Wannabe Demon Lord |

Monsters Myth Lord didn't recognize (from mythology)
Syricta (I think)
Death Coach
Wakandagi (I mentioned this one on the wish list ages ago. Since it's really obscure and I'm the only one who talked about it, I'm wondering if I'm the reason it's on here. Which would be amazing.)
Also, Myth Lord, I'm sorry to say that the dude I got the new list from doesn't want it being distributed randomly over the internet. I know it's disappointing, but I'm going to respect his wishes.
And yeah, I'm sure the art for one or more of the Veela will be female. I find this concept for them to be really odd, and far removed from the actual myth, but I'll reserve judgement until I get the book.

Myth Lord |

O, I typed the name in google pictures and I got like 10 Dijiang pictures instead :-p That's why I thought it was.
But cool, it will be a chaos creature, could also use more! The other names I'm not surprised I didn't knew them, as only Hundun, Digmaul and Wakandagi (hope it will be something like Uktena) are interesting for me.
Digmaul, are you kiddn me? They used the ball-tailed cat and ignored the much more special Cactus Cat and Splintercat?

Myth Lord |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The beings from brazilian folklore that i would be amused mostly by seeing on a bestiary would be the Saci, the Headless Mule and the Boitata.
Ow i'm pretty happy with the ball-tailed cat, I wonder if pathfinder can make me like them more than the Pachycephalosaurus Cat lol.
Boitata, too bad they didn't do that creature!
At least we get Cherufe, Peuchen and (el) Cuero from South American mythology! They are from Mapuche and Chilean mythology though, not from Brazilian.
Too bad not the Nguruvilu though, that is my favorite south american critter after the Cherufe.
I'm so curious what they have done with the Cherufe, its a magical beast!

Myth Lord |

My hopes for that are:
Angels: Cupid/Erote or Guardian Angel
Demon: Empusa, Mahaha, Asag, but i'm sure they will be from the demon-book or Demon AP... :-(
Don't really care for all others.
Btw, doing simple thinking, we already seen the silhouette for the Terraformer Robot, it lost to that good-outsider last week, but that must been it.

Mark Seifter Designer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thank you, Paizo staff and contributors. Thank you for pouring your heart and soul into one of my favorite activities. Thank you for publication after publication keeping the great ideas flowing. After skimming the PDF I'm truly impressed.
As Adam said, it's always super great to hear this and helps turn a tough day around! All of us on the PDT put a lot of effort into filling these monsters with nifty things that let you do something a little different than the ones you've met before in the previous bestiaries, and it's gratifying to hear from you that you've seen it and appreciate it!
I want each and every one of you Paizonians to pause and take a big deep breath. You all rock. Some of us re-discover this with each new product, but often say very little. Our silence is filled with our joy..... And the sadness of our player characters, as your new critters and villainous NPC options help us destroy their bodies, minds, and souls.
Occult Adventures seriously made me so happy that I couldn't properly respond to its amazing potential for gaming and storytelling. Wow, wow, and oh heck yeah. Waiting for my PDF, whereupon I will also be joining into the happy dance of infinite dooms.
Occult Adventures was the first big book with player options for me on the PDT (since Unchained was a toolkit of fun ways to tinker with the game), so it will always be near and dear to my heart as well. So happy to hear how well it's been treating you!

Atavar |

Deep One Hybrids
Racial HD: None
Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Dex
Slow: Speed 20'
Low-Light Vision
Natural Armor Bonus: +1
Final Change (Su): Half-orc age progression. 1d12 months after reaching venerable age it dies and transforms into a mature deep one.
This functions as reincarnate. Adjust ability scores as follows: +6 Str, –2 Dex, +6 Con.
Sea Longing (Ex) Every 24 hours spend more than 10 miles from the sea requires a DC 20 Will save or take 1 point of Wis drain.
Take to the Water (Ex) Can hold breath 10 times longer than humans. Gains a +2 bonus on Init checks and Ref saves while swimming. Swim speed 30'. +8 racial bonus on Swim checks.
Automatic Languages: Aklo and Common.
Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Half ling, Orc, and Undercommon.

![]() |

Glaistig is from Mythology, not from D&D, so I wouldn't wish too much on a D&D copy there, and its a earth-based creature here, not a water.
I'm aware it's a myth creature. ... (though not that is was of the earth affinity, mind). It's the creature I'm after, not necessarily a copy of.
Are there goat legs in the depiction (yes, I'm weird)?

Myth Lord |

One teaser: The best monsters in this book are ones that nobody has asked about. There are some very interesting surprises in this book.
Well tell us which ones are your favorites! We already know all creatures anyway :p
I hope you are talking about Echeneis, Scitalis and other mythology monsters! And not about Outsiders.

David knott 242 |

Myth Lord wrote:Glaistig is from Mythology, not from D&D, so I wouldn't wish too much on a D&D copy there, and its a earth-based creature here, not a water.I'm aware it's a myth creature. ... (though not that is was of the earth affinity, mind).
Are there goat legs in the depiction (yes, I'm weird)?
Yes, they have goat legs.

Acolyte of Mushu |

Addressed to Myth Lord and Wannabe Demon Lord, as our most open resident mythology experts, are there any creatures from the list that are from norse mythology? I too am a mythology enthusiast, but my knowledge is in no way as encompassing as either of you two. (You too, MMCJawa, but I don't think you're looking at the spoilers. If I'm wrong, I ask this of you as well :) ) Much thanks!

Myth Lord |

Japanese: Akaname, Heikegani, Isonade, Bisha ga tsuku, Tsukumogami, Kawa Akago, Kurobozu
Greek: Cetus, Celedon, Pyrausta, Anemos, Muse, Seilenos, Gegenees, Cerynitis, Ophiotaurus, Ichthyocentaur
Slavic: Bagiennik, Domovoi, Kikimora, Ovinnik, Veela, More Leshies, Vukodlak, Dvorovoi, Khala, Fext, Ved
South American: Cuero, Encantado, Cherufe, Peuchen, Su/Succarath
Alien Cryptids: Anunnaki, Ningen, Reptoid, Hobskins, Grey
Native American and Inuit: Fastachee, Skinwalker, Amarok, Delgeth, Tizheruk, Wakandagi
English/Celtic/Scottish/Irish/ect: Wizard's Shackle, Water Leaper, Glaistig, Firbolg, Nemhain
Medieval Bestiary (European myths): Echeneis, Amphiptere, Scitalis, Astomoi
Caribbean: Lusca, Duppy
Egyptian: Sha, Uraeus
Chinese: Hundun, Xiao, Shen
Philippino: Nuno, Tiyanak
Indonesian: Polong, Ahool, Orang Pendak
Danish: Vilderavn
Persian: Karkadann
African: Mngwa
Spanish: Ramidreju
Worldwide: Grim Reaper
Australian: Papinijuwari (I like the sound of this creature BUT after all the cool stuff we threw at you! Yara-Ma-Yha-Who, Mokoi, Nargun, Drop Bears we got a creature I never heard about...)
Fearsome Critters/North American: Digmaul
Hungarian: Turul
Hindu: Kabandha, Vahana, Danava
Armanian: Vishap
Finnish: Etiainen (Here it should have said Gloson and Ajatar...)
Western Europe: Death Coach

Luthorne |
Orang Pendak is Indonesian. Etiäinen seems to be Finnish. Not sure about Veds, but they originally appeared in Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter; you can see their stats here.

Myth Lord |

Ik said danish mythology for valravn, it probably is known in the other Scandinavian countries as well, but wiki said Danish, and I mostly read it is from Danish myths.
I didn't care enough for some monsters to even look for them, maybe their artwork and stats can change my opinion about them, in the case of a playable 0HD race sasquatch, I don't think so.

Myth Lord |

Some of form of Rataroskr, Niddhog, and/or Fenris would've been awesome. Ah well. Maybe in Bestiary 6.
Paizo really doesn't like rodents... :-p
I mean, there are 3 awesome cool squirrel-like creatures in mythology (Nodeppo, Ratatoskr and Muscaliet) but they never seen to care for these monsters, what is not to love about a lying Squirrel that enjoys telling lies to make feuds worse than they already were (nidhogg to the giant eagle), a fiery squirrel/boar/rabbit mixture that sets the environment on fire with its magical heat, and a bat-swarm spitting flying squirrel that could be turned into an illusion-spitting squirrel that forces people off dangerous cliffs with its illusions.
Also beavers get the axe pretty much, no Dire Beaver, no Afanc, no Wishpooshi... what is paizo's quarrel with them? :-p
And most dragons get a whole race out of them, like Peluda, Japanese/CHinese Dragons and Wyverns, while the poor Norse Dragons (Fafnir and Nidhogg) always suffer the unique dragon thingy... why these can't be an entire gang of creatures and why do they always have to be unique?
Nidhogg coulde be a cool dragon species that lives underground and has roots growing out of its flesh, a cool underground dragon.
Fafnir could be a rare Linnorm type of creature, that when you kill it will make you at first greedy and then eventually a new Fafnir after a painful and long transformation. Cool deaththroes. It could be a golden linnorm of greed.

MMCJawa |

Actually Fafnir pretty much exists in Pathfinder, although the spelling is tweaked. I think he is statted in the Linnorm Kingdoms book.
I mean there is basically hundreds (thousands?) of mythological monsters, not to mention things inspired from other RPGs, literature, video games, TV, and movies, as well as just plain original creatures. I would imply any sort of bias against a specific type of creature based what ends up in a bestiary.

Myth Lord |

Yes, but its a unique creature, not a species. (Fafnir)
And I know they can't do every mythology creature out there, but seeing as there are more than 20 spiders, scorpions and serpents and even 2 space whales in bestairy 4 and 3 black oozes in this bestiary, there could be some form of rodent (beaver or squirrel) in there instead to make it more diverse.
Fun Fact: Seeing the Glaistig and Domovoi make it into this bestiary, Afanc is now officially the last D&D-mythology creature that isn't in pathfinder yet. (And the Afanc is a strange Charybdis-like fish in D&D, not the beaver/croc chimerae)

Wannabe Demon Lord |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hmm. Looking at Myth Lord's arranged list, it seems like they deliberately went out of their way to include creatures from underutilized mythoses this time around. As well as the usual number of Greek and Japanese monsters, though they definitely made an effort to use more obscure examples of those. I really like the Greek choices, awesomely weird ones. Strangely Percy Jackson-ish I wish that there was an Empusa though. Yokai wise, there's about seventy yokai I would have expected to see before a Kawa Akago, Kurobozu, etc. I mean, I think at least two of those aren't even on Yokai.com. Props for research and creativity, as those certainly aren't bad choices despite obscurity. And you included an Akaname, which I'm very happy about.
I'm starting to think that you guys went out of your way to use creatures that Myth Lord, MMCJawa, and I hadn't mentioned. Excellent job. You included some absolute favorites, while still managing to keep it full of surprises. Well done, I'm very impressed.
Anyone willing to give some details on the Papinijuwari? I was unfamiliar with that one, but it sounds insanely awesome and I'm curious as to how it was interpreted.

Acolyte of Mushu |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

They did make Sleipnir, the unique steed of Odin, a species of magical beast, so it does have precedence. Honestly, after thinking about, I'm not sure how much potential Rataroskr has. And believe me, it hurts me to say that, Rataroskr has always been one of my favorites. My very first wizard character even had a familiar named Rataroskr. But I'm not sure a lying squirrel has much to offer. If you want it after all, you can just slap the awaken spell on a squirrel and bam, you've got it. Not much else to add on.
A species of dragons based on Niddhog would be sweet though. A subterranean serpentine dragon wrapped in roots could be cool. I can also imagine a dragon native to the Boneyard with an affinity for Groetus, as they do share similarities in theme. Maybe as a servitor race like how star monarchs are for Desna. That would of course only work in a campaign setting book.

Myth Lord |

They did make Sleipnir, the unique steed of Odin, a species of magical beast, so it does have precedence. Honestly, after thinking about, I'm not sure how much potential Rataroskr has. And believe me, it hurts me to say that, Rataroskr has always been one of my favorites. My very first wizard character even had a familiar named Rataroskr. But I'm not sure a lying squirrel has much to offer. If you want it after all, you can just slap the awaken spell on a squirrel and bam, you've got it. Not much else to add on.
A species of dragons based on Niddhog would be sweet though. A subterranean serpentine dragon wrapped in roots could be cool. I can also imagine a dragon native to the Boneyard with an affinity for Groetus, as they do share similarities in theme. Maybe as a servitor race like how star monarchs are for Desna. That would of course only work in a campaign setting book.
In some versions the Ratatoskr is big and has two horns. There are some things you can do with lies, maybe turn them addictive, much like the Lord of the Rings Snaketongue, creature get depended and addicted to the lies.

Wannabe Demon Lord |

I'm curious about the Caligni as well. Particularly because, as badass as the idea is, I'm skeptical that a Darkfolk would really make a good PC. I mean Darkfolk basically revolve around being enigmatic and having strange cultural behaviors that don't make a lot of sense to outsiders. I mean, I imagine it wouldn't be precisely easy to get into one's mind in order to play them, and might actually tamper with some of the mystique.