Gravity Ooze)

Maybe something fun for the Paizo Blog, deleted artwork, artwork that never seen the light of day in a bestiary, but just for a good laugh or interested is posted on the Blog.

Paizo Art Bloopers?


Nightterror wrote:

After an artist really turns in super goofy artwork, do they continue to make art for Pathfinder/Paizo afterwards? Or do they get "fired" Lol

And the others? Did they get banned from the book because their artwork was not really cool? (Talking about the Herd Animals and Gravity Ooze)

Those weren't ordered at all due to the spread jenga that Wes mentioned above with the two-page monsters.

Oh, too bad, Oryx and Pronghorn are among my favorite animals in the real world. Oryx/Gemsbok and Sable Antelope were the very reasons I started to like animals to begin with.

Also I noticed some Flute-Playing water fey and shapeshifting-ooze that turns back into ooze because of the sun in there, both which I can't remember seeing in the final list.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nightterror wrote:

Oh, too bad, Oryx and Pronghorn are among my favorite animals in the real world. Oryx/Gemsbok and Sable Antelope were the very reasons I started to like animals to begin with.

Also I noticed some Flute-Playing water fey and shapeshifting-ooze that turns back into ooze because of the sun in there, both which I can't remember seeing in the final list.

Loathlie is in there; it's just called Apallie now.

Oh cool, i'm glad it's in, the description was cool.

Just a little present before tomorrow, the Gancanagh Azata! My namesake!

Maybe it gives you sweet dreams, so sleeping is easier :-p

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote:
Oliver Veyrac wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
I kind of wish we could get the 3.0 Kaiju template back, but it's not Open Content.
I thought that was the owners of dragon magazine?

A: No, they were merely producing it under license. None of their Dragon content is still theirs, to the best of my knowledge.

B: The kaiju template is from Dragon #289, which predates Paizo's production of Dragon Magazine in any case.

I still have that issue! It's a cool template.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:
Nightterror wrote:

What is this list?

The Daily Bestiary posted it, and it has some creaturs on it that aren't in the final project, I think I share it with you guys.

Pronghorn and Oryx? Gravity Ooze?

This is another interesting list of art-order

Seems like the Narwhal was going to get the artwork, why didn't it worked out?

Awesome! I remember talkingabout the Oryx as being the Lion killer, it really said that!

Nothing fancy; the narwhal art was super goofy, so we went with big blue.

Goofy narwhal art? Did it look like this?

I would like to see this "goofy narwhal" art.

I just can't wait to get the pdf. I'm going to end up getting the hardcover for Christmas, but I've gotten the clearance to get the PDF the second it drops! I just cannot wait! I've got two campaigns on hold until this book comes out.

I want to know if the magical beast who fight against Su in the Poll was the Brain Mole and how it looks.

This is the Gegenees

Sauce987654321 wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Besides, it's not like King Kong was just a Megaprimatus. He was a Giant, Advanced, Megaprimatus.
King Kong isn't colossal, IMO he isn't even gargantuan.

The old 3.0 size chart went as follows:

4-8 ft: Medium (60-500 lbs)
8-16 ft: Large (500-4000 lbs)
16-32 ft: Huge (4000-32000 lbs)
32-64 ft: Gargantuan (32000-250,000 lbs)
64+: Colossal (250k+ lbs) OR if you went with Upper Krust, 64-128 ft with
128-256 ft: Titanic

So, this chart would suggest gorillas and lions are now Medium. Naturally, the 3.0 designers broke their own rules.

King Kong's official height is 50 ft. The Peter Jackson version, of which I am extremely fond, is 25 ft. Ergo, Gargantuan is suitable, and Huge fits if you want to use the smaller one.

Sauce987654321 wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Besides, it's not like King Kong was just a Megaprimatus. He was a Giant, Advanced, Megaprimatus.
King Kong isn't colossal, IMO he isn't even gargantuan.

The version that fought Godzilla was full kaiju size.

I don't know if I can forgive them for not making Hobkins playable.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am so excited for this pdf! Just waiting for the pdf to be officially for sale...the struggle is real!


Secret Wizard wrote:
I don't know if I can forgive them for not making Hobkins playable.

You can always play one if you want. Like many gremlins (especially pugwampi), they have a power that could get fairly outrageous on a PC though.

godzillaboy6 wrote:
I am so excited for this pdf! Just waiting for the pdf to be officially for sale...the struggle is real!

Got mine!

Finally have the PDF.

Edit: Wow, the Empyrean Angel art.

Edit 2 electric boogaloo: Social Justice Warriors in PF are CR 12?

Edit 3 I got nothing: Fat people must love Astomoi.

Edit 4: I do really like the animals that aren't real animals.

Social Justice Warriors?

And we got a Template for Imaginary Friend, and Tsukumogami.


Dragon78 wrote:
Social Justice Warriors?

Exscinder Archons are superpowered badass Social Justice Warriors.

Milo v3 wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Social Justice Warriors?
Exscinder Archons are superpowered badass Social Justice Warriors.

Maybe he wanted to know what "Social Justice Warriors" mean?

My thoughts on Bestiary 5:

The Good
+ Aatheriexa: After Jawa called it the flying spagetti monster I was not sure I was gonna like this creature, but this is just the Beholder-Replacer that I needed! AWESOME!
+ Aeon: I'm not a fan of Aeon, but damn these two Aeon, especialy Othaos, rock! Their art is stunning!
+ Cervinal: Now official my favorite Agathion! The first Agathion that is from Mythology as well!
+ Akaname: While the art could have been somewhat better (I don't like that style and artist) I really like their connection with the Otyugh and the art in this case isn't that non-suiting.
+ Amarok: Another not-outstanding art-case, but the hunter training thing in the fluff rocks.
+ Amphiptere: There are much better mythological creatures and snakes (cerastes HINT) to pick from, but that artwork made everything right.
+ Empyrean: Seems like Diablo's Angels have made their way into Pathfinder, my new favorite Angel breed.
+ Animate Hair: Cut the skulls from the art and i'm in love. It has something to do with vain people, and that is always good in my book.
+ Anunnaki: I hate the futuristic artwork, but the fluff and abilities are rather cool, I love their link with Elohim.
+ Apallie: Awesome, Flubber in pathfinder! I love these movie-based monsters, they rock! Awesome suiting art as well.
+ Assassin Bug: Awesome new artwork! Too bad the two varieties are so similar, some stranger variety would have been welcome.
+ Bisha Ga Tsuku: Not a Japanese monster I would have used (as there are so much more awesome ones), but anyway this entry made me grow toward them some more, awesome work.
+ Blightspawn: This sounded like some goofy Template, but it is actually that awesome Mosquito artwork i've been seen multiple times on Deviantart.
+ Bone Ship: OMG, this is so much more than awesome ever could describe! This is the undead I really longed for! Awesome work! AWESOME!
+ Brain Moles: Another wish come true, the boring D&D Moles have finally been given the form they deserve. I love the fact that they have two forms! The art is suiting, but could have been better!
+ Caller in Darkness: Awesome artwork, awesome creature, I already liked it in D&D however.
+ Cameroceras: That artwork made this creature really cool, also an animal that is CR 11 deserves respect!
+ Capramace: Is this the goatman from cryptids? Or the Goatmen from Diablo? They sure look like it, much better artwork than in the AP.
+ Caterpillars: Awesome! I like caterpillars and sometimes it annoys me they transform into butterflies, but these are really cool and never transform! Now I just hope we get the Awd Goggie in Bestiary 6!.
+ Cerynitis: Awesome artwork! And i'm happy it is not a good natured creature but a neutral one. Many cool dodge abilities!
+ Cherufe: YES! Everything I hoped it should be! Thank you Paizo, this is a very good conversion from the myth!
+ Wood Colossus: Awesome and stunning artwork, just had to mention it, while i'm not a fan of Colossus, the Paizo colossi are really awesome with their Transformer stuff.
+ Cuero: Art could be better, but i'm just happy the creature is in Pathfinder now, cool fluff, though I would liked if they mentioned Cloakers somehow.
+ Death Coach: Everything that the Ankou isn't is put into the Death Coach! Awesome! I love chariots and this is a very beautiful one! Few fluff however, hope to read more about them somewhere soon.
+ Abrikandilu Demon: Look, never liked this creature because of its other artwork, but THIS artwork made me instantly like it! I already liked its abilities to turn other ugly!
+ Warmonger Devil: Awesome new artwork, just what I needed.
+ Digmaul: While I rather seen the Cactus or Splintercats, this one will do nicely, just put the other two in the next bestiary and we're fine! :-p
+ Therizinosaurus: I think the artwork needs to grow on me, but I'd rather seen more colorful pictures of dinosaurs, like like dinosaurs more colorful especially ones that don't care for predators anyway like the powerful Therizinosaurus. But i'm so happy it gained at least the artwork!
+ Nightmare Dragon: By far my favorite Esoteric Dragon out there, not a huge fan of the others.
+/- Echeneis: Too bad the art isn't really suiting, the abilities of this fish are awesome! Speed eaters? Cool!
+ Encantado: In the next AP however where it appears, I wanna see the Pink Dolphin form. But I love this one as well.
+ Gegenees: While im happy its here, I don't like this creature to be CN, it must be evil like in the legends, also the artworks face is a bit odd and the arms could be better.
+ Moon Giant: What an awesome artwork!
+ Hobkins: Awesome abilities, that must be fun!
+ Grim Reaper: With awesome new artwork! Bravo!
+ Heikegani: Awesome artwork! Awesome description! Awesome abilities. Yes this creature is really awesome, happy to see it in Pathfinder!
+ Ichthyocentaur: Lol, the creatures I really didn't care for look stunning! Awesome that you went with a Sailfish/Marlin lowerbody, that makes these really stand out and different! Awesome, made me look with more positive eye to these creatures from now on!
+ Karkadann: While I still think it should be higher in CR, I think the Russian Unicorn Indrik more suits that role now, the artwork is awesome! Don't care for the horn-talk however, rather seen more text on its enemies and courage.
+ Kawa Akago: I love the way pathfinder did these things! I love lilypads and a monster resembling one is a dream come true, awesome!
+ Kikimora: Thanks for finally giving her a spot in pathfinder, I really feared that they went with the Kikimora from that 3rd party book. Awesome fluff and abilities!
+ Kurobozu: While another undead humanoid, this one is really cool, I can see it walking like in the movie Grudge, the artwork is also very beautiful.
+ Lamhigyn: The true way the Water Leaper should be like, no need for the water leaper other form.
+ Lotus Tree: Not in love with the artwork, but I really like the idea of adding the Lotus Eaters in this way!
+ Mngwa: Thank God this creature didn't suffer the cartoony artwork many other have to suffer, this is beautiful and awesome, awesome fluff and I like the way they made it only excisting during the night.
+ Moon Dog: Lol, hippy dog, but I like the way they did it, poodle of goodness.
+ Muckdweller: Not really fond of the again, cartoony artwork and happy smile, but i'm still happy to see this creature in pathfinder.
+ Ningen: This creature is kinda creepy.
+ Ostovite: What is this curious little creature? Why haven't I heard anything about this before? That is one cool idea for a creature! A silverfish-based monster from the abyss! One of my favorites in the book.
+ Papinijuwari: And there you have it, my favorite creature of all time. Thanks to whoever made this one! Also the artwork is sooooo cool! The Shooting Star ability is everything I ever wanted!
+ Peuchen: Awesome and beautiful artwork. Too bad this isn't an evil version of the Couatl, like I wished it was.
+ Plankta: O M G. This is the symplegades and Planctae from greek mythology! Why didn't I see that before!!!?? This is just so many forms of awesome! This one of the first wishes I ever made after I joined this forum! Too bad there isn't anything that say that two of these creatures work together to crush ships between the two of them like in the myth.
+ Polong : WOW, that is one awesome artwork! Really like that creature and probably after the Bone Ship my favorite Undead in this book. (and not really humanoid)
+ Pyrausta: I really love the fluff of these creatures and the artwork is also nice! (love the mantis parts) and i'm curious what the Elder Pyrausta's look like! Hope to see them in AP's soon!
+ Ramidreju: How would they act with Aurumvorax? The artworks is cool!
+ Riftcreeper: I grew onto this creature, it is actually very awesome!
+ Roiling Oil: The only black ooze creature in the book that I really like, the others are all replaceble.
+ Rope Dragon: Strange and silly idea, but still like the art and the creature overal.
+ Sahkil (all): Still need to read all that stuff, but they look awesome, good artist, wish that artist made more art in the book, favorite is the Wihsaak.
+ Saxra: This creature made me interested in more info, there is very little fluff.
+ Scitalis: Wow! Beautiful, the maw is kinda off though, but still the artwork is pretty and just like I hoped it would be.
+ Sha: I love the creature would have liked if the Ammut and Serpopard would also be in this bestiary instead of some mummies.
+ Shasalqu: I really like this creature from the Mummy AP, though new art would have been welcome, not because this one is ugly, but I want to see different takes on this creature.
+ Shen: Awesome, powerful artwork, awesome abilities, and instantly made me forget the Imperial Dragons.
+ Su: The artwork is beautiful, I had expected more from the Fluff and abilities though, don't like that the Su is powerless without its cubs, it should have used them as power-sources for its abilities or something like that.
+ Thought Eater: Happy to see them in pathfinder!
+ Tiyanak: Just because its Tiyanak! Freaky artwork! Cool CR rating, everything is cool there.
+ Tizheruk: Another artist that should be hired more to do more artworks like that.
+ Tsukumogami: Happy to see them in pathfinder, Kasa-Obake is my favorite and that art is very very cool and beautiful!
+ Uraeus: While I don't care that much for the creature, I like the new artwork much better than the old.
+ Ursikka: How can you not like this awesome snow mantis?
+ Makara Vahana: Damn, too bad its a template, but this is a awesome artwork!
+ Vilderavn: One of my favorites in the book, but then again whom's isn't! I expect to see more of this creature in time.
+ Vishap: Awesome artwork, stunning beautiful, probably one of the better artworks in the book, still have to read the fluff.
+ Wakandagi: Awesome artwork, just as stunning as Vishap I guess they are the same artist.
+ Wizard's Shackle: Nothing wrong with this creature or artwork, and awesome abilities and fluff.
+ Wyrmwraith: I just love myself some ghost dragon, probably the winner of the contest as well, and by good rights. Though it would have never won against Vilderavn.
+ Xiao: I would have expanded on their evil side and thieving skills, but anyway good creature.

The Bad (only mention things that I wanted to like, but which kinda sucked for me personally, this can be stats, art or overal fluff.)

- Aerial Servant: I mean, we have the Invisible Stalker and this book is teeming with air-based monsters, another more different monster from D&D such as the Vampiric Rose or Ravid or Digester would have been more welcome.
- Ahool: Not digging the artwork that much.
- Anemos: Horrible... Awesome fluff and awesome abilities are being destroyed by pretty woman artwork that don't even suit such a regal creature. This should have been a male creature like in the myth, it looks like Veela and Anemos switched gender.
- Ant: Very boring specimen, some more special ants could make a difference, the art doesn't help as well..
- Megaprimatus: King Kong is awesome but should have been stronger than Smilodon and at least higher than CR 10. Also it should be hostile to humans, using them as toys, we already have good-natured apes.
- Astomoi: No smell, no Astomoi.
- Gancanagh: Yeah, I could forgive the fact that they are good and not neutral or outsider and not fey, they kinda suit as Azata. BUT, there is NOTHING about their addictive sweat in there... NOTHING, that is a crime. This Gancanagh has nothing to do with the mythology version, only the stupid smoke thing, which is the least interesting feature of the Gancanagh. Really disappointed.
- Bagiennik: Really looked foreward to this creature, but the artwork spoiled it instantly and its abilities to heal aren't really my thing too.
- Celedon: Nothing like the myth, not bronze, only CR 1, art that doesn't suit.
- Cetus: I've read something about Cetus having other creatures living inside its body? But that never seen the light of day? There are too much snake-bodied creatures in this bestiary with the upperbodies of other animals, and this art is really not beautiful, it makes the creature look comical and ugly. Rather seen a different form for Cetus, we already have Lusca.
- Cursed King & Mummies & Pharaonic Guardian: I really dislike the number of similar mummy-like creatures in this bestiary, they are mostly humanoid undead too, though the Bestial Curse is cool.
- Kabandha Cyclops: Don't like that this is a cyclops, don't like that it is LN and not evil like in the myth, don't like that there isn't a smaller Blemmyes. The art is beautiful though.
- Delgeth: Of all re-used creatures, why this one wasn't given new artwork? The Pawns better have new artwork for this creature!
- Doppeldrek: Not so much to dislike, just the artwork and I expected more of them.
- Emotion Ooze: My emotion was bad after seeing the artwork for this creature, I mean after I saw the list this was one of those oozes I was really interested in, but now it only unleases negative emotions in me. hope the PAWN makes up with this.
- Fext: I join the bad-art crusade against it, not a fan of that cartoony style at all. But i'm happy they turned away from the guns.
- Frog: Like the ants, two boring varieties that add nothing but size.
- Sun Giant: Female Giant art is strange for some reason, looks like female Azer.
- Crystal Golem: Horrible artwork, too cartoony, can't believe it is from the same artist as the Lead Golem ,which is much more suiting and beautiful.
- Gravebound: Name sounds like template while it isn't, and it is another humanoid undead, one that is probably taken from D&D (can remember a creature with the Bury Alive abilities in the NEcromantian book) The artwork is the worst feature, and probably my least favorite artwork in the book.
- Nuno: Damn, I was looking forward to this creature, but another creature turns into a humanoid toadstool... Fungus Leshy, Myceloid, Polevik, now Nuno, how more do we need? Could be cool gremlin covered in ants, but this is nothing like I had in mind.
- HouseSpirits: don't like that they share pages, and I really HATE that artwork of the Ovinnik, it makes the creature look like some good-natured smoker. Cut the clothes.
- Hundun: I was looking forward for this creature, as some people described it with much passion, but this is just caped humanoid # 100... would have loved it to be more colorful and chaotic.
-/+ Isonade: Why this artwork has to be like that? Why it isn't just the creature in the picture without the water? Now it is ruined... Also i've read awesome stuff about Isonade jumping on the beach to grab prey, nothing like that in the fluff, why was it removed? The + however is that it still looks cool, even in ugly blue, a hooked shark is cool, and I like the predator of predators thing!
- Ketesthius: Hey look its another serpent with a mammal head, how original, rather seen Bakunawa or Haietlik serpents in this bestiary.
- Khala: While the new artwork is better, we already have Amphiptere and Gorynych, no need for this similar beast.
- Leechroot: Another creature I hoped the artwork would have improved on, but too bad it didn't change, strange chaotic artwork I don't understand.
- Flytrap Leshy: I had hoped it would be the artist that created the Fungal Leshy would have made this, but too bad, its the cartoonist.
- Liminal Spirite: Hey look another little pretty lady with insect wings that likes art and music. Next.
- Kaprosuchus: Artwork which is very cartoony is bad for me, doesn't suit with the other artwork. Gladly Kobold Press used a much better artwork for this creature.
- Moa: I don't care for this creature at all, just wanted to say that it isn't a Moa but a Cassowarry that is put there.
- Nemhain: Humanoid, Banshee-like ghost # 100. Next.
- Ophiotaurus: Another serpent + Mammal mixture, and the art doesn't change the fact that I didn't like it in mythology to begin with, pathfinder couldn't save this creature, still don't like it one bit.
- Sangoi: This creature didn't need new artwork, this new artwork is much worse than the old one.
- Giant Scarab: Unlike the Sangoi, this creature needed new artwork.
- Urchins: Obviously the artwork is not suiting.
- Shadow Collector: One of those creatures I was really interested to meet. But now that I met it i'm disappointed. Just looks like some Pathinder Gnome/Halfling with shadow powers...
-/+ Giant Mantis Shrimp: The artwork is just horrible, I mean Mantis Shrimps are beautiful in color, bright green mostly with red and what not, this is just the color of a boring lobster. Also the Sand Mantis Shrimp is something I REALLY, REALLY like to see in the future! Sounds more than awesome!
- Stormghost: Never understood this creature, it looks like it doesn't suit in non Golarion Adventures and the artwork should have changed.
- Syricta: Reminds me of a D&D creature that has something to do with the Yuan-Ti, not my favorite creature there, and not here.
- Thriae Constructor: Really don't understand why some Thriae are gargantuan? COuldn't they all just be medium sized?
- Ved: NOOOO why? That artwork just doesn't do the creature any good.
- Veela: Just a air version would have been enough, love the artwork though!
- Water Leaper: Just the Lamygyn would be enough for me, this artwork doesn't do the creature any good, but i'm curious at the Water Mauler, but why not the Mobogo?

Overal too many: Black Ooze creatures, Mummy-like undead, humanoid undead, spectral humanoid undead, Serpents with the heads of mammals.
Many artworks are childish or cartoony or overal not my style. But also many good things in this book.

Overal disappointed by some creatures and very suprised by others.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
Social Justice Warriors?

Basically, the archon goes around destroying texts that are too evil or offensive for people.

Never been a fan of archons.

Odraude wrote:
Basically, the archon goes around destroying texts that are too evil or offensive for people.

I think this particular archon was first introduced in James Sutter's The Redemption Engine.

Dragon78 wrote:
Never been a fan of archons.

Really? Lantern archons are some of the best summons...perhaps that is why? You don't like things that are popular or common?

There is an error in the Anemos ranged attack entry: thunderstorm blast is listed as bludgeoning and air blast as half bludgeoning half electricity, when the reverse is true.

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